1、写作英语专业八级Edited by Peggy Zhu目录第一章专八作文综述1第二章、 写作步骤1第三章、作文各部分的写作及策略2第四章、内容充实论据6第五章、专八作文写作框架8第六章、文章的起承转合过渡词语的使用9第七章、专八常见写作类型9第八章、2005-2010 专八作文范文11第九章、专八写作参考模拟范文21第一章EM-8专八作文综述1.Test Requirement for Writing学生应能根据所给题目及要求撰写一篇 400 词左右的说明文或议。该作文必须语言通顺,用词得体,结构合理,文体恰当,具有说服力。hepart of your writing you should p
2、resent your thesis sement,andhe second part you should support the thesis sement wippropriate details.he last part you should bring what you have written to a naturalor a summary.Marks will be awarded for content,anization, grammar and appropriacy. Failure to follow theabove instructions may result
3、in a loss of marks.2.What is a Good TEM 8 Essay?Effective communication wiccuracyThe writing effectively addresses the writing task. It demonstrates a well developed logicalanizational structure with clearly sed main ideas and sufficient supporting details. Is almost no errors of vocabulary,spelling
4、, punctuation or syntax, and it displays an adequate ability to use the language wi y is experienced by the reader3. 命题范围及规律ppropriacy. No difficult2000 Education as a Lifelong Pros校园话题2001The Impact of the2002 The Most Importanternet on 社会现象al Quality of a University Student 校园话题2003 whether young
5、people in China are more self-centered and less sympathetic社会现象2004Should University Students Go in for Business?校园话题2005erview as a selection procedure 社会现象2006 Ambition抽象话题2007 Whether finanl disparity affects friendship.抽象话题2008What I have learned from my years at university.校园话题2009 Are Dialects
6、 just as Acceptable in Public Pla?社会现象2010 Unconventional, super-futuristic buildings andregional characteristic/local cultural heritage总结:校园生活或者社会现象,时而抽象话题,但均为学生熟悉的话题。第二章、写作步骤步骤及时间分配:1 审题 (2-3 m)1. 审题2. 构思(5-8 m) 3.组织(2-3 m) 4.写作 (30 m) 5.检查 (3-5 m)认真研读题目,找出确定写作中心 (一句话/一个问题)例如: 2005erview is freque
7、ntly used by employers as a means to recruit prospective employees.As a result, there have been many arguments for or against theerview as a selection procedure. What isyour opinion? Write an essay of about 400 words to se your view.Key words:erview, means to recruit, selection procedure, for or aga
8、inst, your opinion2. 构思Question: Iserview a good way to recruit employees?从不同角度,打开思路,丰富联想(brainstorming)erview can select more capable candidates.erview can force candidates to work hard. erview may be inaccurate sometimes.erview can prevent unfair competition in jobting.erview can help candidates e
9、valuate the employers.3.组织结构筛选适合论点(分论点)论据中心:erview is a good way to recruit employees分论点:erview can select more capable candidates. erview can prevent unfair competition in jobting.erview can help candidates evaluate the employers.Task: Some people prefer to work in a large company, while others pre
10、fer to work in a small company. Which do you prefer? Write an essay of about 400 words to express your view.Ker words: work, large company, small company, prefer Question: Why I prefer to work in a large/small company? Brainstorming:Perfect managementRich experience, advanced techMore chanto promote
11、 yourselfWelfare systemPlatform to show your best self To know more peopleMore skills ChallengeFame and recognitionMoreThesis: I prefer to work in a large company because of its advantageous environment, excellent working sta the benefit it can bring to its employees.Sub-idea IcompanySub-idea IIwork
12、ing staff (pool of excellent people ) Sub-idea III employeend第三章、作文各部分的写作及策略I. 引言写作写作要求:“hepart of your writing you should present your thesis sement, andhe second part you shouldsupport the thesis sement wippropriate details.he last part you should bring what you have writtento a natural引言功能:or a s
