11废弃物控制管理程序 General Rules of Waste Management_第1页
11废弃物控制管理程序 General Rules of Waste Management_第2页
11废弃物控制管理程序 General Rules of Waste Management_第3页
11废弃物控制管理程序 General Rules of Waste Management_第4页
11废弃物控制管理程序 General Rules of Waste Management_第5页
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1、SGXZ-EMS-General-Procedures圣戈班穆松桥徐州基地环境管理体系程序文件General Rules of Waste Management废弃物控制管理程序SGPAMCN EHSENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMGENERAL PROCEDUREREF: SGXZ-EMS-GP11XUZHOU SITEGENERAL RULES OF WASTEMANAGEMENTREVDATEPAGESITE EHS012008-02-019 of 126.6 Waste transferring6.6废弃物转移6.6.1 Dangerous waste transferring

2、危险废物的转移6.6.1.1 Transfer, process and manage dangerous waste according to related governmental administrative requirements.按有关政府管理部门要求 进行危险废弃物转移、处置管理。 The related credentials of dangerous waste treatment unit should keep in the company, and sign processing agreement. The agreement shoul

3、d consider (is not confined to):A. Has effective dangerous waste management permission qualification;危险废物处理商的相关资 格证书,应在公司采购部存档备 查,并签订处置协议,协议应考 虑(不限于):A.具有有效的危险废物经营许B. Promise that operation activity in the site must conform to requirements of related national laws and regulations;可资格:B.承诺在基地范

4、围内的作业活动,必须符合相关的国家法律法C. Promise that operation activity in the site must observe restraints of the site environmental management system;规要求:C.承诺在基地范围内的作业及 人员活动,必须遵守基地环境管D. Promise that he has the ability to prevent and the second time pollution of processing site.理体系的约束;D.承诺具有能力防治处理基地 的废弃物时造成的二次污染。6.

5、6.1.3 Dangerous waste transportation6.6.1.3危险废物的运输Dangerous waste treatment unit should take measures against leakage, dispersing and broken, and forbid using passenger transportation vehicle to ship dangerous waste or transport passengers and cargo together. It must have transportation qualificatio

6、n;A.危险废物处理商在运输过程 中应有防泄漏、散逸、破损的措 施,并禁止使用载客的交通工具 装运危险废物或者客货混装,具 有运输资质;B.危险废物处理商、承运者必须 按危险废物转移联单的要求, 将危险废物运到指定的地点,避 免在运输过程中产生二次污染。 在基地现场装卸危险废物过程 中,新型墙体材料厂、危险废物 处理商呼员监督装卸过程,避Dangerous waste treatment unit, transportation person must transport dangerous waste to assigned place according to requirements o

7、f Dangerous Waste Transportation Bill, to avoid the second time pollution transportation process. In loading and unloading dangerous waste process in the site, the new walling materials factory and dangerous waste treatment unit should arrange supervision about loading and unloading process, to avoi

8、d possible pollution operation to the site environment.SGPAMCN EHSENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMGENERAL PROCEDUREREF: SGXZ-EMS-GP11XUZHOU SITEGENERAL RULES OF WASTEMANAGEMENTREVDATEPAGESITE EHS012008-02-0110 of 12免可能对基地环境产生污染的操作行为。 Dangerous waste transportation bill危险废物转移联单6.6.2 Common waste transport

9、ation6.6.2 一般废弃物转移6.6.2.1 Selecting treatment unit, requirements in clause 6.5 should be considered.662.1选择处理商,考虑6.5条 款要求。 Processing agreement should be assigned. The agreement should consider (is not confined to):Has effective waste management permission qualification;Promise that operation

10、 activity in the site must conform to requirements of related national laws and regulations;Promise that operation activity in the site must observe restraints of the site environmental management system;Promise that he has the ability to prevent and the second time pollution of processing site.并签订处

11、置协议,协议应 考虑(不限于):A,具有有效的废弃物经营许可 资格;B.承诺在基地范围内的作业活 动,必须符合相关的国家法律法 规要求;C.承诺在基地范围内的作业及 人员活动,必须遵守基地环境管 理体系的约束;D.承诺具有能力防治处理基地 的废弃物时造成的二次污染。6.7 Processing unit supervisionThe involved waste processing unit management please refer to Interested Parties Environmental Management ProcedureM(SXP-EMS-GP14).6.7处理

