中考英语复习备考:词框分类 准确选词_第1页
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中考英语复习备考:词框分类 准确选词_第5页




1、中考英语复习备考:词框分类准确选词初中英语完形填空题一直是近年来省内外中考考查学生英语学习能力和水平的 常见题型。常见的完形填空分两类:一是4选1的完形填空,即根据短文内容,从 各题所给的4个选项中选择一个最正确答案;二是12选10 (或者10选10),即根据 短文内容,用方框中所给词的正确形式填空,使短文完整、正确(每个词只能用一 次,有两个多余词)。今天,我们使用词框(word box)分类的方法来做12选10完形填空题,这个方 法可以大大降低解题难度,提高准确率。12选10题往往在短文前提供12个不同词 性的备选词,短文中挖空10个,通常有35个词需要变形。那么,我相争先要熟悉 英语中常

2、见词类(parts of speech):名词、动词、形容词、副词、代词、数词等, 这些属于实词;冠词、连词、介词等,这些属于虚词。虚词通常没有变形的考查,实 词中涉及变形的情况有:.名词变形包括名词单复数间转换,名词所有格等;.动词变形包括动词时态(作谓语时)和非谓语动词等情况;.形容词和副词变形包括形容词与副词间转换(前后缀构词法)以及形容词和副 词比拟级、最高级变化等;.代词变形主要指代词主宾格间转换、物主代词间转换、反身代词间转换、指示 代词单复数转换等;.数词变形包括基数词和序数词间转换。特别提出最近几年中考命题尤为强调对单词前后缀构词法的考查。这就涉及不同 词性的单词通过构词法添加

3、前后缀进行单词变形。下面以2021年铁岭葫芦岛市初中毕业生学业考试试题中第七大题的完形填空 题为例。VII.完形填空(共10分,每空1分)根据短文内容,用方框中所给词的正确形式填空,使短文完整、正确。(每个 词只能用一次,有两个多余词)首先,我们根据英语单词的词性把提供的12个词进行分类。名词oil, education, use, friend动词add, use, speak, encourage 形容词 many副词still, so (如此,那么)连词so (因此,所以)介词at, withWhen the people around us feel down, we usually

4、say jiayou. When we watch the dragon boat races, we can also hear jiayou. We usually say it when we 66 someone. It means “add oil in English. But where is it from? And why do we 67 it?There is a story behind “add oir It took place during the Qing Dynasty. uAdd oil” started 68 an official (官员)named Z

5、hang Ying. He was the zhifu, or mayor (市 长), of Xingyi in Guizhou. He believed that good _69 could help build a strong country, _70He tried to develop local education better. What he did made much 71 people study.He sent lower officials to walk around the city at night with buckets (桶)of 72_. In anc

6、ient China, people used oil lamps (灯)at night. If these officials saw the light of oil lamps in someones home and heard the sound of reading, they would knock on the door and say, “The mayor 73 oil for your lamp! ” The officials would then gave the person oil so that he could study till the night.Zh

7、ang did this and paid for the oil for 13 years. Many young people in Xingyi later became officials, poets and scholars (学者).“Add oil” is 74 used today. Next time, say jiayou to your 75 when they need you to cheer them up. Ifs very useful.然后,我们开始通读全文。一边逐句理解文意,理顺上下文语境;同时,一边仔细 观察句子结构。66题,We usually say

8、 it when we 66 someone.此句中,前面有主格人称代词 we (主语),后面有不定代词someone (宾语),说明此题需要谓语动词。那么我 们可以从动词词框的四个词add, use, speak, encourage进行考虑。再根据上 文中出现jiayou (加油)一词,可以确定此题选词为encourage (鼓励)。同时,根 据该句是when引导的时间状语从句,主从句时态一致。所以可以确定此题答案为 encourageo之后在动词词框中把encourage划掉。67题,同样道理,此题缺少谓语动词。我们仍然从动词词框里剩余的三个词add, use, speak来考虑。综合文

9、意和语境,选用use作为答案。68 题,Add oil started 68 an official (官员)named Zhang Ying.可以理解为: “加油一词开始(起源)于一位名字叫Zhang Ying的官员。”可以猜测到动词短语start with.(作谓语),表示“以开始的意思”。因此介词词框at, w此中Mth被划 掉,成为此题答案(介词属于虚词,没有变形)。69 题,下文句子中提供了词语衔接:He believed that good 69 could help build a strong country, 70 he tried to develop local educ

