人教版高中英语选修八课件:unit 3 第二学时 learning about language_第1页
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1、英语选修8 (人教版)第二学时Learning about Language要 点讲与练1Which pictures show inventions and which show discoveries? (p.19)下面图画中哪些是发明,哪些是发现?词语链接要 点讲与练discover vt. 发现, 发觉,找到discovery n. 发现discoverer n. 发现者make a discovery 做出一项发现即学即练要 点讲与练选用上述词语完成下列句子。(1)This is a _ of great worth.(2)He _ it enough to encourage hi

2、m to speak.(3)The _ of America is Columbus.(4)If you can _ of something, you will be famous.discoverydiscovereddiscoverermake a discovery要 点讲与练2Do you know the stages every inventor must go through before they can have their invention approved?(p.19)你知道每个发明家在他们的发明得到认可之前要经过什么阶段吗?思维拓展要 点讲与练观察下列各句中go t

3、hrough的意思。(1)Most families went through a lot in the war. 大部分家庭在战争中经历了许多磨难。(2)The plan did not go through. 这个计划没有通过/成功。(3)I cant go through the letters in an hour. 我不能在一个小时内把信件审阅/检查完。要 点讲与练(4)Mother went through the drawer for her glasses. 妈妈在抽屉里翻找她的眼镜。(5)A terrible noise went through the house.恐怖的声

4、音穿过房子。词语链接要 点讲与练read through 通读look through 浏览flow through 流过get through 通过, 接通,使成功search through 搜寻, 查找即学即练 要 点讲与练选用上述词语完成下列句子。(1)During the First World War, his family _ a lot of hardship.(2)I tried to call him up, but I couldnt _(3)He formed the habit of_ _ the evening paper after supper.went thr

5、oughget throughlooking through要 点讲与练3When I called up my mother in the countryside on the telephone she was very upset.(p.20) 我给住在乡下的母亲打电话的时候,她感到很心烦。词语链接要 点讲与练call up 打电话,使回忆起call back 回电话,召唤某人回来call in 邀请, 请来call for 需要, 要求call on/at 访问 (call on后跟人作宾语,call at后跟地点名词作宾语 )drop in on/call on /pay a vis

6、it to /go on a visit to /visit somebody 拜访某人 要 点讲与练call at /drop in at /pay a visit to/go on a visit to /visit some place访问某地即学即练要 点讲与练完成下列句子。(1)I need to _(打电话) my sister to tell her the good news. (2)The old photo _(使我回忆起) of my childhood. (3)Ill _(到你办公室拜访你) this afternoon.(4)This activity _(需要勇气和

7、决心)call upcalls up memoriesdrop in on you at your officecalls for courage and determination要 点讲与练4. Snakes come near the house now and then, and they seem to have made their home here.(p.20) 蛇时不时地爬到屋子边上来,这几条蛇似乎是在屋子附近安家了。要 点讲与练词语链接now and then有时, 偶尔from time to time有时, 不时地now and again 一再要 点讲与练即学即练选用

8、上述词语完成下列句子。(1)I see them _, but not too often. (2)Ive told you _ that you can not touch this button. Why not remember it?(3)_ I would go home to see my parents in the countryside.now and thennow and againFrom time to time/Now and then要 点讲与练5. Here was a chance for me to distinguish myself by inventi

9、ng something merciful that would catch snakes but not harm them.(p.20)这回我有机会来表现一下自己了。我要发明某种东西, 既可以把蛇捉住,又不会伤害它们。要 点讲与练词语链接distinguish v. 辨别, 区别distinction n. 区别, 差异,卓越 distinctive adj. 有特色的, 与众不同的distinct adj.截然不同的 distinguishable adj. 区别得出的, 辨认得出的distinguish oneself宣扬自己, 使自己扬名distinguish.from把与加以分开d

10、istinguish sb. by凭借辨认tell.from.把与区分开要 点讲与练即学即练选用上述词语填空。(1)I can _ my roommates _ their footsteps,as Im quite familiar with them.(2)He could not _ cotton _ wool.(3)She _(不同凡响) of being the first woman to fly the Atlantic. (4)She likes clothes _(样式独特的)distinguishbydistinguishfromhad the distinctionwit

11、h a distinctive style要 点讲与练6.I set about researching the habits of snakes to find the easiest way to trap them.(p.20)于是我就着手研究蛇的习性,以便能用最简易的方法来捕捉他们。要 点讲与练词语链接set about doing sth.开始做某事set out 出发,启程set out to do sth.开始做某事set off 出发, 动身set aside 留出, 对不予以考虑 set down 记下, 写下 set up 设置,造成, 产生set out for set

12、off for leave for出发到去要 点讲与练即学即练完成下列句子。(1)He _(开始学中文) at the age of ten.(2)He _(留出) a little money each week.(3)She _(创下) a new world record in the 100 metres.set about learning Chineseset asideset up要 点讲与练(4)Tomorrow Ill _(出发去北京). (5) He _ with the best intentions.(6)I dont know how to _ the job.set

13、 out for Beijingset outset about要 点讲与练7. They abruptly disappeared into a convenient hole in the wall. (p.20)他们突然一下子就消失在墙壁附近的洞里。要 点讲与练词语链接abrupt adj. 迅速的,粗鲁的,莽撞的abruptly adv. 迅速地abruptness n迅速要 点讲与练即学即练A完成下列句子。(1)A man with an _(举止粗鲁) is not welcome here.(2)The interview _(突然结束)(3)He abruptly dashed

14、 out of the room and his _ surprised everyone present.abrupt mannerended abruptlyabruptness要 点讲与练词语链接convenient adj.方便的inconvenient adj.不方便的convenience n方便inconvenience n不方便It is convenient to do sth. 某人方便做某事 要 点讲与练即学即练B完成下列句子。(1)Will 3 oclock be _ for you ?(2)I live close to the company, so _(上班很方便

15、). (3)Im terribly sorry for the _ Ive brought to you.convenientits convenient for me to get to workinconvenience要 点讲与练8.This was in the expectation that the snakes would bite again. (p.21)这是因为我预料到蛇会再咬人。要 点讲与练词语链接要 点讲与练即学即练完成下列句子。(1)We are confident _(期待着完全康复) (2)_-_(出乎意料的是), the house price didnt ri

16、se.in our expectation of a full recoveryContrary to expectations要 点讲与练9Remember to include one change to your invention in case it doesnt work the first time.(p.22)记得对你的发明加以变化以防它第一次行不通。要 点讲与练词语链接in case 以防万一,假使(其后多跟从句,后可带虚拟语气有时也不跟从句)in this case 如果这样的话in that case 如果那样的话in any case 无论如何in no case 决不,任何情况下都不(用于倒装句式中)in case of 名词(或代词)以防,如果,万一要 点讲与练即学即练完成下列句子。 (1)Take your umbrella _(以防下雨)(2)You probably wont need to callbut take my number, just _(以防万一)(3)_(如遇火灾), ring the alarm bell.(4)_ (万一


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