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1、苏教版牛津英语5A 语法综合练习形容词 /副词 比较级 / 最高级 综合练习:() 1. I think science is _ than Japanese.A. much important B. important C. much more important D. more much important() 2 This pencil is_ than that one.A. longest B. long C.longer D. as long( ) 3 These children are this year than they were last year.A. more tal

2、l B. more taller C. very taller D. much taller() 4 It was very hot yesterday, but it is_ today.A. even hotter B. more hotter C. muchmore hot D. muchhot() 5 Our classroom islarger than theirs. A. more B. quite C.very D. much() 6 Maths is more popular than.A. any other subject B. all the subjects C. a

3、ny subject D. other subject() 7 China is larger than in AfricaA. any other country B. other countries C. the other country J1%D. any country() 8 Tom is stronger than _ in his class.A. any other boy B. any boys C. any boy D. other boy() 9 When spring comes, it gets.A. warmand warm B. colder and colde

4、r C. warmer and warmer D. shorter and shorter( ) 10 By and by, students in our class came to like English.A. more and more B. much and much C. many and many D. less and least( ) 11 At last he began to cry _.A. hard and hard B. more hard and more hard C. harder and harder D. less hard and less harder

5、( ) 12 When spring comes the days get and nights .A. short; long B. long; short C. longer; shorter D. shorter; longer() 13_ I look at the picture, I like it.A. The best; the more B. The more; the less C. The more; less D. More; the more() 14_ he read the book, he got in it.A. The more; the more inte

6、restingB. The less; the more interestingC. The more; the more interested D. More; more interested() 15 Which do you like _, tea or coffee? A. well B. betterC. best D. most() 16 Which do you think tastes , the chicken or the fish?A. good B. better C. best D. well()17 Whojumpedof all? A. far B. farthe

7、r C. farthestD. the most far() 18Li Lei is_ student in our class .A. tall B. taller C.tallest D. the tallest() 19 The fifth orange isof all. Give it to that small child.A. big B. bigger C. the bigger D. the biggest()20 Who is-of you three? A. the oldest B. much older C.oldest D. older()21 Tom is one

8、 of boys in our class. A. tallest B. tallerC. the tallest D. the tall() 22 The tree is _ in the garden.A. the taller B. the tallest C. taller than of-all D.tall.() 23 Which is_, Li Lei or Wu Tong? A. strong B. strongest C.stronger D. the strongest() 24 Which language is, English, French or Japanese?

9、A. easy B. the most easy C. the easiest D. muchmore easy( 25 Which isinteresting, science, maths or English?A. more B.the most C. very D. too() 26 Which city is, Beijing, Shanghai or Fuzhou?A. beautiful B. more beautiful C. muchmore beautiful D. the most beautiful() 27 Which month is, June, July or

10、August? A. hot B. hotterC. hottest D. the hottest() 28 I am twelve; Mike is fourteen; Mary is thirteen. So Mike isthe _ of the three.A. old B. older C. oldest D. the oldest() 29 My brother is three years than I.A. elder; elder B. older; oldest C. elder; older D. older; elder() 30 His son often go to

11、 see him on Sunday.A. eldest B. older C. the eldest D. the older() 31 He is two years _ than I.A. elder B. smallerC. younger D. less人称代词和物主代词 要点归纳:( I you he she it we you they )在句子中可以作主语,放于句首,后接动词。am a es from China , but comes from American.is my aunt.二宾格 ( me you him her it us you them )在句子中可以作宾语

12、,用于句尾,动词之后。 TOC o 1-5 h z The boy in the photo is .Let to play football.We often go to visit .在句子中可以作宾语,用于句尾,介词之后。The pen of is the same with .Come with .The teacher wants you to return that book of .人称代词作表语时, 一般用宾格, 特别是在日常会话中。“Who is knocking at the door? ”“ Its . ” “谁在敲门 ?”- “是我。”三形容词性物主代词 ( my yo

