2022年暑假新高三暑假提能英语题型专练(阅读理解完形填空语法填空)Day 08(解析版)_第1页
2022年暑假新高三暑假提能英语题型专练(阅读理解完形填空语法填空)Day 08(解析版)_第2页
2022年暑假新高三暑假提能英语题型专练(阅读理解完形填空语法填空)Day 08(解析版)_第3页
2022年暑假新高三暑假提能英语题型专练(阅读理解完形填空语法填空)Day 08(解析版)_第4页
2022年暑假新高三暑假提能英语题型专练(阅读理解完形填空语法填空)Day 08(解析版)_第5页
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1、2022年暑假新高三【暑假提能】英语题型专练(通用版)08阅读理解+完形填空+语深填空一、阅读理解1ESSEX Sorrowful families in Vietnam are struggling to bring home the bodies of loved ones who died in a refrigerated truck while trying to illegally enter the United Kingdom on Oct 23. Many of the relatives of the 39 people who died in the freezing,

2、airless vehicle are too poor to bring the bodies back to Vietnam.Bui Huy Cuong, chairman of the peoples committee told the Guardian Newspaper that officials have visited bereaved (新近丧失亲人的)families to encourage them to receive ashes, instead of bodies, because it would be cheaper. But he said familie

3、s want bodies so they can be honored in traditional funerals and are hoping the authorities will pay. At the moment, we are not sure if the British or the Vietnamese government will take responsibility for bringing victims back to Vietnam J he said. Families know nothing about it. It should be clear

4、 soon which government (if any) will take responsibility .how much can British and Vietnamese governments pay, and how much will Vietnamese families need to contribute.”The brother of 26-year-old Pham Thi Tra My told the paper his family does not want ashes. Pham Manh Cuong said, “My family wishes t

5、o bring my sisters body back home because we all agree we want to see her fbr the last time. Pham Thi Tra My was the victim who came to prominence when her final text home was made public in which she said, Sorry, Mum. My journey abroad has not succeeded. I love you so much! Im dying because I cant

6、breathe.Nguyen Dinh Gia, the father of another victim, Nguyen Dinh Luong, from Nghe An province, said his family also wants a body. They did not tell me how much the transport fee is, but told us ifs costly. he said. “We are asking fbr help from two governments . Weve had to wait for many days now a

7、nd are falling into depression.The Vietnamese government has not commented on the repatriations (调回本国).Police in the UK and in Vietnam have made several arrests in connection with the incident that claimed the lives of 31 male and 8 female victims, of whom 10 were teenagers.What does Bui Huy Cuong m

8、ainly want to express in Paragraph 2?A. How officials care about the bereaved families.Some authorities encourage families to receive ashes.How money will be raised to bring the victims back to Vietnam.Families want bodies so they can be honored in traditional funerals.What is the possible meaning o

9、f the underlined word prominence“ in Paragraph 3?Being likely to cause harm.The state of being noticeable.The quality of being pleasant or attractive.Behavior acquired through frequent repetition.We know about Nguyen Dinh Luong from the news report?His brother is Pham Manh Cuong.He is from Nghe An p

10、rovince, Vietnam.What is mainly talked about on touch starvation in Paragraph 2?A. Its cause.B. Its function.C. Its meaning.D. Its influence.What plays a key role in physical touch?A. Quantity.B. Quality.C. Closeness.D. Genuineness.Which of the following is the best title for the text?Cuddling contr

11、ibutes to our healthEpidemic brings about health problemsPhysical touch improves medical conditionTouch starvation harms interpersonal relationship【答案与解析】这是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍在疫情的影响之下,越来也多的人表现出对身体接触的需 要,研究说明身体接触可以改善人们的身体状况,对人们来说十分重要。.细节理解题。根据第一段As a result of COVID-19 precautions, many of us are part of th

12、is secondary epidemic: people who really need a hug. A survey conducted in 112 countries said more than 50% of the people didnt get enough such physical interaction as cuddling. And that was before the pandemic set in. As the COVID-related lockdowns are taking effect, that number increases to 60%”(由

13、于 2019 新型冠状病毒疾病预 防措施,我们中的许多人都是这种二次流行病的一局部:真正需要拥抱的人。一项在“2个国家进行的调 查显示,超过50%的人没有得到像拥抱这样的身体互动。那是在大流行爆发之前。随着与新冠病毒相关的 锁定措施生效,这一数字增加到 60%)以及Health-care professionals have given a name to thiscondition-touch starvation.(医疗保健专业人员给这种状况起了一个名字接触饥饿。)可知,第一段提出的“接触饥饿指的是人们对身体接触的需求。应选B项。.主旨大意题。根据第二段“Touch starvation

