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1、章节 08 11空心金属门与门框迪士尼度假区通用技术规格书 提交供招标用第/ 14 页章节 08 11 13SECTION 08 11 13空心金属门与门框HOLLOW METAL DOORS AND FRAMES第 1 部分 综述PART 1 GENERAL1.01 本章包括 SECTION INCLUDESA.非防火钢质门与门框。-fire-rated steel doors and frames.木门用钢质门框。Steel frames for wood doors.防火钢质门与门框。Fire-rated steel doors and frames.隔热钢质门。Thermally in

2、sulated steel doors.隔音钢质门与门框。Sound-rated steel doors and frames.钢质玻璃框。Steel glazing frames.配件,包括玻璃、百叶窗以及匹配面板。B.C.D.E.F.G.Acsories, including glazing, louvers, and matching panels.1.02相关要求 RELATED REQUIREMENTSA.章节 04 20 00砌体构件。Section 04 20 00 - Unit Masonry.章节 08 71 00门用五金。Section 08 71 00 - Door Ha

3、rdware.章节 08 80 00玻璃装配。Section 08 80 00 - Glazing.章节 09 22 16非结构性金属框架。B.C.D.Section 09 22 16 -Structural Metal Framing.E.章节 09 90 00喷漆与涂层Section 09 90 00 - Paing and Coating.1.03参考标准 REFERENTANDARDSA.B.ZBBZH/GJ 18 民用建筑设计规范;JGJ/T 229-2010 民用建筑绿色设计规范JG/T 3045.2-1998 钢门窗粉末静电喷涂涂层技术条件JG/T 3045.2-1998 Spe

4、cification of fr saches.GB/T 20909-2007 钢门窗linismder spraying coating for steel doors andC.GB/T 20909-2007 Steel doors and windows.JG/T 3045.2-1998 钢门窗粉末静电喷涂涂层技术条件D.SHANGHAI DISNEY RESORT COMMON SPECIFICATIONSECTION 08 11 13 HOLLOW METAL DOORS AND FRAMESPAGE 1 OF 14IED FOR TENDER 19 DEC 2012COMMON S

5、PECIFICATION 1E9 DECEMBER 2012 I章节 08 11空心金属门与门框迪士尼度假区通用技术规格书 提交供招标用第/ 14 页JG/T 3045.2-1998 Specification of fr saches.linismder spraying coating for steel doors andE.GB/T 2518-2008 连续热镀锌钢板及钢带GB/T 2518-2008 Continuously hot-dip zinc-coated steel sheet and strip GB/T 23483-2009 建筑物围护结构传热系数及采暖供热量检测方法G

6、B/T 23483-2009 Test standard for overall heat transfer coefficient of building envelope and heat supply for space heatingGB/T 20311-2006 建筑构件和建筑单 热阻和传热系数 计算方法F.G.GB/T 20311-2006 Building components and building elements - Thermal thermal transmittance - Calculation method.GB/T 19889-2010 声学 建筑和建筑构件隔

7、声测量andH.GB/T 19889-2010 AcousticsMeasurement of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements.GB/T 50121-2005 建筑隔声评价标准GB/T 50121-2005 Rating standard of sound insulation in buildings. GB/T 8485-2008 建筑门窗空气声隔声性能分级及检测方法GB/T 8485-2008 The graduation and test for airborne sound insulating prope

8、rties of windowsand doorsJG/T 124-2007 建筑门窗五金件JG/T 124-2007 Building hardware for windows and doors QB/T 1661-1992 空腹钢门窗五金配件I.J.K.L.M.N.ITS (DIR) - Directory of Listed Products;GB/T 20909-2007 钢门窗ertek Testing ServiNA, Inc. ; current edition.GB/T 20909-2007 Steel doors and windowsGB 8376-1987 实腹钢门、窗

