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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上专心-专注-专业专心-专注-专业精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上专心-专注-专业Unit 4 Body Language一、单词变形拼写1. statement (n.) 陈述,说明 - (v.)_ - (n.) 政治家_ 2. greet (v.) 迎接,问候- - (n.) 招呼_ 3. represent (vt.) 代表,象征 - (n.) 代表(人)/adj .典型 的;有代表性的_- (n.) 表现,陈述 _4. association( n.) 社团,联系 - (v.) 使联系_ - ( adj.) 联合的_ 5. flight (n

2、.)航班;飞行;逃跑;一段楼梯 - (v.)飞行,逃离_-(UN)飞行_6. curious (adj.) 好奇的 - ( adv.)_- ( n.) 好奇心_7. defend (vt.) 保护,辩护- (n.)_ - ( n.) 防御者_ - ( n.) 被告人_8. major( adj.) 主要的- ( n.) 多数 _9. misunderstand (v.) 误解,误会 (v.)理解_- (n.)_ 10. simply( adv.) 简单地,只- (adj.)_ - ( v.) 简化 _11. spoken (adj.) 口语的 - (adj.) 未说出口的,非口语的 _12.

3、Spain (n.) 西班牙- (adj.) _13. Italy( n.) 意大利- (adj.) _14. likely (adj.) 可能的 - (adj.) 不太可能 _15. employee( n.) 雇员- (v.)雇佣_ (n.) 雇主_ - (n.) 就业 _16. misread (v.) 读错,误解- (v) _17. facial( adj.) 面部的- ( n/v) _18. function(n./v.) 作用,功能,起作用 -(adj.) 功能的,有多种用途的_ 19. ease( n./v.)安逸,舒适-(adj)_- (adv)_ 20. truly (adv

4、.) - (adj.)_ - ( n.)事实_21. anger (n.)- (adj.)_ - (adv.)_22. respectful(adj.) 恭敬的- (adv.)_-(v./n.)尊重,尊敬_- ( adj. )各自的 , 分别的_ -(adj.)可敬的,品行端正的_-(prep.)关于,至于_ 23. subjective (adj.) 主观的 -(n.)主题,学科,主观 _二、短语互译1. 保卫以免受 _2. 很可能;有希望_3. 舒适;快活;自由自在 _4. turn ones back to _5. play a major role in sth _6. 主修,专攻 _

5、7. 对. .感到好奇 _8. generally speaking=to be general _9. frankly speaking=to be frank _10. honestly speaking=to be honest _11. with ease (easily) _12. feel at ease _13. take ones ease _ 14. put sb. at ease _15. ease/reduce/lessen our stress/pressure/pain_16. ease ones mind _17. turn on _18. turn in _19.

6、 turn away _20. turn off _21. It turned out that_22. turn up _23. turn to _24. turn to sb for help (ask sb. for help) _25. turn down _26. turn a deaf ear to _27. turn around _28. turn a blind eye to _三、用括号里所给词汇的正确形式填空1. _ (approach) the city center, we saw a stone statue of about 10 meters in height

7、. 2. The job market has changed and our approach to _(find) work must change as well. 3. With the Spring Festival _(approach),an evening party is to be held in our school. 4. The dove _(represent) peace. 5. The staff soon found the new manager easy _(approach). 6. The law allows people _(defend) the

8、mselves against a charge. 7. He inspires me _(major) in English in college to be a bridge between China and the world. 8. Just to satisfy my _(curious), how much did you pay for your car? 9. 4)They are likely _(win) the match. 10. The government should _(wide) the roads and build more flyovers, so a

9、s _(ease) the traffic pressure and reduce the traffic accidents.四、介词、副词填空1. She turned _ the job offer because she wanted more money. 2. With no one to turn_, the girl felt helpless. 3. We arranged to meet at the cinema at 7:30, but he failed to turn _. 4. The stone struck the man _ the eye. 5. She

10、touched him _ the shoulder.6. All approaches _ the town were blocked. 7. 1)Soldiers should defend their country _ the enemies. 8. There is a major problem _ parking in many cities.9. Water plays a major role _ our life.10. In most cultures the smile is _ general an expression of pleasure. 五、用方框里所给词汇

11、的正确形式填空major; in defense of; defense; defend; flight; approaching;represent1. He is the ideal person _ our class to attend this competition.2. _ the vehicle, they saw that a woman was trying to get out of the broken window. 3. The law allows people _ themselves against a charge. 4. The young man joi

12、ned the army _his country. 5. The high wall was built as a _ against intruders. 6. She _ in management. That is, her major is management.7. When the alarm sounded, the robber took _ in a hurry. 六、完成句子1. The moon _(代表) my heart. 2. He _(感到好奇)the people who lived upstairs.3. The reporter _(很想知道)whethe

13、r the official is involved in the case. 4. _(实在反常)he didnt tell you.5. He looked at me_(好奇地). 6. Of course, some people decided to travel just_(出于好奇) .7. The girl answered all the questions _(轻松地). 8. Take the medicine and it will _(镇痛).七、翻译句子1. 我抓住她的胳膊。 _ 2. 今天可能下雨,带上雨伞。_ 3. 我们星球所面临的主要问题之一是全球变暖。_ 4

14、. 学习外语的最好途径是什么?_ 5. 列车即将进站。 _ 6. 代表我们学校,我邀请你来我校参观。(邀请信写作)_ 答案:一、1. state statesman 2. greeting 3. representative representation 4. associate associative 5. fly flying6. curiously curiosity 7. defence defender defendant 8. majority 9. understand misunderstanding 10. simple simplify 11. unspoken 12. S

15、panish 13. Italian 14. unlikely 15. employ employer employment 16. read 17. face 18. functional 19. easy easily 20. true truth 21. angry angrily 22. respectfully respect respective respectable respecting 23. subject 二、1. defend against 2. be likely to3. at ease 4. 背对;背弃5. 在某事中起重要作用6. major in7. be c

16、urious about.8. 总的来说9. 坦率地说 10. 老实说 11. 轻易地;毫不费力地12. 感到心情放松 13. 休息,轻松一下 14. 使放心,使感到自在 15. 减轻我们的压力/痛苦 16. 使某人安心 17. 打开 18. 上交 19. 转过脸去,不准入内,打发走 20. 关掉 21.证明是;结果是 22. 音量调高;出现,被发现 23. 转向,求助于 24. 向某人求助25. 音量调低;拒绝 26. 对充耳不闻 27. 转身 28. 对视而不见三、1. Approaching 2. finding 3. approaching 4. represents 5. to ap

17、proach6. to defend7. to major8. curiosity 9. to win10. widen to ease四、1. down 2. to 3. up 4. in5. on6. to7. against / from 8. with9. in10. in五、1. to represent2. Approaching3. to defend4. in defense of;5. defense6. majors7. flight六、1. stands for / represents 2. was curious about 3. is curious to know 4. It is curious that 5. with curiosity 6. out of curiosity 7. with ease 8. ease your pain 七、1. I caught her by the arm. 2. It is likely/possible/probable that it will rain today. Bring your umbrell


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