1、 Lesson20 A computer helps!The Origin of Easter 复活节是基督教纪念耶稣复活的一个宗教节日。每年,春分过去,第一次月圆后的第一个星期日就是复活节。日期年年不同,一般在3月22日至4月25日之间。 复活节有不少传统习惯,最典型的要数复活节彩蛋。古人常把蛋视为多子多孙和复活的象征。后来基督教徒又赋予蛋新的涵义,认为它是耶稣墓的象征,未来的生命就是从其中挣脱而出世的。复活节的由来 复活节时人们把鸡蛋染成红色,代表耶稣受难时流出的鲜血,同时也象征复活后的快乐。还有一种古老的习俗,是把煮熟的鸡蛋送给街头的孩子们做游戏,他们把蛋往前滚,谁的蛋最后破,谁就获得胜
2、利,蛋全归他所有。 兔子也是复活节的象征。因为兔子繁殖力很强,所以人们把它视为新生命的表现者。大人常绘声绘色地告诉孩子复活节彩蛋是兔子下的,并把彩蛋放在花园里,让孩子们玩找蛋游戏。 现在每逢复活节,美国大小糖果店总要出售用巧克力制成的复活节小兔和彩蛋。这些彩蛋小的和鸡蛋差不多,大的竟有甜瓜那么大,孩子们自然喜欢,送给亲戚朋友,也不失为上佳礼品。 Easter EggEaster BunnyEaster BunnyNew words: laptop 笔记本电脑 Easter 复活节 enter 输入,进入 key 关键,钥匙 depend 依靠,取决于 bunny 兔子 hide 隐藏,躲避 h
3、ide-hid-hiddenDanny is planning an Easter egg hut for his cousin Debbie. Listen to the passage and write true (T) or false (F).1.Danny brings a basket with him.( )2. Debbie hides the eggs behind some trees.( )3.Debbie is happy to go on an Easter egg hunt.( )FFTRead the lesson and fill in the blanksE
4、aster is an important _.It does not fall on the same day each year. Children believe that Easter Bunny comes and_chocolate eggs for them to find. Rabbits and eggs are both_of new life. That means Easter is a way to welcome spring. Most people _Easter with their family and friends.festivalhidessymbol
5、scelebrateLanguage Points1.When Ms.Liu asked us to write a report about Easter, I decided to do all of my research.当刘老师让我们写关于复活节的报告时,我决定做我所有的研究。(1)ask sb to do sth. 让某人做某事 ask sb not to do sth. 让某人不要做某事 e.g. 妈妈让我好好学习 My mother asks me to study hard. e.g. 老师让她不要上学迟到 The teacher asks her not to be lat
6、e for school.(2)decide to do sth 决定做某事 decide not to do sth 决定不做某事。 e.g. Mary 决定去美国。 Mary decided to go to the U.S.A. e.g. 我们决定周日去野炊。 We decided to go on a picnic on Sunday. e.g. Jim 决定不再玩电脑游戏。 Jim decided not to play computer games.2. I entered some key words into a search engine to find informatio
7、n on this topic.我输入一些关键字到一个搜索引擎来寻找关于这个话题的信息。 key n. 钥匙,键,关键。 她正在寻找车钥匙。 She is looking for car key. key adj. 关键的,主要的。 这是一个关键的问题 This is a key question.3. Its one of the biggest holidays in many countries.这是许多国家最盛大的节日之一。one of 意为“之一”one of + 形容词的最高级 + 可数名词的复数意为“最之一”,做主语时,中心词是one, 其后的谓语动词用单数形式。Tom是我们班上
8、最高的男生之一.e.g. One of the tallest boys in our class is Tom.One of my questions _ (be) how to learn English well.Wang Li is one of _ (clever) girls in our class.isthe cleverest4.The date depends on the moon.日期取决于月亮。depend on 依赖于,取决于,依而定。e.g. 孩子们不应该总依赖于他们的父母亲。Children should not always depend on their p
9、arents.e.g. 我们的旅行取决于天气。Our trip depends on the weather.All living things the sun for their growth.depend on5. Rabbits and eggs are symbols of new life.兔子和蛋是新生命的象征。symbols of = a symbol of 的象征鸽子是和平的象征。Doves are symbols of peace.老虎是勇气的象征。 Tiger is a symbol of courage.Read the lesson and fill in the mi
10、nd map.It depends on the moon.When is it?With family and friendsEasterHow is it celebrated?What is it ?in Western cultureIt is always in March or AprilThey eat delicious foodMany children have egg huntsEat chocolate rabbitsOne of the biggest holidays in many countriesAn important festival单项选择1.Mount
11、 Huang is one of in China.A. most famous B. most famous mountainsC.the most famous mountains D.most famous2. Where to go my mother. I will ask her. depends on B. depend on C. decided on D. decides on 3.I will write a report this topic.A.on B. in C.at D.of4.Li Ming has the Easter Egg.A. hide B hidden C.hid D hiding根据汉语提示完成句子。1.在这方面,复活节就像中国的春节。_ _ _ ,Easter is like the Chinese Spring Festival.2.她正在网上搜索信息来写一篇报告。She _ _ _ informat
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