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1、2021-2022高考英语模拟试卷请考生注意:1请用2B铅笔将选择题答案涂填在答题纸相应位置上,请用05毫米及以上黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔将主观题的答案写在答题纸相应的答题区内。写在试题卷、草稿纸上均无效。2答题前,认真阅读答题纸上的注意事项,按规定答题。第一部分 (共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)1Jenny nearly missed the flight _doing too much shopping.Aas a result ofBon top ofCin front ofDin need of2 May I speak to Mr. Smith? I am afraid no

2、t. He is at a meeting now. Its not _AreliableBconvenientCbeneficialDavailable3From my point of view, theres little chance that we will be successful in trying to change the present situation. _, it is important that we try our best.AMeanwhileBOtherwiseCThereforeDNevertheless4Dont take it seriously,A

3、liceI wasnt making _ fun of you its nothing but _ jokeA/; theBthe; theCthe; aD/; a5Do you know when your mother _ to pick you up?At 11:40 am.Ahad come Bis comingChas come Dwould come6 What was wrong? Why didnt you go to the picnic as scheduled? Im sorry. I _ a seriously-injured old man to the hospit

4、al.Awould deliver BdeliveredChad delivered Dwas delivering7What surprised us most is that he doesnt know _ the differences between the two books lie.Athat Bwhat Cwhich Dwhere8The witness an important detail when describing the accident.Abrought outBkept offCleft outDran into9Men must consider eating

5、, drinking, clothing and finding shelter _ they can pursue entertainment and recreation.Auntil BunlessCbefore Dbecause10Have you heard from Jane recently?No,but I _ her over Christmas.Asaw Bwill be seeingChave seen Dhave been seeing11Hows your tour around the North Lake? Is it beautiful? It _ be, bu

6、t it is now heavily polluted.Awill Bwould Cshould Dmust12Because of the heavy snow, we had to delay the visit until this weekend to the artgallery _ in the center of our city these days.Abeing heldBholdingCto be heldDheld13Backward somewhat technologically _ we are for the moment, we have confidence

7、 in our ability to catch up in time.Aalthough Bif Cas Donce14 The room looks bigger! We _ the furniture.Ahave changedBhad changedCchangedDare changing15The shocking news made me realize _ terrible problems we would face.A. thatBhowCwhatDwhy16Every man has his faults. We should, therefore, lean to be

8、 _ of others.AignorantBresponsibleCreliableDtolerant17With the help of high technology in the past few years, electronic business _ to bank industry and travel industry.Aapplied Bhave appliedChas been applied Dhad been applied18Excuse me, could you tell me the time, please?Sorry, I dont have a watch

9、 with me. _AThanks a lot.BWhat a pity.CIm sorry to hear thatDThanks all the same19I have to reschedule the appointment with you since there is a _ in my arrangement. Acontract Bcontrast Cconnection Dconflict 20 a single world can change the meaning of a sentence, a single sentence can change the mea

10、ning of a paragraph.AJust asBEven thoughCUntilDUnless第二部分 阅读理解(满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。21(6分)Christmas was near a season that we took seriously in our house. But a week or so before the 25th, my father would give each of his children $ 20. This was the 1970s, and $ 20 was quite a bit

11、of money.But I saw it differently. My father trusted me to have the smart to spend money wisely. Even better, he gave me the means to get it. On a very basic level, my father was giving me a shopping spree (狂欢) every year. But he was also giving me charge over my own fun, trusting my ability to mana

12、ge money and making me feel like a grown-up. He didnt buy me Sherlock Holmes, but he gave me the means to walk into the bookstore and choose it for myself, so it felt like a gift from him.My mother had a gift for giving me what I needed, usually right at the moment I needed it most. This was when I

13、was 25, I failed at being an adult on my very first try. I had quitted my previous job but had no new one. But when my mother paid me a visit, I put on a good show, telling her I had started my own company.My mother knew that I was trying hard and failing at that time. It wasnt until after she left

14、that I noticed at the foot of my bed an envelope thick with cash. She knew how desperately I needed it. She knew that had she just shown up with groceries, or offered to pay my rent, she would have made me feel much worse. The cold, hard cash meant she was helping me. And, funnily enough, the distan