9、五金配件基本尺寸O.GB 8376-1987 Basic dimens for fittings of solid web steel frameP.GB 8377-1987 实腹钢门、窗五金配件技术条件GB 8377-1987 Technical requirements for fittings of solid web steel frame GB 8378-1987 实腹钢门、窗五金配件试验方法GB 8378-1987 Test methods for fittings of solid web steel frame HJ/T 379-2007 环境保护产品技术要求 隔声门HJ/T

10、379-2007 Technical requirement for environmental protection product Sound-proof doorYSJ 408-1989 门窗安装工程施工操作规程.GB 12955-2008 防火门GB 12955-2008 Fire resistant doorsets GB 14102-2005 防火卷帘GB 14102-2005 Fire resistant shutter GB 16809-2008 防火窗GB 16809-2008 Fire resistant windows.Q.R.S.T.U.V.W.UL (BMD)建筑材料

11、目录;保险商;现行版本。UL (BMD) - Building Materials Directory; Underwriters Laboratories Inc. ; current edition.SHANGHAI DISNEY RESORT COMMON SPECIFICATIONSECTION 08 11 13 HOLLOW METAL DOORS AND FRAMESPAGE 2 OF 14IED FOR TENDER 19 DEC 2012COMMON SPECIFICATION 1E9 DECEMBER 2012 I章节 08 11空心金属门与门框第/ 14 页迪士尼度假区通用

12、技术规格书 提交供招标用X.UL 10B门组件防火测试标准;现行版本,包括所有修订。UL 10B - Standard for Fire Tests of Door Assemb s; Current Edition, Including All Revi UL 10C门组件正压力防火测试标准;现行版本,包括所有修订。s.Y.UL 10C - Standard foritive Prere Fire Tests of Door Assemb s ; Current Edition,Including All Revis.Z.UL 1784门组件空气泄漏测试标准;现行版本,包括所有修订。UL 1

13、784 - Standard for Air Leakage Tests of Door Assemb s ; Current Edition, Including AllRevis.AA.SSPC:SP 6 普通级喷砂。SSPC: SP 6 Commer SSPC:SP 7 抛光喷砂SSPC: SP 7 Brush-Ol Blast Cleaning.。last Cleaning.AB.1.04提交材料 SUBMITTALSA.关于提交程序,请见章节 00130承包商提交。See Section 00130 - Contractor Submittals, for submittal pro

14、cedures.产品资料:设计与施工的材料和细部、五金件位置、加固件类型与位置、锚固与紧固方法以及表B.面处理。提供当前测试副本。Product Data: Materials and details of design and construction, hardware locations, reinforcement type and locations, anchorage and fastening methods, and finishes . Provide copies of current test reports.施工深化图:提供门与门框位置一览表,其中包括完整的门与门框的

15、描述性名称、材料说明以及标号。为各开口(侧壁以及门楣细部)提供图解,显示标高、玻璃装配、门框剖面,并标明不同C.饰面材料的位置();连接板条细部;玻璃模具以及视觉框架细部;以及门百叶细部。Shop Drawings: Provide door and frame location schedule, including complete door and frame descriptive nomenclature and material description and gages. Illustrate details of each opening (jamb and head deta

16、ils), showing elevations, glazing, frame profiles, and identifying location ofdifferent finishes, if any; meeting stile details; glass molding and vi louver details.frame details; and doorD.样品:提交四份尺寸为 300 x300 毫米,能够体香工厂饰面材料、颜色以及表面纹理的金属样品。Sles: Submit four sles of metal, 300 x 300 mm in size showing

17、factory finishes, colors,and surface texture.安装说明:制造商E.的说明,其中应包括关于本项目的特殊安装说明。Installation Instructions: Manufacturers published instructions, including any spe instructions relating to this project.l installationF.制造商:能够证明产品达到或超过指定要求的。Manufacturers: Certificationt products meet or exceed specified r

