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1、泡泡少儿教育注(1):朗文少儿入门级 第九单元 Having Fun , 共上三次课:1第一次课为新授课,教授主要内容是动作单词:flying a kite; juma rope; skating; playing.指示代词: those; these; this;t.以及现在进行时的问与答: Is he/she ing? Yes, he/she .No, he/she isnt.。思路:通过做动作复习歌曲里的关键单词: happy, sad, clap hands; styourfeet.开始今天的课堂。学习歌曲并以其热身.在呈现环节以旧知带新知,帮助孩子巩固旧知。通过一个亲自来取并数数进而

2、复习句型: This is a./ These ares.之后玩具放在教室的不同位置,来引入新句型:box 帮助孩子复习玩具单词,同时要求孩子ts a./ Those are s.再玩一个“吸铁石”的帮助并检测孩子对新知的掌握。老师通过玩具的呈现相应的动词:flying a kite; skating; playing with cars;jumrope. 并教授现在进行时的问与答。2. 第二次课是复习加新授。复习四个 v-ing 动词,flying,fum,playing,skating,新授另外五个 v-ing 动词 catching,throwing,kicking,dancing,si

3、nging。同时通过已学的玩具词汇复习句型 I want ,并且使学生正确区分和使用 this/定回答。t/these/those,教授对现在进行时的一般疑问句做肯定和否3. 第三次课为故事课和视听课。第一节故事课,复习本单元主要内容和本单元小故事. 思路:先通过热身唱歌谣以及 guessing game 活动对上次课所学习的活动进行回顾,引出小故事,为后面小故事的顺利讲授做好准备。故事中,老师通过展示故事海报,教授小故事,并在讲故事的过程中,向学生提出有故事内容,通过听 CD 读故事,小组讲故事,让学生以小组竞争的方式讲授小故事,通过 missing words 活动由口头输入到笔头输出。故

4、事后,学生读故事,完成书本的相应练习,培养学生听说读写的综合能力。第二节视听课,主要是在复习本单元知识点上进行 VCD 的教学. 思路: 小朋友在掌握本单元重点内容后, 通过老师的引导才能将知识运用到真实的情景中, 理解 VCD 中全英文的.注(2):本单元重点内容为: 1. 动词加 ing 表示正在进行的动作,动作词汇:eating;singing; sleng; watching; swimming;ng ; catching; dancing; flying ang? / She/Hes ing. ; What dokite; juma rope; kicking; riding a b

5、ike; skating ; throwing; 句型:What are young? /I am ing.;What is she/heyou want? I want 2. 正确区分和使用指示单词:this; these;t; those 3. 现在进行时的一般疑问句做肯定和否定的回答:Is she /heing? / Yes, she/heis4.两首歌谣 If you are happy; Is he skating? 5、小故事:Playing Is Fun重点技能培养: 重点词汇以及句型的听说和认读. 理由: 朗文少儿英语以口语交流为主要特色, 入门需要达到对单词的认读要求, 为基

6、础级的学习做铺垫.注(3): 第二次课为复习加新授课,教授主要内容是操场上可以做的活动,对现在进行时的一般疑问句做肯定和否定回答。复习句型 I want ,区分并正确使用 this/思路:通过提问和t/these/those教授操场上可以做的活动,由学习对现在进行时的一般疑问句做肯定和否定回答。通过已学的玩具词汇复习句型 I want,通过上的玩具数目,教授this/注(4):本次课的教学流程:t/these/those.教师与学生打招呼并以 TPR 的方式唱书本上的歌曲,让孩子们轻松进入学习氛围。通过展示操场和学生活动的,复习并新授 v-ing 动词。以 TPR,交换卡片的方式

7、进行操练,以 puzzle game 操练单词拼写。由根据提问引出对现在进行时的一般疑问句并做肯定和否定回答,学生两人一组进行操练并做展示。完成书本书写练习。复习玩具词汇,交换卡片复习句型 I want。通过上的玩具数目,区分this/POP KIDS 课模编写小组t/these/those,并用它们描述物品,以小组为操练并做展示。泡泡少儿教育5. 完成书写练习。以下附朗文少儿入门级第九单元 Having Fun 第二次课的教案:Lesson PlanPOP KIDS 课模编写小组DateDay14CoursePOPKIDS 1B Unit9 Lesson2Type of ClassRevie