14、may sound emotional in the most literal sense, but the idea is supported by hard-core biology. It starts with hormones. Cuddling increases levels of oxytocin, the bonding hormone, and decreases levels of cortisol, the stress hormone,“ says Lina Velikova, an immunologist. (从字面意 义上讲,接触饥饿可能听起来情绪化,但这一想法

15、得到了核心生物学的支持。它以激素开始。免疫学家莉 娜维利科娃说:“拥抱会增加结合激素催产素的水平,降低应激激素皮质醇的水平。”)可知,拥抱可以影 响人们体内催产素和皮质醇的水平,换句话说,人们是否产生接触饥饿可以根据这两种激素的水平去判断, 所以第二段主要介绍接触饥饿产生的原因。应选A项。.推理判断题。根据第四段“Part of the power of physical touch comes from the very fact that it does not involve spoken language. Body language is often harder to fake.

16、The act of cuddling authentically communicates trust and safety in ways people can* speak.(身体接触的力量局部来自于它不涉及口语这一事实。肢体语言 往往更难伪装。拥抱这种行为以一种人们无法用语言表达的方式真诚地传达了信任和平安。)可知,身体 接触是人类交流的重要组成局部,而且真诚在身体接触中起着关键作用,D项“Genuineness”意为“真诚L 与第四段“Body language is often harder to fake以及authentically communicates trust and

17、 safety”一致。应选 D 项。.细节理解题。根据第三段“this very act can help ease pain”(这种行为可以帮助缓解疼痛)以及“Even minor physical contact can be beneficial to both of you”(即使是轻微的身体接触也会对你们双方都有好处)可知, 身体接触对我们的身体有好处;最后一段“all these things count”(所有这些都很重要)以及“its important to start slowly, both in the quantity and quality of physical

18、contact.(从身体接触的数量和质量开始慢慢来是很重 要的。)说明身体接触在改善身体状况中的重要性;C项“Physical touch improves medical condition (身体 接触可以改善身体状况)符合题意。应选C项。8There really are apps for everything and some could end up saving your life.WhatsAppLots of us use WhatsApp for messaging and calling, but do you know it also has a Live Locatio

19、n feature that can let a loved one know your whereabouts in case youre in danger? You simply press the key in a chat, select “Location,and then press “Share Live Location,which enables any participant in the chat to see your location in real time for the duration you choose.SkinVisionYou will have t

20、o pay for this digital skin check app, either on an ad hoc or a subscription basis, but with an estimated fifth of skin cancers going undiagnosed(未确诊的)during lockdown, it could be well worth it. You simply take a photo of any suspicious(可疑的)spot with your phone and youll then receive a risk indicati

21、on from Skin Visions clinically acknowledged technology within 30 seconds.Stay AliveWith mental health problems on the increase, this prevention app could be extremely helpful. Developed by Grassroots, it offers a wealth of resources, ranging from strategies for staying grounded when you feel overwh

22、elmed, to breathing exercises to direct links to national and local crisis resources.St John Ambulance First AidAn app like this is more useful for saving someone elses life than your own, but arguably its a must-have on your smartphone. It gives advice in dealing with emergencies, including choking

23、, allergic reactions and performing CPR. You dont have to have an Internet connection in order to use it.What can Skin Vision users do?They can learn first aid skills.They can do skin check easily.They can take beautiful photos.They can share their accurate location.What makes St John Ambulance Firs

24、t Aid unique?A. It offers advice on mental health.It helps save both users and others.It is accessible only to online users.It is of great benefit to cancer patients.Which app may help track users?A. WhatsApp.Skin Vision.Stay Alive.D. St John Ambulance First Aid.【答案与解析】本文是一篇应用文。文章介绍了四款能挽救你性命的应用程序。.细

25、节理解题。根据 SkinVision 中的“You will have to pay for this digital skin check app, either on an ad hoc or a subscription basis, but with an estimated fifth of skin cancers going undiagnosed(未确诊的)during lockdown, it could be wen worth it.(你必须为这个数字皮肤检查应用程序付费,无论是临时还是订阅,但据估计,在 封锁期间有五分之一的皮肤癌没有被诊断出来,这可能是非常值得的。厂可

26、知,Skin Vision用户可以很容 易地做皮肤检查。应选B。.细节理解题。根据 St John Ambulance First Aid 中的“An app like this is more useful fbr saving someone else life than your own, but arguably ifs a must-have on your smartphone.(相比于拯救你自己的生命,这样的 应用程序在拯救别人的生命方面更加有用,但可以说它是你智能手机上的必备软件。)”可知,St John Ambulance First Aid的独特之处是在于可以帮助拯救用户和

