



1、精选优质文档倾情为你奉上精选优质文档倾情为你奉上专心专注专业专心专注专业精选优质文档倾情为你奉上专心专注专业2019学年度人教版选修七Unit 1 Living well Perio5Using Language Listening and speaking 教案设计Teaching goals 教学目标 1. Target language目标语言功能句式Patterns used to make introductionsId like to introduce you to.Id like you to meet.May I introduce.?Pleased to meet you.

2、Its nice to meet you.2. Ability goals能力目标Help students learn how guide dogs are trained and how they improve the quality of life for people who are blind, visually impaired, or with other special needs.Enable students to use proper English as well as body language to make introductions.3. Learning a

3、bility goals学能目标By listening and reading students will learn guide dogs play an important role in the life of the disabled. By practicing, students will learn how to make an elegant introduction.Teaching important and difficult points教学重难点How to make an elegant introduction.Teaching methods教学方法Readi

4、ng, listening, explaining and practicing.Teaching aids教具准备Multi-media computer.Teaching procedures & ways教学过程与方式Step Lead-inAsk students to discuss how a guide dog is trained.T: Yesterday we read a letter of suggestion to an architect. In the letter Alice asks the architect to provide easy access fo

5、r people in wheelchairs and those who have difficulty walking. Today we are going to learn how to assist the blind. Now look at the poster. It is a very popular movie that moved 100 million Asians in 2005. Whats the movie?Show the poster on the PowerPoint. Ss: The Chinese is Dao Mang Quan Xiao Q.T:

6、Whats the movie about?Ss: It is about how Xiao Qa guide dog helps Dubianan odd blind man. There is deep love between its master and Xiao Q. T: Xiao Q is his eyes, his company. But do you know how a guide dog like Xiao Q is trained?Ss: No.T: OK, please open your books at Page 46. Read the passage the

7、n you will learn how a guide dog is trained.Step ListeningListeningDeal with the listening exercises. Besides the requested details, students are asked to pay attention to how people are introduced. Play the tape again when necessary.T: Now lets come back to the workbook. Sara, who is blind, has jus

8、t returned home from a guide dog school. Who has come to her home according to the reading passage?Ss: A trainer from the guide dog school.T: Right. A teacher from the school has come to Saras house to teach her and her dog how to find their way around their own town. Please listen carefully, and fi

9、nish the exercises.After dealing with Exx 2-5, play the tape again to do Ex6.T: Now lets listen to the tape again, and do Ex6. Please pay attention to the dialogue. You will be asked to imitate the dialogue after we fill in the blanks.Before they act out the dialogue, they should be aware this is an

10、 introduction.T: What is the dialogue about?Ss: An introduction.T: Now I will ask some of you to act out the dialogue and show us how to make an introduction. Please remember they are at Saras house, not a formal occasion.After the performance.T: Well done. Then do you know how to make a formal intr

11、oduction? Suppose a business one? Step TalkingAsk students to read the passage on Page 47 and then make a timeline that shows the different stages in a guide dogs training. Stage TrainingThe first stageThe puppy lives with a sighted family.The second stage It begins five months training at a guide d

12、og school.The third stage When it is trained, it meets its new owner and the two live at the guide school for a month to learn to work together.The last stage A trainer goes to the owners home to teach the dog and its owner how to get round in their own town or city.After dealing with the reading pa

13、ssage, show the following to enrich students knowledge of how a guide dog helps its owner.T: Do you know what a guide dog is trained to do? And how much does it cost to train a guide dog? Lets learn more about the guide dog training. Show the following on the PowerPoint or print it out.Guide dogs ar

14、e the guiding eyes for people who are blind or visually impaired, and they are specially bred and trained for this most important job. How much does it cost to train a guide dog?It costs more than $30,000 to complete the training of one guide dog. This includes all expenses from breeding to raising

15、the dog to training it and matching it with a blind person.What exactly is a guide dog trained to do?Guide dogs undergo a comprehensive training program, and only the best complete the training and become working guides. In short, guide dogs are taught how to find and follow a clear path, maneuver a

16、round obstacles, and stop at curbs. They also are taught to determine when it is unsafe to move on. They follow their teammates directions, and they know that they can disobey only in the face of danger.What is the blind person taught during training?During the training program, blind students first

17、 learn about the commands the dog knows. Over a several week period, they are taught everything there is to know about how to work with a guide dog. In addition, they learn about proper care of the dog, which ranges from feeding to grooming to medical issues. Access laws, public awareness and other

18、issues also are covered during the 25-day program.Are guide dogs allowed in restaurants?Guide dogs are allowed everywhere that the general public is allowed to go. This includes restaurants, taxicabs, airplanes, hotels etc. This right is protected by a federal law called the Americans with Disabilit

19、ies Act.Are there things I should or should not do when I am around a guide dog?The general rule is that working guide dogs should be ignored. Distractions take their concentration away from the work they have to dowhich can put the dog and its teammate in danger. Do not pet or feed a guide dog and

20、do not encourage the dog to misbehave.First give students some advice on how to introduce people. Show the following on the PowerPoint.Tips on how to introduce peopleHeres how to make proper introductions at parties, dinners and other social situations. 1. Introduce individuals to each other using b

21、oth first and last names.2. If youre introducing someone who has a title, a doctor for example, include the title as well as the first and last names in the introduction.3. Introduce the younger or less prominent person to the older or more prominent person, regardless of the sex of the individuals.

22、 (However, if a considerable age difference lies between the two, it is far more courteous to make introductions in deference to age, regardless of social rank.) For example: “Arthur Prefect, Id like you to meet Dr. Gertrude Smith”.4. If the person you are introducing has a specific relationship to

23、you, make the relationship clear by adding a phrase such as “my boss”, “my wife” or “my uncle”. 5. Introduce an individual to the group first, then the group to the individual. For example: “Dr. Brown, Id like you to meet my friends Kym Hsu, Shawn Kampbell and Michael Via. Everyone, this is Dr. Kurt Brown.”DemonstrationPresent a formal introduction with two students. Ask students to think about the body language as well as the sp


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