18、equirements.出具的,证明在根据 GB/T 19889-2010 进G.隔音门:提供由业主认可之独立声学测试试时,包括门框、凸轮升降铰链、耐压门底、可调门挡以及隔音密封与合缝条在内的整个隔音门装置达到或超过 GB/T 50121-2005 要求的透声等级(STC)。Sound-rated doors: Provide certification by an independent acoustical testing laboratoryacceptable to the Employert complete sound retardant door units, including

19、 frames, cam-lifthinges, compresdoor bottoms, adjustable stops and sound seals and astragals meet orexceed required sound transmisclass (STC) in accordance with GB/T 50121-2005, whentested in accordance with GB/T 19889-2010.SHANGHAI DISNEY RESORT COMMON SPECIFICATIONSECTION 08 11 13 HOLLOW METAL DOO

20、RS AND FRAMESPAGE 3 OF 14IED FOR TENDER 19 DEC 2012COMMON SPECIFICATION 1E9 DECEMBER 2012 I章节 08 11空心金属门与门框迪士尼度假区通用技术规格书 提交供招标用第/ 14 页1.05 质量保证 QUALITY ARANCEA.制造商资质:专业从事本章所述产品生产,且至少具有三年在案经验的公司。Manufacturer Qualifications: Company spe this section with minimum three yearslizinganufacturing the produ

21、cts specified ined experience.B.施工方:专业从事本章所述产品生产,至少具备三年在案经验,且经过门与门框制造商认可的公司。Installer: Company spe minimum three yearslizinganufacturing the products specifiedhis section withed experience, approved by door and frame manufacturer.C.在生产现场留存所有与安装有关的参考标准副本一份。Maain at the project site a copy of all refe

22、rentandards dealing with installation.D.隔音门组件:由单一制造商提供接受过 GB/T 19889-2010 所述测试,且经过 GB/T 50121-2005所述透声等级(STC)评定的整体预制隔音门组件。Sound-Rated Door Assemb s: Provide complete door assemb s from a single manufacturer ve been fabricated as sound-retardant units, tested according to GB/T 19889-2010, andhaving t

23、he a certified Sound Transmis 50121-2005.Class (STC) rating determined according to GB/T1.06、与搬运 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLINGA.根据 GB/T 20909-2007 进行。Store in accordance with GB/T 20909-2007.使用弹性材料包装进行保护;避免覆层下聚积湿气;防止腐蚀。Protect with resint packaging; avoid humidity build-up under coverings; prevent

24、 corroB.C.将门竖直存放于距离地面或地板至少 25 毫米的干燥保护区域,各元件间的距离应保持在 6 毫米以上。Store doors upright, in a protected dry area,east 25 mm or more off the ground or floor andprovideeast 6 mm space betn individual members.D.遵守制造商所有特殊与搬运要求。Conform to all spe第 2 部分 产品PART 2 PRODUCTSl storage and handling requirements of manuf

25、acturer.2.01 制造商 MANUFACTURERSA.钢质门与门框Steel Doors and Frames:.5.Assa Abloy Ceco, Curries, or Fleming: Windsor Republic Doors :Steelcraft :m.m.Hinrichernational.Pioneer Industries, Inc.B.隔音钢质门与门框Sound-Rated Steel Doors and Frames:.Industrial Acoustics Company: Krieger Steel Products: Ov

26、erly Door Company:.com.Hinrichernational.SHANGHAI DISNEY RESORT COMMON SPECIFICATIONSECTION 08 11 13 HOLLOW METAL DOORS AND FRAMESPAGE 4 OF 14IED FOR TENDER 19 DEC 2012COMMON SPECIFICATION 1E9 DECEMBER 2012 I章节 08 11空心金属门与门框迪士尼度假区通用技术规格书 提交供招标用第/ 14 页2.02 门与门框 DOORS AND FRAMESA.关于所有门与门框的要求Requiremen

