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1、主动脉夹层腔内修复的现状与问题复旦大学附属中山医院 血管外科复旦大学血管外科研究所符伟国胡国华王玉琦第1页,共40页。1999年Dake和Nienaber分别报道TEVAR技术治疗急性B型主动脉夹层。第2页,共40页。TEVAR治疗15年来,在治疗理念、操作技术及支架器具方面都取得了较大进展,如在升主动脉夹层及弓部夹层领域也逐渐应用。长期的随访结果证实了TEVAR已成为B型夹层的首先治疗方式。内漏及逆撕等仍是需要继续攻克的难题。 第3页,共40页。 既往:急性期:发病14d内 慢性期:发病14d后 目前提出亚急性期,但定义不一: INSTEAD :2w-6w VIRTUE :14d-28d I

2、RAD: 8d-30d 目前基于安全性倾向于在亚急性期行TEVAR术临床分期Steuer, J., Bjorck, M., Mayer, D., et al., Distinction between acute and chronic type B aortic dissection: is there a sub-acute phase? Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg, 2013. 45(6): 627-31.第4页,共40页。复杂性与非复杂性急性期复杂性:胸痛组织器官低灌注难治性高血压进行性主动脉周或胸膜腔血肿2周内主动脉直径增加1cm 慢性期复杂性:夹层动脉瘤直径大

3、于5.5cm 复杂性AD如不处理有较高的死亡率,被认为是TEVAR的绝对手术指征!Fattori, R., Tsai, T.T., Myrmel, T., et al., Complicated acute type B dissection: is surgery still the best option?: a report from the International Registry of Acute Aortic Dissection. JACC Cardiovasc Interv, 2008. 1(4): 395-402. 第5页,共40页。非复杂TBAD中也有因假腔通畅而预后差

4、的亚群,所谓非复杂性可能是误称,还需要仔细分出真正稳定的AD!Augoustides, J.G., Szeto, W.Y., Woo, E.Y., et al., The complications of uncomplicated acute type-B dissection: the introduction of the Penn classification. J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth, 2012. 26(6): 1139-44.第6页,共40页。临床分型40多年前De Bakey分型和Stanford分型2005年景在平 “3N3V”分型 2009年Au

5、goustides提出 Penn分型 2013年Dake教授提出DISSECT分类 第7页,共40页。第8页,共40页。N: 裸区V:内脏区第9页,共40页。Penn classification of ischemic presentations in acute type A aortic dissectionNo ischemia (Penn class Aa )Localized ischemia (Penn class Ab)Generalized ischemia (Penn class Ac)Combined ischemia (Penn class Ab&c) localize

6、d and generalized ischemia together第10页,共40页。University of Pennsylvania Classification of Acute Stanford Type-B Aortic DissectionClinical PresentationDefinition of Clinical Presentation ClassClass A (Uncomplicated)Absence of branch-vessel ischemia or circulatory compromiseType I high risk for future

7、 aortic complicationsType II low risk for future aortic complicationsClass B (Complicated)Branch-vessel malperfusionClass C (Complicated)Circulatory compromiseType-I aortic rupture with hemorrhage outside the aortic wall with/without cardiac arrest, shock, and hemothoraxType-II threatened aortic rup

8、ture typically heralded by refractory pain and/or hypertensionClass BC (Complicated)Branch-vessel malperfusion combined with circulatory compromise第11页,共40页。DISSECT:Duration of dissectionIntimal tear (primary) location within the aortaSize of aorta Segmentalextent of aortic involvement from proximal

9、 to distal boundaryClinical complications related to dissectionThrombosis of aortic false lumenDake, M.D., Thompson, M., Van Sambeek, M., et al., DISSECT: A New Mnemonic-based Approach to the Categorization of Aortic Dissection. European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, 2013. 46(2): 175

10、-190.第12页,共40页。主动脉弓TEVAR 第13页,共40页。主动脉弓TEVAR 近左锁骨下破口:覆盖LSA 取得足够的锚定,但仍有截瘫风险重建LSA LCCA-LSA转流 LSA烟囱支架开窗开槽单分支支架第14页,共40页。Brian J. Manning , Krassi Ivancev , Peter L. Harris ,In situ fenestration in the aortic arch,Journal of Vascular Surgery Volume 52, Issue 2 2010 491 - 494LSA烟囱支架第15页,共40页。开窗、开槽支架第16页,

11、共40页。整体式分体式单分支支架第17页,共40页。微创 Castor第18页,共40页。近左颈总破口:杂交技术 RCCA- LCCA/RCCA-LCCA-LSA 烟囱技术 LCCA烟囱 LSA和LCCA双烟囱 分支支架+LCCA-LSA旁路 主动脉弓TEVAR 第19页,共40页。近无名破口:杂交技术 升主动脉-IA-LCCA-LSA旁路 烟囱技术 IA和LCCA双烟囱 三分支支架主动脉弓TEVAR 第20页,共40页。烟囱支架第21页,共40页。三分支支架Inoue K et al. Circulation 1999;100:II-316-Ii-321第22页,共40页。Moon等通过CT

