1、Figures of Speech1B第1页,共69页。Figure of Speech 修辞 - A way of saying one thing and meaning another.2B第2页,共69页。. Simile & Metaphor1. Simile 明喻 - A figure of speech in which two essentially dissimilar objects are exactly compared with one another by the use of “like” or “as”.3B第3页,共69页。The two things com
2、pared must be essentially dissimilar. The basis of resemblance is usually an abstract quality. 4B第4页,共69页。Structure of a SimileA Simile including Subject / Tenor 本体 Reference / Vehicle 喻体 Indicator of resemblance / Simile marker 比喻词5B第5页,共69页。本体指被比喻的对象;喻体指用来做比喻的对象;比喻词在本体和喻体之间起连接作用.6B第6页,共69页。Indicat
3、or of resemblance / Simile marker- like / as / asas / as if / as though / (just) as to / resemble / similar to / seem than / than / to bear a resemblance to7B第7页,共69页。ExamplesThe water lay gray and wrinkled like an elephants skin.My very thoughts were like the ghostly rustle(轻轻的摩擦声) of dead leaves.T
4、he river is peaceful, like a new baby sleeping.8B第8页,共69页。As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country.Food is to the body as fuel is to the engine. Life resembles but a days journey.He has no more idea of money than a cow. 9B第9页,共69页。O, my loves like a red, red rose,Thats me
5、wly sprung in June;O, my loves like the melodyThats sweetly played in tune. - Robert Burns10B第10页,共69页。 I wondered lonely as a cloudThat floats on high over vales and hills - William Wordsworth11B第11页,共69页。Shall I compare thee to a summers day?Thou are more lovely and more temperate - William Shakes
6、peare 12B第12页,共69页。汉语的明喻是用“像”、“似”、“如”、“好像似的”等词来连接被比喻和用作比喻的事物 例:骄阳似火 江作青罗带,山如碧玉簪; 春天像小姑娘,花枝招展 的,笑着,走着。朱自清 13B第13页,共69页。2. Metaphor 隐喻 - A figure of speech in which two unlike objects are implicitly compared without the use of “like” or “as”.14B第14页,共69页。A Metaphor compares one thing to another by say
7、ing that one thing “is” another thing.Metaphors are stronger than similes, but they are more difficult to see.15B第15页,共69页。Eg: Boys and girls, tumbling in the streets and playing, were moving jewels. He swam bravely against the tide of popular applause. Snow clothes the ground. The town was stormed
8、after a long siege. 16B第16页,共69页。 The society was his college. A book that is shut is but a block. Money is the lens in a camera. A house divided against itself cant stand. 17B第17页,共69页。All the worlds a stage,and we are merely players. - William Shakespeare18B第18页,共69页。SimileMetaphorExplicit Compari
9、sonImplicit ComparisonJuxtaposes two things Fuses two things19B第19页,共69页。 Joe fought like a lion.Joe was a lion in the battle.Learning may be likened to climbing up a mountain.Learning is climbing up a mountain.20B第20页,共69页。 The news is as a dagger to his heart.The news is a dagger to his heart.The
10、gossip was like a net that strangled her.She was strangled in the net of gossip.21B第21页,共69页。. Personification & Apostrophe1. Personification 拟人 - A figure of speech in which an idea or thing is given human attributes or feelings or is spoken of as if it were alive.22B第22页,共69页。Eg: The lettuce was l
11、onely without tomatoes and cucumbers for company.The Night-winds sigh, the breakers roar, / And shrieks the wild sea-mew.The house creaked with old age.My hearts in the Highlands a-chasing the deer. 23B第23页,共69页。Only my soul kept watch from day to day, / My thirsty soul kept watch for one away.Time
12、will tell.Money talked as sweetly in Athens as it had in Chicago in the old days. 24B第24页,共69页。Types of Personification That produced by the use of adjectives: Eg: the blushing rose; the thirsty ground 25B第25页,共69页。 That produced by the use of nouns:Eg: the smiles of spring; the whisper of leaves Th
13、at produced by the use of verbs:Eg: the kettle sings; the waves danced26B第26页,共69页。2. Apostrophe 呼告 - A figure of speech in which someone absent or dead or sth. nonhuman is addressed as if it were alive and present and could reply.27B第27页,共69页。Apostrophes are generally capitalized.Apostrophe is ofte
14、n used to convey extreme emotion.呼告则把物当作人直接与之对话,形成情感的激流与形象交融,引起强烈共鸣。28B第28页,共69页。Eg: Death, be not proud. - John Donne Milton, thou should be living at this time. - William Wordsworth Ah, Sorrow, you consume us. Where, O death, thy sting? where, O death, thy victory?“29B第29页,共69页。O eloquent, just, a
15、nd mighty Death! Science! True daughter of Old Time thou art! - Edgar Allan Poe O Captain! My Captain! - Walt Whitman 30B第30页,共69页。Oh, brave new world that has such people int! - Shakespeare O cunning Love! - Shakespeare O policy paper, why are you so horrible? - Tamara Taylor Productivity, why do y
16、ou elude me so? - Jessica Ellis 31B第31页,共69页。. Metonymy & Synecdoche1. Metonymy 借喻/代, 换/转喻 - A figure of speech in which the name of some object or idea is substituted for another name to which it has some relation.32B第32页,共69页。A. 用一个事物来象征人或另一事物:To defy the crown 反抗君主To be promoted to the bench 升为法官
17、From the cradle to the grave 从生到死33B第33页,共69页。His purse would not allow him that luxury.Gray hairs should be respected. 34B第34页,共69页。B. 用工具或器官来代替本体:The pen has more influence than sword.He has an eye for beauty.Give every man thine ear, but few thy voice.35B第35页,共69页。C. 用容器的名称来代替所盛的东西:They serve Chi
18、nese dishes.(中餐)The baby was brought up on the bottle. (牛奶或羊奶)36B第36页,共69页。They chatted over a bottle. (边喝酒边聊天)The whole village came out to welcome the singers. (全村的人)37B第37页,共69页。D. 用制造者名字代替制成品:Do you like Schubert (舒伯特)?Ive never read Homer.E. 用地方代替事物: White House 美国总统Kremlin 俄罗斯政府38B第38页,共69页。2.