12、商的监督涉及废弃物处理商的管理按相关方环境管理程序(SXP-EMS-GP14)实施。6.8 Filing and summaryThe involved waste management please refer to Environmental Records Management Program (SGXP-EMS-GP19).6.8归档和总结涉及废弃物管理的记录按环境记录管理程序(SGXP-EMS-GP19)实施。7. REFERENCE DOCUMENTS7.相关程序和文件Procedures:程序:SGPAMCN EHSENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMGENERAL PROC

13、EDUREREF: SGXZ-EMS-GP11XUZHOU SITEGENERAL RULES OF WASTEMANAGEMENTREVDATEPAGESITE EHS012008-02-0111 of 12Interested Parties Environmental Management Procedure (SGXP-EMS-GP14)Records Control Procedure(SGXP-EMS-GP19)相关方监督管理基本规定(SGXP-EMS-GP14)记录控制程序(SGXP-EMS-GP19)Documentation文件:Null无。8. ANNEXES8.附件App

14、endix A Solid Waste Control Name List附件A:固体废弃物控制名录(ERXZ-EHS-1101)(ERXZ-EHS-1101)SGPAMCN EHSENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMGENERAL PROCEDUREREF: SGXZ-EMS-GP11XUZHOU SITEGENERAL RULES OF WASTEMANAGEMENTREVDATEPAGESITE EHS012008-02-011 of 120 INDEX0目录1. Document Control1.文件控制2. Objectives & Scope2.目的和范围3.Terms an

15、d Definitions3.术语和定义4. Responsibilities4.职责5. Flow Chart5.流程6. Requirements6.要求7. Reference Documents7.相关文件8. Annexes8.附件1.文件控制1.1 Documentation and filing1.1 文件归档This document shall be managed by site EHS department.本文件由基地 EHS 部负责管理.1 Modification service1.2 更改服务The site EHS department is responsib

16、le for revision of this document.本文件的更改由基地 EHS 部负责提供变更服务。1.3Approval list1.3 批准列表VERSION 1VERSION 2VERSION 3VERSION 4VERSION 5Prepared by编写Reviewed by审核Approved by批准1 4Distribution1.4 发放Softcopies1.4.1 软拷贝The signed electronic documents saved in site EHS department is the 在基地 EHS 部保存的带有电子 only origi

17、nal soft copy, to be used by authorized personnel.签名的电子文档为基地内唯一的原版软拷贝,以供授权范围内的 人员使用。Hardcopies1.4.2 硬拷贝The signed hard copy saved in site EHS department is the only original 基地 EHS 部保存的基地内带有 hard copy签名的硬拷贝为唯一的原版硬拷Other hard copies are regarded as non-controlled documents. The 贝。user is responsible

18、to preserve the newest edition.其他硬拷贝为非受控文件。由使When documents are updated, the site EHS department administrative 用者负责保存最新版本。personnel is responsible to update hard copy of the site EHS 当文件更新时,基地 EHS 部管理 department, and is responsible to inform managers of various 人员负责基地 EHS 部硬拷贝的 factories/department


20、SITEGENERAL RULES OF WASTEMANAGEMENTREVDATEPAGESITE EHS012008-02-013 of 12理更新本部门硬拷贝。2 OBJECTIVE & SCOPE2目的和范围2.1 Objective2.1目的This is made to avoid or reduce harmful environmental effect brought by waste and follow the principle of full utilization and detoxification waste treatment.防止或减少废弃物带来的不利的

21、环境影响,遵循充分利用和无害 化处置废弃物的原那么。2.2Scope2.2范围It is applicable to waste management generated in activities, products and service of each factory/department of Saint-Gobain PAM China Xuzhou site.适应于圣戈班穆松桥徐州基地内 工厂/部门活动、产品或服务中产 生的废弃物管理。3.TERMS AND DEFINITIONS3.术语和定义3.1 Solid waste: It refers to solid, semi-so

22、lid, gaseous articles and materials put into vessels and articles and materials which are included in solid waste management rules and regulations, generated in production, daily life and other activities, who have lost their original value or those who have some value but are thrown away or given u

