已阅读5页,还剩18页未读 继续免费阅读




1、如何拓展主题句?如何拓展读写任务要点? 读写任务分为两部分,第一部分为摘要,第二部分要求考生根据要求写120词的作文,但这一部分试卷却反映出来考生们思路混乱,或者说根本没有任何头绪,特别是一些模糊要点,如读了文章后的感受;谈谈的重要性等。考生们总是想一句写一句,东拉西扯,写着写着恐怕连他自己都觉得好笑,或是几句话就写得山穷水尽了,想写长也无能为力。那么读写任务第二部分应该怎样做才能吸引改卷老师的眼球呢? 以今年广州一模读写任务为例,要求以约120个词用英语给你妈妈回信,内容包括:(1)你读信后的感受;(2)你是否赞成你妈妈的观点,并陈述理由;(3)你对妈妈的承诺。试看一个考生的第一个要点是怎样

2、写的: After reading your letter , I feel very sorry and I dont know it made you so worried . 从这位同学的写作内容来看,思想贫乏。为什么很抱歉?为什么使母亲担心?实际上可继续展开一句,但他却没继续发挥。 再看另一位考生的表达: (主题句)I was deeply moved by your sincere words and my gratitude for you is beyond words. (原因)You love me from the bottom of your heart and care

3、 about me so much that you point out my mistakes straightly without hesitation to help me tell which is the most important thing to do . 这位同学首先表达了其感受,点明了主题: “我被母亲的话深深的打动了,对母亲的感激无以言表”,接着表达感动的原因来拓展话题,思路清晰,内容充实,容易得到评卷老师的偏爱。 为使读写任务第二部分能取得高分,现就如何拓展主题句, 组织写作思路,令到自己有话说,并且是说的有条理来进行一些探讨:拓展句子的常用法有:列举式/递进式说明原因

4、/结果正反式相关式/细化主题叙述他人经历 如(1):谈论个人对网上购物的看法。 On one hand, online shopping has its advantages. Firstly, it is much cheaper. As far as Im concerned, online stores offer lower prices to the customers and some dont charge delivery fee if we buy more than one. Secondly, it is more convenient as customers need

5、nt walk store after store for what they like. And its easier for them to compare products online. On the other hand1、列举式/递进式列举式 一方面利用正反式谈论其优点和缺点,另一方面利用列举式分别谈其优点或缺点。例如详写其优点:如(2)谈论“互联网对人们生活带来的影响” (主题句)The Internet plays a vital role in our daily life. (拓展句)It not only provides people with amounts of l

6、atest information, but also changes the way people communicate with each other. Besides, the Internet enables people to go shopping at home easily and conveniently.递进式 可以从提供最新信息;改变交流方式; 网上购物,方便快捷几个方面来扩展思路。2.说明原因或结果如(1)你读完这个故事(目标的重要性)的感受。 (主题句-感受)I was deeply inspired by such a story, ( 拓展句-原因 )as it

7、 makes me realize the power of a goal in shaping ones success and gives me strength to pursue my goal, despite the hardships I am to go through .如(2)你对国家“禁止商场免费提供塑料袋”的看法。(主题句-看法)It is necessary for government to forbid shops from offering free plastic bags. (拓展句-结果)With this ban, shopping customers

8、would gradually form a habit of bringing environmentally friendly bags with them so that the consumption of plastic bags would be greatly reduced.如:(1) 11年广州一模要求就“诚信的重要性”的主题发表看法,要点(1)你读后的感受; (主题句-感受)After reading the story ,I feel it is important to be honest. (拓展句)Its obvious that an honest person

9、will definitely win the respect from others, which is of great importance in our study and daily life, let it alone in the business world. However, a dishonest person will lose his fame and trust from others sooner or later. No matter how intelligent he is, dishonesty will ruin his future.3、正反式如(2)勇