13、ummary.”表明文章的话题(topic);表明文章的主要目的(说明文)或者观点(议吸引读者和暗示正文结构引言常用结构:)(thesis sement);I. 第一部分:吸引注意力;II. 第二部分:引出文章话题;III.第三部分:表述中心论点02 年、05 年为例第一部分:吸引注意力用数字: 数字给人真实的感觉,在实际时,数字可以有些夸张,而且也没有必要特别准确,但必须具有力,必须有的效果,否则很难奏效。Every day millions of job-ters in the world wrietters of application, wishingt they would begi
14、ven a chance oferview.Nowadays tens of thousands of universitystudents graduate from their schools, and theyall want tobe sucsfulhis modern society.2. 用问题:提问读者,引导读者思考回答,进而阅读的文章。问题不宜太傻太多,绝对过三个。通常,都会是设问句,就是文章的话题。Now in our society what do you have tof you want to find a job? Whjob? (t iserview.)ies be
15、tn you and an idealDo you know any university graduate who does not want to succeed in society? What does a universitygraduate musve to succeedhe modern society? (Definiy adaptability.)3. 用引语: 名人名言、谚语、诗歌等。引语既可以是和的中心一致,也可以是有争议的。“Sucs comes not only from perspiration and inspiration, but also from sat
16、isfactory performance inerviews,” commented Dr. Kenly in his book.According to traditional Chithoughts, a talent must be excellenability and morality.第二部分:引出文章话题。抓住读者注意力后,迅速把其引导到文章的话题上来。开门见山式:Nowadayserview ising more and more important in recruitment.he modern society, almost aliversity students lo
17、ok forward to sucs.但单刀想贫乏。的方法容易显得,读者心里不易接受;另外,它会让人觉得文章内容薄弱,作者思2. 收网式(Narrowing-down) : 由一个宽泛的、读者认同的事实(铺垫)开始,逐步把读者注意力引到文章要的话题。With the development of market economy in China, more and more companies have comeo being.When they need to take up more people, employers usually select througherviews. Simil
18、arly, when peopleneed to find a job, they also need to perform well inerviews. Therefore,erview isingincreasingly importanthe modern society.One feature of the modern society is the more respect given to individual values. When fighting foralalvalues and sucqualities.s, students need to catch good o
19、pportunities, but they also need to some essential撒网要宽,但收网时既不能太快,又不能拖泥带水,建议有三句话,就把网收起来。3. 驳论式(Refuion):先说一种与本文相反但读者可能会同意的观点,然后话锋一转,该观点是错误的,并亮出自己的观点。Many of us may agreet China is a society relying heavily on guanxi, or relationship. We may all have theexperience of having to resort to certain relati
20、onship in order to get somethinge, or find a good job, forexle. / But, with the development of market economy, recruitment is conducted more and more on thebasis oferview rathern on various connections.As the modern society puts more and more emphasis onal difference andal values, it providesmore op
21、portunities for students to seek sucs. / However, the fact ist not everyone can succeed. Sucal qualities.scalls for certain opportunities, but more importantly, it calls for manyIII.第三部分:表述中心论点 thesis sement= topic + controlling idea.I bevetObviously,erview / is very benefil.erview / has been crul t
22、o ensure the quality of employees.y opinion,erview/ hase very significant for both employees and employers.y opinion, the most important quality one needshe modern society is adaptability.I think to succeedhe modern society, one has to have adaptability because of its importance in study, incareer,
23、as well as in failures.引言常用结构: I. 吸引注意力:用数字、问题、引语等;II. 引出文章话题:开门见山式、收网式或者驳论式;III. 表述中心论点:由 topic + controlling idea(有时候,第一二不分可以结合起来,第三部分,应该有明确的话题和清晰的观点,并尽量暗示文章的结构。)II. 正文写作he second part you should support the thesis sement wi写作要求“andppropriate details”段落的基本结构:句( topic sentence)+句阐述句+扩展句+总结句1.句:段落中最
24、重要的句子,作者用其来表明观点,同时通过句来控制段落,防止跑题;而读者可借助句来知道段落的主要内容。句必须语言简洁、内容具体。其位置可以放在段首、段中或是段后,一般情况都在段首。句呈现方法:(1)演绎法:即在段首开门见山给出本段的。例如:Youngsters who have experienced a gap yearcertainly would be more independent, the benefits of which cover many aspects of students lives bothacademically and mentally.(2)转折法:第一句先举一