27、其他人。应选B。.细节理解题。根据 WhatsApp 中的“Lots of us use WhatsApp for messaging and calling, but do you know it also has a Live Location feature that can let a loved one know your whereabouts in case youre in danger? You simply press the key in a chat, select “Location,and then press Share Live Location,which e

28、nables any participant in the chat to see your location in real time for the duration you choose.(我们彳艮多人用 WhatsApp 发 消息和打 ,但你知道它还有实时定位功能吗?如果你有危险,它可以让你的爱人知道你在哪里?你只 需在聊天中按下键,选择“位置”,然后按下“共享实时位置“,就可以让聊天中的任何参与者在你选择的 持续时间内实时看到你的位置。)”可知,WhatsApp应用程序可以帮助追踪用户。应选A。二、七选五1How to have real fun even when lifes go

29、t you downWhen was the last time you had fiin? Not I saw a TikTok of a dancing bird fun, but more like true, lost-track-of-time, laughing out loud, never forget it fun?Look, I know it takes a lot of struggles to just be in the world sometimes. But I have an important message for you: Fun is not friv

30、olous(毫无意义的).30Its important to acknowledge that to have fun, you really need to have your basic needs met. But it doesnt mean needing to go on a fancy vacation or spending a bunch of money on equipment: 31There is a handy acronym (首字母缩略词)that just might help you bring more fun into your days: SPARK

31、S 一 Make space for fun! Put your phone down, or even set aside some time on your calendar to make sure you are really dedicating yourself to looking for fun.P 32 You dont need to put pressure on yourself and think Im going to become a professionalsnowboarder. Set the bar low! Look for things that in

32、terest you and let those guide you.A - Attracting fun. It means having an open mind about when and where fun might appear.R Rebellion (叛逆)! Some researches find that a little bit of gentle rebellion is a good way to make fun happen. 33 Go roller skating in the middle of the night! Stepping out of wh

33、at is expected of you can be a great way to seek out fun moments.K Keep at it! Like any new practice, the only way to really incorporate (寺融入)it into your life is totry it many times. 34 maybe itll be guitar or working in the community garden that becomes your nextfun magnet!Prioritize fun.Pursue pa

34、ssions.Start to identify what is truly fun.So, jump in a pool with your clothes on!Fun can be sledding down a hill or singing a song.So dont give up if basket weaving doesnt work for you.When we have true fun, we avoid loneliness, stop judging ourselves and get inspirations.【答案与解析】本文是一篇说明文,主要讨论了什么是真

35、正的快乐以及对如何获得真正的快乐提出了一些 建议。.根据上一句But I have an important message for you: Fun is not frivolous(毫无意义的).(但我有一个重要 的信息要告诉你:享乐不是毫无意义的!户可知,此处承接上文,解释原因(即:为什么说享乐不是毫无意 义的),G项“当我们获得真正的乐趣时,我们可以防止孤独,不再评判自己,会获得激励。”,说明理由。 应选Go. 根据这段主题句 Its important to acknowledge that to have fun, you really need to have your basi

36、c needs met.(重要的是要成认享受乐趣,你真的需要满足你的基本需求)”可知,快乐就是满足最基本的需求。故E 项“快乐可以是滑雪橇下山或唱歌“符合语境,与上文“But it doesn9t mean needing to go on a fancy vacation or spending a bunch of money on equipment.(但是这并不意味着需要度一个豪华的假期或花费一大 笔钱在设备上”形成比照。应选E。.根据上下段结构可知,此处是段落小标题,且首字母是P,在A、B中选择。再根据下文内容“You dont need to put pressure on you

37、rself and think Im going to become a professional snowboarder. Set the bar low! Look for things that interest you and let those guide you.(你不需要给自己施加压力,并认为我会成为一名专业的单 板滑雪运发动。将标准调低!寻找你感兴趣的东西,让它们引导你。广可知,我们不需要给自己施加压力, 应该把门槛调低!寻找自己感兴趣的东西,让它们指引你。故B项“追求自己的爱好”符合语境。应选B。.根据段落小标题 Rebellion(叛逆)和上文“Some researche

38、s find that a little bit of gentle rebellion is a good way to make fun happen.(一些研究发现,一点点温和的叛逆是一个快乐的好方法。户结合下文提到“Go roller skating in the middle of the night!(半夜去溜冰!)”可知I,此处是关于温和的叛逆行为的举例,故D项“因此 穿上衣服跳进游泳池”符合语境。应选D。.根据段落小标题 Keep at it!和上文“Like any new practice, the only way to really incorporate (将融入)i

