1、欢迎使一1 欢迎使一1 / 1 2 3 信息完整地表达出来,并对图表中的信息作出自己的评论。作文体裁一般是议 或者是说 1 2 3 信息完整地表达出来,并对图表中的信息作出自己的评论。作文体裁一般是议 或者是说4 即给出一段1000120字左右的文章的摘要。2 / 零档(0 分第一档(1-4 分第二档(5-8 分零档(0 分第一档(1-4 分第二档(5-8 分第三档(9-12 分第四档(13-16 分1、2 第五档(17-20 分3 / 三、四、Nottoomanymistakes. (主谓一致、时态、拼写、短语Clearstructure.(Essay+3三、四、Nottoomanymist
2、akes. (主谓一致、时态、拼写、短语Clearstructure.(Essay+3Varioususeofwordsandsenten 4Some ideas.五、1 审题:1)2 (based on/ntonlyutalso/Similarly/ It is true ;promise makeapromise 3 4 / ;arethesis sementwithbluepr topicsentence-specificsupport-second topic sentence-specific support-thirdareworded thesis s1.It -itbeadj;
3、arethesis sementwithbluepr topicsentence-specificsupport-second topic sentence-specific support-thirdareworded thesis s1.It -itbeadjforsbtodo(1)Itisobvioustomostofus,inparticulartheyoungert(2)Itgoeswithoutanyslightestquestiont(3)Itcanbesaidwithmuchy andt(4)sbeenrepeatedlyedoutbysomeivetlthetruth/Tob
4、ehonest/Tobemoreexact/Toputitinamoreaccurate3.As-(1)AsfarasIamaware(concerned),Asiswell-knowntoAsisoftenthecase,eralpublic,(4)Asoftenmentionedbysomeexperts,5 / 4.Therebe-(1)Thereisnodenyinganobvioust(2)Thereiscertainelementoftruthint5.What-(1)Whatmatterst(2)4.Therebe-(1)Thereisnodenyinganobvioust(2)
5、Thereiscertainelementoftruthint5.What-(1)Whatmatterst(2)Whatneedstobeemphasizednoverlookedheret(3)Whatmustberememberedaboutthesituationt(4)WhatIhavetooutheret6.which-SVO,whichHejumpedoutandkilledhimself,whichisbafflingmanySVO,whichisofgreatimportance(benefit)toourlife(society). SVO, which is damagin
6、g both physically and spiritually.7.ItistIboughtabookItistIboughttheIloveyoubecauseyouloveItisbecauseyoulovetIlove8.Only+ Ifwehavefund,wecanprotectculturalOnlyifwehavefund,Wecansolvetherotectculturalhiswayassoonhiswaycanwesolvetheproblemassoonlthetruth,canwesolvetheproblemassoon9. asas Itisimportant
7、toprotectculturalhisworldisasimportantastoprotectculturalThebizshouldberesponsibleforNothingisasimportantasthebizsresponsibilityforsociety. Nobody should be as responsibility for society as the biz.10notbutnot.butnotbecausebutbecausenotsomuchbecause.butWeshouldprotectheritagebecausetheheritageisapar
8、tofourWeshouldprotectheritagenotbecausewecanmakemoneyoutofitbutbecausetheheritageis a part of our history.6 / 九模版句语1whichItakeleavetoatanyrateforshorteastitseemstosotoletusinsomesense/tosomeextent/degree to my certain knowledge2 One a ItishardforustoLetus九模版句语1whichItakeleavetoatanyrateforshorteasti
9、tseemstosotoletusinsomesense/tosomeextent/degree to my certain knowledge2 One a ItishardforustoLetusgetdowntofundamentalsand3 ItisWhydoestheideaofprogressloomsohemodernThereisonlyonedifferencen anold manand a young one: the young man has a futurebeforehimandtheoldonehasasplendidfuturebehindhim:andru
10、btiswhere4 We are so familiar with the t man t people have for years t soflosingvigor withtime, ingmorelikelytodietheolderweget,wasself-evident,likethecoolingofahotkettleorthewearing-outofapairofThen knowledge began to be accumulated according to a systematic plan. The ecame stream;thestreamhase a A
11、n individual human houldbelikeariver-small ,narrowlycontainedwithinbs, and rushing ay past boulders and over waterfalls. Gradually the river wider,thesrecede, thewatersflowmorequietly, he end, without any e hesea,andpainlesslylosetheirindividualThe cultivation of a hobby and new forms erest is there
12、fore a policy of to a public man. But this is not a t can be undertaken in a day or swiftly 7 / by a d of thewill. The growth of alternative erests is a long s. seedsmust be carefully chosen; they must fall on good ground; theymust be sedulously ifthevivifyingfruitsaretobendby a d of thewill. The gr