13、ur his her it our your their )形容词性物主代词一般位于名词前,用作定语,限定该名词的意义。book is over there.I ate all sandwiches yesterday.Tell Tom not to forget book.四 名 词 性 物 主 代 词 ( mine yourshis hers its ours yourrstheirs)名词性物主代词在句中独立使用, 即不后接名词, 其句法作用相当于一个名词 , 即“形容词性物主代词+名词”。My bag is bigger than .=My bag is bigger than .is

14、 a great country.我们的国家是一个伟大的国家。(用作主语,一般用于正式文体)I forgot to bring my dictionary. Could I use ?我忘了带词典,我可以用一下你的吗?(用作动词的宾语)He wasn t in my room. He might be in . 他(刚才)不在我的房间。他可能在自己的房间。(用作介词的宾语)Whose book is this? It s . 这是谁的书?是她的。(用作表语)Jack is a friend of . 杰克是我的一个朋友。(用于双重所有格)名词性物主代词用作主语时,谓语动词的数应随所指者的数而定

15、。(1)Is this pencil or ? It s . Hers is inher bag. (Hers = Her pencil) - 这支铅笔是你的还是她的?是我的。她的铅笔在她包里。用于 of 后面。He visited a friend of yesterday.综合练习:一、用适当的人称代词填空2. China is a developing country. lies in the east of Asia.Professor Wang sets a good example. We must learn from.4. What day is today? is Thurs

16、day.How far is the thunder ? is three kilometers away.I own a blue bike. The red one doesn t belong to .These new houses are so nice. are very expensive.say that those old houses will be rebuilt.Is the milkman at the door? Yes, that s The fishermen caught a lot of fish, didn t ?Ling Ling is a girl.

17、studies in a primary school. Her brotherlives with and helps to prepare the lessons.The ship is lying at anchor ( 停泊 ) . comes from Shanghai. TOC o 1-5 h z This photo of your mother is very much like her. I like .Mike is my classmate. is good at physics .Kate wants a glass of milk. Will you pass it

18、to ?Whats the weather like today ? is cloudy.二、用形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词填空I ate all sandwiches yesterday. Can I have one of ?George has lost pen. Ask Mary if (是否) she will lend him Jack has a dog and so have I. dog and had a fight (打架 ).Mr. and Mrs. Green and a friend of are coming to see us.Mary wants to k

19、now if (是否) youve seen a pair of gloves of .We are going to Paris to stay with a French friend of .三、用适当的人称代词和物主代词填空从括号内选择正确的代词填空Your football clothes are on the desk.Please put (they, them, their , theirs) away.(We , Us, Our, Ours)English teacher is Mrs. Green.We all like (she, her , hers).(I , Me,

20、 My, Mine)cant get my kite.Could you help (I , me, my, mine)?Tom cant get down from the tree.Can you help (he , him, his)?Her kite is broken. Can (you , your , yours) mend it?We cant find our bikes.Can you help (we , us, our , ours)?These are (he , him, his) planes.The white ones are (I , me, mine).

21、填入正确的人称代词和物主代词This isnt her knife. is green.These are your books , Kate. Put in the desk , please.You must look after things.Wei Fang , is that ruler? Yes, its.They want a football. Give the green one , please. TOC o 1-5 h z Its Lin Taos bag. Give to .Is this pencil-box Li Leis? No, is very new.This

22、 box is too heavy. I cant carry .Dont worry , Let help .is a boy name is Mike. Mikes friends like verymuch.My sister is in room. is a teacher.Jane is a little girl. mother is a nurse.We are in classroom. classroom is big.My father and mother are teachers. are busyYou are a pupil. Is brother a pupil,

23、 too?四、用括号中的适当形式填空( 1) Are these ( you) pencils?Yes, they are (our ) .( 2)Whose is this pencil? It s (I ) .I love ( they ) very much.She is ( I ) classmate.Miss Li often looks after( she) brother.(6)Are these (they ) bags ? No, they aren t ( their ) . They are ( we)This bike is my sisters. It belong