39、t into your life is to try it many times.(就像任何新的实践一样,真正将它融入你的生活的唯一方法就是尝试 很屡次)”可知,本段建议坚持不放弃,多尝试将快乐融入到你的生活中。F项中“don、give up”与“keep at it”相呼应,因此推断F项“所以,如果编织篮子对你没用,不要放弃。”符合语境,举例说明屡次尝试。 应选Fo2The Maldives is a group of very small islands in the Indian Ocean, near Sri Lanka. There are about 1, 200 islands.

40、 The Republic of Maldives is the smallest Asian country and it also has the smallest population. About 400, 000 people live in the Maldives, 75, 000 of whom are on the capital island, Male. Male is different from the other islands in the Maldives because it doesnt have any beaches. 35As one of the m

41、ost popular holiday destinations, the Maldives has truly spectacular sights. Eighty-seven of the islands in the Maldives have different types of hotels on them. 36 They can even stay in a Bangalore, a small cabin right over the water where they can enjoy the clear water and fish with friends. Thats

42、an experience youll never forget.37 When you arrive on the airport island, you can take a Dhoni taxi and go to Male. This is a small boat used for transportation around the islands. The Dhoni has a wide range of functions. Apart from being used for fishing, it is popular for transportation of goods

43、and people between the islands. 38 You can use these boats to visit other islands, too.The Maldives is a popular place for scuba-diving, because there are many wonderful fish in the water to see. Also, the water is very clear. 39 There are many professional diving schools with instructors who speak

44、many languages. You can also go whale and dolphin watching, fishing, surfing, hiking or you can explore the towns.What are you hesitating about? Go there for the summer vacation.A Its very easy to get around the islands.Tourists can go and enjoy their holidays.The Maldives are universally famous for

45、 its tourism.In fact, there is a wall that goes around the whole island.When you are underwater, you can see for more than 50 metres.Dhoni taxis go from the airport island to the capital island every 15 minutes.There are many islands where nobody lives though tourists can go to Male by boat.【答案与解析】本

46、文是一篇说明文。介绍了著名的旅游岛屿马尔代夫。.根据上文中“Mal6 is different from the other islands in the Maldives because it doesnt have any beaches.”(Mal6与马尔代夫的其他岛屿不同,因为它没有任何海滩。)可知,Mal6与马尔代夫的其他岛屿不 同,因为它没有任何海滩,后文应该具体描写Mal6与众不同的地方。D选项“In fact, there is a wall that goes around the whole island.(事实上,有一堵墙围绕着整个岛)符合,承接上文。应选D。.根据后文中

47、的“They can even stay in a Bangalore, a small cabin right over the water where they can enjoy the clear water and fish with friends.”(他们甚至可以住在班加罗尔,那是一间就在水面上的小木屋,在那里 他们可以和朋友一起享受清澈的水和钓鱼。)可知,此处具体讲述游客们能够在小岛上做的事情。B项 “Tourists can go and enjoy their holidays.(旅游者可以去享受他们的假期。)”引起下文,其中下文“They”指代 的是B选项中的touris

48、ts。应选B。.根据后文“When you arrive on the airport island, you can take a Dhoni taxi and go to Mal6.“(当你到达机场 岛时,你可以乘坐多尼出租车去Mal6。)可知,此处提及的是到达Mal6有很方便的交通,A选项“t,s very easy to get around the islands(很容易环岛旅游。)”符合,引起下文。应选A。.根据空后“You can use these boats to visit other islands, too.(你也可以用这些船参观其他岛屿。)可知,句 中的“too”提示

49、上一句也是对交通方式的描述。上文“Apart from being used for fishing, it is popular for transportation of goods and people between the islands.” (除了用于捕鱼外,它还广泛用于岛屿之间的货物和人 员运输。)强调的是岛屿和岛屿之间的交通。由此可知,空处应是承接上文,继续描述不同岛屿之间的交通 情况,F 选项“Dhoni taxis go from the airport island to the capital island every 15 minutes.(Dhoni 出租车从机场

50、岛到首都岛每15分钟一班。广符合。应选F。.根据空前的“Also, the water is very clear.(而且,水很清澈。)可知,这里的水很清澈,空处承接上文, 继续描写水很清澈,E 选项“When you are underwater, you can see for more than 50 metres.(当你在水下时,你 可以看到50多米远的地方。户符合,强调了水很清澈。应选E。三、完形填空1I have a cupboard of coffee mugs (马克杯)above my coffeemaker. One day, the cupboard door opene

