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1、2021-2022高考英语模拟试卷注意事项1考生要认真填写考场号和座位序号。2试题所有答案必须填涂或书写在答题卡上,在试卷上作答无效。第一部分必须用2B 铅笔作答;第二部分必须用黑色字迹的签字笔作答。3考试结束后,考生须将试卷和答题卡放在桌面上,待监考员收回。第一部分 (共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)1Someone called me up at midnight, but he had hung up I could answer the phone.Aas BsinceCuntil Dbefore2_ the opportunity to speak at the gradua

2、tion ceremony made me overjoyed.AOfferingBOfferedCTo offerDBeing offered3The people succeeded because they understood that you cant let your failures _ you you have to let your failures teach you.Adefine BdeclineCqualify Dsimplify4Kunming is called “Spring City”, but it _ snow in winter.AshallBcanCm

3、ustDmight5Sally likes going to school _ she has got many good friends there.AorBbecauseCunlessDso6Never in my life _ such a beautiful sunrise!A have I seen B I have seenC did I see D I saw7How I wish I had worked harder when I was in that company.If you had, you _ a department manager now.AareBwould

4、 beCwould have beenDwere8_ individual players, we have a great team but the problem is that they dont play football together well at all.AOn top of BBy means ofCIn terms of DIn case of9Nobody knows why the boy can tell whats written on the paper in another room without looking at it. It really _ exp

5、lanation.ApreventsBchallengesCinterruptsDconfuses10In many countries in the world, breakfast is a snack _ a meal, but the traditional English breakfast is a full meal.Aless thanBmore thanCother thanDrather than11Look over there! There is a long, winding path _ up to the house.AleadBleadingCledDto le

6、ad12Yumin, the late famous physicist, often encouraged his students to _ what they believed in, even when facing strong opposition.Acome up withBtake charge ofCput up withDstand up for13The foreigners here are greatly impressed by the fact that _ people from all walks of life are working hard for _

7、new Tianjin.A/; a B/; theCa; a Dthe; the14At the meeting they discussed three different _ to the study of mathematics.AapproachesBmeansCmethodsDways15They didnt take measures in time, otherwise the explosions _some experts saidAwouldnt happenBdidnt happenCwouldnt have happenedDmustnt have happened16

8、Todays homework was easy _so I finished it quickly and went out to playAto be done Bdone Cdoing Dto do17I dont think she visited the exhibition this morning, _ she was with me at that time.Athough Bor Cbut Dfor18- Why didnt you help the little boy?- Oh, he had struggled to his feet _ I could run ove

9、r and offered any help.AbeforeBafterCwhenDsince19As teachers we shouldnt accept the argument given by some people _ standardized tests restrict educators too much and take the joy out of teaching.AwhereBwhatChowDthat20Generally speaking, _according to the directions, the medicine has no side effect.

10、 Awhen taken Bwhen taking Cwhen to take Dwhen to be taken第二部分 阅读理解(满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。21(6分)It was close to midnight and it was unusual to see vehicles on the road. However, several trucks pulled over and workers silently unloaded camera equipment and cardboard boxes, and then ca

11、rried them inside the Morgenson family home.What took place over the next eight weeks was inspired by a Hollywood movie called The Joneses about a family of marketers who move into a local neighborhood to sell their products secretly to their neighbors. The idea was to test the power of word-of-mout

12、h marketing. By filming a rear family in unscripted (无剧本的) situations, my team and I would document how the Morgensons circle of friends responded to brands and products the Morgensons bought into their lives.With the help of 35 video cameras and 25 microphones hidden in side the furniture, the oper

13、ation done secretly showed something shocking. The most powerful hidden persuader of all isnt in your TV or on the shelves of your supermarket. Its a far more important influence thats around you almost every waking moment: your very own friends and neighbors. There is nothing quite so persuasive as