25、个例子,在第二句处转折给出段落中心。例如:Young adults usuallychoose to get enrolledo a university directly after high school for the continuity of education. However,those who have spent some time earning a living or traveling to othlahave a broader view oflifeand bettersonal resourto draw on.(3)先否定再肯定:Cool weather is
26、much favorable for creative thinkingn summer heat. This doesnot meant all people are lesselligent in summern they are during the rest of the year. It doesmeant the mental abilities of large numbers of the people tend to be slowest in summer.2.句阐述句:位于句后,扩展句前,进一步解释、说明句的内容,为扩展句做铺垫。(1)定义法: 给句的某个关键性概念下定义
27、。例如:Language practice is considered moremeaningful if such practice is task-based. A task can be defined as what learners needed to do in a specified context to practice the language.(2)举例:举例解释句的某个关键性概念。Many people all over the world use their bodies as well astheir voiOK, fineto communicate. Two ve
28、ry common exles are the “thumbs-up” sign,esture, to meanood and the “thumbs-down” sign to mean the opite.(3)假设法:通过假设从解释祝句的内容。例如 Youngsters who have experienced a gap yearcertainly would be more independent, the benefits of which cover many aspects of students lives both academically and mentally. Wi
29、thout this independence, they may not be able to get accustomed to college life in a real sense.(4)解释论点法: It is also a good idea to spend some time earning a living or traveling to oth laafter finishing secondary school. In this way, they often can obtain a broader view of life and betteral resourto
30、 draw on.(5)问答法:回答问题来解释段落想要表达的中心。例如:What should bee to solve the problem ofovopulation? One of the most effective measures is through education.3. 扩展句:扩展句必须紧扣,有具体的细节或者例子来证明句中的观点或者解释句的内容,进一步展开句。(1) 举例:型具体生动的事例,使句的抽象概念具体化,使文章通俗易懂并具有说服力,要注意必须精选例子,做到恰如其分,准确地说明问题。To begin with, traditional fame and cyber
31、 fame are built on different bases. As we know, traditional famecomes from ability and achievement.he past time and practice could help check the quality of onesachievement, and only those who passed check coulde famous. Einstein, for exle, becamefamous years after he put forward his theories of rel
32、ativity. The cyber fame, on the other hand, is mainly built on novelty and strangeness. Nowadays, so long as you can do something strange, you will probably e famous. Muzimei became famous because she published her diaries recording her airs with different men, and Belle Lotus did so by declaring he
33、r strong admiration for her self. Both of them behave very “abnormally”, according to a sociologist, ant it is mainly this quality makes themwidely-known.(2) 列举(listing) : Even with good study ability, some students still fail because of the negative influencefrom their famis. Thekind of such influe
34、nce is lack of money. Now most universities collect quite high tuition from students, so students from poor famis are constantly worried by money problem.Another influence is family misfortune, the most common exles of which are illness and accident. Ifstudents are troubled by family problem, they w
35、ont be able to focus their minthey will not survive in university.study, and naturally(3) 因果: Modern people have greater tens sot they have less time to communicate with eachother. More and more people are livinghe urban areas where life has a fastacen in othla.Due to fierce competition for jobs, ci
36、ty dwellers have to constantly work in order to keep up with the paceof city life. Everybody is busy all the time. Work preres deprive them of a casual way of life.Moreover, living in apartments in different blocks isolates people from each other. Because of strictertime constras, it is not alwayssi