27、ts for All Doors and Frames:1.无Ac性:符合 ZBBZH/GJ 18。sibility: Comply with ZBBZH/GJ 18.2.门顶盖:与表面和边缘顶端。Door Top Closures: Flush with top o门边剖面:两边均有坡口。Door Edge Profile: Beveled on both edges.and edges.3.4.门表面纹理:表面光滑,以业主选择或图纸所示为准。Door Texture: Smooth fa, aected by Employer or indicated on Drawings.5.釉面天窗

28、:非固定侧的不可拆除门挡;尺寸与结构如图纸所示。Glazed Lights:-removable stops on-secure side; sizes and configurations asindicated on Drawings.6.五金件准备:符合 JG/T 124-2007 要求;现场焊接钢筋符合 QB/T 1661-1992 要求,同时 符合其他关于门等级标准的要求。对所有对接接缝、支点以及地板铰链处开孔上下的钢筋进行至少五处电焊(或四处凸焊)。Hardware Preparation: In accordance with JG/T 124-2007; QB/T 1661-1

29、992 withreinforcement welded in place, in addition to other requirements specified in doradestandard. Provideeast five spot welds (or four projection welds) to reinforcementsabove and below cut-outs for all butts, pivots, and floor hinges.7.对潮湿区域或室外门组件进行的镀锌处理:符合 ASTM A653 要求的 G90 以上镀锌层;不得使用 G60 与锌铁合

30、金(镀锌扩散处理)镀层。不得使用热轧薄钢板。Galvanizing for Units in Wet Areas and Exterior Doors: ASTM A653 minimum G90 galvanized coating; G60 and zinc-iron alloyed (galvannealed) coatings are not acceptable. Hot-rolled steel sheets are not acceptable.饰面材料:工厂为现场表面处理涂装的底漆,以业主选择或图纸所示为准。8.Finish: Factory primed, for field

31、 finishing, a Drawings.ected by Employer, or indicated onB.综合要求:如标明某个门与门框组件符合一种以上要求,则应同时以各类指定要求为准;例如,对于一扇具有隔音要求的室外门来说,必须同时符合关于隔音门和室外门的指定要求;如遇不同要求间的,则应以更为严格的要求为准。Combined Requirements: If a particular door and frame unit is indicated to comply with moree type of requirement, comply will the specified

32、 requirements for each type; forinstance, an exterior doort is also indicated as being sound-rated must comply with therequirements specified for exterior doors and for sound-rated doors; where two requirements, comply with the most stringent.C.根据测试机构程序,在防火门与隔音门的门框和门上张贴相关。Permanently attach required

33、 labels for fire-rated and sound-rated doors to frame and door in accordance with testing agency procedures.钢质门 STEEL DOORS室外门Exterior Doors:1.等级:物理性能属 GB/T 20909-2007 所述之 A 级。Grade: GB/T 20909-2007physical performance Level A,GB/T 20909-2007.芯材:竖直的钢质加强材料。Core: Vertical steel stiffeners.2.3.顶盖:与表面和边

34、缘。Top Closures: Flush with top oand edges.SHANGHAI DISNEY RESORT COMMON SPECIFICATIONSECTION 08 11 13 HOLLOW METAL DOORS AND FRAMESPAGE 5 OF 14IED FOR TENDER 19 DEC 2012COMMON SPECIFICATION 1E9 DECEMBER 2012 I章节 08 11空心金属门与门框迪士尼度假区通用技术规格书 提交供招标用第/ 14 页4.镀锌:如上文所述。Galvanizing: As noted above.纹理:除非业主另有

35、选择,或图纸另有指示,否则应为光滑表面。5.Texture: Smooth fa, unlesected otherwise by Employer or indicated on Drawings.6.挡风雨条:嵌入门边或门框内的整体挡条。Weatherstrip:egral, resedo door edge or frame.7.饰面材料:除非业主另有选择,或图纸另有指示,否则应为工厂为现场表面处理涂装的底漆,与章节 09900 所述的现场涂装表面处理面漆兼容。Finish: Factory primed, for field finishing, compatible with fie