13、owth of alternative erests is a long s. seedsmust be carefully chosen; they must fall on good ground; theymust be sedulously ifthevivifyingfruitsaretobendwhen5 Libraries made sible, and education in its turn added to libraries: the growth knowledgefollowedakindoferestAsissooftenedout,knowledgeisatwo
14、-edgedweaponwhichcanbeusedequallyorEducationisoneofthekeywordsofourtime.Amanwithoutaneducation,manyofusbe ve,an unfortunate victim of ,laylessstressonmorebacktoitsstartinggotosuchaninall thaveconsiderableinclinationtobewillingtohavenoinclinationtodo be unwilling to do without any idea ofwithoutgivin
15、ganyconsiderationwithnoregard6 leadto,resultin,giveriseoaccount,takeaccountgivethoughtto,giveconsiderationbringabout,originatefrom,derivefrom,resultfrom,berootedgetinvolvedin,participatein,takepart erestin,indulgeuchimportanceto,emphasize7 erest,livingre,ldesire,time,health,knowledge,familyes(divorc
16、e,single,jobe,promotion,stress,officepolitics,8 / ,satisfaction,fulfillment, vs 个性和革新 vs创造性和个人致富12345678910 11 艺术和科学的功用和分类(分别对于个人和社会来说12 Quiteafew teacherscomplainaboutstudentsreadingfewer,satisfaction,fulfillment, vs 个性和革新 vs创造性和个人致富12345678910 11 艺术和科学的功用和分类(分别对于个人和社会来说12 Quiteafew teacherscomplai
17、naboutstudentsreadingfewern before. In fact, nowadaysspendmoretimesurfingonernetandwatchingmoviesonDVDs.Naturallyspendless time readingbooks. Doyou tstudentstodayare lesstheyreadfewer1 动脑思考,同时动(23 分钟。2 选择立场,组织你的想法(12 分钟3 。3 写简洁的开头段(34 分钟9 / NewWaystoMakeStudentsMoreTeacherstoday oftenhat students re
18、ad fewer books and are less as a result. sight, the argument sounds reasonable. However, it cannot stand to outifonsecondy,studentstodayarecomparativelymorenprevious4 根据你的回答撰写文章的论证段落(1015 分钟It NewWaystoMakeStudentsMoreTeacherstoday oftenhat students read fewer books and are less as a result. sight,
19、the argument sounds reasonable. However, it cannot stand to outifonsecondy,studentstodayarecomparativelymorenprevious4 根据你的回答撰写文章的论证段落(1015 分钟It is surfingt students now spend less time reading r books and spend more ernet and watching movies on DVDs, but ernet and movies so alot ofknowledge andinfo
20、rmation tothe student. Thus,asIseeit, this isjust a ofacquiringIn some sense, ernet is a more efficient way for students to learn Students can s all kinds of websites to get the most detailed and latest information what is going on around the world, including academic research literature and data.Be
21、sides,thee-bookson ernetare notbitinferior tor bookseither inamount incontent. A lot of classical works can now be read online. What is nks to students today can communicate with people in almost every corner of the world, which considerablybroadentheirhorizonsandenrichtheirDVDs are another importan
22、t media to young people today to learn knowledge. with r books, this new kind of device is far more vivid and alive. Besides, almost raditional books can be he DVDs: classical novels can be omovies and played, poems can be read aloud panied by pictures, and even courses schoolcanbeo5 写一段总结性质的结尾(34 分
23、钟:In a word, reading r books doesnt t students are less Instead,theyareorenprevious6 根据情况对文章进行修改或润色,以确保文章的连贯性和平衡性(35分钟7 校对一遍,检查低级错误(34 分钟10 / DVD 和读书的区别只是学习方式的区别,并统领第三DVDThere has been a remarkable phenomenon/event in our us, t SVO. One l the implication at almost a t SVO. Why does the phenomenon/ev
24、entloomsoodernSuchprevalentl phenomenon is ccounting for and should DVD 和读书的区别只是学习方式的区别,并统领第三DVDThere has been a remarkable phenomenon/event in our us, t SVO. One l the implication at almost a t SVO. Why does the phenomenon/eventloomsoodernSuchprevalentl phenomenon is ccounting for and should arouse
