1、笆跟单信用证统坝一惯例199跋3年(修订本)班Unifo吧rm Cust芭oms and百 Practi俺ce for 奥Documen凹tary Cr凹edits霸国际商会第八500号出版物艾 (ICC P阿ublicat蔼ion No.凹500)袄、总则与板定义 Gene吧ral Pro拔visions罢 and De跋finitio板ns背第一条伴 统一惯例的适巴用范围 App颁licatio唉n of UC瓣P昂跟单敖信用证统一惯例靶,年修耙订本即,国际碍商会第号跋出版物,适用于奥所有在信用证文绊本中标明按本惯艾例办理的跟单信唉用证(包括本惯搬例适用范围内的办备用信用证),把除非信用证
2、中另澳有明确规定,本爱惯例对一切有关般当事人均具有约瓣束力。The 安Uniform斑 Custom捌s and P傲ractice巴 for Do柏cumenta澳ry Cred艾its, 19颁93 Revi奥sion, I碍CC Publ岸ication暗 No.500肮, shall矮 apply 跋to all 罢Documen叭tary Cr班edits (捌includi斑ng to t罢he exte巴nt to w胺hich th傲ey may 矮be appl稗icable,唉 Standb拔y Lette唉r(s) of颁 Credit八) where艾 they a邦r
3、e inco凹rporate唉d into 跋the tex笆t of th扳e Credi爱t. They唉 are bi奥nding o搬n all p碍arties 百thereto熬, unles胺s other般wise ex版pressly笆 stipul白ated in案 the Cr柏edit.拜第二条拌 信用证的意义笆就本惯例而言,跋“跟单信用证”霸和“备用信用证跋”(以下统称“把信用证”)意指班一项约定,不论把如何命名或描述熬,系指一家银行班(“开证行”)暗应客户(“申请摆人”)的要求和绊指示或以其自身拜的名义,在与信柏用证条款相符的搬条件下,凭规定把的单据:for绊 th
4、e pu拔rposes 背of thes鞍e Artic八les, th翱e expre阿ssions 斑“Docume办ntary C氨redit(s爱)” and 般“Standb捌y Lette疤r(s) of按 Credit盎” (here颁inafter吧 referr白ed to a扳s “Cred摆it(s)”)案 mean a蔼ny arra俺ngement昂, howev耙er name哎d or de哎scribed耙, where坝by a ba板nk (the澳 Issuin稗g Bank)搬 acting啊 at the拔 reques哀t and o耙n the i
5、奥nstruct安ions of奥 a cust熬omer (t版he Appl摆icant )挨 or on 半its own啊 behalf板,熬向靶第三者(“受益敖人”)或其指定俺人付款,或承兑癌并支付受益人出佰具的汇票,或 邦is to m靶ake a p扮ayment 败to or t背o the o阿rder of癌 a thir盎d party八 (the B按enefici矮ary), o皑r is to罢 accept埃 and pa扳y bills爸 of exc霸hange (胺Draft(s瓣) drawn盎 by the澳 Benefi盎ciary, 佰or唉授巴权另
6、一家银行付扒款,或承兑并支岸付该汇票,或 艾authori安zes ano扮ther ba胺nk to e癌ffect s奥uch pay版ment, o胺r to ac吧cept an按d pay s按uch bil奥ls of e耙xchange颁 (Draft懊(s), o艾r凹授矮权另一家银行议版付。Autho碍rises a八nother 巴bank to八 negoti按ate. 败就本惯柏例而言,一家银靶行在不同国家设坝立的分支机构均巴视为另一家银行艾。For th扳e purpo搬se of t案hese Ar啊ticles,百 branch捌es of a班 bank i靶n
7、 diffe白rent co案untries哎 are co伴nsidere柏d anoth俺er bank百.扳第三条跋 信用证与合同伴a就挨性质而言,信用碍证与可能作为其岸依据的销售合同爱或其它合同,是扒相互独立的两种败交易。即使信用板证中提及该合同绊,银行亦与该合敖同完全无关,且板不受其约束。因捌此,一家银行作半出付款、承兑并罢支付汇票或议付半及或履行信用瓣证项下其它义务澳的承诺,并不受半申请人与开证行奥之间或与受益人敖之间在已有关系罢下产生的索偿或靶抗辩的制约。C班redits,般 by the扮ir natu矮re, are搬 separa八te tran袄saction安s fro
8、m 罢the sal白es or o胺ther co爸ntract(暗s) on w办hich th盎ey may 澳be base拌d and b白anks ar拜e in no按 way co邦ncerned埃 with o按r bound蔼 by suc叭h contr把acts, e拔ven if 哎any ref绊erences稗 whatev啊er to s傲uch con扮tract(s爱) is in背cluded 扒in the 摆Credit.唉 Conseq爱uently,吧 the un癌dertaki办ng of a袄 bank t蔼o pay, 靶accept 懊a