24、s to (她的)。2. This isnt my book. ( 我的 ) is in the bag.They quarrelled among (他们) .You and I understand ( 彼此 ) perfectly.If there are _(一些) new magazines in the library, take some forme.五、根据句意用适当的人称代词、物主代词填空:Mary works in a book store. likes workvery much.John and I are in the same school.go to school

25、together.Everybody likes that sport, do?She is a friend of . Wegot to know each other two yearsago.Her sister makes all own dresses.I have many friends. Some of are good at English.May I use bike? is broken.Everybody is here except Ann and friend Jane. are in the library now.六、选择填空Who s singing over

26、 there ? is Sandy s sister.A.ThatB.ItC.SheD. Thiswill spend the summer holiday in Hawaii.A. She, you and IB. You, she and IC. I, you and sheD. Her, me and youBetween you and , he is not a real friend. TOC o 1-5 h z A. meB.IC. heD. hisMy uncle bought a new bike for .A. theirsB. theyC.meD. IMr Smith o

27、ften praises for his progress in studies.A. heB.himC. ID.me- Here s a postcard for you, Jim! Oh, is from myfriend, Mary.A. heB. itC. sheD. it7. Don t shake the young tree.leaves are falling off. You shouldlook afterA. It, it sB. It s, itC. Its,itD. It, itLittle Baby knows that he should not take the

28、 things that do not belong to .A. heB. hisC. herD. himW川 anyone go on a trip with him ?Not.A. IB.meC. mineD. heAmong those lovely toys, the brown toy dog was given by.A. heB. hisC. himD.he s 否定句练习: 一.变为否定句:I am Tom.He is nine.They are pupils.I can fly a kite.He can make a toy.You must go home now.I

29、likeJinan.He likes swimming.He has many books.He has some books.There is a pen on thedesk. There are some water in the glass. You have got some books.You have somebooks. He has got someapples. He has some apples.IliketowatchTV.Xiao Fang and I go to the library everSaturday. .Tim swims very well. .Mr

30、. Smith has many books about the cars. .I want to play with my friends. .We feel coldtoday. Bob reads English everyday. We do our homework atschool. Mr. White has two houses. 二,将下面否定句变为肯定句I don,t like it.Hedoesn,t like it.There isn,t any water.There aren,t any books. He can t swim.Hehasn,t got any b

31、ooks.Hedoesn t have any books.He isn t Tom.一般疑问句练习:? Yes, Mike is answering the phone now.? No, Tom and Mary aren t doing the sports.? Yes, Jack gets up at 6:00 in the morning.? No, I don t do housework at home.? Yes, my brother often goes to school on foot.? No, I am not going to buy a magazine.? Y

32、es, they are going to swim in the sea.? Yes, John went to the Great Wall last year.? No, the students didn t watch the game.? Yes, Lucy and Peter were in the classroom.特殊疑问句练习:一、选择正确的单词填空(who, where, when)1.is that pretty girl? She is my sister.are Jack and Tom? They are behind you.do you go to scho

33、ol? I go to school from Monday to Friday.has a beautiful flower? John has a beautiful flower.are they? They are my parents.is my mother? She is in the living room.are you going? We are going to the bakery( 面包坊).do Jim and Wendy play ball? They play ball in the afternoon.does he jog? He jogs in the p

34、ark.are you from? Im from Changchun city.二、就画线部分提问.He is my father.They are under the tree.3.I often watch TV after dinner.(晚饭后)(提示:饭后强调的是时间问题。)4.Lily swims in the swimming pool.( 游泳池)5.Superman flies in the sky.often brush my teeth in the evening.Alan likes to play with Bill.Joes father plays badmi

35、nton( 羽毛球)every weekend.The supermarket is near the school.The laptop( 笔记本电脑)is on the table.Jennifer has a pair of earrings( 耳环).The flowers are in the flower pot(花盆).My grandpa took us to the zoo.14.I put the gold fish( 金鱼)into the fish tank( 鱼缸).15.The monkey sleeps at night.三.用 what time, what c