15、ce with which she gave the gift felt like she was giving me space to fix my life and preserve my dignity. My mother and father both did the same thing. One was giving me the means to take my own decisions, and the other was giving me a second chance when those decisions had cost me dearly.1、What can

16、 we learn about the author from the first two paragraphs?AHis family once celebrated Christmas happily.BHis father gave the author chances to make decisions.CHis best memories about Christmas were in the 1970s.DHe used to choose books as his fathers gift on Christmas.2、What does the underlined word

17、“it” in Paragraph 2 refer to?Amoney offered by his father. Bfather generous with money.CChristmas being important. Dthe means of spending money.3、When he was 25 years old, the author .Aplanned to open his company Bbecame interested in showsCgave his mother a gift Dwas out of work4、Which word can bes

18、t describe the authors mother?Asensitive. Boptimistic.Cconsiderate. Ddetermined.22(8分)Life Is Beautiful is a 1997 Italian film directed by and starring Roberto Benigni. The film was a critical and financial success, winning Benigni the Academy Award for Best Actor as well as the Academy Award for Be

19、st Original Dramatic Score and the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film.In 1939 in the Kingdom of Italy, a bookstore keeper Guido, who is a Jew, falls in love with a local school teacher, Dora, who is to be engaged to a rich civil servant. Guido steals her from her engagement party on a hors

20、e. Soon they are married and have a son, Giosue.In 1945, Guido and his son are forced onto a train and taken to a concentration camp. Despite being a non-Jew, Dora demands to be on the same train to join her family. In the camp, Guido hides their true situation from his son, telling him that the cam

21、p is a complicated game in which Giosue must perform the tasks Guido gives him, earning him points;the first team to reach 1,000 points will win a tank.Guido uses this game to explain features of the concentration camp that would otherwise be scary for a young child. Despite being surrounded by the

22、misery, sickness and death at the camp, Giosue does not question this fiction because of his fathers convincing performance and his own innocence. Guido keeps the story right until the end when, in the chaos(混乱)of shutting down the camp as the Americans approach, he tells his son to stay in a small

23、box until everybody has left, this being the final competition before the tank is his. Guido tries to find Dora, but is caught and killed by a Nazi soldier. As he is taken away to be shot, he maintains the fictions of the game by marching in a goose-step on purpose1、How many Academy Awards does the

24、film win?AOne. BTwo.CThree. DFour.2、What kind of person is Dora?ALoving and responsible. BMoney-loving and foolish.CRomantic and hot-headed. DBrave and intelligent3、What can we infer from the last paragraph?AGuido lies to make their life more interesting.BGiosue regards all that happens as a game.CN

25、azi soldiers killed all the Jews in the camp.DGiosue finally knows the truth.4、This passage is most probably taken from a(n) _.Agame brochure Btravel journalChistory book Dentertainment magazine23(8分)Today we think of Abraham Lincoln as a great leader. What most of us dont know is that he was a well

26、-known humorist and storyteller in his day.Lincoln learned to tell jokes and stories from his father. When Lincoln became a lawyer, he used his jokes and stories to gain the good will of the jury (陪审团), and more than once his opposing lawyer would complain to the judge that Lincolns stories were irr

27、elevant and distracting (转移、分心) to the jury. The trouble for them was that Judge David Davis loved Lincolns jokes more than anyone else in the court room.As a politician, Lincoln made excellent use of his humorous stories. His long time political opponent Stephen ADouglas complained that “Nothing el

28、se not any of his arguments or any of his replies to my questions disturbs me. But when he begins to tell a story, I feel that I am to be overmatched.” More than once Douglas and other political opponents of Lincolns saw their well presented arguments forgotten by the audience after Lincoln followed

29、 up their speeches with a homely story.As the responsibilities of the office of President became greater and heavier, Lincoln used humor to find relief. He wanted to reduce the stresses in himself and those around him. One of Lincolns neighbors told that one day, he saw Lincoln walking past with two