36、ld-appd finish top coats specified in Section 09900, unless otherwise indicated or selected by Employer.B.非防火室内门erior Doors ,-Fire-Rated:1.等级:物理性能属 GB/T 20909-2007 所述之 A 级。Grade: GB/T 20909-2007physical performance Level AGB/T 20909-2007芯材:竖直的钢质加强材料。 Core: Vertical steel stiffeners.厚度:44 毫米。Thicknes

37、s: 44 mm.纹理:除非业主另有选择,或图纸另有指示,否则应为光滑表面。2.3.4.Texture: Smooth fa, unlesected otherwise by Employer or indicated on Drawings.5.饰面材料:除非业主另有选择,或图纸另有指示,否则应为工厂为现场表面处理涂装的底漆,与章节 09900 所述的现场涂装表面处理面漆兼容。Finish: Factory primed, for field finishing, compatible with field-appd finish top coats specified in Section

38、 09 90 00, unless otherwise indicated or selected by Employer.C.防火室内门erior Doors , Fire-Rated:1.等级:物理性能属 GB/T 20909-2007 所述之 A 级。Grade: GB/T 20909-2007physical performance Level A,GB/T 20909-2007.2.防火性能:如图纸所示,符合具有管辖权之试。的要求,根据 UL 10C(“正压力”)进Fire Rating: As indicated on drawings, and required by the A

39、uthority Having Jurisdiction,tested in accordance with UL 10C (itive prere).a.门厚度范围内的升温率:符合规范要求。Rate of Temperature Rise Across Door Thickness : In accordance with code.提供经过 UL 或WH 认证及标识的组件。Provide units listed and labeled by UL or WH.b.c.在各防火装置上张贴防火等级。Attach fire rating label to each fire rated uni

40、t.芯材:竖直的钢质加强材料。Core: Vertical steel stiffeners.纹理:除非业主另有选择,或图纸另有指示,否则应为光滑表面。3.4.Texture: Smooth fa, unlesected otherwise by Employer or indicated on Drawings.5.饰面材料:除非业主另有选择,或图纸另有指示,否则应为工厂为现场表面处理涂装的底漆,与章节 09900 所述的现场涂装表面处理面漆兼容。Finish: Factory primed, for field finishing, compatible with field-appd f

41、inish top coats specified in Section 09 90 00, unless otherwise indicated or selected by Employer.D.室内烟雾与抽力控制门:与所示防火等级的防火门具有相同结构,此外:erior Smoke and Draft Control Doors : Same construction as fire-rated doors with indicated fire rating, plus:SHANGHAI DISNEY RESORT COMMON SPECIFICATIONSECTION 08 11 13

42、 HOLLOW METAL DOORS AND FRAMESPAGE 6 OF 14IED FOR TENDER 19 DEC 2012COMMON SPECIFICATION 1E9 DECEMBER 2012 I章节 08 11空心金属门与门框迪士尼度假区通用技术规格书 提交供招标用第/ 14 页1.最大空气泄漏率:除非另有说明,否则根据 UL 1784 在环境温度与升高温度下测得的门洞在 24.9 Pa 压力下的最大空气泄漏率为 0.01524 立方米/秒/平方米。um Air Leakage: 0.01524 cu m/s/sq m of door opening at 24.9 Pa

43、 prere, unlessotherwise indicated, when tested in accordance with UL 1784 at bo elevated temperatures.填料:不得添加填料或密封。Gasketing: No added gasketing or seals allowed.mbient and2.3.:UL 的 S Label: UL S label.。E.室内隔音门erior Doors, Sound-Rated:1.等级:GB/T 20909-2007 所述之 3 级,物理性能属 GB/T 20909-2007 所述之 A 级。Grade:

