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1、.:.;乔夏哈拉式铁铜金矿成矿方式及其找矿意义本文受“我国西部重要成矿区带矿产资源潜力评价工程资助应立娟1 王登红2 梁婷3 周汝洪4Ying Lijuan1 Wang Denghong2 Liang Ting3 Zhou Ruhong41. 中国地质科学院研讨生部,北京 1000372. 中国地质科学院矿产资源研讨所,北京 1000373. 长安大学 资源学院,陕西西安,7100544. 新疆地矿局,新疆乌鲁木齐,8300001. Graduate Department, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, Beijing 1000372. Ins

2、titute of Mineral Resources, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, Beijing 1000373. Changan University, Xian, 710054;4. Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources in Xinjiang, Wulumuqi, 830000Abstract: The Qiaoxiahala iron-copper-gold deposit as a typical ore deposit presents Qiaoxiahala-type mineral

3、 deposits, a group of iron-copper-gold deposits related to volcanism in Early Paleozoic. This paper has expounded the describing pattern, metallogenetic pattern and prospecting model of Qiaoxiahala-type mineral deposits in details.Key words: Qiaoxiahala-type, models of mineral deposits, minerogeneti

4、c series of mineral deposits, mineral deposit type摘要:新疆阿尔泰乔夏哈拉铁铜金矿床作为乔夏哈拉式的典型矿床,代表了一组阿尔泰地域与早古生代海西期火山作用有关的铁铜金矿床。本文对乔夏哈拉式铁铜金矿的主要内容:描画性方式、成因方式和找矿评价模型进展了详细论述。关键词:乔夏哈拉式 成矿方式 矿床成矿系列 矿床式 1 引言19992004年大调查综合研讨工程,较系统地综合研讨了全国及各省、区的区域成矿规律问题,对成矿系列的研讨到达了新高度,进一步完善了成矿系列的概念,在全国建立了214个矿床成矿系列,434个矿床成矿亚系列,978个矿床式,编制了第二

5、代全国前寒武纪、古生代、中生代及新生代成矿系列图(陈毓川等,2007)。矿床成矿系列(minerogenetic series of mineral deposits)是在一定的地质历史期间或构造运动阶段,在一定的地质构造单元及构造部位,与一定的地质成矿作用有关,构成一组具有成因联络的矿床组合自然体。亦可视为一种新的矿床自然分类。矿床成矿系列的序次为矿床成矿系列组合、矿床成矿系列类型;矿床成矿系列;矿床成矿亚系列;矿床式和矿床(陈毓川等,2006)。矿床是其研讨的根本单位,位于第五序次,而矿床式那么位于高于矿床一个序次的第四序次。每个矿床式的主要内容可包括描画性方式、成因方式和找矿评价模型。2

6、 乔夏哈拉式铁铜金矿的成矿方式新疆阿尔泰乔夏哈拉铁铜金矿床是乔夏哈拉式铁铜金矿床的典型代表。以乔夏哈拉铁铜金矿床为例,乔夏哈拉式铁铜金矿的主要内容分别表达如下。2.1 描画性方式乔夏哈拉铁铜金矿床以产于基性海相火山岩及其火山碎屑岩中的磁铁矿、黄铜矿为主,TFe 34.13%,Cu平均0.53%,含Cu最高档次达2.65%。东矿区III号矿体,Cu平均1.4%,Au平均0.15g/t;东矿区I号矿体,Cu平均0.55%,Au平均2.4g/t邓吉牛,王军升,廖启林. 2000. 布尔根矿带金铜找矿评价研讨报告. 新疆305工程办公室:内部资料。东矿段部分矿体含铜、钴,伴生的钴档次已达工业要求,达0



9、、条带状和块状块状和稠密浸染状致密块状构造的变化。围岩蚀变出现绿帘石化,绿泥石化,碳酸盐化,绢云母化,硅化,黄铁矿化,透闪石化(120万富蕴幅,1978)。蚀变分带由远离矿体到接近矿体出现四个蚀变带:即绿帘石化带,绿帘方解滑石绿泥石化蚀变带,绿泥透辉石化蚀变带,铜(金)矿体。地表出现孔雀石化、褐铁矿化和磁铁矿化(倪梁,2004)。2.2 成因方式乔夏哈拉为火山堆积后期热液叠加成因铁铜金矿床,构成火山堆积成因块状、条带状磁铁矿矿石和热液交代成因细脉浸染状黄铜矿矿石、块状黄铜矿矿石和层纹状磁铁矿矿石。成矿时代主要为泥盆纪火山堆积期和石炭纪火山热液叠加期。成矿出现于早泥盆世,其奥长花岗岩K-Ar年龄