30、 young shouting boys. “Whats the matter, Mr. Lincoln?” the neighbor asked. “The same thing thats the matter with the whole world,” Lincoln answered. “I have three walnuts, and each one of them wants two of them.”One cannot truly appreciate Lincoln without understanding his humorous side. He used his

31、 jokes and stories both for the purpose of winning over his audience and relieving the pressure he experienced as President during the terrible Civil War.1、When Lincoln was a lawyer, what was his purpose of telling jokes and stories?AHe wanted to satisfy the judges desire for jokes.BHe wanted to dis

32、tract his opposing lawyer.CHe wanted to relieve his pressure.DHe wanted to impress the jury.2、What might be Douglas attitude towards Lincolns humorous stories?AAppreciative. BAnnoyed.CConcerned. DSurprised.3、Whats the purpose of the text?ATo educate. BTo inform.CTo persuade. DTo entertain.24(8分) Its

33、 2035. You have a job, a family and youre about 40 years old. Welcome to our future life.Getting ready for work, you pause in front of the mirror. “Turn red,” you say. Your shirt changes from sky blue to deep red. Tiny preprogrammed electronics (智能电子元件) are rearranged in your shirt to change its col

34、or. Looking into the mirror, you find it hard to believe youre 40. You look much younger. With amazing advances in medicine, people in your generation may live to be 150 years old. Youre not even middle aged!As you go into the kitchen and prepare to pour your breakfast cereal(谷物) into a bowl, you he

35、ar, “To lose weight, you shouldnt eat that,” from your shoes. They read the tiny electronic code on the cereal box to find out the nutrition details. You decide to listen to your shoes. “Kitchen, what can I have for breakfast?” A list of possible foods appears on the counter as the kitchen cheeks it

36、s food supplies.“Ready for your trip to space,” you ask your son and daughter. In 2005 only specially-trained astronauts went into spaceand very few of them. Today anyone can go to space for daytrips or longer vacations. Your best friend even works in space. Handing your children three strawberries

37、each, you add, “The doctor said you need these for space travel.” Thanks to medical advances, vaccination shots (防疫针) are a thing of the past. Ordinary foods contain specific vaccines(疫苗). With the strawberries in their mouths, the kids head for the front door.Its time for you to go to work. Your ca

38、r checks your fingerprints and unlocks the doors. “My office, autopilot,” you command. Your car drives itself down the road and move smoothly into traffic on the highway. You sit back and unroll your e-newspaper. The latest news downloads and fills the viewer. Looking through the pages, you watch th

39、e news as video film rather than read it.1、What changes the color of your shirt?AThe mirror.BThe shirt itselfCThe counter.DThe medicine.2、How do the shoes know that you shouldnt eat the breakfast cereal?ABy pouring the breakfast into a bowl.BBy listening to the doctors advice.CBy testing the food su

40、pplies in the kitchen.DBy checking the nutrition details of the food.3、The strawberries the children eat serve as _.AbreakfastBlunchCvaccinesDnutrition4、How is the text organized?AIn order of time.BIn order of frequency.CIn order of preference.DIn order of importance.25(10分)This is my son Matthews l

41、ast night at home before college.I know that this is good news.I feel proud that Matthew will go to a great school.I know that this is finest hour.But looking at the suitcases on his bed sends me out of the room to a hidden corner where I cant stop crying.Through the sorrow,I feel a rising embarrass

42、ment.”Pull yourself together!” I tell myself.There are parents sending their kids off to battle zones.How dare I feel so shocked and upset?One of the great gifts of my life has been having my boys, Matthew and Johnowen.Through them,I have explored the mysterious,complicated bond between fathers and

43、sons. As My wife and I raised them,I have discovered the love and loss between my father and me.After my parents divorce,I spent weekends with my dad in Ohio.By the time Sunday came around,I was unable to enjoy the days activities because I was already afraid of the goodbye of the evening.Now,standi

44、ng among Matthews accumulation of possessions,I realize its me who has become a boy again.All my sadness and longing to hold on to things are back,sweeping over me as they did when I was a child.His bed is tidy and spare.It already has the feel of aa guest bed.In my mind I replay wrapping him in his

