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1、Rubblization by Resonant Breaker共振碎石化What is Rubblization ?何谓碎裂技术?Process of fracturing PCC pavement into Angular Interlocked pieces. Highway pieces shall be from sand size on top up to 8 inches (20 cm) on the bottom. Airport sizes shall be up to 1.25 times the thickness of the slab. The steel shall

2、 be debonded from all the pieces of broken pavement.碎裂技术是指将旧的水泥混凝土路面一次碎化为紧密嵌锁的砾石;其中公路的砾石尺寸从顶部的沙粒大小至底部的8英寸(20厘米)砾径;机场的尺寸则高至路面厚度的1.25倍;并且原有钢筋完全从破碎道路分离的技术。Why Rubblization?为何碎化?Full-depth Replacement全深度更换Most expensive最昂贵的方法Time consuming工期长Disposal of rubbles凿除的废料处理难以处理Costly solution, seldom adopted

3、in US代价太大,美国已经很少采用Overlay of asphalt or PCC on top of existing pavement在旧路面上覆盖沥青或者水泥混凝土Economic and popular solution 比较经济适用,很受欢迎Two Approaches for Highway Rehabilitation:水泥混凝土道路改造两类办法:But 但是Why Rubblization?为何碎化?World-class problem in PCC rehabilitation水泥混凝土路面改造的世界级难题反射裂纹!Reflective Cracking!2022/8/

4、125为什么不能直接加铺?反射裂纹 层间结合不紧,导致表层脱层水渗透导致材料流失底基层基层原有的混凝土板块沥青加铺层此方法在美国已经很少采用国内很多项目也表明此方法的临时性和局限性每层要比下层有更高的强度,这样才能避免反射裂纹 Why Rubblization?为何碎石化?弹性层状体系理论 Elastic Layer Theory Material modulus (En) should increase with subsequent pavement layers in order to prevent reflective cracking 路基各层弹性模量要上强下弱,方可避免反射裂纹的

5、产生Subgrade 底基层Base 路基层Concrete Layer 混凝土层HMA 热混合沥青层E1E2E1E3E2E4E3Why Rubblization?为何碎石化?The modulus of PCC is higher,水泥砼的弹性模量大于沥青, the slab needs to be broken so that it can serve as an elastic base to prevent reflective cracking因此在摊铺沥青前,需将原来的水泥砼碎化,令其变为柔性基层,方可避免上面沥青层产生反射裂纹!E水泥砼E沥青Why Rubblization?为何

6、碎石化?The purpose of rubblization is to turn the rigid PCC slab into a flexible layer through fracturing it into pieces可见,碎化的目的就是通过破碎,将水泥砼由刚性层转化为柔性层 Will PCC slab be turned into a good base once it is broken?问题是,水泥砼是否一经破碎,就是合格的柔性路基?Requirements that Rubblization Must Meet什么是合格的碎石化工艺 ?If the rubbles ar

7、e too large, or sizes not consistent, reflective cracking will still develop 如果粒石尺寸太大,或者大小不均,反射裂纹仍然会产生If the rubbles are too small, or not interlocked with each other, the whole rubblized structure will fail如果破碎的尺寸过小,或者相互没有嵌锁,整个破碎后的水泥砼层就会因缺乏强度而失效All reinforcement must be totally de-bonded to prevent

8、 reflective cracking如果水泥砼内有钢筋,则水泥砼和钢筋必须完全脱离Rubblization is NOT just slab destruction! 碎石化不等于对水泥砼的简单破碎!Probability of Failure失效概率 100 0320 cm18 inch反射裂纹Reflective Cracking结构失效Structural Failure理想碎石尺寸范围Target Zone低 Low高High小 Small大 Large碎石名义尺寸 Nominal Frag. Size水泥混凝土模数 PCC modulusRequirements that Rub

9、blization Must Meet什么是合格的碎石化工艺 ?Requirements that Rubblization Must Meet什么是合格的碎石化工艺 ?Ideal range of the rubbles should be 320 cmResonant rubblization can prevent both structural failure and reflective cracking:Microprocessor impact adjustment, consistency in particle sizeThorough de-bonding of steel

10、 from the slabs最佳碎石尺寸应该在320cm间共振碎化确保既无反射裂纹,又避免结构失效: 电脑瞬时调节以便控制碎石尺寸钢筋完全同混凝土脱离3cm20cmIdeal Size最佳尺寸Requirements For A Good Rubblization合格的碎石化应该满足的要求:Rubble size ranges from 3 20 cm to avoid both Reflective Cracking and Structural Failure 碎石尺寸在320厘米之间,方可既避免反射裂纹、又防止结构失效No Rough Riding/Faulting 破碎后没有断层,保