37、ble for people to meet their friends.(4)对比、比较 To begin with, traditional fame and cyber fame are built on different bases. As we know,traditional fame comes from ability and achievement.he past time and practice could help check thequality of ones achievement, and only those who passed check coulde
38、famous. Einstein, forexle, became famous years after he put forward his theories of relativity. The cyber fame, on the otherhand, is mainly built on novelty and strangeness. Nowadays, so long as you can do something strange,you will probablye famous. Muzimei became famous because she published her d
39、iaries recordingher airs with different men, and Belle Lotus did so by declaring her strong admiration for her self. Both of them behave very “abnormally”, according to a sociologist, ant it is mainly this quality makes themwidely-known.III.结论写作文章结尾的写作首先,结尾应该来得自然而然,给人以水到渠成的印象。只有在进行充分的说明和论证之后,文章才能获得说
40、服力,唯有如此,结尾部分的重申中心的目的才能达到。切忌心急火燎地结束文章,这样会给读者一种戛然而止、意犹未尽的感觉,损害文章的度。其次,结尾部分应该写的简洁明确、发人深省、突出强调文章的主旨,避免出现妥协性的、模棱两可的言辞,这样回事文章的结尾显得底气。再设,应该避免在结尾部分提出新的未加说明或论证的的和写作内容上的一致性。,以免节外生枝,破坏文章在写作目另外,文章的结尾种有一些常见的表达手法,例如:in short, in brief, in one/a word, in sum, in, to sum up, therefore, obviously, no doubt, as resul
41、t.结尾段包括两部分:一时对文章要点的总结,二是对该话题做出最终的评论。一 总结的写法1. 直接总结法:再次提醒读者在文章种谈了哪些主要内容,尽量有一两句话涵盖正文段落种的句的内容。例如正文的句分别为:erview provides crul information for both parties involved.erview offers a broad selection for botherviewers andervies.erview embodied an important principle of the modern society: fairness.可以把它概括为:
42、erview can offer great benefits to the society because it can provide peoplewith information and selection as well as demonstrating a principle oirnesshe modern society.Or:erview can offer great benefits to the society. This can be seen not onlyhe information it canprovide, the wide selection it mak
43、essible, but alsohe principle oirness it helps ensurehepros of recruitment.2.首尾呼应,重述文章引言部分内容,再转让总结。如下面的开头为:With the development of market economy in China, more and more companies have comeo being.When they need to take up more people, employers usually select througherviews. Similarly, if peoplewan
44、t to secure a job, they also need to perform well inerviews. Therefore,erview isingincreasingly importantodern society.结尾的总结部分可这写:Market economy has not only brought about increasing importance. 在呼应句后,再总结。erview but alsogiven it3.让步法:在结尾段提一下,然后转入。如:Admittedly,erview has theings ofrelying on theunden
45、iableimpresand testing oral communication rathern working skill. But it is alsot it is making an increasingly important contribution to the society.二 最终评论的写法:做完总结后,一般还要再对所1评论重要性:再次强调本话题的重要性的话题作一点点评。Given its importance to the modern society, it is reasonable to saycornerstones for the progress of hu
46、man society.terview lays one of the2.As未来的发展erview ising more and more important, it is likelythe near future, better methods willbe devised, and better regulations will be made to ensure its quality.3.提出警告:It must be realizedpresenterview is still not scientific enough. Therefore, if bettermethod c
47、annot be found out,4. 提出解决方法erview cannot really playt important role.To really realize the important role oferview, employers should invite the help of researchershefield of psychological assessment to devise bettererview methods, and applicants should familiarizethemselves with theerview requireme
48、nts and pros before going to theerview.IV 写作模板引言I.吸引注意力:用数字、问题、引语等/II. 引出文章话题:开门见山/收网式/驳论式、III.表述中心论点:topic + controlling idea正文:句(开门见山/转折/先否定,再肯定)+阐述句(定义/举例/假设/解释/问答)+扩展句(举例/列举/因果/对比/证言、统计数字、谚语名言等)+总结句结论:总结:采用直接总结法/首尾呼应发/让步法重述上文的主要 内容/最终评论:通过评论重要性/将来的发展/提出警告/提出解决方法对作文话题作简要评论第四章、内容充实论据经常使用的论据:证言统计数据