9、nd pay胺 draft(吧s) or n邦egotiat奥e and/o百r to fu懊lfill a拜ny othe疤r oblig拜ation u班nder th盎e Credi耙t, is n氨ot subj背ect to 哎claims 吧or defe爱nses by哎 the Ap班plicant扮 result癌ing fro八m his r捌elation肮ships w板ith the把 Issuin蔼g Bank 八or the 班Benefic败iary.八b受暗益人在任何情况案下,不得利用银搬行之间或申请人搬与开证行之间的佰契约关系。A 靶Benefic阿iary
10、 ca傲n in no啊 case a办vail hi暗mself o傲f the c跋ontract翱ual rel俺ationsh袄ips exi俺sting b敖etween 班the ban挨ks or b霸etween 佰the App癌licant 昂and the蔼 Issuin安g Bank.绊第四条昂 单据与货物斑服务行为班在信用吧证业务中,各有案关当事人处理的扒是单据,而不是昂单据所涉及的货埃物、服务或其佰它行为。In 岸Credit 氨operati安ons all盎 partie胺s conce跋rned de蔼al with芭 docume按nts, an拔d not
11、 w板ith goo扮ds, ser岸vices a柏nd/or o扳ther pe皑rforman按ces to 澳which t白he docu败ments m白ay rela耙te.捌第五条百 开立或修改信把用证的指示 i袄nstruct捌ions to按 Issue/蔼Amend C扒redits 霸a开艾证指示、信用证氨本身、对信用证阿的修改指示或修跋改书本身均必须半完整和明确。I绊nstruct熬ions fo摆r the i半ssuance凹 of a C败redit, 癌the Cre澳dit its按elf, in罢structi爱ons for凹 an ame拔ndment
12、 碍thereto佰, and t蔼he amen艾dment i案tself, 矮must be碍 comple爱te and 艾precise柏. 碍为防止摆混淆和误解,银昂行应劝阻有关方跋:In ord伴er to g靶uard ag绊ainst c哀onfusio哎n and m爱isunder矮standin扮g, bank霸s shoul败d disco坝urage a隘ny atte翱mpt.蔼勿拔在信用证或其任俺何修改书中,加隘注过多细节 t盎o inclu败de exce拜ssive d暗etail i坝n the C熬redit o班r in an板y amend扳ment
13、 th耙ereto巴在斑指示开立、通知敖或保兑一个信用俺证时,勿引用先澳前开立的信用证靶(参照前证),版而该前证受到已绊被接受及或未扒被接受的修改所半约束。To g办ive ins巴tructio扮ns to i邦ssue, a熬dvise o八r confi阿rm a Cr颁edit by岸 refere翱nce to 翱a Credi懊t previ氨ously i坝ssued. 稗(simila班r Credi凹t) wher翱e such 罢previou挨s credi岸t has b蔼een sub拜ject to笆 accept靶ed amen瓣dment(s绊), and/凹o
14、r unac芭cepted 啊amendme哀nt(s)伴b有傲关开立信用证的阿一切指示和信用瓣证本身,如有修巴改时,有关修改叭的一切指示和修拔改书本身都必须白明确表明据以付盎款、承兑或议付吧的单据。All昂 instru胺ctions 版for the傲 issuan胺ce of a疤 Credit敖 and th佰e Credi叭t itsel柏f and, 疤where a盎pplicab碍le, all氨 instru坝ctions 把for ame巴ndment 奥thereto昂 and th把e amend摆ment it柏self mu摆st stat矮e preci阿sely
15、 th八e docum疤ent(s) 办against奥 which 版payment绊, accep昂tance o笆r negot败iation 哎is to b癌e made.瓣、信用证拌的形式与通知 般forms a板nd noti隘ficatio俺n of Cr凹edits颁第六条芭 可撤销信用证半与不可撤销信用俺证 暗a信拜用证可以是:a隘 Credit靶 may be背可靶撤销的,或 r爸evocabl熬e, or澳不暗可撤销的。ir把revocab暗le坝b因笆此信用证上应明版确注明是可撤销昂的或是不可撤销捌的。The C鞍redit, 傲therefo佰re, sho鞍uld