11、渡地带,额尔齐斯断裂的南侧,而不属于阿尔泰造山带。乔夏哈拉矿床磁铁矿的详细成矿环境能够为浅海陆棚上相对低洼的地段,在这种洼地中的海底水处于一种相对较静止的碱性复原环境,这是磁铁矿构成的必备条件。就成矿物质来源而言,Fe来源于基性火山熔岩,与海底火山作用有关;Cu主要来源于后期的热液,少量能够由基性火山熔岩提供;而Au来源于热液为主,后期闪长岩侵入事件与Cu-Au的成矿作用关系亲密。地球化学标志方面,东矿区II号矿体,其原生晕有Cu、Au、As、Sb、Co、Ni、Zn、Ag;Ba的正异常范围非常广大,而Co、Ni、Cr、As、Sb的异常那么主要分布于矿体下方。 硫同位素资料中,黄铁矿34S值为+


13、泰德,2002)。成矿流体具有岩浆水加大气降水的混合源特征(彭省临等,1996)。乔夏哈拉铁铜金矿区黄铁矿的(87Sr/86Sr)变化范围为0.7044070.704417,Nd(t)变化范围1.16.5由(380Ma)推算。乔夏哈拉矿区黄铁矿矿石初始锶平均为0.704412,而Nd(t)相对较高。2.3 找矿模型 矿床式的找矿模型可从以下几个方面思索:地质条件;找矿历史标志;地球物理标志;地球化学标志;遥感信息标志和地表找矿标志。(1)地质条件:构造环境:乔夏哈拉铁铜金矿床处于额尔齐斯断裂南侧的额尔齐斯挤压带内。岩石组合:磁铁矿仅赋存于中泥盆统北塔山组第3岩性段(第三岩性段(D2b3)为主要




17、高极化特征,其中极化率大于10%,视电阻率小于100m。这一特征为在该地段寻觅新类型的矿体提供了较为有利的信息邓吉牛,王军升,廖启林. 2000. 布尔根矿带金铜找矿评价研讨报告. 新疆305工程办公室:内部资料。(4)地球化学标志:区域:以Au、Cu、As综合异常为主,并伴有Cr、Ni、Co异常。矿区:乔夏哈拉矿床东矿区II号矿体:一方面与海底火山成矿作用有关的异常有些类似,如Co、Ni、Cr的异常主要分布于矿体下方,另一方面又显示热液成矿作用的特点,如异常范围宽,异常分带明显,As、Sb异常那么主要分布于矿体下方等。(5)遥感信息标志:乔夏哈拉的遥感信息资料暂无。(6)地表找矿标志:在乔夏

18、哈拉东矿区和西矿区地表能见到磁铁矿铁矿(化)体露头。3 找矿意义 根据古生代成矿区带划分,新疆乔夏哈拉铁铜金矿床位于古亚洲成矿域准噶尔成矿省北准噶尔镍、铜、铁、钼、金、膨润土、煤成矿带(汤中立等,2005)。现有的矿床成矿体系中,还没有乔夏哈拉式铁铜金矿确实切位置,但根据该矿床的地质特征和其他矿床的对比,与索尔库都克式铜钼矿较为类似,可暂时地将乔夏哈拉式铁铜金矿归入与晚古生代构造岩浆作用有关的铁、铜、镍矿床成矿系列,与华力西早期次火山火山岩建造有关的铁铜金矿床成矿亚系列中。在古生代大规模成矿作用中,乔夏哈拉铁铜金矿床与海相火山岩浆作用或海底火山喷流堆积作用大规模成矿作用关系最为亲密。乔夏哈拉式

19、铁铜金矿在华力西期构造活动带的岛弧带基性火山岩系中比较有利于成矿。 位于乔夏哈拉东南青河县的老山口磁铁矿矿床,其地质特征和乔夏哈拉矿床类似,在深部也具有铜的潜力。乔夏哈拉式铁铜金矿在准噶尔北缘向东南具有进一步找矿的潜力。Minerogenetic model of Qiaoxiahala-type Fe-Cu-Au deposits and its prospecting significanceAssissted by the project named “Assessment on the mineral resources in the significant metallogenic