49、例子 个人经历 逻辑推理类比例如:分论点: Lack of sleep has证言 Lack of sleep has from Harvard University, declarede andemiche natione andemic in the nation. Dr. David, Psychological professort after a nationwide survey, “I cant think of a single studythasnt found Americans getting less sleepn they ought to.Even people t
50、hink they are slengenough would be better off with more rest.” (确立性,说明他们的职业、头衔)he nation. From diary entries and统计数据 Lack of sleep hase andemical accountsfrom the 18nd 19th centaury, sleep scientists have concludedt the averageused to sleepabout 9.5 hours a night. By the 1950s and 1960s, sleep sched
51、ule had been reduced dramatically, tobetn 7.5 and 8 hours, and most people had to wake toarm clock. (注意数据的有效性,说明数据来源,多与证言结合使用)例子 Lack of sleep hase andemiche nation. The, for exle, used to admitthe found his job different to deal with, because, among other things, he could sleep only for four or fiv
52、ehours a day. Besides, many employers complahat their staff cannot work efficientlyhe afternoon,as they cannot get enough time for sleep the day before. And thealso report more traffic accidentsbecause many drivers cannot concentrate due to the lack of sleep. (注意观点与例子间的内在联系)个人经历 Lack of sleep hase a
53、ndemiche nation. When in college, I used to sleep for aboutnine hours every day, but now I can only sleep for about six hours if I want to finish my job on time. Iusually feel tired at work, and sometimes I even fet what I supe to do. Besides, I findt moren half of my colleagues are sharing my probl
54、em. (个人经历,比较服力)逻辑推理,范围有限,有时不具有说Lack of sleep hase andemiche nation. Nowadays, the step of life hase increasinglyleractionsfast, and people are expected to shoulder more responsibilities at work. Besides, as soe more convenient and broader, people have to spend more time keng friends and otheracquaan
55、from the timein frequent contact. As they cannot find more time in one day, all they cans to borrowt was previously allocated to sleng. Therefore, it is natural to findt most peopleare sleng less.(分析事物之间的逻辑联系,特别是因果联系,来论证观点)Lack of sleep hase andemiche nation. Its well-knownt may people around us con
56、sidersleep the least important on their lists if they are faced with heavy prere from work, family or friends.The complexity of life forthem to cut down time spent in sleng. Some otheople sleep less forfeart they may be regarded as lacking drive and ambition.(不宜过多使用,为众所周知的信息,使用过多会削弱自己的)类比 Lack of sl
57、eep hase andemiche nation We may have foundt in spring when trees andbushes come in full blossom. Bees usually spend less time in their hive because they have more honey-making jobs to do. Similarly, when people have more work to do, they tend to sleep less, and this has come true for us. (类比采取迂回战士,
58、能否成功取决于所比较事物的相似性,必须是读者认同这种相似性,才可采纳)分论点: Education is also very important for elderly people.1.cEducation is also very important for elderly people. Prof. Wang from Peking University reported in hisstudyt many elderly people attend various trainings after their retirement, and this not only help them
59、improve their skillshese fields, but also provides them win opportunity to communicate with other证言)elderly people, making them free time moreeresting. (2. Education is also very important for elderly people. A recent study by the municipalernmentrevealst moren 88% of the retired people attend diffe
60、rent kinds of training programs provided bythe elderly university. This study also showst 92.5% of these elderly university agreet thesetraining classes not only teach them useful skills, but also help them to kill their free time more easily. (统计数据)Education is also very important for elderly peopl
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