14、 observing someone we respect or admire using a brand or product.Our analysis also found that the brands the Morgensons used went faster. About one third of the Morgensons friends began promoting these same brands to their friends. We also found that the brands their friends were most likely to buy

15、at the Morgensons suggestion were the bigger and better-known ones. This proved my thoughts that traditional marketing and secret marketing work well together. The most persuasive advertising strategies are strengthened by word-of-mouth advertising.Whenever I meet with company managers, I tell them

16、that the people who hold the real marketing power are mouse-clicking consumers and their wide circles of real-life friends. In other words, the people who hold the real power are us.1、The author and his team went to the Morgenson family home to .Avisit the Morgensons Bsell products to themCshoot a H

17、ollywood movie Dcarry out marketing research2、According to the text, people are more likely to buy a product when .Anoticing an advertisement for it on TVBthe product appears repeatedly in a movieCseeing their friends using the same product.Dsomeone is promoting it in the supermarket.3、In which part

18、 of a newspaper can you most probably read the text?ATravel. BBusiness.CLifestyle. DEntertainment.22(8分)If youll be taking vacation time in the coming year and plan on flying, here are some shopping tips to give your undivided attention to.When to buyIf youre shopping for domestic flights, check pri

19、ces on Tuesday afternoons. This is an old tip but still valid because most US carriers continue to release sales on Tuesday morning, and competitors quickly drop their fares to match the better deals.When to flyWeekdays continue to be generally cheaper times to fly than weekends for most flights. In

20、 the US specifically the cheapest days are typically Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday. A good itinerary for the expensive US spring break travel period is Tuesday to Saturday; it wont be cheap exactly, but it will save you money (in most cases) over weekend-to-weekend travel.Direct vs. connecting fli

21、ghtsCompare the price of direct with connecting fights. Sometimes adding a stop to your route will save you money, and it might be enough to endure the extra-long flying day. Some examples;Boston to Seattle :$247 direct, $234 one-stopSan Francisco to Raleigh/Durham: $553 direct, $362 one-stopOkay, t

22、he savings on Boston-Seattle might not be worth it to you, but Ill bet youll think twice about the direct fight for San Francisco to Raleigh.Compare, compare, compareStifle the impulse to go to your favorite airline site to purchase tickets without doing any comparison; its a recipe for disaster. Ex

23、ample: Lets say you want to fly from New York to London and figure your favorite US legacy carrier will get you there for the best price.Airline price: $554 round-tripComparison price: $486Obviously, the legacy carrier did not have the cheapest flight, but wait, theres more: The comparison site also

24、 showed a cheaper flight from the same legacy carrier ($521). See what youre missing when you fail to compare?1、The best price for flights within the US could most possibly be found on .AMonday morningBTuesday afternoonCThursday morningDSunday morning2、Ticket buyers are advised to .Achoose direct fl

25、ights rather than connecting onesBtake the cheapest deal from their favorite airlineClook for flight deals to Europe throughout the summerDavoid weekend-to-weekend flights in holiday seasons3、The underlined phrase “stifle the impulse” probably means “ .”Afeel free to do somethingBhold off on doing s

26、omethingCget well prepared for somethingDmake quick decisions about something23(8分)The belief that new technologies are causing the death of work is the idea that never goes away. Despite evidence to the contrary, we still view technological change today as being more rapid and dramatic in its conse

27、quences for work than ever before. But this is nothing new. People have always viewed the technological changes that take place during their lives the most dramatic and dangerous that ever happened in history.In the 1930s, the British economist(经济学家)John Maynard Keynes predicted the widespread use o

28、f electricity would produce a world where people spend most of their time doing nothing. In the United States during the 1960s, the government repeatedly investigates fears that automatic machines would permanently reduce the amount of work available, In 1988, one Australian historian claimed that a

29、t least a quarter of the workforce would be without jobs within 10 years because of computers.Of course, none of these disasters came to pass in the United Kingdom, the United States and Australia, or anywhere else.Yet today, we are seeing the return of these predictions, with some experts claiming