16、 cle柏arly in哎dicate 哎whether颁 it is 坝revocab胺le or i安rrevoca熬ble.肮c如碍无此项注明,应阿视为不可撤销的盎。In the版 absenc蔼e of su肮ch indi伴cation 艾the Cre伴dit sha捌ll be d扳eemed t瓣o be ir爱revocab凹le.岸第七条疤 通知行的责任霸 advisi班ng bank斑s liab皑ility背a信癌用证可经另一家拔银行(“通知行疤”)通知受益人皑,但通知行无须芭承担付款承诺之霸责任。如通知行岸决定通知,就应扒合理审慎地核验翱所通知的信用证摆的表面真实性。
17、按如通知行决定不笆通知,就必须不疤延误地告知开证奥行。A Cre凹dit may拌 be adv碍ised to拜 a bene颁ficiary按 throug罢h anoth暗er bank哀 (the A哎dvising吧 Bank) 凹without熬 engage哎ment on搬 the pa唉rt of t挨he Advi背sing Ba岸nk, but熬 that b绊ank, if安 it ele吧cts to 白advise 癌the Cre癌dit, sh跋all tak爱e reaso熬nable c爱are to 半check t疤he appa百rent au矮the
18、ntic案ity of 拌the Cre耙dit whi昂ch it a澳dvises.拌 If the敖 bank e哀lects n班ot to a哎dvise t斑he Cred拔it, it 拜must so颁 inform罢 the Is败suing B扮ank wit隘hout de唉lay.般b如办通知行不能确定拔信用证的表面真熬实性,就必须不耙延误地告知发出扒该指示的银行,埃说明本行不能确捌定该信用证的真败实性。如通知行颁仍决定通知,则绊必须告知受益人柏本行不能核对信版用证的真实性。隘If the 巴Advisin柏g Bank 半cannot 拔establi矮sh such
19、袄 appare半nt auth邦enticit岸y, it m坝ust inf敖orm, wi扒thout d鞍elay, t罢he bank皑 from w搬hich th把e instr扒uctions傲 appear把 to hav爸e been 艾receive吧d that 吧it has 傲been un版able to摆 establ稗ish the昂 authen白ticity 昂of the 佰Credit,败 and if搬 it ele疤cts non版etheles靶s to ad笆vise th盎e Credi暗t, it m盎ust inf吧orm the癌 Be
20、nefi哀ciary t版hat it 埃has not敖 been a败ble to 按establi哀sh the 疤authent胺icity o澳f the C耙redit.斑第八条 信伴用证的撤销 r颁evocati般on of a百 Credit柏a可耙撤销的信用证可耙以由开证行随时唉修改或撤销,不败必事先通知受益吧人。A rev柏ocable 佰Credit 叭may be 跋amended班 or can巴celled 般by the 败Issuing昂 Bank a扳t any m凹oment a傲nd with爸out pri翱or noti岸ce to t耙he Bene
21、扮ficiary稗.疤b然安而,开证行必须矮做到:howe昂ver the哎 Issuin背g Bank 板must叭对半办理可撤销信用袄证项下即期付款按、承兑或议付的斑另一家银行,在半其收到修改或撤胺销通知之前已凭鞍表面与信用证条哀款相符的单据作绊出的任何付款、瓣承兑或议付者,邦予以偿付;re罢imburse肮 anothe俺r bank 熬with wh矮ich a r半evocabl伴e Credi版t has b傲een mad隘e avail捌able fo拜r sight靶 paymen氨t, acce皑ptance 把or nego翱tiation袄 made b伴y such
22、暗bank pr艾ior to 百receipt碍 by it 盎of noti艾ce of a绊mendmen凹t or ca熬ncellat拜ion, ag班ainst d稗ocument摆s which柏 appear坝 on the袄ir face懊 to be 胺in comp昂liance 把with th疤e terms爸 and co瓣ndition碍s of th罢e Credi岸t.翱对叭办理可撤销信用袄证项下延期付款班的另一家银行,捌在其收到修改或百撤销通知之前已背接受表面与信用办证条款相符的单捌据者,予以偿付绊。Reimbu巴rse ano懊ther ba瓣nk wit
23、h案 which 叭a revoc癌able Cr邦edit ha爸s been 八made av熬ailable敖 for de奥ferred 艾payment昂, if su鞍ch a ba昂nk has 半, prior盎 to rec碍eipt by哎 it of 般notice 皑of amen稗dment o般r cance傲llation澳, taken扮 up doc翱uments 靶which a按ppear o瓣n their埃 face t鞍o be in盎 compli罢ance wi瓣th the 氨terms a坝nd cond奥itions 稗of the 懊Cr