44、 GB/T 20909-2007Level 3, physical performance Level AGB/T 20909-2007.门、门框与五金件组件整体的 STC 等级:提供具有图纸所示之 STC 等级的组件。如果图纸上并未标明 STC 等级,则应提供根据 ASTM E413 进行计算,并根据 GB/T 19889-2010 或2.GB/T 8485-2008 进试所得 STC 等级不低于 50 的组件。STC Rating of Entire Door, Frame, and Hardware Assembly: Provide assemb s with STC ratings

45、indicated on Drawings. If STC rating is not indicated on Drawings, provideassemb s with STC rating of not lessn 50, calculated in accordance wiSTM E413,tested in accordance with GB/T 19889-2010芯材:竖直的钢质加强材料。Core: Vertical steel stiffeners.B/T 8485-20083.4.纹理:除非业主另有选择,或图纸另有指示,否则应为光滑表面。Texture: Smooth

46、fa, unlesected otherwise by Employer or indicated on Drawings.5.饰面材料:除非业主另有选择,或图纸另有指示,否则应为工厂为现场表面处理涂装的底漆,与章节 09900 所述的现场涂装表面处理面漆兼容。Finish: Factory primed, for field finishing, compatible with field-appd finish top coats specified in Section 09 90 00, unless otherwise indicated or selected by Employe

47、r.隔音密封:隐藏于门或门框内的整体密封。6.Sound Seals:egral, concealed in door or frame.7.开关闭锁力:根据适用规范要求,不得超过 22.2 牛。Force to Open and Close and Latch: Not more codes.面板:结构、性能及表面均与门相同。n 22.2 N, as required byerningF.Panels: Same construction, performance, and finish as doors.钢质门框 STEEL FRAMES综述General:1.符合关于相应门的等级要求。C

48、omply with the requirements of grade specified for corresponding door.a.GB/T 20909-2007 所述的 14 号门框。GB/T 20909-200714 gage frames.木门门框:符合 JG/T 122-2000 中所述门框要求的 14 号门框。Frames for Wood Doors: Comply with frame requirements specified in JG/T 122- 200014 gage frames.隔音木门门框:符合 HJ/T 379-2007 所述的门框要求。Frame

49、s for Sound-Rated Wood Doors: Comply with frame requirements specified in HJ/T 379-2007.b.c.2.饰面材料:与门相同。Finish: Same as for door.SHANGHAI DISNEY RESORT COMMON SPECIFICATIONSECTION 08 11 13 HOLLOW METAL DOORS AND FRAMESPAGE 7 OF 14IED FOR TENDER 19 DEC 2012COMMON SPECIFICATION 1E9 DECEMBER 2012 I章节 0

50、8 11空心金属门与门框迪士尼度假区通用技术规格书 提交供招标用第/ 14 页3.为拟安装于砌体或接受灌浆的门框五金件开孔设置砂浆保护罩。Provide mortar guard boxes for hardware cut-outs in frames to be installed to be grouted.asonry or4.砌体墙内的框架:尺寸与砌体成行匹配,门楣元件能够在不切削砌体的情况下填入门洞。Framesasonry Walls: Size to suit masonry coursing with head member to fill openingwithouttin

51、g masonry units.5.宽度超过 1200 毫米的门框:使用紧密装配于门楣内的槽钢进行加固,槽钢与顶部。Frames Wider flush with top.n 1200 mm: Reinforce with steel channel fitted tightlyo frame head,6.对头拼接的门框:使用锚固于地板和高架结构上的槽钢进行加固。Frames Installed Back-to-Back: Reinforce with steel channels anchored to floor and overhead structure.门框锚杆:与门框材料标号相同

52、。Frame anchors: Same gage as frame material.7.a.立筋隔墙中的门框:工厂预连接(如焊接)的不可调式镀锌钢质门框,具体类型与具体安装条件相符。除指定的侧壁锚杆外,另设地板锚杆。For frames in stud partitions: Factory-attached (i.e., welded),-adjustable,galvanized steel, of appropriate type for specific installation conditions. Provide floor anchors in addition to sp