36、olor, what day, what 填空。A:is it?B: It is nine o clock.A:does your mother get up?My mother gets up at 6:30.A:do you go to bed? B: I go to bed at 10:00.A:do Diana and Fiona have supper?Diana and Fiona have supper at 18:00.A:is it? B: It is purple.A:is the sky? B: The sky is blue.A:is your coat? B: My

37、coat is black.A:is the dog? B: The dog is white.A:is today? B: Today is Monday.A:is tomorrow? B: Tomorrow is Tuesday.11.A: _was yesterday( 昨天 )? B: Yesterday was Sunday12.A: _do you like? B: I like red.13.A: _ is this? This is a computer( 电脑 ).14.A: _ are you doing? B: We are playing basketball.15.A

38、: _ does your mother do? B: My mother is a policewoman.16.A: _ are those? B: Those are peppers(辣椒 ).17.A: _ is in the box? B: A lovely doll is in the box.18.A: _ is on the table? B: The apple is on the table.19.A: _ is in the classroom? The blackboard is in the classroom.A: ? B: Mary is hungry.A: ?M

39、y favorite color is pink.A: ? B: Nick is playing table tennis.四连线:( Match)What s on the chair?How is your father?What are these?What is in the bag?How do you go to school?How much is it? morning.What time is it?There is a book in the bagThese are apples.I go to school by bus.The radio is on the chai

40、r.My father is fine.I wash my face in the8. When do you wash your face?It is four oclock.I have two hands.It is 5 RMB( 人民币 ).I have lunch at noon. How many hands do you have?二、回答句子(A:肯定回答1.Areyouateacher?.When do you have lunch?一、按要求元成句子(要求:A:改为一般疑问句B:改为否句)1.A:B:Iamastudent.2.A:B:TheyareEnglishcars.

41、3.A:ThisB:isapencil-box.4.A:B:ItsnameisPolly.5.A:B:ThesearemyEnglishbooks.6.A:IB:knowhisname.7.A:PleaseB:lookafteryourcat.8.A:ThereisB:somemoneyinthepurse9.A:B:Therearemanyapplesonthetree.10A:11B:.YoucanB:. Come here, please.go-Atohavealook.句型转换练习 :B :否定回答)A:B:2.Isthisyourruler?tA:B:3.Arethosebanana

42、trees?7A:B:4.Isthereapictureonthewall?7A:B:5.Are there any trees on the hill?一 A:B:6.Canyou see a bird in the sky? fA:B:7.DoyouknowMrWang?一A:B:三、单复数句变换(把单数的句子变成复数,复数的变成单数):Is this your box? 一:There is a boy in the picture.一That is his new book. It is a Chinese car. She is a woman worker. We have man

43、y old pictures. Are those English books? They are Japanese students. Who are those men over there? They are some policemen. 四、将下列句子改为选择疑问句:Tom is in Class Three. (用 Class Two) 一 Tom in Class ThreeClass Two?Samis eleven. (用 twelve)-Sameleven twelve?Is she in Team Two? Is she in Team Three? (合并)-The g

44、irl is Lucy.(用 Lily )一 the girl Lucy Lily?Your English teacher is a man.( 用 a woman)-your English teacher a man a woman?The tree is big. (用 small ) the tree big small?My brother is a doctor. (用 a teacher ) your brother a doctor a teacher?Those are apples.(用 pears)those apples pears?There are some sh

45、eep on the hill. (用 dogs) there sheep oron the hill?五、就划线部分提问:Your book is hereJ - your book?I,m thirteen. 一Bill is in Class Five. 一 Bill ?4.She is in RowNine. f she?. That s a map in English. 一 in English?. Seven and eight is fifteen. f seven and eight?. They are boxes? f they?. The woman is Mrs. R

46、ead? fthe woman?Mr. Zhang? the- aref are purple?isn t at school today?under the. Mr. Zhang is at home. f.The flowers are near the window. flowers?.The flowers near the window are purple. purple?.The flowers near the window are purple.Jack isn t at school today. f.There are somebooks under the tree.