10、于认错和道歉的重要性。(主题句重述要点)Since nobody is perfect and everybody may make mistakes , it is of great importance for us to deal with mistakes properly whenever we are mistaken.(拓展句)(反面)As they say, denying a fault doubles it. If we refuse to admit our mistakes when we are wrong, we will not be accepted and f

11、orgiven by others. (正面) On the contrary , if we admit mistakes and apologize sincerely, others will be likely to forgive us ,which makes us closer to each other.如(1):就“如何减少交通事故”的主题谈论人们应该如何避免交通事故What can we do to avoid traffic accidents? As to drivers: a) keep their emotions under control; b) respect

12、 others As to walkers/pedestrians and cyclists: a) strictly obey the traffic rules;b) value their own lives4、相关式/细化主题所谓相关式是指围绕决定事物的相关因素谈论问题的方法。我们就可以围绕造成交通事故的相关因素如司机和行人来谈论如何避免。如(2)你对考试作弊的看法。(主题-明示观点)In my opinion, this phenomenon will have a very bad effect on middle school students study habit.(拓展句)

13、(细化)Those who usually cheat in exams will never treat study seriously again because they believe they will always get good marks without working hard. Those who never cheat in exams will consider its unfair for them, thinking studying hard is not necessary. 考题中,我们经常遇到举事例的要点,虽然同学们都能将思路展开,把故事的经过表述清楚,但

14、往住缺乏生动性,因此,同学们可有意识地多一些人物的心理活动的描写及情感态度表达,不仅能增添字数,而且能达到锦上添花的效果,如:So upset was I that I was unwilling to make an apology to him.Fortunately, with the help of him, I gradually realized the importance of being honest.Much to my delight, due to my honesty, one year later, I became one of the popular stude

15、nts in my class.温馨提示:Lets practise!Youre divided into three groups to finish the second part of task-based writing within senven minutes.Each group is in charge of one point using the methods mentioned now. Then I will ask three representatives to come here to write down your passages on the blackbo

16、ad.读写任务 阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。 BEIJING,July6- Some 19,000 Chinese students died from unnatural causes last year, a survey has said. Food poisoning, drowning and traffic accidents topped the list of “killer”. Released on Wednesday at the inaugural Campus Safety and Risk Management Forum, the r

17、eport was produced by the China Insurance Regulatory Commission(CIRC),which also sponsored the event. The report also said that the death toll comprised some 16,000 primary and secondary school students and about 3,000 college kids.The survey claimed about 45 percent of the deaths resulted from stud

18、ents poor safety awareness, while a further 18 percent could be attributed to poor management in schools. A massive 80 percent of all deaths could have been prevented through better education, improved safety measures and strengthened management , the report said. Besides, it also showed there were

19、some 40 million reported accidents involving people under 18 last year, of which almost 10 million required hospital treatment , the cost of which was 4.26 billion yuan._写作内容以约30个词概括短文的要点; 然后以约120个词就这“学生安全问题”发表看法,并包括如下要点:(1)请谈谈你读完这则新闻的感受; (2)请讲述你自己或身边朋友的有关经历; (3)应采取何种措施保护学生的安全?From the passage we kn

20、ow that a lot of students died because of a variety of accidents, including food poisoning, drowning and traffic accidents. In fact, the major reasons for those accidents are students poor safety awareness and the poor management in school.(摘要) (主题句)After learning the sad news, I was totally shocked

21、 and wanted to express my profound grief over the victims. I wonder why more and more accidents happen around us. despite the rapid development of our society , (说明原因) (主题句)This reminds me of the story of my friend, Lily. Being a high school student, she has to live in dormitory in spite of the fact

22、 that her home is not far away from the school. It happened to be a Friday afternoon. Thinking of spending the weekend with her family, Lily ran quickly out of the classroom. She was so happy that she crossed the street without paying no attention to traffic lights. All of sudden, there came a bus and knocked her down . Fortunately, it was not so serious, but she was too frightened and even could not stand up by herself.(举例子适当增加情感态度) To rid ourselves of the terrible accidents, we should take some measures to


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