51、d and they 40Fortunately, nobody was 41. and I just lost all coffee mugs. What was I to do? I neednt have42. Coffee mugs are something of which everyone has 43, All my friends had them, soeveryone was willing to share their extra mugs. Soon, my repaired cupboard was 44 with various mugs. I was certa

52、inly 45 for the donated mugs, 46 some were totally different from what I would have chosen. So here was the strange thing I didnt 47:1 fell in love with them.The mug is such an attractive canvas (画布)for 48 .Many things can be put on a mug. My once boring cupboard was 49 into a rainbow of human exper

53、ience.I also discovered there is something satisfying about drinking from a 50 mug. The faded (褪色的)drawings and worn inside are comforting, like a worn T-shirt: something one can 51 into. Since muchof my collection came from strangers, the cups contain many 52If you come for coffee with me, you wont

54、 find it served in a neat new cup with a saucer that 53 it.Instead, you7! get a unique example of human_5440. A. ran outB. broke downC. poured outD. rolled down41. A. disturbedB. hurtC. blamedD. lost42. A. worriedB. complainedC. explainedD. struggled43. A. optionsB. favorsC. extrasD. piles44. A. dec

55、oratedB. filledC. equippedD. linked45. A. anxiousB. readyC. fearfulD. grateful46. A. butB. soC. asD. or47. A. understandB. spotC. expectD. accept48. A. connectionB. encouragementC. commitmentD. expression49. A. mixedB. transformedC. thrownD. fitted50. A. delicateB. brand-newC. colorfulD.second-hand5

56、1. A. relaxB. changeC. benefitD. stretch52. A. commentsB. interestsC. storiesD. regretsA. connectsB. matchesC. holdsD. protectsA. needB. spiritC. relationshipD. creativity【答案与解析】本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。作者的咖啡杯被摔坏了,朋友们把额外的杯子送给他,这让他发 现杯子是如此吸引人的表达“画布、其背后有着人们许许多多的故事。.考查动词短语辨析。句意:有一天,橱柜的门开了,他们倒了出来。A.ranout耗尽;B.brokedo

57、wn打 破;C. poured out 倒出;D. rolled down 滚下。根据句中“the cupboard door opened”和下一段中I just lost all coffee mugs”可推知,橱柜的门开了,咖啡杯倒出来摔烂了。应选C项。.考查动词词义辨析。句意: 幸运的是,没人受伤,我只是失去了所有的咖啡杯。A. disturbed打搅;B. hurt 使受伤;C. blamed 谴责;D. lost 失去。根据句中“Fortunately”和“just lost all coffee mugs”可知,只是 咖啡杯摔烂了,没有人受伤。应选B项。.考查动词词义辨析。句意:

58、我本不必担忧。A. worried担忧;B. complained诉苦;C. explained解释; D. struggled 奋斗。根据下文“AH my friends had them, so everyone was willing to share their extra mugs. Soon, my repaired cupboard was 5 with various mugs.”可知,朋友们送了作者很多杯子,所以不用担忧。故 选A项。.考查名词词义辨析。句意:每个人都有额外的咖啡杯。A. options选择;B. favors支持;C.extras额外 局部;D. piles

59、 一堆。根据下文“All my friends had them, so everyone was willing to share their extra mugs.”可 知,大家都有额外的咖啡杯。应选C项。.考查动词词义辨析。句意:很快,我修好的橱柜又装满了各种杯子。A. decorated装饰;B.filled装满; C. equipped 装备;D. linked 把 连接起来。根据上文“everyone was willing to share their extra mugs”可知, 朋友们把额外的咖啡杯送给了作者,所以作者的橱柜又装满了杯子。应选B项。.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:

60、我当然很感激捐赠的杯子,但有些杯子和我会选择的完全不同。A. anxious 焦虑的;B. ready准备好的;C.fearful害怕的;D. grateful感激的。结合选项和“the donated mugs”可知,得 到朋友捐赠的杯子,作者心怀感激。应选D项。.考查连词词义辨析。句意:我当然很感激捐赠的杯子,但有些杯子和我会选择的完全不同。A. but但 是;B.so因此;Cas当时候;D.or或者。根据句意,上下文有转折关系,作者虽然感激朋友们捐赠 杯子,但这些杯子和他自己的选择不一样,用表示转折关系的连词but连接。应选A项。.考查动词词义辨析。句意:所以有一件奇怪的事情我没有想到:


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