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1、数字化环境艺术设计实验教学大纲课程代码074104071课程名称数字化环境艺术设计英文名称Digital Environmental Art and Design课程类别专业基础课课程性质必修学时总学时:64实验学时:32 实习学时:0其他学时:0学分3开课学期第四学期开课单位设计学院适用专业环境设计授课语言中文授课先修课程计算机辅助设计I,计算机辅助设计II,设计概论课程对毕业要求的支撑1.设计知识:掌握扎实的基础知识和专业技能,能够将艺术与设计的专业知识和理论用于解决复杂的设计实践问题。2.问题分析:能够应用设计学的专业知识和理论,并通过文献研究以识别、表达和分析复杂的设计问题,以获得有效



4、;5、8、126.掌握文献检索、资料查询的基本方法,具有初步的科学研究和实际工作能力。5、8、12课程简介本课程基于环境设计专业基础上,对数字化技术在环境设计中的应用的从理论到实践进行学习和探索,涵盖环境设计中公共空间艺术设计本体形态、艺术形式、创作形式、创作观念、方法、技巧及审美意识等综合内容。旨在培养学生在环境艺术设计中利用现代科技与数字化技术手段进行艺术创造与相应的城市环境设计的能力,以及培养学生的艺术造型能力、创新能力、审美能力与实践能力。主要仪器设备与软件电脑、Photoshop CS6、Adobe Illustrator CS 6实验报告根据考核要求,任课教师下达实验任务及要求,每

5、组学生根据相应任务详细记录实验过程,形成实验报告。考核方式本课程注重过程考核,考核形式、考核内容、课程目标、成绩比例为:(1)平时作业和课堂表现考核:40%通过平实作业和课堂小测验,考查学生对各个章节基础知识的理解,计算机软件实操和表现能力及审美素养;课程目标1、2、5(2)期末考核(设计案例最终完成效果):60%侧重于考察学生创新设计思维、创新能力以及综合设计表现能力。课程目标3、4、6教材、实验指导书及教学参考书目主要参考资料:1 肖彬 编著,计算机图像处理基础教程Photoshop CS6,中国电力出版社,20172 3Dmax+VRay建筑效果图制作教程郑玉金主编,人民邮电出版社201

6、33 周成璐编著,公共艺术的逻辑及其社会场域,复旦大学出版社,20104 王曜,黄雪君,于群编,城市公共艺术作品设计,化学工业出版社,20165马钦忠著,雕塑 空间 公共艺术,学林出版社,2004.76 江河王大根著,新媒体艺术鉴赏,合肥工业出版社,2011年7刘旭光著,新媒体艺术概论,河北美术出版社,2012年3月“Digital Environment Art and Design” SyllabusCourse Code074104071Course TitleDigital Environmental Art and DesignCourse CategorySpecialty Bas

7、ci CourseCourse NatureSelective CourseClass HoursTotal Hours: 48 Experimental Hours: 32 Other Hours: 0Credits2SemesterThe 1st termInstituteSchool of DesignProgram OrientedEnvironmental DesignTeaching LanguageChinesePrerequisitesIntroduction to designStudent Outcomes (Special Training Ability) This c

8、ourse contributes to the following graduation requirements: 1. Design knowledge: Master solid basic knowledge and professional skills, and be able to apply software and aesthetic knowledge and theory to solve complex design practice problems. 2. Problem analysis: It can apply the basic principles, m

9、ethods and means of the specialty to analyze the problems aiming at specific design topics, so as to get effective conclusions. 3. Design/Development Solutions: Can use computer-aided technology to meet specific needs of visual expression, and can reflect innovative consciousness in the design proce

10、ss, taking into account economic, cultural, environmental protection, safety, technology, beauty and other factors. 4. Research: With humanities and Social Sciences literacy, social responsibility, can understand and abide by the design professional ethics and norms in the creation practice of envir

11、onmental design and public art, and fulfill their responsibilities. 5. Use modern tools: be able to develop, select and use appropriate technical means, modern information tools and resources, and understand their limitations, in view of the design problems of various professions. 12. Lifelong learn

12、ing: with the awareness of self-learning and lifelong learning, and the ability to constantly learn and adapt to development.Course ObjectivesThrough the study of this course, students will have the following abilities: (1) Preliminary software usage specifications, concepts and theories 1, 2 (2) Ac

13、cording to the theme, choose effective software, use graphic design thinking and professional training of basic modern tools. 1, 3, 4 (3) Scientific working methods: preliminary understanding of the basic content system of software, perceptual understanding and general understanding of the design pr

14、ocess, preliminary evaluation of excellent software design works at home and abroad, i.e. their own design, and able to complete individual or team reports. 5, 12 Through learning this course, students can achieve the ability to design and express the software interface, tool group and specific topi

15、cs. They can express their design thinking by hand drawing, and finally they can express it by computer aided design software.Course DescriptionComputer Aided Design (1) is a very practical and practical course. It is a compulsory course for design majors. It is also a practical course that can run

16、through four years of undergraduate study. The main contents of this course are Photoshop CS6 and Adobe Illustrator CS6. After learning this course, we can achieve the ability of basic typesetting, image processing, simple professional direction design and expression of design thinking in the form o

17、f hand-drawn, and finally can be expressed by computer-aided design software.Instruments and Equipments电脑、Photoshop CS6、Adobe Illustrator CS 6Experiment ReportAccording to the assessment requirements, the teachers give the experimental tasks and requirements. Each group of students records the exper

18、imental process in detail according to the corresponding tasks and forms the experimental report.AssessmentThis course pays attention to process assessment. Examination form, content, goal and achievement ratio are as follows: Assessment of homework and classroom performance in peacetime: 40% Throug

19、h homework and classroom quizzes, studentsunderstanding of the basic knowledge of each chapter, computer software practicality and performance ability and aesthetic quality are tested; curriculum objectives 1, 2, 5 (2) Final assessment (final results of design cases): 60% Emphasis is laid on examining studentsinnovative design thinking, innovative ability and comprehensive design performance ability. Course objectives 3, 4, 6Teaching Materials and Reference BooksMain references:1 Xiao Bin, Basic Course of Computer Image


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