24、edit.版第九条白 开证行与保兑皑行的责任 li把ability熬 of Iss霸uing an般d Confi耙rming B傲anks八a对把不可撤销的信用袄证而言,在信用疤证规定的单据全啊部提交指定银行奥或开证行,并且岸这些单据又符合柏信用证条款的规稗定时,便构成开俺证行的确定承诺白:an irr哎evocabl靶e Credi袄t const扒itutes 靶a defin埃ite und柏ertakin佰g of th半e Issui埃ng Bank霸, provi瓣ded tha翱t the s颁tipulat安ed docu盎ments a氨re pres跋ented t版o
25、the N八ominate盎d Bank 拌or to t癌he Issu办ing Ban稗k and t傲hat the伴 terms 百and con巴ditions爸 of the拜 Credit隘 are co盎mplied 佰with:傲对敖即期付款的信用阿证开证行应捌即期付款;if败 the Cr袄edit pr斑ovides 稗for sig肮ht paym胺entto 叭pay at 胺sight芭对澳延期付款的信用败证开证行应蔼按信用证规定所肮确定的到期日付背款;if th案e Credi氨t provi伴des for瓣 deferr版ed paym皑entto 肮pay
26、on 霸the mat颁urity d叭ate(s) 疤determi胺nable i搬n accor扮dance w阿ith the扳 stipul摆ations 摆of the 八Credit搬对盎承兑信用证,分埃两种情况:if矮 the Cr霸edit pr哀ovides 班for acc按eptance袄:胺(a)邦凡汇票由开证行傲承兑者开证癌行应承兑受益人熬出具的以开证行摆为付款人的汇票暗,并于到期日支扳付票款;或 b捌y the I拌ssuing 白Bankto啊 accept坝 Draft(坝s) draw稗n by th邦e Benef昂iciary 跋on the 霸Issu
27、ing背 Bank a靶nd pay 疤them at绊 maturi按ty, or 扒(b)啊凡汇票由另一受胺票银行承兑者蔼如信用证上规绊定的受票银行对哀以其为付款人的挨汇票不予承兑时吧,应由开证行承皑兑并在到期日支背付受益人出具的颁以开证行为付款吧人的汇票;或者昂,如受票银行对班汇票已承兑,但傲到期不付时,则哀开证行应予支付矮;by ano拔ther dr阿awee ba熬nkto a俺ccept a暗nd pay 背at matu般rity Dr百aft(s) 绊drawn b肮y the B板enefici扳ary on 把the Iss扮uing Ba巴nk in t翱he even
28、扳t the d班rawee b绊ank sti矮pulated邦 in the袄 Credit坝 does n安ot acce昂pt Draf翱t(s) dr拌awn on 般it, or 扒to pay 肮Draft(s扳) accep熬ted but拌 not pa鞍id by s啊uch dra坝wee ban把k at ma敖turity白对柏议付信用证袄开证行应根据受凹益人依照信用证瓣出具的汇票及澳或提交的单据向鞍出票人及或善盎意持票人履行付案款,不得追索。罢开立信用证时不败应以信用证申请唉人作为汇票付款氨人。如信用证仍敖规定汇票付款人凹为申请人,银行埃将视此汇票为附扒加的单据。I
29、f懊 the Cr俺edit pr岸ovides 艾for neg澳otiatio鞍nto pa傲y witho绊ut reco哀urse to颁 drawer佰s and/o邦r bona 胺fide ho伴lders, 啊Draft(s八) drawn捌 by the半 Benefi艾ciary a白nd/or d稗ocument背(s) pre疤sented 跋under t啊he Cred安it. A C扳redit s昂hould n笆ot be i扮ssued a百vailabl版e by dr叭aft(s) 背on the 巴Applica挨nt. If 颁the Cre搬dit
30、 nev耙erthele般ss call皑s for D蔼raft(s)伴 on the啊 Applic稗ant, ba盎nks wil笆l consi叭der suc唉h Draft跋(s) as 癌an addi哀tional 安Documen八t(s) 吧b根袄据开证行的授权叭或要求另一家银氨行(“保兑行”吧)对不可撤销信拜用证加具保兑,斑当信用证规定的鞍单据提交到保兑办行或任何另一家班指定银行时,在败单据符合信用证扒规定的情况下,阿则构成保兑行在耙开证行的承诺之碍外的确定承诺,傲即:A con八firmati坝on of i邦rrevoca按ble Cre暗dit by 捌anothe
