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1、被动语态The Passive Voice 英语动词有两种语态: 主动语态 (the Active Voice) 被动语态 (the Passive Voice)A. 主动语态表示主语是动作的执行者。B. 被动语态表示主语是动作的承受者。We planted the tree.The tree was planted by us.We speak English.主语谓语宾语English is spoken by us.主语谓语宾语主动语态被动语态They cleaned the classroom yesterday. 昨天他们打扫了教室。The classroom was cleaned

2、 by them yesterday.昨天教室被他们打扫了。(一)被动语态基本用法:当句子的主语是动作的执行者时,谓语的形式是主动语态。当句子的主语是动作的承受者时,谓语要用被动语态。被动语态由助动词be+过去分词构成,时态通过be表现出来。be + done(二)被动语态的基本结构:有各种时态的变化1. Now English _ by more and more people all over the word. A. speaks B. is spoken C. was spoken一般现在时的被动语态:主语+am / is / are + done2. The lost boy _ a

3、t the street corner last night. A. was found B. is found C. was looked for一般过去时的被动语态:主语+was / were + done3. More man-made satellites _ in the future. A. will send up B. will be sent up C. are sent up一般将来时的被动语态:主语+will + be + donebe going to + be + done4. Three bridges _ since last year. A. have buil

4、t B. were built C. have been built现在完成时的被动语态:主语+have/ has+ been + done5. Flowers _ every day. A. has been watered B. should be watered C. should water含有情态动词的被动语态:情态动词 + be + done1.规则动词的过去分词:1)一般情况在动词原形后加-edwatch-watched2)以不发音e结尾的加-dpractice-practiced3)以辅音加y结尾的,去y变i加-edstudy-studied4)以重读闭音节结尾,末尾只有一个辅

5、音字母,先双写该辅音字母,再加-edstop-stopped2.不规则动词的过去分词:amisarewaswerebeenhavehashaddodonewritewrittengogone动词过去分词的变化: (三)何时使用被动语态? 1、行为主体不明确,不必说出或者无法说出动作的执行者时。例如: Football is played all over the world 2、不易找到或根本就不可能找到动作的执行者时。例如: My bike was stolen 我的自行车被盗了。 3、某些句子习惯上用被动语态。例如: He was born in October,19894、汉语中含有“被

6、”、“由”等词时。例如: Tina是被Paul叫来的。 Tina is asked to come by Paul5、汉语中含有“据说”、“据悉”、“据报道”等时。例如: It is said that one day he climbed to the top of a house and It was reported that her mother died of SARS.众所周知 It is well known that 据推测说 It is supposed that (四)主动语态变被动语态: (1)把原来的宾语提到前面作被动语态的主语;(2)把谓语动词变成被动结构(be过去分

7、词) (根据被动语态句子里的主语的人称和数,以及原来主动语态句子中动词的时态来决定be的形式)。 (3)把主动语态中的主语放在介词by之后作宾语,将主格改为宾格。如: They make the bikes in the factory. The bikesin the factory.are madethemby主变被步骤:1.找宾语: 即动作的承受者(改为主语)He washed his car yesterday. His car3. 判断新主语的单复数:确定be动词的单复数. be4. 判断动词的时态 : 即be动词的时态.2. 修改谓语的语态:即be+原V.过去分词 washed5.

8、 修改原句的主语 :即by +主语(变宾格). (by him) yesterday.iswas was1.Tom broke the window.The window 2.She broke the windows.The windows 3.He cleans the classroom everyday. The classroom was brokenby Tom.were brokenby her.is cleanedby himbe动词的单复数变化:everyday.He rides the motorbike to work every day.The motorbikeis

9、riddento work(by him)every day.A computer computer, use, in our classis usedin our classevery day.They bought ten computers last year Ten computerslast year.were bought(by them)bank, rob, yesterdaywas robbedThe bankyesterday. 1. They will finish the work in ten days.The workin ten days.will be finis

10、hed(by them)2.They are going to have a show tomorrow.A showis going to be had(by them)tomorrow.1. Amy can take good care of the cat The catcan be taken good care ofby Amy.2. They should sing some beautiful songs.Some beautiful songsby them.should be sung He can carry the basket easily.The basket can