19、 Synecdoche 提喻法 - A figure of speech in which a part of an object is used to represent the whole object or idea.39B第39页,共69页。A. 用局部代替整体:Many hands make light work. (用hand表示干活的人)The case was defended by eloquent lips. (用lips表示有辩才的人)They came to live under the same roof. (用roof表示整个房子)40B第40页,共69页。B. 用
20、整体代替局部:It (the volleyball match) was a close contest. In the end, China won. (用China代表中国队)C. 用个体代替整个一类:She is another Madam Curie.41B第41页,共69页。D. 用具体代替抽象:The father yearns in the true princes breast.E. 用抽象代替具体:The authorities (当局)F. 用材料代替事物:A piggy-bank full of coppers42B第42页,共69页。. Hyperbole / Over
21、statement & UnderstatementHyperbole / Overstatement 夸张法 - A figure of speech in which exaggeration is used to give emphasis.43B第43页,共69页。Hyperbole may be used to evoke strong feelings or to create a strong impression, but is not meant to be taken literally.44B第44页,共69页。Overstatement may be used with
22、 a variety of effects. It may be humorous, or grave, fanciful or restrained, convincing or unconvincing.45B第45页,共69页。Eg: Where have you been? Ive been waiting (for) ages.That vase is a family heirloom, they wont sell it for a billion dollars.I had so much homework, I needed a pickup truck to carry a
23、ll my books home! 46B第46页,共69页。One father is more than a hundred schoolmasters.Its a crime to stay inside on such a beautiful day.The most effective water power in the world is womens tears.47B第47页,共69页。I loved Ophelia: forty thousand brothers Could not, with all their quantity of love,Make up my su
24、m. - Shakespeare, Hamlet48B第48页,共69页。For she was beautiful - her beauty madeThe bright world dim, and everything besideSeemed like the fleeting image of a shade. - Shelly49B第49页,共69页。These books weigh a ton. (These books are heavy.) I could sleep for a year. (I could sleep for a long time.) The path
25、 went on forever. (The path was very long.) 50B第50页,共69页。Im doing a million things right now. (Im busy.) I could eat a horse. (Im hungry.) 51B第51页,共69页。2. Understatement 轻描淡写的陈述 - A figure of speech that consists of saying less than one means or of saying what one means with less force than the occa
26、sion warrants.52B第52页,共69页。The function of understatement is to control the tone of speaking.Understatement is especially useful in dealing with a hostile audience or in disagreeing with someone, because the statement, while carrying the same point, is much less offensive. 53B第53页,共69页。Understatemen
27、t can be used as a tool for modesty and tactfulness. Whenever you represent your own accomplishments, and often when you just describe your own position, an understatement of the facts will help you to avoid the charge of egotism on the one hand and of self-interested puffery on the other.54B第54页,共6
28、9页。Eg: The Wenchuan earthquake interrupted business somewhat in Sichuan Province.You know I would be a little disappointed if you were to be hit by a drunk driver at two a.m., so I hope you will be home early. I know a little about rocks.55B第55页,共69页。A soiled baby, with a neglected nose, cannot be c
29、onscientiously regarded as a thing of beauty. - Mark Twain He is a man not without ambition.The second law of thermodynamics pretty much works against the possibility of such an event.56B第56页,共69页。 . Paradox & Pun1. Paradox 似非而是的观点 - A self-contradictory and absurd statement that turns out to be in
30、some sense at least, actually true and valid.57B第57页,共69页。AdvantageParadox immediately arouses the readers interest and that it is economical pointing out the connection between opposite sides in only a few words.58B第58页,共69页。ExamplesA well-known secret agentHeard melodies are sweet, but those unheard Are sweeter - John Keats 59B第59页,共69页。I can resist anything except temptation.Spies do not look like spies.War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength. - George Orwell 60B第60页,共69页。2. Pun 双关语
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