人教版(新教材)高中英语选修2Unit 1 Science and Scientists优质学案:Using Language (1)-Listening and Speaking_第1页
人教版(新教材)高中英语选修2Unit 1 Science and Scientists优质学案:Using Language (1)-Listening and Speaking_第2页
人教版(新教材)高中英语选修2Unit 1 Science and Scientists优质学案:Using Language (1)-Listening and Speaking_第3页




1、Using Language (1)一Listening and SpeakingLearning Aims(学习目标)Listening.(重点难点)Speaking.(重点难点)目标一同步听力多维训练【策略指导】英语听力测试不只是考查学生听的能力,同时还会考查学生的临场应变能力、猜想能力 和记忆能力等。在平时的学习中要多积累一些常见的话题词汇和话题句式。本单元的话题是 科普,学生通过听力活动可以了解更多有关科技的知识。常见话题词汇:reflect 反射cell细胞experiment 实验museum博物馆classical 古典的screen 屏幕tiny微小的field trip实地考

2、察旅行cast different shadows投射不同的影子a giant piano keyboard 一个巨大的钢琴键盘in a whisper 彳氐语play tricks on sb,捉弄某人a hall of mirrors 镜子大厅【听力集训】I .Do listening exercises on the book.Look at the photos below, and discuss in groups what these activities have to do with science.(教材 P6)The photos above are related to

3、 the conversation you will hear.Using the photos, try to predict the answers to the following questions.(教材 P6)Listen to the conversation and see if your answers for Activity 2 are correct.Then write down the letters(AE) for the photos in the order that you hear them described.(教材 P6)Listen again an

4、d complete the descriptions of the photos above.(教材 P6)II .Listen to the material again on P6 and Hll in the blanks with the words you hear.(精听训 练)Judy: Oh, m so sorry that you were ill and couldn, t come with us on 1 ,our field trip.How are you feeling now? Better?Bill: Much better, thanks.But how

5、was it?Judy: Wonderful! I especially 2.liked an area of the museum called Light Games.lt was really cool.They had a hall of mirrors where I could 3.see myself reflected thousands of times!Bill: A hall of mirrors can be a lot of fun.What else did they have?Judy: Well, they 4.had an experiment where w

6、e looked at a blue screen for a while, and then suddenly we could 5.see tiny bright lights moving around on it.You 11 never guess what those bright lights were!Bill: Come on, tell me!Judy: They were our own 6.blood cells.For some reason, our eyes play tricks on us when we look at a blue screen, and

7、we can see our own blood cells 7.moving around like little lights! But there was another thing I liked better.I stood in front of a white light, and it 8.cast different shadows of me, in every colour of the rainbow!Bill: Oh, I wish I had been there.Tell me more!Judy: Well, they had another area fbr

8、sound.They had 9.a giant piano keyboard that you could use your feet to play.But then, instead of playing the sounds of a piano, it played the voices of lO.classical singers! Then they had a giant dish, and when you spoke into it, it reflected the sound back and made it louder.You could use it to sp

9、eak 1L in a whisper to someone seventeen metres away.Bill: It all sounds so cool.I wish I could have gone with you.Judy: I know, but we can 12,go together this weekend.r d love to go there again!Bill: That sounds like a great idea!目标二场景模拟体验感悟Activity 1 Discuss the following questions in groups.(P7)T

10、he conversation is about the City of Science and Industry, a museum in Paris.Would you like to go to this museum? Why or why not?Are there any museums like this in China? What other interesting museums are there?Activity 2 In groups, choose one of the museum activities on the previous page or brains

11、torm another scientific research or experiment that you are interested in.(P7)Activity 3 Fill in the blanks according to the Chinese in the brackets to complete the following passage.Last Sunday I went on La field trip(实地考察旅行)in a 2.museum(博物馆).There I conducted some 3.interesting and vivid experime

12、nts(有趣又生动的实验).Furthermore, what impressed me most was that a hall of mirrors 4.cast different shadows(投射不同的影子)of me as if they were 5.playing tricks on(捉弄)me.Meanwhile, on 6.a givnt scren(一个巨大的屏幕),I clearly observed 7.tiny cells(微小的细胞).N达标检测话题微写作请运用本课时所听到的话题词汇,再根据下面的汉语提示写一篇短文。约翰着迷于科学实验。因此,他经常在各种博物馆进行实地考察旅行。他不仅能在巨大 的钢琴键盘上弹古典音乐,而且他能够在巨大的屏幕上欣赏微小的细胞。最重要的是博物馆 反映了人类的智慧和创造力。John is ke】n on scientific experiments.Hence, he frequently goes on field trips in various muse


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