20、regions of West ChinaYing Lijuan1 Wang Denghong2 Liang Ting3 Zhou Ruhong41. Graduate Department, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, Beijing 1000372. Institute of Mineral Resources, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, Beijing 1000373. Changan University, Xian, 710054;4. Bureau of Geology and

21、 Mineral Resources in Xinjiang, Wulumuqi, 830000Abstract: The Qiaoxiahala Fe-Cu-Au deposit as a typical ore deposit presents Qiaoxiahala-type mineral deposits, a group of Fe-Cu-Au deposits related to volcanism in Early Paleozoic. This paper has expounded the describing pattern, minerogenetic pattern

22、 and prospecting model of Qiaoxiahala-type mineral deposits in details.Key words: Qiaoxiahala-type, model of mineral deposits, minerogenetic series of mineral deposits, mineral deposit type1 IntroductionMinerogenetic series of mineral deposits presents a natural group of mineral deposits with geneti

23、c relationships formed at a certain geological period or a tectonic movement stage in a certain geological unit and a certain tectonic position under a certain mineralization (Chen Yuchuan et al., 2007). It is a brand-new natural classification of mineral deposits. Minerogenetic system includes five

24、 order classes of units: minerogenetic series association of mineral deposits and minerogenetic series type of mineral deposits; minerogenetic series of mineral deposits; minerogenetic sub-series of mineral deposits; mineral deposit type and mineral deposit (Chen Yuchuan et al., 2006). Mineral depos

25、it is the basic unit at the fifth class, whereas mineral deposit type is one class higher than mineral deposit at the fourth. Each mineral deposit type can contain a describing pattern, minerogenetic pattern and prospecting-evaluation model.2 Minerogenetic model of Qiaoxiahala-type Fe-Cu-Au deposits

26、The Qiaoxiahala Fe-Cu-Au deposit in Xinjiang is the typical one as Qiaoxiahala-type Fe-Cu-Au deposit. Taking it as an example, the main contents of this type can be concluded as following.2.1 Describing patternThe Qiaoxiahala Fe-Cu-Au deposit mainly produces magnetite and chalcopyrite hosted by basi

27、c marine volcanic rocks and the responding pyroclastic rocks with TFe at 34.13 % and Cu at 0.53% at average and up to 2.65%. The No. III orebody in the eastern mining sector is with Cu at 1.4% at average and Au at 1.5g/t, whereas No. I with Cu at .055% and Au at 2.4g/t. Cu and Co associated have rea

28、ched the pay grade up to 0.4% and 0.024% respectively (Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Geological Bureau, 1978). Magnetite orebodies mainly occurred in the western mining sector as the stratiform-like, phacoidal, lenticular, whereas chalcopyrite orebodies concentrated in the eastern mining sector l

29、abelled IVII as stratiform and/or lenticular (Li Longqian, 2003). Ores included massive magnetite and chalcopyrite, banded epidote+magnetite, and disseminated pyrite+chalcopyrite+magnetite and chalcopyrite+magnetite. Ore structures appeared euhedral and subhedral granular, polygonal cleavage, anhdra

30、l granular and sheet texture.The Qiaoxiahala Fe-Cu-Au deposit located at the south side of the Ertix Fault at the margin of Altay Mountains hosted by Middle Devonian Beitashan Formation (D2b). The footwall rocks were basic volcanic rocks and pyroclastic rocks, whereas volcanic lava and the pyroclast

31、ic rocks were the hanging wall. Orebodies occurred as FeFe-CuCu-Au from top to bottom vertically, responding to the stratified, banded and massive magnetite oremassive and disseminated Cu-bearing magnetite orecompact massive chalcopyrite ore. Alterations in the wall rocks developed well including ep

32、idotization, chloritization, carbonatization, sericitization, quartz, pyrite, tremolite et al (Ni Liang, 2004). 2.2 Minerogenetic patternThe Qiaxiahala Fe-Cu-Au deposit was supposed to be formed by marine volcanic-sedimentary mineralization enriched by later hydrothermal activity. The Ar-Ar plateau

33、age of hornblende in diorite from the western mining sector as almost vertically cutting the iron bed was 378.13.6 Ma, indicating the major iron minerogenetic period concentrated in Devonian. At the aspect of regional minerogenetic tectonic background, the tectonic location of the Qiaoxiahala ore de