10、ation better.同畤,在止匕处形容 词good修饰的名词作主语。可以推测此题需要名词,所以从名词词框oil, education, use, friend中进行选择,答案确定为education。70题,考查句子关系。此处需要连词so (所以)表达前后句的因果关系。71题,难点在于出现了主语从句,但是不难看出people做动词made的宾语。 People一词前面需要定语:much 71 people,可以联想到much+比拟级形式。此空 需要形容词比拟级作定语修饰people。因此答案从形容词词框 many中找到,many 变形为more。72 题,walk . with buck

11、ets (桶)of 72 .In ancient China, people used oil lamps (灯)at night.“拿着几桶走”,在下文中“oil lamps油灯”给出提示。与此同时, buckets (桶,为量词)of 72 (名词).所以,名词词框oil, education, use, friend 中oil被选中成为答案。73题,同理,此题需要动词作谓语。紧扣文章主题:add oiL因此从剩余动词词 框add, speak中选择add变形为adds作为此题答案。74题,“Add oil” is 74 used today.(“加油”一词今天仍然在使用。)该句主干成 分

12、完整,只是缺少加强语气的still。同时作为虚词,still不需要变形。75题,由say jiayou to your 75 ,可以确定此题需要名词作宾语。从名词词框中能够恰当使用的还有friend变形为friends。需要强调的是在选择实词填空时一定要考虑词形转换。2021年铁岭葫芦岛市初 中毕业生学业考试题中12选10题涉及三处词形转换:many变比拟级more;add 作谓语考虑时态使用第三人称单数形式;friend变名词复数。再拿2021年抚顺本溪辽阳市初中毕业生学业考试题中12选10题为例。VII.完形填空(共10分,每空1分)根据短文内容,用方框中所给词的正确形式填空,使短文完整、

13、正确。(每个 词只能用一次,有两个多余词)His provide into lose ago haveMoney later young fill hundred so 名词money动词provide, lose, have, fill代词his 数词hundred 形容词young 副词ago, later, so (如此,那么)连词so (因此,所以)介词intoYears ago in Scotland, Mr. and Mrs. Clark had a dream of travelling to the United States with their nine children.

14、 Clark and his wife worked hard and saved enough 66 and got passports for the whole family on a new ship to the United States. The whole family was 67 with excitement about life in America. However, seven days before their trip, the 68 son of the four was bitten (咬)by a dog. The doctor required that

15、 all the family should be separated for fourteen days.The familys dream ended. They would 69 to cancel the trip to America. The father was very disappointed and cursed (咒骂)both his son and the dog because he didnt want to 70 the chance to travel to the United States. Five days 71, the sad news sprea

16、d around Scotland Titanic had sunk (下沉).The famous ship had sunk with 72of lives in it. The Clark family was to have been on that ship, but the son had been bitten by a dog, 73 they were left behind in Scotland. When Mr. Clark heard the news, he hugged 74 son and thanked him for saving the family. H

17、e thanked his son and the dog for saving their lives and turning what he felt was a sad thing 75 a lucky one. Although we may not know why, all things happen for a reason.66题,saved enough 66需要名词作宾语。名词词框money里只有money 作为正确答案,意为“攒下足够的钱”。67 题,The whole family was 67 with excitement about life in America

18、.谓语不完 整。同时,根据动词短语固定搭配,be filled whh有充满”的意思。所以动词词 框provide, lose, have, fill中选择 fill 变形为 filled。68题,the 68 son of the four需要形容词最高级作定语。形容词词框young 中只有一个young变形最高级为youngest。69 题,They would 69 to cancel the trip to America,需要动词原形与 would 共同 作言胃语。动词词框provide, lose, have, fill还有三个备选项,只有have to (不 得不)可以表达出当时情境下的客观环境约束(隔离14天)。因此确定答案为have。70题,didnt want to 70 thechance根据前后语境和句子结构,可以判定此题 需要动词原形。动词词框provide, lose, have, fill还剩下两个。根据上下文语 境,应是不想失去机会,所以答案可以确定为lose。71题,Five days 71 ,作时间状语,副词词框ago, later, so (如此,那么) 中有副词later可以构词短语用ve days late,5天后”或者ago构成短语five days ago5 天前”。根据上下文表示时间进一步延续,选择later作为正确答案。同时,a


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