45、 favorite blanket.That was our nightly routine until one evening he said,”Daddy,I dont think I need a blanket tonight.”I think of all the times we lay among the covers reading.I look at the bed and think of all the recent times I was annoyed at how late he was sleeping.Ill never have to worry about

46、that again,I realize.For his part,Matthew has been a rock.He is treating his leaving as just another day at the office.And Im glad.After all,someones got to be strong.Im proud that he is charging into the first chapter of his adult life with such confidence.1、What does the writer mean by “Pull yours

47、elf together!”?AGet up. BCheer up.CPull up. DWake up.2、We can infer from the passage that_.Athe writer is accustomed to sleeping earlyBMatthew doesnt get on well with his fatherCMatthew is ready for his new lifeDthe writer wasnt brave enough to face his parents divorce3、How does the writer feel abou

48、t his sons leaving for college?AWorried. BGrateful.CRelieved. DBittersweet.4、Which of the following could be the best title of the text?AUnavoidable Goodbye BSweet MemoriesCGlorious Moment DUnconditional Love第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节)第一节(每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项26(30分)Two year

49、s ago, Shirley, wife, mother and doctor, found herself worn out. She got up earlier, and went to bed later, just to meet everyday _, but lacked _ for the things that mattered most.She and her husband, a lawyer, began searching for ways to _ their lives. “We had to decide what was really _,” says Shi

50、rley. They knew they wanted more time to _ with their three-year-old son, to exercise and eat right, and to develop friendship.So the couple chose to live more simply, shopping with care for necessities and enjoying inexpensive _ such as reading, cooking and going to the park.Then Shirley _ her job

51、and began working part time. She printed business cards that _ “At your service, buy _ a little time” and helped clients (客户) with personal tasks like shopping, paying bills and _ parties. “I still work hard, but being able to control my hours makes a _,” she says, “I can spare time to take my son t

52、o the _ or play basketball with him. My stress and headaches are _.”Shirley and her husband are _ alone in wanting to _ and live a satisfying life. A survey found that 54 percent of parents say they have little time with their children, and 47 percent of married couples _ that they lack time togethe

53、r. _ does the time go?For most people, _ and commuting (通勤) take up most of the day. Simplifying means becoming _ of the ways we use money, time and energy, and finding ways to make things easier. Then we have to gain _ over life and have time for the pleasures.1、AactivitiesBservicesCdemandsDexercis


55、eDdifference12、AofficeBhospitalCparkDschool13、AgoneBbetterCstrongDobvious14、Aa bitBfar fromCmuch tooDmore than15、Akeep paceBsettle downCtake offDslow down16、AexpectBdoubtCcomplainDimagine17、AHowBWhenCWhereDWhy18、AtravelingBreadingCshoppingDworking19、AawareBafraidCproudDsure20、AvalueBcontrolCsuccessD

56、experience第二节(每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。27(15分)Historians have said that we have always had a sweet tooth. Our sweet tooth has grown over the years and people are now more attached1sweets than ever before.Tim Richardson,2 famous historian, has created a timeline to show our love

57、of sweets, starting as early as 8,000 years BCHe said, “A sweet thing3(enjoy) during the day can be a source of simple comfort and pleasure cheering us up. People have known this for 4 (century). Throughout history, many sweets have kept their charm and popularity because they have kept up with the

58、5 (late) taste trends.” Gave paintings have been found of our early ancestors attacking beehives(蜂窝) 6(find) honeyA fun fact about these sweets is that honeycomb(蜂巢)was the first ever sweet eaten. As the years7(go)on, lollypops(棒棒糖)were first eaten in 9 AD and gums were enjoyed as early as the 1650s

59、. A main product of the sweet market toffee appeared in the 1890s. Other popular sweets, such as boiled sweets, chewing gum and bubble gum, came later. Chewing gum has a history that8 (date) back to the ancient Greeks. 9 , it wasnt until 1928 10Walter Diemer happened on just the right gum recipe to make the very first bubble gum. 第四部分 写作(共两节)第一节 短文改错(满分10分)28(10分)假如英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌的以下作文,文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加,删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(/),并在其下面写出该加


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