31、r暗 bank (拔the Con斑firming霸 Bank) 案upon th疤e autho昂risatio肮n or re颁quest o稗f the C坝onfirmi拌ng Bank疤 and th搬at the 板terms a艾nd cond笆itions 百of the 霸Credit 挨are com肮plied w凹ith哀对即期蔼付款的信用证拌保兑行应即期佰付款;if t挨he Cred熬it prov蔼ides fo版r sight捌 paymen笆tto pa埃y at si颁ght芭对延期安付款的信用证袄保兑行应按信办用证规定所确定板的到期日付款;唉if the
32、跋Credit 艾provide笆s for d拜eferred矮 paymen凹tto pa哎y on th阿e matur艾ity dat版e(s) de瓣termina罢ble in 澳accorda靶nce wit版h the s佰tipulat傲ions of斑 the Cr般edit.胺对承兑霸信用证,分两种碍情况: 岸(a)隘凡汇票由保兑行翱承兑者保兑扮行应承兑受益人氨出具的以保兑行哎为付款人的汇票肮,并于到期日支靶付票款,或 i笆f the C靶redit p邦rovides笆 for ac奥ceptanc叭e by th版e Confi邦rming B跋ankto 佰acce
33、pt 哎Draft(s靶) drawn坝 by the埃 Benefi翱ciary o傲n the C癌onfirmi百ng Bank坝 and pa跋y them 胺at matu拔rity, o斑r绊(b)昂凡汇票由另一受般票银行承兑者绊如信用证规定八的受票银行对于哀以其为付款人的挨汇票不予承兑,昂则应由保兑行承癌兑并在到期日支埃付受益人出具的安以保兑行为付款按人的汇票,或者胺,如受票银行对唉汇票已承兑但到癌期不付者,则保肮兑行应予支付。熬By anot按her dra板wee ban版kto ac霸cept an瓣d pay a败t the m鞍aturity阿 Draft(安s) dr
34、aw叭n by th拔e Benef岸iciary 爸on the 挨Confirm隘ing Ban肮k, in t矮he even佰t the d办rawee b凹ank sti奥pulated敖 in the矮 Credit阿 does n背ot acce叭pt Draf扒t(s) dr翱awn on 摆it, or 俺to pay 凹Draft(s翱) accep巴ted but靶 not pa凹id by s板uch dra爱wee ban半k at ma百turity岸对把议付信用证把保兑行应根据受绊益人依照信用证挨出具的汇票及百或提交的单据,伴对出票人及或吧善意持票人予以拔议付,不
35、得追索澳。开立信用证时八不应以信用证申阿请人作为汇票付拔款人。如信用证爱仍规定汇票付款癌人为申请人,银癌行将视此汇票为叭附加的单据。I靶f the C案redit p般rovides罢 for ne盎gotiati奥onto n岸egotiat凹e witho盎ut reco胺urse to佰 drawer班s and/o邦r bona 案holders捌, Draft班(s) dra伴wn by t傲he Bene班ficiary伴 and/or背 docume八nt(s) p案resente埃d under八 the Cr岸edit. A安 Credit案 should阿 not be芭
36、issued半 availa爱ble by 阿draft(s般) on th绊e Appli懊cant. I凹f the C哎redit n白everthe奥less ca八lls for办 should拔 not be阿 issued办 availa哎ble by 般draft(s爸) on th般e Appli埃cant. I挨f the C蔼redit n岸everthe矮less ca盎lls for巴 Draft(摆s) on t隘he appl百icant, 阿banks w般ill con班sider s案uch Dra伴ft(s) a案s an ad白ditiona板l doc
37、um搬ent(s)c班如霸开证行授权或要翱求另一家银行对胺信用证加具保兑拔,而该银行不准搬备照办时,就必案须不延误地告知袄开证行。If 颁another瓣 bank i斑s autho凹rized o俺r requi柏red by 班the Iss扒uing Ba半nk to a啊dd its 鞍confirm版ation t半o a Cre班dit but埃 is not罢 prepar矮ed to d霸o so, i奥t must 氨so info板rm the 爸Issuing绊 Bank w八ithout 矮delay.凹除非开版证行在其授权或背要求加具保兑的熬指示中另有专门胺规定,否
38、则通知般行可以不加保兑哀就把未经保兑的靶信用证通知给受伴益人。Unle芭ss the 扳Issuing埃 Bank s败pecifie稗s other埃wise in伴 its au搬thoriza捌tion or癌 reques柏t to ad摆d confi坝rmation坝, the A坝dvising吧 Bank m凹ay advi澳se the 笆Credit 爸to the 扮Benefic耙iary wi瓣thout a盎dding i案ts conf笆irmatio哎n.d哀除埃本惯例第条扳另有规定外,凡胺未经开证行、保败兑行(如有)以霸及受益人同意,艾不可撤销信用证唉既不能修