34、posit was argued according to different geologists: 1)Siberia plateAltay continental crust partErtix Pz2 early exssentioned continental margin magmatic belt (Xiao Xuchang et al., 1992); 2) Siberia plateMongolia-Altay Pz1 continental marginErtix tectonic mixing belt (He Guoqi et al., 1994); 3) Zaisan

35、g-North Junggar fold systemFuyun tectonic formation beltErtix sub-belt (Chen Yuchuan et al., 1995); 4)Junggar open-close system between continentsNorth Junggar Pz open-close beltQiaoxiahala-Aermantai -O ocean crust relic (Chen Zhefu et al., 1997). Its present geotectonic location was in the transiti

36、onal belt between Altay south margin and Junggar north margin, and also the southern side of Ertix Fault, but not the inside of Altay orogin belt. As far as the minerogenetic material concerned, Fe came from the same magmatic source as the basic volcanic lava related to the marine volcanism, Cu main

37、ly sourced from later hydrotherm and a little from the basic volcanic lava, whereas Au was mainly provided by the later hydrotherm related to the diorite intrusion.On geochemistry of sulfur isotopes, 34S of pyrite changed from +0.73 to +2.92, +1.56 at average; 34S of chalcopyrite ranged between +1.1

38、7+2.2 at the average of +1.7, indicating sulfur in pyrite and chalcopyrite sourced from the mantle (Li Taide, 2002). On lead isotopes, 206Pb/204Pb of pyrite was 18.12418.158, 207Pb/204Pb was 15.40815.446, 208Pb/204Pb was 37.50537.622, and the value of was 9.129.19, indicating the feature of normal l

39、ead (Wan Bo et al., 2006). Meanwhile on isotopes, 18OH2O of magnetite was +9.93+11.49, +10.73 at average, in the range of original magmatic water. D of gas-liquid inclusions in magnetite was -80.9-115.3 relating to meteoric water. It suggested hydrogen-oxygen in magnetite sourced from volcanic gas e

40、rruption, but contaminated by meteoric water in the deposition process (Li Taide, 2002), and also indicated the minerogenetic fluid derived from magmatic water and meteoric water (Peng Shenglin et al., 1996). 2.3 Prospecting model Prospecting model of mineral deposit type can consider from the follo

41、wing aspects: geological condition, history criteria for prospecting, geophysical criteria, geochemical criteria, remote sensing information criteria and surface criteria for prospecting.(1) Geological condition: tectonic setting: the Qiaoxiahala Fe-Cu-Au deposit located in the Ertix mixing belt; ro

42、ck association: basic volcanic rocks and pyroclastic rocks hosted the orebodies, and also intruded by later diorites; alteration in wall rocks: epidotization occurred closely to Fe orebodies and widely spreaded, carbonation was closely related to Cu-Au, and silication guided for Au (Ni Liang, 2004).

43、(2) History criteria for prospecting:prospecting relic: the Qiaoxiahala Fe-Cu-Au deposit was found by Team 622 in Geological Bureau in 1955, and checked by Team 713 in 1958. In 1959, the Altay geological team finished the peripheral reconnaissance survey, and the geophysical team denied its economic

44、 value after electric and magnetic survey. Later it was confirmed as a small-scale deposit by the Altay geological team after initial exploration. There were magnetite open pit relic by locals on the surface; written records: it was recorded in the regional report of Fuyun at scale of 1:200 000 in 1

45、978 as a small-scale Fe deposit and Cu occurrence. In recent years, Fe ore resources have reached 4620 000 t, Cu 31200 t and Au 1051 kg.(3) Geophysical criteria:gravity: the gravity anomaly in Qiaoxiahala was lineary consist with the tectonic striking as the high value of gravity; magnetic: TEM had

46、low response value, high magnetic anomaly, middle-high electrical resistivity, and low polarization value; electrical method: in the northern part, it showed the lower polarization value and higher apparent electrical resistivity than those in the south.(4) Geochemical criteriain the region: Au, Cu

47、and As presented the integrated anomaly associated with Cr, Ni and Co anomaly; in the mining area: taking No.II orebody in the eastern mining sector as an example, it was similar to the marine volcanism anomaly such as Co, Ni, and Cr occurring beneath the orebody, meanwhile it also showed the similarity to hydrothermal mineralization with wide anomaly area, clear anomaly zoning and As and Sb anomaly beneath the orebody.(5) Remote sensing information criteria: unti


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