12、A行对162例患者的升主动脉重建和精确测量,从解剖方面认为32%适合TEVAR,开口没有累及主动脉瓣和冠状动脉,具有合适的直径和长度以及足够的锚定区。 升主动脉TEVAR Moon, M.C., Greenberg, R.K., Morales, J.P., et al., Computed tomography-based anatomic characterization of proximal aortic dissection with consideration for endovascular candidacy. J Vasc Surg, 2011. 53(4): 942-9.第

13、23页,共40页。保留冠脉灌注、主动脉瓣功能和弓上分支的血供是升主动脉夹层TEVAR手术成功的关键。以前认为破口距离冠状动脉开口至少2cm和距IA开口5mm才适合TEVAR,现在则距冠状动脉开口2cm和距IA开口5mm为关键点。升主动脉TEVAR Ronchey, S., Serrao, E., Alberti, V., et al., Endovascular stenting of the ascending aorta for type A aortic dissections in patients at high risk for open surgery. Eur J Vasc E

14、ndovasc Surg, 2013. 45(5): 475-80.第24页,共40页。杂交手术 升主动脉置换+弓上三分支支架 单纯TEVAR覆盖破口 经右颈动脉 经股动脉 穿房间隔,经股动静脉升主动脉TEVAR 第25页,共40页。第26页,共40页。G. Matthew Longo , Iraklis I. Pipinos Endovascular techniques for arch vessel reconstruction,Journal of Vascular Surgery Volume 52, Issue 4, Supplement 2010 77S - 81S第27页,共4

15、0页。Lu, Q., Feng, J., Zhou, J., et al., Endovascular repair of ascending aortic dissection: a novel treatment option for patients judged unfit for direct surgical repair. J Am Coll Cardiol, 2013. 61(18): 1917-24.第28页,共40页。选择的内支架要相对短(10cm)和较大直径(46cm) ,不推荐近端带有裸架的移植物,因为会损伤主动脉瓣并不能达到合适的锚定 。也有报道在紧急情况给下将头端有

16、裸架Talent移植物(Medtronic Inc, Minneapolis, MN)倒装后释放成功 升主动脉TEVAR Mccallum, J.C., Limmer, K.K., Perricone, A., et al., Case report and review of the literature total endovascular repair of acute ascending aortic rupture: a case report and review of the literature. Vasc Endovascular Surg, 2013. 47(5): 374

17、-8.第29页,共40页。46 100mm Talent or Valor graft Medtronic 40 100mm CTAG graft Gore 46 85 mm Jotec Cook off-the-shelf device for ascendingS. Ronchey , E. et al Endovascular Stenting of the Ascending Aorta for Type A Aortic Dissections in Patients at High Risk for Open Surgery, European Journal of Vascula

18、r and Endovascular Surgery Volume 45, Issue 5 2013 475 - 480第30页,共40页。最新随访结果Fattori等报告IRAD试验从1995年到2012年收集的1 129例急性TBAD,其中药物组和TEVAR组的1年死亡率基本相同(9.8% vs. 8.1%,p=0.604),而TEVAR组的5年死亡率较低(15.5% vs. 29.0%,p=0.018)。 Fattori, R., Montgomery, D., Lovato, L., et al., Survival After Endovascular Therapy in Pati

19、ents With Type B Aortic Dissection: A Report From the International Registry of Acute Aortic Dissection (IRAD). JACC: Cardiovascular Interventions, 2013. 6(8): 876-882.第31页,共40页。最新随访结果对于慢性TBAD,INSTEAD-XL实验结果表明TEVAR组比单独药物组具有较低的死亡率,能提高5年生存率和延缓病情进展,并且提到TEVAR可成为复杂性或非复杂性TBAD的一线治疗!Nienaber, C.A., Kische,

20、S., Rousseau, H., et al., Endovascular Repair of Type B Aortic Dissection: Long-term Results of the Randomized Investigation of Stent Grafts in Aortic Dissection Trial. Circ Cardiovasc Interv, 2013. 6(4): 407-16.第32页,共40页。并发症及问题第33页,共40页。Dong Z H et al. Circulation 2009;119:735-741逆向撕裂成A型第34页,共40页。由

21、于弓部的角度及支架的刚性使得两端对动脉壁造成损伤,所以TEVAR过程要考虑弓部形态学及支架的柔顺性,尽量选用近端无刚性裸架结构。支架节段的拐角与弓降部转角契合,防止“杠杆效应”及 “鸟嘴”,减少内漏及支架移位。选择合适的放大率,目前我们认为是0-10%。第35页,共40页。内 漏分5型:型内漏最常见,是型的五倍,与近端锚定区较短以及支架与弓的形态契合差、钙化较重密切相关。 处理方法有球囊贴覆、增加Cuff或杂交手术。目前我们认识到假腔血栓化的重要性,一期或二期封堵远端高流量破口,从而保证TEVAR对主动脉重塑和远期治疗效果。Nienaber, C.A., Kische, S., Rousseau, H., et al., Endovascular Repair of Type B Aortic Dissection: Long-ter


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