30、the world of work once more undergoing radical and unprecedented change. They argue that robots and other workplace technologies are causing a reduction in the total amount of work available, or are bringing a more rapid pace substitution of machines for humans has been seen previously.But there is

31、a little evidence to support such beliefs, Statistics show that the percentage of people in work, the number of hours they work, and how frequently they change jobs have remained remarkably constant over the past 20 years.This stability should not come as a surprise, There are good reasons why we sh

32、ould not expect new technologies to cause the death of work. New technologies always cause job losses, but that is only part of the story. What also needs to be understood is how they increase the amount of work available.One way this happens is through the increases in incomes that accompany the us

33、e of new technologies. With the introduction of these technologies, good and services can be produced faster, which results in higher real incomes for workers. Higher incomes then increase demand for other products and consequently more workers are needed to make them. Additionally, while new techno

34、logies are likely to substitute for some types of workers, they will also increase demand for other types of workers, especially those with higher level skills and expertise.So, the end of work is no closer today than at any time in the past. But there is still a need to keep disproving the predicti

35、on, to reduce peoples fears.1、What is the function of the second paragraph?ATo explain the importance of developing new technology.BTo give historical examples of unnecessary fear about new technology.CTo argue that technological dangers are becoming more serious.DTo show how technology affected emp

36、loyment in the past.2、How can employment statistics over the past 20 years best be described?AConfusing BReliableCStable DVariable3、According to paragraph 7, why does demand for products often increase after new technology is introduced?AProductivity improvements help raise workers salaries.BThere i

37、s more demand for new skills in the economy.CThere are more goods for people to choose from.DHigher quality goods at lower prices encourage consumption.4、What is the authors opinion about the introduction of new technology?AIt does not have an effect on most peoples jobs.BIts danger to peoples emplo

38、yment possibilities is overstated.CIt usually leads to a significant increase in employment.DIts benefits are usually not worth the introduction.24(8分)EScience has a lot of uses. It can uncover laws of nature, cure diseases, make bombs, and help bridges to stand up. Indeed science is so good at what

39、 it does that theres always a temptation(诱惑) to drag it into problems where it may not be helpful. David Brooks, author of The Social Animal: The Hidden Sources of Love, Character,and Achievement, appears to be the latest in a long line of writers who have failed to resist the temptation.Brooks gain

40、ed fame for several books. His latest book The Social Animal, however, is more ambitious and serious than his earlier books. It is an attempt to deal with a set of weighty topics. The book focuses on big questions: What has science revealed about human nature? What are the sources of character? And

41、why are some people happy and successful while others arent?To answer these questions, Brooks surveys a wide range of disciplines(学科). Considering this, you might expect the book to be a dry recitation of facts. But Brooks has structured his book in an unorthodox(非常规的), and perhaps unfortunate, way.

42、 Instead of introducing scientific theories, he tells a story, within which he tries to make his points, perhaps in order to keep the readers attention.So as Harold and Erica, the hero and heroine in his story, live through childhood, we hear about the science of child development and as they begin

43、to date we hear about the theory of sexual attraction. Brooks carries this through to the death of one of his characters.On the whole,Brooks story is acceptable if uninspired. As one would expect, his writing is mostly clear and, to be fair, some chapters stand out above the rest. I enjoyed, for ins

44、tance, the chapter in which Harold discovers how to think on his own. While Harold and Erica are certainly not strong or memorable characters, the more serious problems with The Social Animal lie elsewhere. These problems partly involve Brooks attempt to translate his tale into science.1、The author

45、mentions the functions of science at the beginning of the passage to_.Aillustrate where science can be appliedBdemonstrate the value of Brooks new bookCremind the reader of the importance of scienceDexplain why many writers use science in their works2、According to the author, which of the following

46、could be a strength of the book?AIts strong basis.BIts convincing points.CIts clear writing.DIts memorable characters.3、What is the authors general attitude towards the book?AContradictory.BSupportive.CCautious.DCritical.4、What is the author likely to write about after the last paragraph?AProblems w

