3、和传感器技术经过量子控制化学,量子加密技术和高精度时钟等运用,也可以促进其它科学和工程领域的提高。挑战2:纳米科学像量子科学技术一样,纳米科学的提高也将遭到纳米技术工艺现状的制约,特别是纳米科学将取决于在纳米程度制造资料和仪器的新方法的发明,比如能制造“黑碳化硅的新技术。而且,纳米技术的提高还将对其它领域产生不可预测的有益影响。主办:图书信息中心 总第 115 期2003年12月12日 星期五金融我国开发银行已名列第五科技21世纪的物理学:面临宏大的挑战美国气候变化科学方案战略规划数字经济渴求生长科学信息人才推进离退休干部任务科学化制度化规范化产品效率高达95%的降压控制器高速MOSFET/I
4、GBT门驱动光电耦合器高灵敏性低本钱指纹验证开发工具系列总线开关市场品牌定位方法之一:品牌区隔法证券QFII审批提速 外资超底中国股市国家开发行与四大行运营对照表: 单位:亿人民币工程资产总额净利润不良资产比例中国银行3593994.4522.49工商行4776865.2725.43建行3083243.0415.17国家开发银行104171192.54农行在医学和安康领域,纳米技术也许能协助 医生进展分子程度的手术,植入纳米安装,如向肺中植入原子磁体。这一重要进展将改良目前医学诊断和治疗技术。它也能运用于能源消费,环境治理,纳米电子学和基于纳米粒子的空间推进机燃料。挑战3:复杂的系统物理学家经
6、更多的物理学家来严厉地模拟分子过程,如蛋白质折叠。而细胞程度的电活动也可被用来认识神经系统,循环系统和呼吸系统的功能。而且,可以将力学和电磁学结合起来,利用DNA和酶的电子机械特性来了解细胞的过程。在医学领域,物理学可协助 人们设计对人体的新的非侵入诊断方法,如经过分析呼吸来了解人体内的生物化学。其它将物理学运用于医学的领域包括运动生物力学和脑神经元生物物理学。挑战5:新资料物理学家们本人也应该从包括自然科学在内的各个学科汲取知识,以提高对新资料的发现,开发和利用。例如,生物系统的类似性可以阐明复杂物理构造的自组装及在有限维度中分子几何学和运动的作用。对复杂的多成分资料和器件如蓝色激光器的合成
7、,加工和认识,有赖于物理学家,资料科学家和工程师们的跨学科研讨。挑战6:探求宇宙物理学的最大挑战之一是继续努力了解宇宙的来源和命运。探求宇宙构成之初瞬间的新一代工具如哈勃望远镜,能为检验宇宙学的根本原理做出必要的量测。其它工程奇观可以阐明构成宇宙95%的质能的暗物质和能量的性质,或更普通地说是探求自然的根本力和宇宙的构造和演化之间的关系。例如,目前激光干涉引力波天文台LIGO正在经过直接探测重力波来破解重力波的实际之迷。挑战7:一致自然界存在的各种力比认识宇宙来源更为根本的挑战也许是,以万物都将最小间隔 的物理学与宇宙物理学联络起来的实际,把微观的自然和宏观的自然一致同来。利用日益强大的粒子对
9、励他们?也许更重要的是,谁将为这些物理学研讨买单和如何买单将如何影响我们对一切这些“大挑战的相对重要性的评价?在未来几十年里,我们本人和其它人都要牢记,物理学的成就可以也应该与我们本人协助 构成的社会的期望相一致,由于“物质科学是发明财富的科学。(3)气候变化科学方案把研讨自然和人为要素对气候变化的影响列为最优先课题,强调气候变化在科学上的不确定性,并将其确立为未来相当长一段时间内美国气候变化科研的指点原那么。这个规划的酝酿和出台是美国政府近年来在气候变化问题上采取的重要动作之一。气候变化科学方案CCSP将美国政府的13个部局的资源和专长整合为一个共同的管理构造,支持有关气候和全球变化的研讨。
10、这一整合使美国政府能尽最大努力来应对挑战和回答这些挑战所提出的问题。报告描画的是一项研讨战略,其目的是添加有关气候易变性和变化及其对我们的环境和生活潜在影响的知识,并且为政策制定者开发所需的资源和工具,使他们具备必要的知识,能做出有真知灼见的决议,造福于美国和世界。研讨的原那么包括:采用一种基于最正确科学的规范方法;坚持灵敏性,以包容新的发现和技术;利用市场力量和技术创新;确保全球参与;确保经济继续增长。(4)对新经济的祭文已连篇累读,但是信息通讯技术依然青春焕发。假设得到企业的有效利用,它就可以使消费率和增长率提高。为协助 企业获得这些利益,政府有更多的事要做。2001年,经合组织部长报告得
12、信息通讯技术产品和效力的质量继续提高,从而推进价钱下降,并导致空前广泛的新运用。宽带正在推行运用,电信活动继续增长。人们更习惯于利用信息通讯技术,1990年代期间,企业对消费者的电子商务走在企业对企业的电子商务的前面。虽然许多高技术公司的股票出现了泡沫,但决策者不该当被股市评价误导。信息通讯技术照旧在整个经济的企业内分散,从而改良了消费,并协助 企业以更有效的消费方式运作。决策者要加倍努力协助 企业抓住信息通讯技术的益处。各国政府无疑可以为支持这些技术的分散做更多的事。如何利用信息通讯技术和充分发掘其潜力是主要挑战之所在。决策者经常问到,在其本国培育信息技术消费部门能否协助 其经济更迅速增长:
13、答案是,那是能够的,但那不是关键。在新经济勃兴期间,在芬兰,爱尔兰和韩国的1996-2001年劳动消费率增长率中,有一个百分点要归因于信息通讯技术制造。美国,日本和瑞典也受惠于信息通讯技术消费部门。电信部门内竞争的加强有明显的协助 。一些经合组织国家虽然几年前就实施了电信自在化,但还没有胜利地到达真正的竞争。宽带和电信根底设备的情况就是这样,在那里,效力详细地方和产业的市话线路仍经常处于垄断性控制之下。这使得更优良的技术和价钱较慢出现,更不用说抓住宽带可提供的电子商务,医护和教育的潜力了。但是,有一个信息通讯技术部门不是抓住这项技术的潜力的先决条件。德国和日本等国有出色的信息通讯技术部门,但没
15、技术有助于扩展产品范围,针对其详细客户提供专门效力,更好地相应需求,因此有助于创新和提高市场份额。它使管理者可以控制存货。信息通讯技术本身不是魔杖。那些消费率提得最高的公司指点如何管理这些技术,知道如何以技艺和组织变革方面的补充投资以及以新的战略使其效益最大化。他们的工人被授予更大的责任,因此使管理构造更加扁平。他们更多地进展外包,而专心致志于他们的中心力量。现实上他们改动了商业运营方式。信息通讯技术协助 公司引进新的工艺,产品和运用。例如在德国,拿有无工艺创新的公司来比较,信息技术投资对产出的影响相差约4倍。这些影响在效力部门尤为突出。有信息技术投资过渡并误导这项技术的危险,为了补偿技艺和竞
17、改动任务场所的妨碍,政府有很多事可做,比如重新安排任务时间和改动雇佣规章,以及协助 雇员更多地参与企业事务。要采取政策措施的一个明显方面,是保证技艺顺应需求。皆在普及信息通讯技术根本素养以及提高管理和网络技艺的政策是可取的。政策可以经过强化根底研讨的优先位置以及促进知识在科学界之间的流动而加强创新。树立公众对信息通讯技术的自信心是另一个政策挑战。各国政府已开场以转向电子政府效力做出表率。但是,在减少支付,合同,效力保证和赔偿方面的不确定性中,大多数问题依然故我。技术问题也还存在。消费者对在线环境的担忧依然与日俱增。这些问题的处理需求时日,而且在性质上必然是全球的。教育和加强认识的运动可以协助