8、w and New ClassLesson AimsPrimaryTo enable students to improve speaking and listening skills by learning activities on the playground.To enable students to improve musical ability by performing the song.To enable students to enhance listening and speaking skills by answering question with Yes/No to

9、talk about actions.SecondaryTo enable students to develop the students speaking and listening skills by reviewing some v-ing words.To develop students writing and reading skills by finishing the exerciseshe book and activity book.Materials(1) PicturesCD and CD playerBook and markersipated Problemssi

10、ble SolutionsalAimsTo reduce TTT.No echoing.ListenTo listen to the song and words.WriteTo copy the new words and senten.ReadToreadthenew wordsand senten.MemorizeTo remember the new words, senten, and the song.Record/Notice/Feedback onLesson Plan泡泡少儿教育Stage of LessonTimeanizationTeacher Activities/La

11、nguageActivities L/S/R/WStudent Activities and LanguageWarm up andGreeting5T-SsSs-Ss1. greet to each otherL/SSs:o, teacher Lilly.T:o, boys and girls!Greet to each other.2. warm up by singing the song on page 82.If youre happy, clap your hands.Sing the song wiction.If youre happy, styour feet.Review

12、and10T-SsReview and present v-ing words.1. Show picture and ask “Where is it?”“What do you do on the playground?PresenionL/S“playground”“Hes jumrope”What is heng?”Show pictures to review and teachnew v-ing words.(jumrope/throwingaball/catching a ball/ kicking a ball/ flying akite/ eating/ skating/ d

13、ancing /singing)批注 c3: 由TPR 的方式操练动作类Practice15S-SsS-S1. T doewords.ions and students say theL/S/单词,提高学生,增加课堂趣味Look at teacher and say the words.Look at the student and say the words. Do action and guess in pair.性,也让学生对单词印象更加深刻。操练方式循序渐进,先有老师和一个学生做范例,然后是一位学生当小老师,最后是学生与学生的方式进行操练。s one student do the ac

14、tions and other students say the words.Then have students work in pairs.2. Write words with missing letters andL/S/R/WPOP KIDS 课模编写小组批注 c2: 提问的方式让学生主动思考,在 说出已知词汇后,教授新知,旧知引新知,调动学生积极性的同时,也是教授过程更加有效。批注 c1: 通过歌谣和TPR 开始本次课,让孩子们复习歌谣外,以生动有趣的方式帮助孩子们快速地融入新 的环境,开心地开始本次课程学习。泡泡少儿教育have students filla competitio

15、n.he bls to havePresenion5T-SsTake out one card and ask “Is heL/S“Yes.”jumrope?”“Yes, he is.”“Yes, he is.”“No.”“No, she isnt.”“Is she jum“No, she isnt.”rope?”L/SPractice5S-SsS-STalk with one student.Give out pictures and have students talk in pairs.Talk in pairs.Production10T-Ss S-SsS-SHave a show.L

16、/S/R/WFinish the exercise workbook.he book andFinish the exercisehe book and workbook.5DicionDicionBreak10Review15T-Ss1. review toy words and sentence pattern “What do you want?” “I want ”T shows toy pictures and review words together.T gives out toy pictures and hasstudents exchange cards by using

17、theL/SReview toy words.S-SReview sentence pattern by exchanging cards.POP KIDS 课模编写小组批注 c6: 由书写的方式巩固新知。批注 c5: 紧接着之前的话题教授新的句型,加强内容和形式的紧密性。批注 c4: 在学生能够准确读的基础上,加强书写。泡泡少儿教育sentence pattern.批注 c7: 结合之前学习的玩具词汇和 I want 句型,复习的同时,也不忘灵活使用已学的知识内容。InstructionQuestionsand expectedanswersOne picture for each stud

18、ent. Work in pairs.Show your1. Are you going toshowyourpicture? (yes)2.Whatcardtoyourquestion are yougoing to ask andfriend. Ask “whatdo you The student want 3.want?” othersays Iwhatistheanswer?(What do you want? I want )How many friends?(four)How manyminutes do you have? (one)Thencardsexchangeand f

19、ind a new friend.4. Find 4 friendin 1 minute.T makes a demo with one student.Presenion10T-Ss S-SsS-SL/SListen to teacher and talk about their objects.Review this; t; these; those1.Show the toy picture and say“This/t is my ”Have students show their objects. 2.Show toy pictures and say “These/Those are my”Have students


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