11、 be easily carried by him.在通常情况下,修饰被动语态的副词一般要放在助动词be与过去分词之间。如: She was badly paid. 她挣的钱很少。 The trip was well organized. 旅行组织得很好。 将副词放在过去分词之后也是可以的。(四)被动语态的特殊情况:1.在主动语态中,make, let, hear, see, watch, notice等词,其后跟省略to的动词不定式(动词原形),在变为被动语态时,必须还原动词不定式符号to.如: 1) We heard him sing this song in the room. He w

12、as heard to sing this song in the room.2) The boss made him work 14 hours a day. He was made to work 14 hours a day. 3) I see him walk to school. He is seen to walk to school. 2.含有双宾语的动词在变为被动语态时,有以下三种情形: (1)有些双宾动词(如award, buy, give, leave, lend, offer, pay, show, teach, tell等)在变为被动语态时,既可把间接宾语(指人)变为被

13、动语态的主语,而把直接宾语(指事物)保留下来(称为保留宾语),也可把直接宾语(指事物)变为被动语态的主语,而把间接宾语改为介词to 或for引起的状语(到底用to还是for,与所搭配的动词有关)。比较: He gave her some money. 他给她一些钱。 She was given Some money was given to her. some money.2. He bought his friend some fruits yesterday.His friend was bought some fruits (by him) yesterday.Some fruits w

14、ere bought for his friend (by him) yesterday.1. He bought her a watch. A watch was bought for her (by him). She was bought a watch (by him).(2)有些双宾动词(如bring, do, make, pass, sell, send, sing, write等)通常用直接宾语(指事物)作被动语态的主语,而将间接宾语用作保留宾语(其前根据情况用介词to或for): Father made me a doll. A doll was made for me. He

15、 wrote her a letter. A letter was written to her. (3)有些双宾动词(如answer, deny, envy, refuse, save, spare等)通常用间接宾语(指人)作被动语态的主语,而将直接宾语用作保留宾语: He answered me that question. I was answered that question by him. 表示主语的属性特征的动词+副词well/ badly/easily/smoothly,用主动式表被动义3.作“需要”讲的need的被动形式: need to be doneYour jacket

16、 needs to be washed. 4.表示“开始、结束、运动”的动词用主动式表被动义。 begin, open, start, stop, end, finish, shut, run,.)The shop opens at 6 am. every day A traffic accident _(happen) just now.happened2. 连系动词(Link.v.) 如:be, look, seem, feel, sound, smell, taste, get, turn, becomePeking Opera _ (sound) beautiful.sounds3.

17、当此动词表示事物的自然属性的时候:The pen _ (write) very fast.writesThis kind of sweater _ (sell) well. sells1. 不及物动词(vi.) 如:happen, take place, appear, disappear, 不用被动语态的动词: (表示主语的自然属性特征) + 副词 (well/ badly/easily/smoothly),常见动词:read, write, sell, wash, clean, wear, lock, open, cook, shut, dry, eat, drink, The books

18、 _ well A. were sold B. sell C. have sold D. are being soldThis kind of cloth _ easily A. has washed B. was washed C. washes D. is washedPractice:1 Must I pay for it at once?_ it _ _ _ at once?2 We will build a new lab.A new lab _ _ _.3 They arent stopping the traffic now.The traffic _ _ _ now.4 How

19、 long have you kept the book?How long _ the book _ _? Mustbepaidforwillbebuiltisntbeenstoppinghasbeenkept5. If your homework _(do) well, you may go to play.6. Mr. Green was seen _(grow) trees.7. The blackboard was _ (look) carefully by the students.8. The ship model _ be _ (make) in two days.is done

20、to growlooked atwillmade9. Im sorry,sirYour recorder isnt ready yetIt _ in the factory is being repaired is repaired has been repaired hasnt been repaired10In warm weather, fruit and meat _ long cannot be kept dont keep mustnt keep is not kept11. -Did you hand him the letter yesterday? -No, I _ to h

21、im A. brought it B. took it C. had it sent D. carried it 12Alice had a dress _ last week Amade B. make C. to be made D. to makeOral practice-主动句改被动句 .A car knocked him down yesterday.Two doctors and ten nurses make up the medical team.When I got there, they were cutting up a fallen tree He was knock

22、ed down by a car yesterday The medical team is made up of by two A fallen tree was being cut up, when I got there.4). Well put on the play next Sunday5). Workers are building a new teaching building in our school6). They had completed the railway by the end of last year The play will be put on next SundayA new teaching building is being built by workers in our schoolThe railway had been completed by the end of last year 7). We should protect the earth8). You need to paint the wall The earth should be protect


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