11、证行驶的舒适度Prevent Moisture Damage 防止水害Maintains integrity of base 保持路基的完好无损Utilities underneath are NOT damaged after rubblization 碎石后保持路基及路基下设施完好无损Present Alkali Silica Reaction (ASR) stops 防止混凝土内酸(硅)碱反应Resonant Rubblizing Can!共振碎化技术能够满足以上所有要求!紧密嵌锁的结构均匀的砾石尺寸绝不伤害地基消除酸碱反应Provide properly fractured slabs

12、 with tightly interlocked piecesProduce consistent rubble sizeNo damage to basesMigration of ASR is eliminatedResonant Beam 振动梁工作原理Resonant beam vibrates at 44 Hz 振动梁以44赫兹的速度振动Amplitude is 2 cm振幅只有2公分左右Two supporting points are still两个支点静止Sensor sense the pavement conditions and transmit to microcom

13、puter锤头传感器感应路面状况,并传递给电脑Microcomputer will adjust the frequency accordingly, thus keeping the rubble size consistent电脑自动调整振动频率,改变力度,从而控制碎石尺寸保持均匀2 cmBreaking shoe破碎头Resonant beam共振梁Counter weights配重块Flotation tires加宽轮胎Principle Components of Resonant Pavement Breaker共振破碎机的主要组件How Does Resonant Rubbliz

14、ing Work共振碎化工作原理Specially made resonant beam generate harmonic wave between 42 46 Hz 特制振动梁在偏心轴的驱动下,在4246赫兹频率下产生振动谐波Amplitude at supporting point and counter weight point is zero 支点和配重点振幅为零Breaking shoe strikes the surface of the concrete with high frequency and low amplitude impacts 破碎头以高频低幅(2厘米)敲击混

15、凝土路面 Factures generate under shear forces and expand at certain pattern until they reach the edge of the material 混凝土内部因剪切力而产生裂纹,并随着振动迅速有规律地扩展,直到材料边界No damage to the base due to low impact force and dissipation of the energy at the boundary of slabs 由于冲击力很小,且裂纹只扩展到边界,所以对基层没有任何损害高频 (44Hz)低幅 (2 cm)混凝土

16、完全碎裂路基完好无损碎块相互嵌锁使承载均匀分布混凝土层没有错位,不会压入路基混凝土碎石层底部平整、整体承载能力巨大How Does Resonant Rubblizing Work共振碎石化工作原理2022/8/1218基层空陷基层的完整性遭到破坏承载力随机削弱高幅(24-42”)高压冲击锤高幅低频冲击锤的破碎效果2022/8/1219普通高压冲击锤共振碎石化受力不能分散形成压辙受力均匀分布个别点集中受力造成底基损坏缺少排水设施造成底基存水整个路面得到支撑不存在车辙碎石效果比较2022/8/1220破碎后(碾压前)表面比原路面高0.6cm而采用多锤式破碎方式则破碎表面下沉5厘米2022/8/1

17、221只有共振碎石化能够满足以上所有要求!高频低幅破碎锤板块完全破碎,尺寸一致紧密啮合的碎石和斜向裂纹钢筋完全分离 (防止反射裂纹)破碎锤不会对基层产生任何影响,保持基层板结完好破碎力度和碎石尺寸能够通过电脑自动调整 Relief Trench 35至 40Angular Fracture Pattern for Greater Modulus斜向的嵌锁结构保证更大的路面模量Fracture Pattern RB500用RB500破碎的破裂形状Cement Stabilized Base水泥稳定基层 Memphis International Airport,15” Concrete Stee

18、l DebondedMemphis 国际机场, 15” 钢筋分离现场Steel Must Be De-bonded钢筋必须完全分离Why Other Slab Destruction Methods Not Good Enough?为什么其他水泥砼破碎方法不够理想?其他方法均采用自上而下的,强大的外部物理冲击力,造成:破碎不均匀,无法避免反射裂纹路基破坏路基下面设施的伤害噪音扰民,周边建筑物震动All other methods apply low frequency, high amplitude and heavy impact to break the slabs apart, resu

19、lting in:Large and inconsistent rubbles leading to reflective crackingDamage of sub baseDamage of facilities underneath or nearbyNoises and impact will disturb residents and buildings nearbyResonant Rubblization is Your Best Solution共振碎裂技术是水泥砼路面改造的最佳方案!Eliminate possibility of reflective crackingKee

20、p integrity of the baseNo harm to the utilities underneathNo disturbance to neighborhoodThe loudest noise is from the diesel engine!No Rough Riding/Faulting Prevent Moisture Damage Present Alkali Silica Reaction (ASR) stops No need for another rehabilitation for many years to come杜绝反射裂纹绝不伤害路基碎裂后保持路基

21、及路基下设施完好无损噪音低、不扰民工作时最大的噪音来自柴油发动机!没有断层,保证行驶的舒适度防止潮湿水气的侵害防止混凝土内酸(硅)碱反应改造后很多年内都无须再次修复Rubblization is gaining greater and greater market in US and the World在美国及全球的市场份额越来越大Rubblization Projects in US碎裂技术在美国的应用五年前Rubblization Projects碎裂技术现在Jacksonville NAS Taxiway “A” Rubblized 1997, Picture in 2003 Jacks