39、改也不靶能撤销。Exc懊ept as 唉otherwi绊se prov爱ided by皑 Articl案e 48, a八n irrev佰ocable 阿Credit 扮can nei般ther be伴 amende隘d nor c板ancelle皑d witho罢ut the 拜agreeme氨nt of t傲he Issu懊ing Ban拌k, the 百Confirm阿ing Ban伴k, if a板ny, and阿 the Be爸neficia拌ry.蔼自啊发出信用证修改坝书之时起,开证爸行就不可撤销地盎受本行发出的修挨改的约束。保兑熬行可将其保兑承安诺扩展至修改内安容,且自其通知懊该修
40、改之时起,柏即不可撤销地受艾修改的约束。然佰而,保兑行可选艾择仅将修改通知皑受益人而不对其跋加具保兑,但必哎须不延误地将此疤情况通知开证行熬和受益人。Th俺e Issui版ng Bank爸 shall 哎be irre敖vocable办 bound 跋by an a埃mendmen半t(s) is办sued by拌 it fro爱m the t霸ime of 芭the iss爸uance o扮f such 疤amendme耙nt(s). 白A confi办rming B俺ank may拔 extend百 its co捌nfirmat扒ion to 爸an amen安dment a板nd sha
41、l百l be ir啊revocab半ly boun肮d as of皑 the ti般me of i岸ts advi熬ce of t阿he amen巴dment. 暗A Confi敖rming B案ank may胺, howev半er, cho半ose to 柏advise 伴an amen熬dment t敖o the B靶enefici颁ary wit皑hout ex笆tending熬 its co霸nfirmat氨ion and叭 if so,暗 must i白nform t把he Issu耙ing Ban昂k and t版he Bene肮ficiary扮 withou拌t delay靶.
42、伴在扒受益人向通知修澳改的银行表示接坝受该修改内容之挨前,原信用证(肮或先前已接受修皑改的信用证)的蔼条款对受益人仍碍然有效。受益人唉应发出接受修改爱或拒绝接受修改叭的通知。如受益蔼人未提供上述通佰知,当他提交给鞍指定银行或开证把行的单据与信用稗证以及尚未表示拌接受的修改的要芭求一致时,则该斑事实即视为受益八人已作出接受修凹改的通知,并从瓣此时起,该信用澳证已作了修改。绊The ter瓣ms of t傲he orig鞍inal Cr扒edit (o蔼r a Cre按dit inc肮orporat搬ing pre八viously盎 accept按ed amen佰dment(s拔) will 澳r
43、emain 澳in forc岸e for t懊he Bene懊ficiary绊 until 拜the Ben爸eficiar伴y commu霸nicates俺 his ac翱ceptanc靶e of th邦e amend阿ment to白 the ba叭nk that按 advise摆d such 隘amendme安nt. The扒 Benefi拜ciary s熬hould g疤ive not靶ificati挨on of a半cceptan隘ce or r埃ejectio袄n of am懊endment啊(s). if熬 the Be版neficia捌ry fail捌s to gi埃ve su
44、ch靶 notifi霸cation,耙 the te隘nder of奥 docume隘nts to 巴the Nom挨inated 百Bank or胺 Issuin按g Bank,背 that c巴onform 摆to the 爸Credit 佰and to 办not yet昂 accept瓣ed amen败dment(s芭), will挨 be dee耙med to 袄be noti板ficatio盎n of ac扳ceptanc斑e by th奥e Benef昂iciary 暗of such岸 amendm爸ent(s) 哎and as 邦of that傲 moment瓣 the Cr隘e
45、dit wi班ll be a柏mended.熬对同一办修改通知中的修爱改内容不允许部矮分接受,因而,肮部分接受修改内奥容当属无效。P跋artial 挨accepta蔼nce of 班amendme八nts con背tained 扒in one 扮and the哀 same a挨dvice o昂f amend百ments i邦s not a按llowed 挨and con扮sequent捌ly will佰 not be柏 given 板any eff办ect.背第十条昂 信用证的种类扮 types 皑of Cred皑it巴a一八切信用证均须明昂确表示它适用于懊即期付款、延期盎付款、承兑抑或般议付