25、the ofpublication. Above all, SVO. As iswell-knownto eral public, isa traditional virtue/a huge fortune cherished by people of our country, says the head of Pharmacology at What is more, it es not only an incumbent responsibility but also considerable contribution to our society. Considering the l s
26、peak, we live in, so Lastbutnottheleast,SVO.Accordingto/forinstance, Allinall, because this phenomenon uallytakingplace around usand ing importancetoandmoremanifest,topayattentiontothise is therefore a policy of public man. But is not a businesst can be undertaken in a day or swiftly improvised by d
27、 of the will. (So the irreplaceable role ernment and mass media cannot ignored to some degree, and people should raise awareness of perfection,wehavetheabilitytodohe s of High-speed rail (HSR)develops at a high speed in China. Many people, however, slowtrainstoHSR because of the highticket price of
28、the anycases,evenairfare ismuch n HSR fares. As the construction of HSRs is still gathering momentum in wheredoyouthinklaysitsThe total number of national holidays in China is stipulated by law. Yet people still about whether there should be “long holidays” or “short holidays”: i.e. greater number h
29、olidays concentrated around a great festival, or holidays scattered over a number of festivals. Which do you subscribe to, and why?Recently,ar carried an article entitled: “We Should No Longer Force Gong Li ZhangYimoutoTake PartinNationalPolitics”.Thearticle t some artists and are unwilling or unqua
30、lified to represent the people in the Peoples Congress or the iveConference,andtheyshouldnotbeforcedtodoso.WhatdoyouTopic:IsEnglishLanguageeremphasizedindemicDiseasesandPublicHealth11 / Topic:CommentontheDevelopmentofTopic:Writein250300wordsTopic:Writein250300wordsaboutyourownacademic赞3 了Topic:Comme
31、ntontheDevelopmentofTopic:Writein250300wordsTopic:Writein250300wordsaboutyourownacademic赞3 了1 2 dhuld/wheterwy是3 4 It is universally t SVO. However, there is an ongoing heated debate 12 / Those who are in favor of the idea ng be ve SVO. For one SVO. SVO. Those who are in favor of the idea ng be ve S
32、VO. For one SVO. SVO. Granted,itist N. isable to bring enormousvirtueswhichhave ed livesinvariousway;but,italsohaspracticallyproducedsomeunfavorableproblemsonwhichmustkeepaclosewatch.Foronething,SVO.SVO.Foranother,soitseemstome,SVO. According to the comprehensive above, n. is a two-weapon which can
33、be equally ood or evil. And if probably handled, we can foster its strengths and avoid ings,twithusingitreasonablywecanmanagetochangeo the o reality. But this is not a t can be undertaken in a day or improvisedbyaI agree with many dofthewill.Sowemustmakeourarduousendeavortodo t the fare spent on the
34、 high-speed trains is n slow trains fare, n the airfare. However, to my certain HSR develops at a high speed in China, the of HSRs is gathering momentum. As seeit,therearethreefundamentalargumentsforaccountingforthecompetitivenessof13 / (一)1 写给机构:DearSirorMadam, 2 写给个人:Dear人名,(二)正文:3段、7 句左右、100120 词
35、、35 关联词、35 1 第一段:12 :Iamastaffmemberfromyourcompany/corporation. Iamastafffrom.(2)学生:I (一)1 写给机构:DearSirorMadam, 2 写给个人:Dear人名,(二)正文:3段、7 句左右、100120 词、35 关联词、35 1 第一段:12 :Iamastaffmemberfromyourcompany/corporation. Iamastafffrom.(2)学生:I am a freshman/sophomore/junior/senior/undergraduate/graduate fr
36、om the Department of English Language and Literature of Peking University.(1)Iamwritingtheletterineoforderingsome (2)IamwritingtoinformtIwishtoresignfrommy 2 第二段:36 改写提纲一:1 改写提纲二:1 改写提纲三:1 3、第三段:12(1)Mytiontoyouforyourgeneroushelp(2)WordsfailmewhenIwishtoexpressmysinceregratitudeto(3)I take this opp
