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1、Unitl 课堂作业(Exercises)Name:、写出下列词组。1.卜.国际象棋 2.说英语3.想要做某事 4.参加美术俱乐部5.英语俱乐部 6.音乐俱乐部7.国际象棋俱乐部 8.游泳俱乐部9.踢足球10.听起来不错_二、用所给单词的适当形式填空。Can you(dance) dance, Jane?I want(join) the music club.Let s(join) the English club.Alice can t(speak) Chinese well.Well. You can join the (swim) club.Jane(want) to join a sp

2、orts club.三、选词填空。club; can; t sounds; like; speak; can; sports; drawI can English well. I want to join the English club.- What can you play? Basketball.- What do you want to join? - Soccer club.一 Jack swim? No, he.一 You can well. You can join the art club. good.Linda music. She wants to join music c

3、lub.四、根据汉语意思,完成下列句子。.-你会游泳吗? -不,我不会。.-你们会说英语吗? -是的,会。.-她会下棋吗? -不会。.-你会做什么事情? -我会弹吉它。五、根据括号内的提示填空。My grandpa likes to play. (chess, the chess)My sister wants(join/to join) art club.Mr. Wu can t sing(and/or) dance.Our Chinese teacher always tell(story/stories) to us.You can join the chess club. (Sound

4、s/Sound) good.Linda can t play volleyball,(and/bhe can play soccer.Can you play the guitar(well/good)?六、句型转换。Can you play soccer?(作否定回答)Can Mary and Linda play chess?(作肯定回答)I can play volleyball.(对划线部分提问)can you play?I want to join a music club.(对划线部分提问)do you want to join?Unit2 课堂作业(Exercises)Name:

5、一、用所给单词的适当形式填空。Lucy s family has two(shower).An hour has(six) minutes.My sister always(brush) teeth at 9:00 at night.His aunt(work) at a radio station.二、选词填空。at night, be late for, early, at six forty, funny, get upAlice usually at 6:30 in the morning.His uncle works from 10:00 to 6:00 in the mornin

6、g.His brother never goes to school so.The lazy boy always school.My sister always takes a shower.Look at that boy. He s really.三、句型转换Jim eats breakfast at seven o cloc取部分提问) Jim eat breakfast?Linda goes to work at seven thirty.(划线部分提问) Linda go to work?Eric doesn t get up early on weekends.匐转换 )Eric

7、 on weekends.Grace always exercises at six in the morning.(否定句) Grace exercises at six in the morning.四、用适当的单词,完成对话。A: Hi, Rick, What do you get up? B: I usually get up _ _ five thirty.A: Wow. I get up so early. B: I like sports. I always at five fifty.A: What time do you breakfast? B: At seven twen

8、ty. Then I teeth.A:do you go to school?B: At seven forty. I never for school.五、写出下列词组1.步行 2.做作业 3.打扫房间4.吃得快 5.去睡觉 6.或者或者 7许多、大量8.吃冰淇淋六、根据汉语提示完成句子。.我没有时间吃早餐,因此我通常吃得很快。I don t have for breakfast, so I usually.他在晚上或者看电视或者玩电脑游戏。He watch TV _ play computer games _ the .午餐,她吃很多的水果和蔬菜。For , she fruit and v

9、egetables.冰淇淋尝起来很好,但对她的健康不好。Ice-cream , but it s not he_r_._在晚上,我通常游泳或散步。In the , I usually or .他有时候会打半个小时的篮球。He plays basketball an hour.七、补全对话。What time does your son usually get up?He usually up at half past six. Then he always exercises 6:30 _ 7:00.When does he usually have breakfast?He a shower

10、 at 7:10, he breakfast at 7:30. Then he goes to school at 8:00.Great! I think he has a healthy .Yes. And he usually home school at five. He his homework first. Then he playssports _ half an hour.When does he go to bed?At half past nine.Unit3 课堂作业(ExercisesName:一、选词填空,注意用恰当的形式。how long, about, how fa

11、r, live, walk, driveMy school is near. So I always to school.The bus ride usually takes 25 minutes.Mr. Bush usually home.My aunt ten kilometers from school.A:is it from your home to school?B: About nine kilometers.A:does it take to get to his school?B: About half an hour.二、句型转换。Do your parents drive