46、。All 叭Credits昂 must c靶learly 安indicat哀e wheth阿er they颁 are av斑ailable矮 by sig叭ht paym碍ent, by摆 deferr案ed paym爱ent, by败 accept伴ance or拔 by neg懊otiatio澳n. b傲除案非信用证规定只埃能由开证行办理按这项业务,否则安一切信用证均须疤指定某家银行(半称:“指定银行盎”)并授权其付蔼款、承担延期付哀款责任、 承兑埃汇票或议付。对拌自由议付的信用懊证,任何银行均奥可为指定银行。八Unless 袄the Cre挨dit sti凹pulates氨 that i
47、氨t is av稗ailable靶 only w隘ith the敖 Issuin埃g Bank,蔼 all Cr啊edits m罢ust nom扒inate t袄he bank拜 (the n扒ominate艾d Bank)版which i艾s autho岸rized t笆o pay, 胺to incu皑r a def扮erred p翱ayment 叭underta熬king, t俺o accep拔t Draft昂(s) or 坝to nego靶tiate. 昂In a fr翱eely ne皑gotiabl碍e Credi半t, any 笆bank is笆 a Nomi巴nated B拔ank
48、.澳单据必摆须提交给开证行佰或保兑行(如有蔼)或其它任何指按定银行。Pre败sentati爸on of d隘ocument摆s must 稗be made哎 to the氨 Issuin胺g Bank 笆or the 靶Confirm霸ing Ban拌k, if a白ny, or 翱any oth澳er Nomi熬nated B霸ank. 背议蔼付意指被授权议氨付的银行对汇票白及或单据付出疤对价。仅审核单拌据而未付对价者背,不构成议付。捌Negotia版tion me败ans the把 giving凹 of val埃ue for 搬Draft(s把) and/o拌r docum扳ents by
49、版 the ba叭nk auth凹orized 绊to nego败tiate. 扳Mere ex矮aminati隘on of t扮he docu昂ments w稗ithout 扮giving 澳of valu摆e does 艾not con岸stitute白 a nego芭tiation按.啊c除吧非指定银行是保傲兑行,否则,开俺证行的指定并不傲能使被指定银行安负有付款、承诺暗延期付款、承兑柏汇票或议付的责霸任。除非指定银艾行已明确同意并白告知受益人,否百则,它收受及靶或审核及或转拔交单据的行为,叭并不意味着它对碍付款、承担延期斑付款责任、承兑百汇票或议付负有笆责任。Unle暗ss the 安
50、nominat拌ed Bank扮 is the邦 confir吧ming Ba碍nk, nom坝ination罢 by the皑 Issuin搬g Bank 捌does no百t const安itute a跋ny unde半rtaking俺 by the吧 Nomina埃ted Ban凹k to pa扒y, to i罢ncur a 斑deferre白d payme岸nt unde皑rtaking柏, to ac办cept Dr袄aft(s),阿 or to 拜negotia板te. Exc瓣ept whe癌re expr岸essly a爸greed t办o by th佰e Nomin伴ated
51、 Ba岸nk and 拜so comm百unicate瓣d to th叭e Benef盎iciary,奥 the No斑minated傲 Banks巴 receip邦t of an笆d/or ex伴aminati霸on and/坝or forw坝arding 八of the 扮docuemt板ns does耙 not ma拌ke that稗 bank l伴iable t凹o pay, 跋to incu跋r a def碍erred p扮ayment 叭underta耙king to艾 accept伴 Draft(败s), or 奥to nego白tiate.邦d如隘开证行指定另一八家银行、或允许
52、拔任何银行议付、版或授权、或要求吧另一家银行加具袄保兑,开证行即班据此分别授权上氨述银行凭表面与澳信用证条款相符版的单据办理付款阿、承兑汇票或者笆议付,并保证依瓣照本惯例对上述唉银行予以偿付。盎By nomi半nating 胺another版 bank, 矮or by a敖llowing巴 for ne蔼gotiati霸on by a斑ny bank哎, or by背 author拜izing o岸r reque颁sting a蔼nother 板bank to败 add it跋s confi笆rmation斑, the I扳ssuing 艾Bank au捌thorize佰s such 按ban
53、k to艾 pay, a鞍ccept D蔼raft(s)扮 or neg熬otiate 拔as the 岸case ma佰y be, a傲gainst 傲documen袄ts whic爱h appea昂r on th埃eir fac叭e to be邦 in com敖pliance摆 with t敖he term按s and c坝onditio办ns of t傲he Cred拔it and 稗underta翱kes to 癌reimbur鞍se such班 bank i败n accor敖dance w爸ith the哎 provis芭ions of翱 these 哎Article皑s.跋第十一笆
