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1、Chapter 10 Notice and Announcement作业反馈华:Send any items to me added to me befor Dec.27th.冰:We have long been planning to open a year-end sales meeting and now our plan is finally becoming a reality.迎:Each of you is important. We cant miss you, you cant miss this chance. Just join us.宁: Please come to

2、 the had office on schedule and your lunch will be provided.华:Please arrive at relevant personnel.乐:To mark this special occasion salesman will be offered with a special gift and we will prooide lunch to you.扬:So what propose do you desire to offer?倩: We will provide lunch to save time.Every departm

3、ent can hold a meeting in your own department, then hand in the troubles from your colleagues during working.宁: You are so excellent that out of 200 applicants.?: give a suitable award to advanced workers. On the contrary, we also will take a measure to the fail.倩:it will start at 9:00 a.m., over at

4、 3:00 p.m. the meeting will begain in the head office of our company. The lunch is provided.花: We require sales manager make a short speech and everyone would better prepare a programe in case?By the way the lunch provided. Looking forward everyone will attend on time.丹:Please call my phone.磊:As you

5、 know, Sale deparments has twenty hundreds applicats.单词扫盲Acquaint qualification appointment Chain store coupon open house warming extra elbow roomCounterparts utensils concurrently tenure merger Notice & Announcement will draw attention to a new opening a change in policy a celebration an appointmen

6、t a move etc.PrinciplesState the matter in the first line of the letter body or in the first paragraph of the letter.Specify the background, details, explanations or qualifications.(Optional) If the event intends to motivate actions, you can provide this information in the last paragraph.Notice of L

7、ectureNOTICEAll Are Warmly WelcomeUnder the auspices of the Teaching Affairs SectionA report will be given onContemporary American Economybyvisiting American Prof. GreenInThe Reading Room of the LibraryOn Thursday, November. 20, 2005, at 2:00 p.m.Nov. 18, 2005Meeting NoticeNOTICE All professors and

8、associate professors are requested to meet in University conference room on Wednesday (Oct. 12), at 1:00 p. m. to discuss questions of international academic exchanges. Oct. 10, 2006Dear faculty and staff, As you know, almost all books you have checked out are due in early August. These books, check

9、ed out between July 1, 2005 and July 3, 2006, may be renewed only once. Please remember that books which have already been renewed should be returned to the library. The due date for most books checked out since July 5, 2006, will be August 8, 2007. New books will continue to have a checkout period

10、of three weeks and can be renewed for one additional period of three weeks. For further information, please call the circulation desk at 760-8532.Donna GarnerCirculation SupervisorAnnouncement of Price ReductionDear Customers, Owing to the change of seasons, we are compelled to announce that from Ap

11、ril 10 to 20 our previous price list at Parkson Department Store will be cancelled and replaced by a new one that we enclose for your reference. During this period of time, you can buy all kinds of products of high quality at low prices. We, therefore, advise you to lose no time, and act now. Your p

12、atronage will be deeply appreciated. Yours sincerely,Practice 1You opened a firm a few years ago. Business has been particularly good for you recently, so you want to close your office at 25 Dexter Street and move to larger quarters. Your new address is 416 Frontage Road. There is ample free parking

13、 at the new location. Your office phone number will remain unchanged. Now write an announcement to your clients to inform them of your firms removal.通知格式英语的通知可分为两类,即书面通知和口头通知。写作格式及要求如下: 一、通知的标志 书面通知是书面的正式公告或布告,常常是张贴在显眼的位置,多用notice作标志。为了醒目起见,标志的每个字母可以用大写NOTICE(但如发出通知的单位以首字母大写形式出现在通知的标志之上,则也要首字母大写形式No

14、tice),并常写在正文上方的正中位置。标志后可以编号,也可以不编号。口头通知用Announcement作标志,但通常省略不说。 二、出通知的单位及时间 发出通知的人或单位的名称,一般写在标志的上方或在正文后面的右下角;发出通知的时间要写在正文的左下角,也可按书信格式写正文的右上角。不过,这两项有时可以省略。口头通知不说这两项。 三、通知的正文 正文要写明所做事情的具体时间、地点、概括性内容(多为书面通知的首句)、出席对象及有关注意事项。布置工作的通知要把工作内容和要求写清楚。正文一般可采用文章式,为了醒目也可采用广告式。广告式要求简明扼要,一个句子可以写成几行,且尽量写在中间,各行的第一个字