37、ortunity to show my heartfelt rendertion for the kind assistance 14 / (1)Iamlookingforwardtohearingfromyou(2)Ilookforwardtoafavorablereplyatyoursttentiontomyinquirywouldbehighly(三)结尾客套:Best1 ,(自我介绍)(1)Iamlookingforwardtohearingfromyou(2)Ilookforwardtoafavorablereplyatyoursttentiontomyinquirywouldbeh
38、ighly(三)结尾客套:Best1 ,(自我介绍)Iamwritingthislettertodaytoinviteyoutotakepartin(活动名称I wonder if there is any chance for you to come to (活动名称) at my house (地点) on this SaturdaynightMaythe8th时间Itwouldbemypleasuretosharetheimportantmomentl t (1) (2) I would like to remind you. In addition, I am glad ttheeve
39、ntstartsat7pm具体时间I would love for you to attend, so please let me know your deci.Iamlookingforwardto hearing from you soon.BestSincerely2 申请信(求职信DearSirorI, the undersigned, am an undergraduate from the Department of English Language Literatureof Peking University. I amwriting this letter today to y
40、ou to apply for t To brieflyroduce myself, as I English, as well as my basicam an English major, my fluency in both Mandarin d of French, t I meet the requirement for the itions. More importantly, I have been an enthusiastic any programs-which are y attached resume-and therefore, I be ve communicati
41、on skills make me competent for such t. (Not only have I excellent incourses,Isesstherichexperienceof alskillsteamworkspiritwillalsoappropriateforShould you grant me erview, I would be most grateful. I am looking forward to fromyousoon. Best wishes, Sincerelyyours3 DearSirorI, the undersigned, am an
42、 undergraduate from the Department of English Language and Literature of Peking University. I am writing this letter today to you to inquire about 15 / Tobeginwith, (1)Whatsmoretoputitinamoreaccurateway, (Words fail me when I wish to express my sincere gratitude to you. I am looking forward to heari
43、ng from you soon.BestSincerely信4DearSirorI, the undersigned, am a customer of your Tobeginwith, (1)Whatsmoretoputitinamoreaccurateway, (Words fail me when I wish to express my sincere gratitude to you. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.BestSincerely信4DearSirorI, the undersigned, am a cus
44、tomer of your store. I am writing this letter today to you to complain about the quality of (产品名称) During the five days (产品名称) has y, problems have emerged another one or declare a refund.I will te it if my problem receives due attention. I am looking forward to fromyousoon. Best wishes, Sincerelyyo
45、urs5 ,IamwritingthislettertodaytoyoutoexpressmyItmuchtomy ngsth,I t SVO. Is sible for you and me to have a private meeting afterward? If so, donotetocontactmeandsharewithmeyourPleaseallowmetosaysorryBest wishes, 6 ,I,theundersigned,amIamwritingthislettertodaytoyoutoteyourhis letter I would like to c
46、onvey my nks to you for your kindness hospitality. Your generous help and tender care made me feel ed transformedmyoabeautifulmemory.Idot SVO,tI couldhave opportunitytorepayyourfriendship.IretyouwouldngWordsfail me when Iwish to express my sincere gratitude to you. So I feel obliged youoncemore. Bes
47、t wishes, Sincerely yours7 ,16 / IamwritingthislettertodaytoyoutoexpressmysincereIammuchdelighted to t SVO. This is a land happy moment foryou and Ivery proud of IamwritingthislettertodaytoyoutoexpressmysincereIammuchdelighted to t SVO. This is a land happy moment foryou and Ivery proud of your achi
48、evement. You will play a more important role, which will not e challenge to you but also will help fundamentally enhance your ability comprehensively. youryearsofeffortshavebeenpaidndyourtalentshavelyrewarded.Youthe t this achievement brings you. I be t this will be a new beginning and chanceforyout
