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1、西交英语4(新录)在线作业试卷总分:100 得分:100一、单选题 (共 50 道试题,共 100 分)Could you be so kind as to turn down that rock “n” roll? I am preparing for tomorrows exam. - _.Its none of your business.What are you doing?Sure. Sorry to disturb you.No, I dont think so.答案:C2.Intelligent students can always _ good solutions to pr

2、oblems.carry outcome up withlook intocatch up with答案:B3.Thats a beautiful dress you have on!Oh, thanks. I got it yesterdaySorry, its too cheapYou can have itSee you later.答案:A4.The Israeli troops ( )by launching a bombing attack on the Palestinian-controlled areas.had a cracktook a tolltook revengef

3、ollowed up答案:C5.The survey found 80 percent of viewers were ( ) by he violent scenes in the film.eliminatedalertedoffendeddiscouraged答案:C6._ is the population of Paris?How manyHow muchHowWhat答案:D7.Will you _ me a favor, please?domakebringgive答案:A8.I will hold you personally ( ) if anything goes wron

4、g in this project.destructivelucrativediverseresponsible答案:D9.Unlike most Europeans, many Americans _ bacon and eggs for breakfast every day.used to eatingare used to eatingare used to eatused to eat答案:B10.This disease ( ) in Africa but now spread to many parts of the world.derivedoriginatedsparkled

5、dwelled答案:B11.Whether you go or not does not ( ) .make a differencemake differencemake differentmake differences答案:A12.The artist spends most of his spare time _ butterfly specimens.collectcollectsto collectcollecting答案:D13.The landlady _ us bread and milk.offeredrecoveredreceivedconfronted答案:A14.Th

6、eir refusal to compromise is a major ( )that stands in the way of further peace talks.obstaclecomplicationentityhazard答案:A15.A UN official said aid programs will be ( ) until there is adequate protection for relief personnel.multipliedspannedarrestedsuspended答案:D16.She has two best friends. _ of the

7、m is in the country.AllBothNo oneNeither答案:D17.The plants are in a(n) ( ) plastic box, so the children can observe how the roots grow with time.appropriateintricatetransparentwaterproof答案:C18.一The baby is hungry. 一 But theres_milk in The bottle.littlea littlefewa few答案:A19.This overcoat cost _. What

8、s more, they are _small for me.very much; verytoo much; much toomuch too; too muchvery much; too much答案:B20.To be ( ) with you, I think youre making a dreadful mistake by refusing to cooperate.candidpertinentmildvivid答案:A21.He was healthy ( ) and ( ) .physical, mentalphysically, mentallybody, mindbo

9、dily, mindedly答案:B22.The young actor who had been thought highly of _ to be a great disappointment.turned upturned outturned downturned in答案:B23.The intelligence department was accused of failure to ( ) the troops to the possibility of an enemy attack during the weekend.instructwarndictatealert答案:D2

10、4.Dont you feel surprised to see George at the meeting.-Yes.I really didnt think he here.has beenhad beenwould bewould have been答案:C25.Take this medicine twice a day, Peter? Do I have to take it? It _ so terrible.is tastingis tastedtasteshas tasted答案:C26.Hi, Tom, hows everything with you? , and how

11、are you?Dont mention itHmm, not too badThanksPretty fast答案:B27.Hurry up please, or Ill be late. _Sorry sir, but the traffic is thick now.Well, its alright, sir.How can you say that, sir?Oh, we are going the right way.答案:A28.一Marilyn,Im afraid I have to be leaving now _.That sounds wonderfulOh,so ear

12、ly?Not at a11Good luck!答案:B29.The problem is not _ so easy as you think. Its far from being settled.hardlyalmostnearlyscarcely答案:C30.You _ buy some reference books when you go to the college.couldwill have tomust tomight答案:B31.People under a lot of ( ) may experience headaches, minor pains and sleep

13、ing difficulties.stressexposureenduranceendeavor答案:A32.Anyone caught ( ) an offense will be mittingconductingexecutingperforming答案:A33. Did the medicine make you feel better? No. The more _, _ I feel.medicine I take; and the worsemedicine I take; the worseI take medicine; the worseI take medicine; w

14、orse答案:B34.As a reporter, I was paid to ( ) into other peoples lives.pryconvertblurtcarve答案:A35.After her husband died, she _ another man in 1964.marriedmarried withmarried towas married to答案:A36.Due to his recent failure to meet the deadline, Jason is ( ) from the list for promotion.eliminatedretre

15、atedpriedwrenched答案:A37.People from different cultures have different ( ) of the world.impressionscomplicationsfoundationsconceptions答案:D38. How was your trip to London, Jane? _.Oh, wonderful indeed.I went there alone.The guide showed me the way.By plane and by bus.答案:A39. Did the medicine make you

16、feel better? No. The more _, _I feel.medicine I take; and the worsemedicine I take; the worseI take medicine; the worseI take medicine; worse答案:B40._ is the population of Paris?How manyHow muchHowWhat答案:D41.Our director had ( ) on the matter for a long time before he made the decision.hushedthrashed

17、ponderedsuspended答案:C42.At the first ( ) of twelve all the workers in the factory stopped for lunch.hitstrokestrikeblow答案:C43.Are you getting a new flat this year? _ I cant afford to pay my bills, let alone buy a new flat.Without question.You must be joking.Good idea!Are you sure?答案:B44.The wild flo

18、wers looked like a soft orange blanket _ the desert.coveringcoveredcoverto cover答案:A45.The problem is not _ so easy as you think. Its far from being settled.hardlyalmostnearlyscarcely答案:C46.The doctor ( ) Billys operation with x-rays and special exercises to make him stronger.went afterfollowed upstarted uptook on答案:B47.Thanks for your help. My pleasureNever mindQuite rightDont thank me答案:A48.Dont you feel surprised to see George at the meeting?Yes. I really didnt thi


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