



1、旅游场景1. Match these words with the correct definitions 配对正确的单词含义WORDSDEFINITIONS(1) ferryA. an area or building at a station, airport or port that is used by passenger for leaving or arriving by train, aircraft or ship(2) steam shipB. an area of water next to the coast, often protected from the sea b

2、y a thick wall, where ships and boats can shelter(3) harborC. an electric vehicle that transports people, usually in cities, and goes along metal tracks in the road(4) airportD. a long motor vehicle with comfortable seats, used to take groups of people on journeys(5) terminalE. a boat or ship for ta

3、king passengers and often vehicles across an area of water, especially as a regular service(6) coachF. a ship that moves by steam power(7) tramG. a garden dedicated to the collection, cultivation and display of a wide range of plants labelled with their botanical names.(8) botanic gardenH. a place w

4、here aircraft regularly take off and land, with buildings for passengers to wait inChoose the best options to complete these sentences 选择最合适的选项来完成句子The Great Wall is one of the main tourist in Beijing. You cant miss it!A. attractionsB. attractsC. interestsIf you have children with you,is a good choi

5、ce for you.A. theme parkB. mountainC. forestI dont suggest you visit the. Its too hot and dry there and you may easily get lost.A. lakeB. castleC. desertNiagara is the most well-known in the U.S., and itzs so grand!A. forestB. waterfallC. seaThese mysterious creatures live at the bottom of the.A. co

6、astB. oceanC. beachFor those who like art, there is also a great where you can appreciate someamazing pieces.A. galleryB. islandC. sculptureare public spaces for children that encourage them to manage risk. They often have fixed equipment such as rope ladders and slides.A. adventure playground B. mu

7、seum C. heritage siteListen and complete these sentences.听听力来完成这些句子填空。You can also go in the Himalayas.is still the most popular activity among senior citizens.111 never forget this trip because it was when I tried and forthe first time in my life.I like to in the morning when the sun is not so hot.His favorite is golf.When I was a child, I was crazy about the.There are over 900 World all over the world.


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