15、母一般都大写。 四、通知的对象 被通知的单位或人一般用第三人称;但如果带有称呼语,则用第二人称表示被通知的对象,口头通知就常用第二人称表示被通知的对象。涉及要求或注意事项时,也常用第二人称表示被通知的对象(祈使句中常常省略)。 五、通知的文体 书面通知用词贴切,语句简洁,具有书面化;口头通知用词表达要注重口语化。口头通知的开头往往有称呼语(被通知的对象), 如:“Boys and girls”,“Ladies and gentlemen”,“Comrades and friends”等,或用提醒听众注意的语句,如“Attention,please!”“Your attention,please

16、!”“May I have your attention,please?”等,且最好有结束语,如:“Thank you(for listening)”以示礼貌 写作范例 1、题目要求: 高二(三)班的全体同学将于2011年10月9日在学校图书馆举办一次活动,活动包括诗朗诵、讲故事、唱歌、舞蹈,现以全班同学的名义邀请全体高中同学参加,届时,将请各班主任作为教师代表出席,请参加的师生每人准备好一个节目。发布通知的日期为2011年10月1日。 (字数70-100字) 2、范文 NOTICEWere going to have interesting activities in the school

17、library at 8:00 a.m on October 9, 2011. By then,some of us will read poems and some will tell stories. You can also hear wonderful singing and watch beautiful dancing there. We hope all the senior students can come and join in the activities. All the headmasters will be invited to our activities as

18、representatives of teachers. Please get one performance ready because some of you will probably be asked to give us one Students of Class3,Senior2. October 1,2011 聚会之经典通知 经官方消息证实:高中复习班将于公元2011年6月20号下午考完试之后放假,解除枷锁恢复自由之身。 介于长时间未曾谋面,许许多多的沉重的而又温暖的兄弟姐妹之情、狐朋狗友之谊以及某些人的相思之苦难以排泄,应广大群众的发自肺腑滴请求,特此决定举行空前而不绝后的20

19、11年三班小聚会! 初步拟定聚会大纲如下: 1.19日上午11点(考虑到某些人把睡觉作为爱好,特意推迟)以某一家饭店为“聚点”【尚待商榷】,请自主或三五成群准时或提前到场迟到者有赏! 2.中午用餐时尽量多吃饭,抢吃菜,少喝酒. 餐后付款AA制,所以请自带现金来回车费!3.游戏闲聊:由于冰天冻地暂无理想地点可选,饭店亦非久留之地,所以请各位出谋划策,要求:1宽敞,能挤得下人,最好有座位;2便于活动3不能太冷!至于游戏,是为了活跃气氛和增进感情,请各位自带一个游戏,要求:适合多人一起玩,可上网搜索,重要的是能大家一起乐开花就行,整整他|她也行! 届时:自带相机、手机等合影或偷拍! 4.游戏玩腻了,

20、也该到晚饭了,此时大集合解散,开始小集合:可找自己想找的人共进晚餐、上网打游戏、K歌或者想回家的可以早点回去。 5.一天的活动结束!Letters of resignationIntention to leave and timeReasonPersonal feeling or commentIntention to leave and timePlease accept my resignation, effective June 16, 2005.This letter is to notify you that I will be resigning my position with

21、the firm on January 15, three weeks from today.With great reluctance I am submitting my resignation, effective July 1, 2005.ReasonOwing to the bad health of my father, I have to leave this city and return to my hometown.To cope with the rise of living cost, I have to look for a job which will give m

22、e a larger salary and better opportunity of promotion.Personal feeling or commentYou and the members of our staff could not have been more helpful, friendlier and cooperative. I truly value my work experience here.I appreciate the many kindnesses and support you have given me during the years I have

23、 worked under your leadership.I am sorry I have to leave you who have been so kind to me in the past few years.Practice 2Susan是一家外资企业的总经理Mr. Rogers的秘书,经过一段时间的相处,她发现Rogers先生不易相处,他的工作方法也难以让人接受,于是决定辞去这份工作。请以Susan的名义向Rogers先生写一封辞职信。 (Hint: Even though you are dissatisfied with your employer, you will be

24、 wise to depart with a final display of pleasure in working there. Do not make complaints in your letter.)Letters asking for leave1. Letters asking for a sick leave.2. Letters asking for a leave of absence for a personal affair.3. Letters asking for extension of leave.Letters asking for leave (2)Main Contents:RequestReasonDuration (Evidence: e.g. doctors certificat


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