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1、Part Grammar现在分词作状语思维导图 一、现在分词作状语的用法 现在分词(短语)在句中作状语用来修饰谓语动词或整个句子,表示动作发生的时间、原因、条件、结果、方式、让步或伴随状况。1作时间状语现在分词作时间状语时,常放在句首,相当于一个时间状语从句。Hearing the noise,I turned round.When I heard the noise,I turned round.听到响声我转过身去。2作原因状语现在分词作原因状语时,相当于一个原因状语从句,也可以放在句首。Being poor,he couldnt afford a TV set.Because he was

2、 poor,he couldnt afford a TV set.由于贫穷,他买不起一台电视机。3作条件状语现在分词作条件状语时,相当于一个if引导的条件状语从句。Working hard,youll certainly succeed. If you work hard,youll certainly succeed.只要努力学习,你肯定会成功的。4作结果状语现在分词作结果状语时,通常放在句末,中间用逗号隔开,表示一种顺其自然、意料之中的结果。The fire lasted a whole night,causing great damage.大火持续了一整夜,造成了巨大损失。名师点津现在分

3、词作结果状语,是随着谓语动词的发生而产生的自然结果,其逻辑主语往往是前面整个句子所描述的情况,前面有时候可以加thus。而不定式作结果状语时常表示出乎意料的结果,常用only to do结构其被动形式为only to be done。He was caught in the rain,thus making himself catch cold.被雨淋后他感冒了。I hurried to school,only to find it was Sunday.我匆忙赶到学校,结果发现是星期天。5作让步、方式和伴随状语现在分词作让步、方式和伴随状语时,说明动作发生的背景和情况。作伴随状语时,表示分词

4、的动作和主句的动作同时发生,此时它可转换成并列句。Mary sat by the window of the classroom,reading a book.Mary sat by the window of the classroom and was reading a book.玛丽坐在教室的窗边读书。二、现在分词作状语注意事项1现在分词的时态现在分词作状语时,要注意分词的时间性,是用现在分词的一般式(doing),还是用完成式(having done)。(1)当现在分词的动作与谓语动词的动作同时发生时,用分词的一般式。Walking in the street,I met an old

5、 friend of mine.我正在大街上行走时,遇到了一位老朋友。(walking和谓语动词met同时发生)(2)当现在分词的动作先发生,而谓语动词的动作后发生时,用分词的完成式。Having finished the letter,he went to post it.他写完信后就把它寄了出去。(having finished是先发生的,went是后发生的)2现在分词的语态使用现在分词的主动式还是被动式,这主要取决于现在分词和句子主语之间的关系。句子的主语就是分词的逻辑主语。Having been shown around the factory,they were very happy

6、.(现在分词的被动式)被领着参观了工厂后,他们很高兴。Having finished his homework,he went to bed.(现在分词的主动式)完成了作业后,他上床睡觉。3动词ing形式的否定式:notv.ing;not havingv.edNot knowing this,he didnt come.他不知道这件事,所以没来。Not having made full preparations,we put off the sports meeting.因为没有做好充分的准备,我们把运动会延期了。4独立主格动词ing形式作状语,有时它也可以有自己独立的主语,这种结构称为独立主

7、格结构,通常用来表示伴随的动作或情况,也可以表示时间、原因或条件。The trees are extremely tall,some measuring over 90 metres.那些树非常高,其中一些高达90多米。The weather being fine,we went out for a walk.由于天气好,我们去散步了。5现在分词作评注性状语有些现在分词在句中没有逻辑主语,它们往往作为句子的评注性状语来修饰整个句子,表明说话者的态度、观点等。例如:generally speaking “一般来说”,judging by/from.“从判断”,taking everything

8、into consideration “从全盘考虑”。Judging from his behaviour,he must be mad.从他的行为来判断,他一定是疯了。Generally speaking,girls are more interested in literature than boys.一般来说,女孩比男孩对文学更感兴趣。.用所给词的适当形式填空1 (base) an important decision more on emotion than on reason,you will regret it sooner or later.2Shandong province

9、produced 50 million pounds of apples this year, second in China.3Pressed from his parents,and (realize) that he has wasted too much time,the boy is determined to stop playingvideo games.4George returned after the war,only (tell) that his wife had left him.Basingrankingrealizingto be told5The old man

10、, (work) abroad for twenty years,is on the way back to his motherland.6 (disappear) from view day by day,the singer is turning to his memories for comfort.7 (not complete) the programme,they have to stay there for another two weeks.8 (judge) from the appearance,he is a rich man.9The decision (make),

11、what is to be done now is how to carry it out.10 (taste) good and sweet,this kind of pear was soon sold out in the market.having workedDisappearingNot having completedJudginghaving been madeTasting.句型转换1Do you know the man who is talking to my sister?Do you know the man ?2She saw her husband when sh

12、e turned about. ,she saw her husband.3He worked for three hours running to try to solve the problem.He worked for three hours running, solve the problem.talking to my sisterTurning abouttrying to4Although she worked very hard,she failed her GC.E.in two subjects. ,she failed her GC.E.in two subjects.

13、5The young man who is sitting in the third row will be a physician.The young man will be a physician.Although working very hardsitting in the third row.用现在分词短语作状语完成句子1The students walked on the street, .学生们走在街上,又说又笑。2 ,Im satisfied with your performance.就个人而言,我对你的表现很满意。3,he couldnt help laughing.一听到那个消息,他禁不住大笑起来。4Football is played all over the world, .全世界都踢足球,因此足球成了一种很流行的运动。talking and laughingPersonally speakingHearing the newsmaking it a popular sport5I stood by the door,.我站在门旁,不敢说一句话。6 ,he still couldnt succeed.尽管尝试了多次,但他仍未成功。7Th


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