五年级英语上册Unit4 Hobbies 拔高提升训练(含答案)_第1页
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五年级英语上册Unit4 Hobbies 拔高提升训练(含答案)_第3页
五年级英语上册Unit4 Hobbies 拔高提升训练(含答案)_第4页




1、五年级上Unit4Hobbies拔高提升训练一、根据句意和首字母将单词补充完整。often r s after school.he likes s on the ice. Its fun.They often s and d at the party.What do you like d in spring? I like f kites.Do your brothers have any h, Mary? Yes, they like r.My mother a likes p the p.D your teacher have any h? 一Yes.Oh, there is a h in

2、 the dress. I cant wear it.How does water turn into i?Sorry, I don*t know. Can you t about it?.She d like m clothes.二、用所给词的适当形式填空。.Mr Green likes(swim) and(skate).My little sister(not) like climbing.Lets go(run) this afternoon.Can she(dance)(good)?.What(do) your friend like(do)? (watch) films.My fat

3、her(not) like watching cartoons.Can your mother(sing)? No, but she likes(dance). What(do) the twins like(do)?They(like)(read)(story) very much.三、改错,圈出错误的地方,在后面的横线上改正。l.Su Hai and Su Yang both can play violin.2.Su Hai likes read books very much.Helen can plays table tennis well.Su Hai and Su Yang all

4、 like singing.My brother sings songs very good.What does Liu Tao and Wang Bing like doing?.Does he likes skating? .There aren*t some snacks on the table.四、按要求改写句子。l.He likes skiing, too.(改为同义句)He skiing.My mother likes making new clothes.(改为一般疑问句) mother new clothes?Su Yang likes running in the play

5、 ground.(对戈 ij 线局部提问)What Su Yang in the playground?like wearing yellow clothes.(改为一般疑问句并作否认回答) wearing yellow clothes?No,.5.Nancy likes listening to music. Billy likes listening to music, too.(将两句话合并成 一句)Nancy and Bill listening to music.五、单项选择。()1. Drawing pictures my.A. are; hobbiesB. is; hobby C

6、. can; hobby()2. Kate is good at football. She plays.A. playing; wellB. play; goodC. plays; well()3. Jack likes.A. swim and skate B. swimming and skating C. swiming and skateing()4. Let him.A. play basketball B. plays football C. play the table tennis()5. My sister drawing pictures. She can nice pic

7、tures.A. like; draw B. likes; draw C. likes; drawing()6.of my friends like reading stories, but only of them likeEnglish stories.A. Both; both B. Between; also C. All; both()7.his teacher in the office?A. Do; works B. Does; work C. Is; work()8. Su Hai and Su Yang twins? Yes, they.A. Are; are B. Do;

8、do C. Does; does()9. What your sister doing?A. do; likes B. is; likeC. does; like()10. Lucy, Mike I like drawing in the park our teacher.A. all: both B. and; with C. with; and 六、根据上下文,补全短文。Different people have different. Some people like sports,such as football,riding horses and on the ice.Some peo

9、ple are quiet.They like books and to music. Some people like housework.They like cooking and cleaning.七、阅读短文,判断句子正(T)误(F)。Playing basketball is my familys hobby. My mother and I always watch my father play basketball. I always play basketball with my friends at school or with my family near our home

10、. Playing basketball can make me strong. Playing basket-ball can also make me happy when I am sad. Every summer holiday, my classmates play games and go on trips, but I play basketball and watch NBA games at home. My favourite basketball player is James. He works hard and plays basketball very well.

11、 I hope I can play basketball well too.()1.1 always watch my father play basketball.()2. Playing basketball makes me strong and happy.()3.1 always play basketball with my father at home.()4. My classmates and I often go on trips during the summer holiday.()5. James is a player. He can play football

12、very well.八、书面表达。每个人都有自己的爱好,相信你和你的家人都有各自的或共同的爱好吧!请写一 写你和你的家人都有什么爱好吧!要求语句通顺,不少于五句话哦!答案:一、1.read,stories 2.skating 3.sing,dance 4.doing,flying 5.hobbies,reading/ running/riding/ rowing6. also; playing; piano 7. Does; hobbies 8. hole 9. ice; talk 10. doesnt; making二、1 .swimming,skating 2.doesnt 3. runn

13、ing 4.dance,well 5.does,doing, Watching6.doesn!t7.sing,dancing 8. do, doing, like,reading,stories三、1. violin-the violin 2.read-reading 3. plays-play 4.all-both 5.good-well 6. does-do7.1ikes-like 8.some-any四、1. alsojikes 2.Does,your, like,making 3.does,like,doing4.Do,youJike, dont 5.both,like五、1 .B 2. A 3. B 4. A 5. B 6. C 7. B 8. A 9. C 10. B六、hobbies; playing; skating; reading; listening七、八


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