12、 to work?( 作否定回答 )Mary goes to school by bike?(戈U线音B分提问 ) Linda lives ten kilometers from school.(划线部分提问) ?It takes an hour to get to her home.(戈U线音B分提问 )?Eric, rides/to/school/every/his/day (连词成句). 三、用括号内单词的适当形式填空。Is it easy for them(get) to school?The river runs too(quick) for boats.His brother(cr

13、oss) the river on a ropeway every day.Can this dream(come) true?All the(village) want to have a nice bridge.It takes six hours to get to his(grandparents) home. 四、选词填空。think of, come true, by boat, on a ropeway, betweenThere s a shop our school and the park.The students in Kaishandao goes to school

14、. How do they cross the big river?- They go.What do you the new violin?His parents dream is to have a big house. They think it can soon.五、填上正确的单词,补全对话。-do you get to school? - I walk but sometimes I the bus.-does it take?-It about 30 minutes and 10 minutes.(走路 30 分 钟坐公交 10分钟)-is it your home to scho

15、ol?- It s three miles.-does it take you from home to school? - It twenty minutes.六、将下列句子译成英语。.你怎样去学校?我骑车去学校。.她怎样去学校?她乘火车去学校。Unit4 课堂作业(Exercises)Name:一、句型转换He has to eat breakfast quickly.(改为一般疑问句)Play volleyball after class.(改为否定句)We can wear sports shoes in class.做为般疑问问 )Don t arrive late for clas

16、豉(为同义句)Eric has to do his homework before six.(对划线部分提问)二、选词填空before, after, terrible, strict, relax, dirty, practices, luckThere are too many rules. I feel.They usually take a walk dinner.Don t eat anything you go to bed.You clothes are. Let me help to wash them.Peter baseball for two hours every da

17、y.一 I ll have an English test tomorrow. 一 Good.Don t be with them. They re too young.You can for an hour after the games.三、填上正确的单词,补全句子。.我不开心因为有太多的规则。I m not because there L re rules.在学校里我们必须保持头发很短。We our hair at school.放学后,我不能看电视或打篮球。I watch TV _ play basketball school.在星期六我也不能休息,因为我必须要学习钢琴。I on Sa

18、turday because I play the piano.老师对我们很严格。Our teachers us.四、根据汉语意思,完成下列句子。.不要在楼道里跑。 .不要打架。.有什么规则? .我们必须按时上课.我们可以在教室里吃东西吗? .不能。但我们可以在餐厅里吃东西。 .我们可以在上课的时候带帽子吗? .他在学校里必须穿校服吗? .是的,必须。/不,不必。.你们必须做什么? .在图书馆里我们必须保持安静。 Unit5 课堂作业(Exercises)Name:一、将下列句子译成英语。.让我们先去看老虎吧。.那些大象来自哪里? .你为什么不喜欢牛奶? .那只懒猫整天睡觉。.因为狮子有点吓人

19、。.你为什么喜欢熊猫? .因为它们是有趣的。 .约翰为什么喜欢考拉?.因为它们很可爱。.为什么你不喜欢老虎? .因为它们真得很吓人。 .狮子来自哪里? .他们来自南非。.熊猫来自哪里? .他们来自中国。二、句型转换。1. The cats are from Australia.(对戈U线部分提问 )like pandas because they re CUte Mr. Lin jumped into the river to the boy. The British is in red, white and blue. The letter V is a of脱ctory( Don t wi

20、ld animals. They re our friends. They have to the apple tree. 一 Don t to take/our schoolbags home. 一 OK, Mr. Brown. 7.six hundred students goes to school by bike. A park is a good for fun.1线音6分提问 )My dog can walk on two legs.( 对戈U线部分提问 )Linda likes giraffes because they re(fUnJ线部分提问 )Eric doesn t li

21、ke cats because they .(对戈U线reMZy ) 三、填词组句。.我们挽救五十多只猫。We saved fifty.狗是我所喜欢的动物之一。Dogs are of my favorite.长城是中国的象征。The Great Wall is a of. 一头大象能走很远的路且不会迷路。An elephant can walk a long and.扬子鳄处于极度危险之中。Yangtze crocodiles.四、选词填空。flag, kill, place, save, cut down, over, forget, symbol五、看图填空。(一空一词)What s yo