47、ith the book.BBrookss life experience.CDeath of the characters.DBrookss translation skills.25(10分) When Katie Stagliano was 9 years old, she was given a class project to grow her first cabbage from just one seed. She took it home and planted it in her home garden. It didnt even take her long to come

48、 up and begin to grow. But as friends came over, they pointed out that it was bigger than any of theirs. And it grew so much that the cabbage ended up weighing 40 pounds! Katie then decided that she could use this cabbage to do something nice for the community. So she took the huge cabbage to a loca

49、l soup kitchen, where they used it, and cooked it with ham and rice. And because of her cabbage, 275 people were fed.She began to realize that gardening and helping people is what she likes to do most. So, she decided to start her first garden on a plot of land donated by her school.“I think if more

50、 kids get to experience gardening they would find out how cool it is and how many people can be fed if you donate your produce,” said Katie. Now, just 9 years later, Katie is 18 years old, and has set up her own business called “Katies Krops” with the help of her family friends.But this doesnt even

51、come close to the other amazing part. She has raised over 200,000 dollars! And there are over 100 Katies Krops within 33 states in the United States. She loves gardening and loves inspiring other children to experience the joy of gardening as well. As of today, her first garden is still doing amazin

52、g and is even responsible for supplying over 3,000 pounds of produce donated to local charities. Her goal now? To get 500 gardens across all 50 states.1、How did Katie deal with her first cabbage?Asharing it with her community.BPresenting it to the school kitchen.CEating it with her family.DGiving it

53、 to her friends.2、What inspired Katie to help others by gardening?AThe support from her school.BThe gardening and sharing experience.CThe encouragement of community.DThe admiration of her friends.3、Why does Katie suggest more children learn to garden?AShe thinks gardening is cool.BShe needs more peo

54、ple to help her.CShe hopes to earn more money.DShe wants them to experience the joy.4、What is the last paragraph mainly about?AThe brief introduction of Katies Krops.BThe amazing benefits of gardening.CKaties achievement and future aim.DThe joy of gardening and donation.第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节)第一节(每小题1.5分,满

55、分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项26(30分)After studying Mandarin (普通话)at a University in London, I decided to further develop my language skills in Beijing. My choice of 1 was The Hutong School.The Hutong School not only 2 language classes but also helps with accommodation, visa, and a

56、nything you could 3 need help with. They also organize 4 events, which is nice when living somewhere you dont actually 5 anyone.After a 10-hour flight, I 6 early in the morning. I 7 up my suitcase, made my way to the exit and met the Hutong School representative. He took me to my 8 , which was locat

57、ed in Dongzhimen, a really nice and 9 location, only 2 stops to Tiananmen Square. However, the apartment was not quite as “nice” as 10 on the website. And I just had two 11 : a German guy who would be there for four months learning 12 , and a Spanish guy who works for The Hutong School.After 13 in,

58、the representative took me to 14 with the local police, which you need to do as a “resident”. Then, he took me to The Hutong School to 15 a level assessment, arrange my 16 and take me to meet my teachers.The school is, well, 17 of what one would expect or is implied by the 18 not actually located in

59、 the Hutongs, but located on the 15th floor of a skyscraper. Obviously it was less charming but it did 19 for great views.There, I had a 2-hour private class every day and my teachers were just lovely. Being in China and constantly being completely 20 in Chinese improved my Mandarin so much.1、Aagenc

60、y Boffice Cinstitute Dclass2、Aserves Bdesigns Coperates Doffers3、Apossibly Bfrequently Cnaturally Dhardly4、Acultural Bacademic Csocial Dfinancial5、Ameet Bknow Clike Drecognize6、Astopped Barrived Crested Dwaited7、Aput Bcaught Clifted Dpicked8、Aoffice Bschool Capartment Dstation9、Aquiet Bplain Ccheap


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