23、p.3.1固体废弃物:是指在生产、生 活和其它活动中产生的丧失原有 利用价值或者虽未丧失利用价 值,但被抛弃或者放弃的固态、 半固态和置于容器中的气态的物 品、物质以及法律、行政法规纳 入固体废弃物管理的物品、物质。3.2 Industry solid waste: It refers to solid waste generated in industrial production activities.3.2工业固体废弃物:是指工业生产活动中产生的固体废弃物。3.3 Daily garbage: It refers to solid waste generated in daily lif

24、e or in process of serving for daily life, as well as solid waste which are regarded as daily garbage in laws and administrative rules.3.3生活垃圾:是指在日常生活中 或者为日常生活提供服务的活动 中产生的固体废弃物,以及法律、 行政法规视为生活垃圾的固体废 弃物。3.4 Dangerous waste: It refers to solid waste which is included in national dangerous waste recogni

25、tion standard or is regarded to have dangerous characteristic through recognition method.3.4危险废物:是指列入国家危险 废弃物鉴别标准的鉴别方法认定 的具有危险特性的固体废物。SGPAMCN EHSENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMGENERAL PROCEDUREREF: SGXZ-EMS-GP11XUZHOU SITEGENERAL RULES OF WASTEMANAGEMENTREVDATEPAGESITE EHS012008-02-014 of 123.5 Treatment: All

26、waste which cannot be used should be eliminated 3.5 处置:所有不能再使用的废弃 forever from circulation. The elimination method includes burning, thermal 物从循环中永远清除。如利用焚 decomposition, buries and so on,烧、热解、填埋等方法。3.6 Comprehensive utilization: Use recycling, processing, circulation, exchange etc. to withdraw usab

27、le resources, energy and other raw materials from the solid waste or make it transform into usable resources, energy and other raw materials.3.6综合利用:用回收、加工、循 环、交换等方式从固体废物中提 取或者使其转化为可以利用的资 源、能源和其他原材料。3.7 Storing: Taking comprehensive utilization or treatment as goal, solid waste should be temporally

28、stored or piled in special equipment or special piling places.3.7贮存:以综合利用或处置为目 的,将固体废物暂时贮存或堆存 在专设的贮存设施或专设的集中 堆存场所。4. RESPONSIBILITIES4.职责4.1 The site EHS department is responsible to formulate general rules for solid waste management and evaluate abidance situation to these principles of various fac

29、tories/departments.4.1基地EHS部负贲制定固体废 弃物管理的一般通用原那么.评估 各工厂/部门对这些原那么的遵守 情况。4.2 Each factory/department could make his own specific solid waste management procedure/regulations and monitor as stipulated according to general principle formulated by site EHS department, and interested partys requirements.4

30、.2各工厂/部门依照基地EHS 部制定的本通用原那么,并结合法 规和政府等相关方的要求,根据 需要制定各自具体的固体废弃物 管理程序/规定,并按规定实施管 控。New walling material factory is responsible for solid waste storing.the logistics is responsible for the living waste centralized clear.新型墙体材料厂负责固体废 弃物的贮存。生活后勤部负责生活的垃圾 集中清运。5. FLOW CHART5.流程图6. REQUIREMENTS6.要求6.1 Waste

31、categorization6.1废弃物的分类各工厂/部门每年初通过环境因素调查确定本工厂/部门所 产生的固体废弃物,根据国家 危险废物名录进行识别危险废SGPAMCN EHSENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMGENERAL PROCEDUREREF: SGXZ-EMS-GP11XUZHOU SITEGENERAL RULES OF WASTEMANAGEMENTREVDATEPAGESITE EHS012008-02-016 of 126.1.1 Each factory/department should confirm solid waste generated in thesit

32、e through environmental factors investigation at the beginning of every year, recognize dangerous waste according to National Dangerous Waste Name List, make categorization and issue Solid Waste Name List,(ERXZ-EHS-1101) (Appendix A), and report to the site EHS.物,并进行分类,发布固体废弃物名录(ERXZ-EHS-1101)(附 录A)