22、ur favorite? B: My favorite animal isA:do you like? B: Because are funny.A:they? Are they from Canada?No, they. They re.A: Sounds interesting.go and see them first.Unit6 课堂作业(Exercises)Name:、看图补全对话。(一空一词)his car.in the kitchen.my mom.I m _ He s _-She is _ She syou2.我在看电视。.她在洗衣服。.他们在听CD。.是的。/不是。4. ma

23、ke8. runHi, Li Xue. What-Whatyour dad-What _ your mom-What about your sister?二、翻译下列句子。1.你在做彳f么? 3,她在做什么? .他们在做什么? .你在做作业吗? .我在打扫我的房间。.他在读报纸吗? .是的。/不是。他在打篮球。.他们在用电脑吗? .是的。/不是。他们在锻炼。 三、句型转换。The tigers are swimming in the river.( 变否定句)His grandpa is drinking now.( 变为一般疑问句 )The dog is walking on two leg

24、s.(对戈U线部分提问 )Linda usually gets up at six.(用 now 替代 usually 改写句子)They usually watch TV in the evening.( 用 now 替代 usually)四、根据汉语意思完成句子。.像其他小孩子一样,迈克喜欢冰淇淋。Just like kid, Mike likes ice cream.小明的祖父母正在包粽子。Xiaoming s grandparents zongzi.你想念你在中国的家人吗?Do you your in China?.她希望格雷丝来参加她的生日聚会。She Grace to her bi

25、rthday party.李娜现在和一个美国家庭住在纽约。Li Na an family in New York now.五、写出下列动词的现在分词。1.drink 2. listen3. use5.shop 6. exercise 7.sit 9. study 10. brushUnit7 课堂彳业(Exercises)Name:一、用所给单词的适当形式填空。It s a day today (sun).The weather is bad now. It s (wind).Sounds like you(have) a good time now.It s(cloud) now. Is i

26、t going to rain?- How s the weather now? It(rain) now.It s(snow) in winter in Harbin now.二、根据汉语提示完成句子。.多伦多的天气如何? .一你那里情况怎么样?一不错。.我奶奶正在给我们做饭。. TOC o 1-5 h z .你能给杰克捎个信吗??.一你能告诉她给我打回个电话吗?一没有问题。?.一 天气怎么样?一 一 天气多玄。/天气晴朗。/天在下雨。一.一 你在做什么? 我在做饭。.-他们在做什么? 他们正在公园里打篮球。 .一 他在做什么? -他在他朋友家里学习。 .-情况怎么样? 很好! /不错。/糟

27、糕! 三、看图片,补全对话。.A:the weather? B: It s. A: What they?B: Theyon the lake.A:the? B: It ,s. A:are doing?B:are a.3A the?B: It ,sB:is on the.A:is doing?she doing?4A the?B: It s. A:B:is to.四、用词的适当形式填空。一 What s she doing? She(play) the guitar.I usually(do) my homework in the evening.It(rain) hard now.My sis

28、ter(walk) to school every day.Mr. Wu(brush) his teeth right now?Every Saturday, we(visit) my grandparents.Look! They(dance) in the classroom.She never(arrive) for school.Unit8 课堂作业(Exercises)Name:一、补全对话Excuse me. Is a bank here?Yes. There is one Tall Tree Street.How can I there?Go Center Street.righ

29、t at the first crossing. Then walk along Tall Tree Street. Thebank is you right. It s the post office and the restaurant.Thank you very much.You re.二、根据汉语提示完成句子。.火车站在公园对面。.餐馆紧挨着邮局。.在银行前有一个投币电话。.在公安局附近有一个超市吗?三、选词填空。enjoy, free, spend, easily, money, sunshineI want to buy a pen. Give me some, mom?Alic

30、e always an hour playing the guitar.It s sunny today. The is really nice.They found the post office.Grace playing computer games very much.Please have some fruit. It s.Unit9 课堂作业(Exercises)Name:一、翻译下列句子。.他长的什么样子? .他个子很高。.她长的什么样子? .她有一头长直发。 .他们长的什么样子? .他们中等身材。.他们是直发还是卷发?.他们是卷发。.他个头高还是矮? .他不高也不矮。他是中等身