18、公众改动过高的预期,因此培育电子市场认识。 (5) 一,IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NANOTECHNOLOGY SEPTEMBER 2003-11-28Threshould voltage calculation in ultrathin-film SOI MOSFETs using the effective potential;Periodic defects in 2D-PBG materials: full-wave analysis and design;Simulating quantum transport in nanoscale MOSFETd: ballis
19、tic hole transport, subband engineering and boundary conditions;Controled single-electron effects in nonoverlapped ultra-short silicon field effect transistors;Nanocomposite organic films on silicon;A multinanodot floating-gate MOSFET circuit for spikig neuron models;Stochastic assembly of sublithog
20、raphic nanoscale interfaces;Electrostatics of coaxial schottky-barrier nanotube field-effect transistors;Bipolar conduction and drain-induced barrier thinning in carbon nanotube FETs;二,IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES SEPTEMBER 2003 Special issue on nenoelectronics;Memory characterization of Si
21、Ge quantum dot flash memories with HfO2 and SiO2 tunneling dielectrics;Quantum mechanical effects on noise properties of naoelectronic devices: application to monte carlo simulation;Simulation of intrinsic parmenter fluctuations in decananometer and nanometer-scale MOSFETs;Theory of ballistic nanotr
22、ansistors;Logic and memory with nanocell circuits;Diffusion barrier cladding in Si/SiGe resonant interband tunneling diodes and their patterned growth on PMOS source/drain regions;Metal-induced grown Si nanostructures for large-area-device applications;Clocked molecular quantum-dot cellular automata
23、;Microscopic modeling of nonlinear transport in ballistic nanodevice;Operation of a quantum-dot cellular automata (QCA) shift register and analysis of errors;NanoMOS 2.5: a two-dimensional simulator for quantum transport in double-gate MODFETs;Nanoscale sislicon MOSFETs: a theoretical study;Impact o
24、fcrystal size and tunnel dielectric on semicondutor nanocrystal memory performance;Interface structure of ultrathin oxide prepared by N2O oxidation;Lateral ion implant straggle and mask proximity effect;A viable self-alignedbottom-gate MOS transistor technology for deep submicron 3-D SRAM;High-perfo
25、rmance nMOSFETs using a novel strained Si/SiGe CMOS architecture;New method to measure emitter ressitance of heterojunction bipolar transistors;A comparison of low-frequency noixe characteristics and oise sources in NPN and PNP InP-based heterojunction bipolar transistors;A GaAs-based field-modulati
26、ng plate HFET with improved WCDMA peak-output-power characteristics;NoNdestructive current localization upon high-current nanosecond switching of an avalanche transistor;Dtermination of interface and bulk traps in the subthreshold region of polycrystalline silicon thin-film transistors;CMOS APS cros
27、stalk chracterization via a unique submicron scanning system;An RF model og the accumulation-mode MOS varactor valid in both accumulation and depletion regions;ANNOUNCEMENTS:IEEE transactions on device and materials reliability,it transactions on device and materials reliability(T-DMR) is an online