22、onville NAS 滑道 “A” 1997年用碎石化技术建设, 摄于2003年2022/8/1230Wright Patterson AFB 26- Inch PCC Wright Patterson AFB 26英寸水泥混凝土2022/8/1231Jax NAS 6” 罩面 C5s, P3Vs, 用于战斗机,民用客机Historical Timeline历史进程1986- John Brizzell, NYDOT Materials Engineer, first used resonant breaker for “Rubblizing”1986- John Brizzell, 纽约州

23、运输部的工程师,首次使用Resonant破碎机械进行道路破碎1991- PC Law Engineering study determines “Rubblizing” best method to rehabilitate PCC pavement.1991- PC Law Engineering 通过研究确认“碎化”是进行水泥混凝土路面修复的最好方法Historical Timeline历史进程Founded in 1986, as a contractor specialized in rubblization 成立于1986年,是从事碎石化工程承包商Started with buyin

24、g resonant breaking machines and now own all resonant machines in the market 26 units 公司创建之初开始购买别人制造的共振破碎机,最终拥有了市场中全部26台设备RMI gradually started renovation and building its own machines 继而,RMI开始进行技术改造,于两年前推出自己制造的性能和稳定性大大提高的设备Rubblizing Thickness of PCC碎石化技术的破碎厚度10 inch25 cm12 inch30 cm26 inch66 cm051

25、0152025301986-19941995-20012002-CurrentIncreases in Productivity生产率的增长02,0004,0006,0008,00010,000Year19871989199119931995199719992001YearSquare Yards / DayAchievements of RMIRMI公司业绩The only resonant rubblization contractor in the World全世界唯一的共振碎裂承包商Rubblized concrete of 66 cm破碎深度达到66厘米Largest Interst

26、ate project ever in the United States (276 miles of four-lane highway)美国迄今最大的州际公路改造项目(440公里/4车道)Successfully completed rubblization projects in Canada, Russia, Belarus and China在加拿大,俄罗斯,白俄罗斯和中国等国家成功开展碎化工程Successfully completed every project we started所有工程全部成功When To Rubblize ?什么时候需要碎化When More Than

27、12% to 15% of Slabs Require CPR当多于12%到15%的道路需要混凝土路面修复(CPR)时Cost Over Runs of 50% or Greater Are Typical on CPR当50%以上的建设成本用于CPR时Cost of Rubblization Favored on 15 Year Design Life当期望路面改造的设计使用寿命在15年以上时(CPR Concrete Pavement Rehabilitation, i.e., slab or joint replacement, jacking, grouting, grinding,

28、etc.)(CPR 混凝土路面修复,如:更换水泥板或接缝,破碎,灌浆,打磨等)TO RUBBLIZE, YOU MUST HAVE 4 ELEMENTS:应用碎石化技术 之 必备四要素A Properly Designed Edge Drain System良好的侧排水系统A Resonant Fractured, Interlocked Slab以共振破碎机械碎裂且紧密啮合的水泥板块A Properly Rolled Surface路面合理压实A Properly Designed Overlay设计恰当的面层覆盖Construction Process 施工程序Install edge d

29、rain system two weeks prior to rubblizationRubblize the PCC pavementRoll 2 coverages with 10-ton vibratory rollerUse high frequency, low amplitude rollerUse water to aid rolling processClose to traffic until first lift of HMA is placed碎石化前两周安装侧排水系统对路面实行共振碎化施工用10吨振动压路机碾压2遍用高频低幅压路机压实少量洒水配合压实 沥青摊铺前道路封闭

30、 Finished Surface After Rolling 碾压后的路面Traffic Control 交通管制Cross Overs Head to Head (Safest and Most Productive) 交叉作业(安全而高效)Single lane construction zone (Good Shoulders Required, Lane Overlap Method) 单车道施工(需要坚实的路肩,车道合并)Both have benefits 交通及施工均不受影响Three Most Damaging Things to a Highway公路的三大杀手Water水

31、Water水WATER水Sub-grade 底基层Permeable Zone 可渗透碎化层Rubblized PCC 不可渗透碎化层57号石砾过滤层2”dense-graded2” 高密度材料# 57 Stone# 57 石料 Filter Fabric 过滤材料Base Course 基层Shoulder Area路肩Rubblization Side Drainage 碎化施工的侧排水系统Permeable/Crack-relief 可渗透/消除裂纹Semi-solid/Interlocked半封闭/啮合3 % Slope Outlet3 % 倾斜排管Fabric outlet可透水排管Integral Curb & Gutter Rubblization Side Drainage路缘石盲沟一体化排水系统 Full Depth Saw Cut全深度切割Backfill回填Permeable/Crack-relief 渗入/防止裂纹Semi-solid/Interlocked半固态/啮合Bas


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