49、oembraceafullerlifeandpavethewayforabrilliantPleaseacceptmysincereBest wishes, 8 DearSirorI, the undersigned, am an undergraduate from the Department of English Language and Literature of Peking University. I am writing this letter today to you to ask for some help.I wonder if you could spare some t
50、ime to help me do sth. To begin wih, SVO. Whats toputitinamoreaccurateway,SVO.Besides,nk you for your time. I take this opportunity to show my heartfelt appretionforthe kind assistance you render me. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.BestSincerely9 DearSirorI, the undersigned, am an unde
51、rgraduate from the Department of English Language Literature of Peking University. As I am a student, I (t it is my obligation to make Tobeginwith,SVO.Whatsmore,toputitinamoreaccurateway,SVO.Besides,I would be n happy if my al could be considered itive changes heseBestSincerely信,I,the undersigned, a
52、ma professor from the Department of English Language and ofPekingAsJohnsmentor),IwouldliketowritealettermendationonJohnsbehalfly, John is hardworking. (例子) Secondly, John usicLastbutnottheleast,Johnhasstrongteamworke his himselfbyhisI mend John without reservation. If you have any further question h
53、im,pleasedonotetocontactBest wishes, 17 / 11 ,I,theundersigned,amastaffmemberfromyourt I will quit the ition of (职位名称) Having been I am sorry to inform itionfortwoyears,Ihavebenefitedalotfromworkingwithmycolleaguesinsucha11 ,I,theundersigned,amastaffmemberfromyourt I will quit the ition of (职位名称) Ha
54、ving been I am sorry to inform itionfortwoyears,Ihavebenefitedalotfromworkingwithmycolleaguesinsuchacompany.ThereasonIamgoingtoquittIneedamoreIf I were of any raining the new recruit, please let me know. I wish the wouldcontinuetoBest wishes, he在的的Theauthordiscussesthefactors Amongthese, a dominant
55、factor is anization climate which, in its turn,is by the quality of the managers and the availability of alternatives. He t to anization climate in which strategic management can be effective, the quality of managersisal The scope for alternatives is an important . This article assesses problems and
56、 failures in strategic management and gives some suggestions includingtheuseofconsultantsandtheroleofformalanizing 英英英18 / 1his article, the author t pure science is fundamentally concerned with developmentof theoriesestablishing relationships n the phenomena of the universe. the other hand, dscienc
57、e is directly connected with the application of the working laws pure science to the 1his article, the author t pure science is fundamentally concerned with developmentof theoriesestablishing relationships n the phenomena of the universe. the other hand, dscience is directly connected with the appli
58、cation of the working laws pure science to the practical he life, and to mans increasing control over environment, thus leading to the development of new techniques, ses and machines. It s of purely theoretical t many branches of d science are practical experimental work. It shows to t these two bra
59、nches of science are mutually Thisarticlereviewsthepastachievementsinagriculturalmechanizationandaimsto the crop output, it is ne extensive work withhe immediate future. It is widely t to cope with sary to make use of helimitederful t is capable of Themainproblemsarediscussedunderthefollowingheading
60、s: General Trend of MechanizationMechanizationofCropMechanizationofAnimalThe article t rogress of agricultural mechanization depends on, to greatextent,thedevelopmentofmechanicalindustry,whichshouldbespurredand2All of us communicate with one another non-verbally, as well as with words. Most of 19 /
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