31、高。 二、用所给单词的适当形式填空。 Who s your favorite(sing)? It s Zhang Jie.- Where is the(art) from? He s from Australia.Each student learns(different).Each(women) gets some flowers as a gift.一 Is that a(really) plane? No. It s a model plane.Another(children) talks to us in English.三、选词填空。100ks glasses straight s

32、hoes handsomeMy best friend is Jack. Let me tell you what he like. First of all, he is very tall and. He has brown hair and he doesn t wear. He usually wears jeans, aT-shirt and sports. I like him because he is really cool and fun, and he is good at soccer.四、看图完成对话。 What does your aunt?- She has lon

33、g hair.And she is height.- She s a littleUnit10 课堂作业(ExercisesName:一、补全下列对话。Waiter: May I take your?Jack: Yes. Are there any in the mutton soup?Waiter: Yes. There some carrots.Jack: OK. Can I have one mutton soup, please.Waiter: Sure. What your like?Jack: Large, please. I d also gongbaoechicken rice

34、.Waiter: OK. One bowl of mutton soup and some gongbao chicken with rice.二、翻译下列句子。.你想要什么面条?.请给我来牛肉面。.你想要什么碗的?.请给我来中碗的。.你想来一个大碗吗? .好的。.在西红柿子鸡蛋汤里有肉吗?.不,没有。. I ,d =10. She d =. 不可数名词有:bread, milk, water,.既是可数又是不可数的名词:salad, chicken, ice cream, 补全对话,每空一词。W: May I take your, please?Tom: Yes.some rice and

35、soup, please.W: What of soup you like?Tom: What kind of soup do you?W: We have beef and carrot soup, tomato and egg soup, mutton and potato soupTom: Can I have a tomato and egg soup?W: Sure. What would you like?Tom: I d like a medium one, please.四、选词填空。luck, lucky, different, differently, answer, wi

36、ll, ideaThe of the old man is eighty.What s your to this question?They think it can bring goodto them.The boy doesn t getSurt ). He s really.If it s sunny tomorrow. We go go atinThe two boys have hobbies (爱好).It s a good to make a snowman in the snow.Unitll 课堂彳乍业(Exercises)Name:一、用适当的词填空。How your sc

37、hool trip? It was great.How you yesterday?Today is Monday. Yesterday Sunday.What you do the day before yesterday?you ride a horse last week?he see any cows on the farm? Yes, he did.Did he milk a cow on the farm? No, he.Were the strawberries good? Yes, they.Did you see any cows? Yes, I did. I quite a

38、 lot.I the chickens last week.二、汉译英。.他上周在农场骑马。 .他上个月爬山了。 .他小时前喂了小鸡。 .昨天我们担心天会下雨。 .几分钟前,天变阴了。 .你拍了 一些照片吗? .我们在那儿爬山,看到了很多花。 .我们在树下吃了午餐,之后又玩游戏。.太阳半小时前又出来了。 .你昨天去了动物园吗?没有,我去了农场。.你在农场看到一些奶牛吗?看到了,看到了相当多地奶牛。三、写出下列单词的过去式。.talk 2.milk 3.am /is4.are.go 6. ride 7.feed 8. take.do 10.see四、用词的适当形式填空。Dear Bill,How

39、(is) your school trip yesterday?(Do) you(go) to the zoo?(do) you take any photos?(Do) you(see) any interesting animals? I(go) to the zoo last year and ita lot of fun.JimDear Jim,My school trip (is) great! We(have) so much fun! We(go) to Green Park. We (climb) the mountains there and(see) a lot of fl

40、owers. We(eat) our lunch undersome trees and(play) some games after that. But at about two oclock, it(get) verycloudy and we (worry) it would rain. Luckily, it (do not), and the sun (come) out again!Bill五 . 填入适当的词。She often (go) to the park on weekends, but yesterday she (go) to the zoo.Last week she _ (have) fun on a farm.What _ they _ (do) on the school trip?They (ride) horses and (climb) the mountains.How their school trip? It _ interesting._ she _ (go) fishing?Yes, she did._ Li Ming (pick) any strawb


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