54、条 电讯传递的岸信用证与预先通绊知的信用证 t艾eletran巴smitted岸 and pr案e-advis拔ed Cred澳itsa搬当哀开证行使用密码懊证实的电讯方式哀指示通知行通知安信用证或修改信凹用证时,该电讯案即视为有效的信哎用证文件或有效半的修改书,不应耙再寄送电报证实案书。如仍寄送证搬实书,则该证实鞍书当属无效,通暗知行也没有义务巴将证实书与所收板到的以电讯方式哎传递的有效信用唉证文件或有效的艾修改书进行核对翱。When a凹n issui斑ng Bank靶 instru白cts an 伴Advisin靶g Bank 肮by an a颁uthenti袄cated t熬eletr
55、an澳smissio哎n to ad熬vise a 爸Credit 罢or an a胺mendmen阿t to a 巴Credit,澳 the te坝letrans奥mission啊 will b霸e deeme皑d to be鞍 the op翱erative啊 Credit跋 instru疤ment or伴 the op拔erative瓣 amendm癌ent, an氨d no ma爱il conf捌irmatio熬n shoul芭d be se霸nt. Sho罢uld a m邦ail con摆firmati哎on neve靶rtheles摆s be se扒nt, it 氨will ha鞍v
56、e no e颁ffect a癌nd the 稗Advisin坝g Bank 啊without按 delay.皑若矮该电讯说明“详斑情后告”(或类凹似词语)或声明稗嗣后寄出的证实邦书将是有效的信颁用证文件或有效凹的修改,则该电颁讯系无效的信用跋证文件或修改书皑。开证行必须不疤延误地向通知行板寄送有效的信用邦证文件或有效的吧修改书。If 按the tel扳etransm翱ission 办states 疤“full d凹etails 奥to foll搬ow”(or 败words o巴f simil扒ar effe袄ct) or 摆states 碍that th叭e mail 熬confirm扒ati
57、on i挨s to be霸 the op颁erative叭 Credit吧 instru捌ment or傲 the op岸erative柏 amendm吧ent to 氨such Ad扒vising 哎Bank wi扳thout d扒elay.绊b如氨一家银行利用另柏一家通知行的服奥务将信用证通知版给受益人,它也班必须利用同一家坝银行的服务通知斑修改书。If 袄a bank 叭uses th斑e servi版ces of 背an Advi暗sing Ba坝nk to h阿ave the肮 Credit碍 advise爱d to th稗e Benef罢iciary,案 it mus岸t also
58、 啊use the傲 servic敖es of t胺he same跋 bank f般or advi颁sing an按 amendm袄ent(s).扮c只八有准备开立有效敖信用证或修改书按的开证行,才可肮以对不可撤销信板用证开立或修改熬书发出预先通知爱书。除非开证行般在其预先通知书笆中另有规定,否白则,发出预先通扮知的开证行应不案可撤销地保证不俺延误地开出或修案改信用证,且条胺款不能与预先通芭知书相矛盾。A般 prelim半inary a耙dvice o半f the i芭ssuance安 or ame巴ndment 巴of an i罢rrevoca捌ble Cre案dit (pr叭e-advic
59、霸e) shal疤l only 昂be give蔼n by an疤 Issuin懊g Bank 吧if such半 bank i败s prepa爱red to 耙issue t巴he oper板ative C把redit i安nstrume瓣nt or t昂he oper般ative C案redit i袄nstrume捌nt or t氨he oper颁ative a俺mendmen澳t there绊to. Unl盎ess oth哎erwise 案stated 背in such扒 prelim扒inary a半dvice b挨y the I芭ssuing 败Bank, a把n Issui氨ng
60、Bank艾 having笆 given 柏such pr拜e-advic罢e shall柏 be irr爱evocabl唉y commi伴tted to斑 issue 岸or amen颁d the C巴redit, 艾in term绊s not i按nconsis八tent wi癌th the 案pre-adv半ice, wi盎thout d白elay.搬第十二癌条 不完整或不邦清楚的指示 i巴ncomple肮te or u伴nclear 昂instruc奥tions般如所收蔼到的有关通知、隘保兑或修改信用艾证的指示不完整柏或不清楚,则被案要求执行该指示鞍的银行可以给受啊益人一份预先通耙知,仅
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