33、,并上报基地EHS。6.1.2 The site EHS department audit each factory/departmenfs solid 6.1.2 基地EHS部审核各部门固 waste and issue the site Solid Waste Name List (ERXZ-EHS-1101)体废弃物,并发布基地固体废 (Appendix A).弃物名录(ERXZ-EHS-1101)(附录A)。6.1.3 When composition of solid waste and dangerous waste remarkably change because of act

34、ivity changes, solid waste generation department should make revision to the name list, and report to the site EHS department to make records of the name list changes, check and revise the name list.当因活动发生变化而导致 固体废物和危险废物组成发生显 著变化时,由固体废弃物产生部 门调整修订名录,并报基地EHS 部对名录进行变更登记,进行核 实和对名录进行修订。6.2 Waste control

35、principleWaste control principle of the site is: avoid - reduce - recycle - treat6.2废弃物控制原那么基地废弃物控制原那么为:防止一减少一回用一处置6.3 Waste collection6.3废弃物的收集6.3.1 Each factory/department should equipped with categorization collecting vessel, and label the vessel according to Solid Waste Name List (ERXZ-EHS-1101)

36、 (Appendix A).各工厂/部门应配置分类收 集容器,并根据固体废弃物名 录(ERXZ-EHS-1101)(附录 A) 中的分类要求对容器进行标识。各类废物尽可能用标有相应废物标识的收集盛器进行分类to conform to the following condition:收集,收集容器应符合以下条件:A. It is labeled specific waste category;A.标有明确的废物类别;B. The vessel is not broken;B.容器无破损现象:C. Measures against dispersing, outflow and leakage m

37、ust be taken toC.危险废物必须配置防扬散、防dangerous waste.流失、防渗漏措施。6.3.3 As regards to construction waste as well as dust and industrial waste 6.3.3 对于建筑垃圾及生产过程 generated in production process, they should be piled and collected in 中产生的大量渣土、工业垃圾等appointed places and have corresponding labels.废弃物,应划定区域进行堆放和收集,并应

38、有相应标识。6.3.4 Each factory/department is responsible for waste categorized各工厂/部门负责本工厂/collection in its own factory/department. The following behaviors are部门的废物分类收集,严格禁止forbidden:以下行为:Mix dangerous waste with daily garbage or other wastes;A.将危险废物混入生活垃圾或Mix highly concentrated liquid dangerous waste in

39、 waste water to者其他废物:discharge;B.将高浓度液态危险废物混入C. Dump or burning daily garbage, industrial waste residue or other solid废水进行排放;waste at will;C.任意倾倒或燃烧生活垃圾、工D. Scatter daily garbage, industrial waste residue or other solid waste in业废渣或者其他固体废物:loading and transportation process.D.装载、运输过程中散落生活垃圾、工业废渣或者其他

40、固体废物。6.3.5 Each factory/department must adopt measures against dispersing,各工厂/部门在收集、贮存、outflow, leakage or other antipollution environmental measures during运输、利用、转移、处置过程中,collection, storing, transportation, using, transferring and treatment必须采取防扬散、防流失、防渗process.漏或者其他防止污染环境的措施。Each factory/departmen

41、t should stipulate essential records 6.3.6 各工厂/部门应根据所产生according to generated waste type and quantity.的废弃物种类和数量,规定必要的记录。SGPAMCN EHSENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMGENERAL PROCEDUREREF: SGXZ-EMS-GP11XUZHOU SITEGENERAL RULES OF WASTEMANAGEMENTREVDATEPAGESITE EHS012008-02-017 of 126.3.2 Each kind of waste should b

42、e collected in corresponding wastelabeled collection vessel to be categorized. Collection vessel is supposedSGPAMCN EHSENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMGENERAL PROCEDUREREF: SGXZ-EMS-GP11XUZHOU SITEGENERAL RULES OF WASTEMANAGEMENTREVDATEPAGESITE EHS012008-02-018 of 126.3.7 New walling material factory should stipulate essential records according to type and quantity of the waste received, stored, used, transferred and treated.新型墙体材料厂应根据接 收、贮存、利用、转移、处置的 废弃物种类和数量,规定必要的 记录。6.3.8 The site EHS department is responsible to confirm waste category.基地EHS部负责确定废物类别。6.4 Waste


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