47、tree?.There are fifty books on the desk. f are thereon the desk?.There is a child in the tree. 一are therein the tree?.My father is a doctor. f is father?.He is fine. 一 is he?.He is five. f is he?.Those apples are green. f are those apples?.Those green apples are mine. f are?.These are their shoes. f

48、 are these?. It,s twelve o clock now. f now?. Kate is Mr. Greens daughter. f is Kate?25.I like the pictures in this book. f you like in this book?26.It,s seven ten now. f now?27.Li Lei s uncle is a policeman. I am Kate s brother. .Mr Green is an English teacher. .Aunt Sally is their Chinese teacher.

49、 一 六、改为同义句:My name is Kate Green. 一 Kate Green.What s the parrot s name? 一What s the the parrot?Tomand Jack are in different (不同的)classes. fTomand Jack _ in .Let s have a look.f Let s.Are all the students here today? f here today?Those are their blackThat white shirt is his. shirt.My ruler is yellow

50、. is grey.This is a green jeep.These aren t ourshoes. fThose black shoes .fThat whiteYour ruler is grey. f My ruler is yellow.fThis green.pictures. f These aren tThere aren t any cats in the tree. fThere cats in the tree.B川 isin. f B川 is .Lucy is in Class Two. Lily is in Class Two, too.-Lucy and Lil

51、y arein .They are Tom and Jack. f are Tom and Jack.How old is he? fWhat ?Emmas a student, and she is new here. fEmmOs a here.Lily looks like Lucy,and Lucy looks like Lily. fLily and LucyThat sOK. - (1)That s .(2)YouThis is a red apple. fThis is.Your shirt and myshirt mine.She s Ann s mother.It s fiv

52、e thirty now.Is it two to two now?Whose seat is that? look the same. fYour shirt fAnn is .Tt,s now. f Is itnow?It s time for break. fIt s time .It s time for games. f It s timeIs it time to go to bed?-Is it time 28.What s the time now? now?Jim is my friend.fJim is a friend .She s like her dad. fSheh

53、er father.fMiss Gao, these are32. You can go and ask your fatheror mother. f Please go and askMiss Gao, these are my father and mother._ your newwatch,fJim up there in thes sister. f That woman isCan I see your new watch? fLet me please.Jim and Bill are up there in the tree. tree _.That woman is Jim

54、 s father His aunt s husband is a policeman. f is a policeman.Our class has 88 students. 38.There aremanyoranges on the tree. 2)Please give me some money, dad. f Please give _ , dad.What s your phone number? 四、连词成句 TOC o 1-5 h z is , your, what, name (?)-name , is , Green , my , Mr.(.)-to , too , ni

55、ce , you , meet (.)-that, English ,is,in, what (?)-you , Two , are , Row , in (?)-School ,this , No. , Middle ,14,is (?)-see , can , your, please , I , licence , car (?)-that, is , his , her, pen , pen , or (?)-isn t, today , who , school , at (?)-not, this , the , bike , is , twins (.) -mother s ,

56、light ,is,my, green , sweater (.)-woman , in , who , blue , the , is (?)-the , colour, flowers , please , orange (.)-many , kites , there , how , sky , in , the , are (?)-colour, are , what, Mrs. , Green s , sweaters (?)-shoes , are , whose , they (?)-must, your, look , you , after, new , clothes (.

57、)-picture , is , very , this , nice , a (.)-boats , any , river , on , there , the , are (?)be , no , there , here , cat (.)注意 be 的形式- TOC o 1-5 h z tree , be , there , many , how (?)-五、把下列句子改为否定疑问句,并作肯定和否定回答.I am Chinese. I can open the door and get the ball.I know his address. It s over the hill. fMiss Gao is an English t


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