53、ecified jamb anchors.b.与混凝土墙壁整体浇注的门框:工厂预连接(如焊接)的镀锌钢质锚杆,带有穿孔或波纹带。不得使用钢丝锚固件。For framesegrally cast with concrete walls: Factory-attached (i.e., welded)galvanized steel anchor with perforated or crimped strap. Wire type anchors are not acceptable.与砌体墙壁整体建造的门框:松动的 T 型可调镀锌钢质锚杆,或工厂预连接(如焊c.接)的镀锌钢质锚杆,带有穿孔或波

54、纹带。不得使用钢丝锚固件。For framesegrally built with masonry walls: Loose tee-shd or factory-attached(i.e., welded) adjustable galvanized steel anchor with perforated or crimped strap. Wire type anchors are not acceptable.d.混凝土与砌体墙壁施工完成后(包括已有混凝土和砌体)安装的门框:由在管道或管材垫片上焊接的 50 毫米宽平式横撑镀锌钢板的组合螺栓与横撑锚杆。不得使用能够对水泥浆造成阻碍的蝶形

55、或类似类型板材。在工厂预先连接(如焊接)锚杆;在门挡中心位置焊接垫片,并在门框后弯(回转)突缘上焊接横撑板。在横撑板上开孔,以安装直径 3/8 英寸的埋头扁平头镀锌钢质机械螺栓与螺纹膨胀螺栓,并使门挡凹陷,以接收埋头螺栓。For frames installed subsequent to construction of concrete and masonry walls (including existing concrete and masonry): Combination bolt and spreader anchor consisting of a 50mm wide flat

56、galvanized steel spreadlate welded to a pipe ortube spacer. Butterfly or similar plate-type anchorst obstruct flow of grout arenot acceptable. Factory-attach (i.e., weld) anchor to frame; weld spacer to center ofdoor stop and weld spreadlate to back-bend (return) flanges of frame. Drill plateand sto

57、p for a 3/8 in. diameter, countersunk, flathead, galvanized steel machine boltand threaded expan flush.anchor, and dimple the stop to receive the countersunk heade.分别为各侧壁至少配备三个锚杆,为各门框至少配备两个锚杆。根据 GB/T 20909-2007 或制造商建议,为高度超过 7 英尺 6 英寸的门框增设侧壁锚杆。Provide not lessn three anchors for each jamb and two at

58、head of frames.Provide additional jamb anchors for door frames in exs of 7 ft.-6 in. high, in accordwith GB/T 20909-2007 or asB.室外门框:完全焊接型Exterior Door Frames: Fully welded.mended by manufacturer.1.镀锌:如上文所述。SHANGHAI DISNEY RESORT COMMON SPECIFICATIONSECTION 08 11 13 HOLLOW METAL DOORS AND FRAMESPAGE

59、 8 OF 14IED FOR TENDER 19 DEC 2012COMMON SPECIFICATION 1E9 DECEMBER 2012 I章节 08 11空心金属门与门框迪士尼度假区通用技术规格书 提交供招标用第/ 14 页Galvanizing: As noted above.饰面材料:除非业主另有选择,或图纸另有指示,否则应为工厂为现场表面处理涂装的底漆,与章节 09900 所述的现场涂装表面处理面漆兼容。Finish: Factory primed, for field finishing, compatible with field-appd finish top coats

60、 specified in Section 09 90 00, unless otherwise indicated or selected by Employer.挡风雨条:除非另有说明,则应使用嵌入门边或门框内的整体挡条。2.3.Weatherstrip:egral, resedo door edge or frame, unleoted otherwise.C.非防火室内门框:完全焊接型。erior Door Frames,-Fire-Rated: Fully welded type.1.终点门挡:分别为各室内门提供;止于地板上方 150 毫米,呈 45 度角的闭端门挡。Terminat


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