28、journal that is free to all IEEE members. Below is a list of titles and authors for the upcoming September 2003 issue. To access T-DMR,please got the IEEE Xplore site at HYPERLINK /xploretdmr /xploretdmr . We also encourage you to submit papers to T-DMR by using the websit: HYPERLINK
29、 /tdmr-ieee.manuscriptcentral /tdmr-ieee.manuscriptcentral . papers as fellow:1,SCR device with double-triggered technique for On-Chip ESD protection in sub-quarter-micron silicided CMOS processes2,Non-destructive void size determination in copper metallization under pasivation3,ESD-induced oxide br
30、eakdown on self-protecting GG-NMOSFET in 0.1 um CMOS technology4,Single-shot nanosecond thermal imaging of semiconductor devices using absorption measurements5,Design technique for mitigation of alpha particle-induced single-event transients in combinational logic6,Effect of gate oxide breakdown on
31、RF performance.;三,IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON DIELECTRICS AND ELECTRICAL INSULATION AUGUST 2003Vacuum insulation fundamentals and applications;Improving withstand voltage by roughening the surface of an insulating spacer used in vacuum;Breakdown voltage of electrode arrangements in vacuum circuit breakers;
32、Real-time and high-speed measurements of charging processes on dielectric surface in bacuum;Influence of grading capaciters on the breaking performance of a 24-kV vacuum breaker series design;Relationship between electrode surface roughness and impulse breakdown voltage in vacuum gap of Cu and Cu-Cr
33、 electrodes;Dielectric strength of a vacuum interrupter contact gap after making current operations;Particle-in-cell simulations on a single gap gas discharge;Dielectric strength of series-connected triggered vacuum seitches;Final shape and formative time of protrusions on liquid-metal cathoses;Non-
34、linear dc and ac conductivity in electrically insulating composites;Electrical measurements for the characterization of electret propertics of cellular polymers;Calculation of the electric field for lined-up spherical dielectric particles;Shape of contacting surface between an electrolytic solution
35、and local discharge on it;Quantification of the probability of lightning strikes to structures using a fractal approach;Influence of shed parameters on the aging performance of silicone rubber insulators in salt-fog;Response functions and after-effect in dielectrics;Non-destructive methods for space
36、 charge distribution measurements: what are the differences?;Fundamental aspects of excitation and propagation of on-line partial discharge signals in three-phase medium voltage cable systems;Electron avalanches I-statistics of partial microdischarges in their Pre-streamer stage;Electron avalanches
37、II-fractal morphology of partial microdischarge spots on dielectric barriers;Intrinsic dielectric strength of dense pure hydrocarbons including polythene;四,IEEE TRANSACTION ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT OCTORBER 2003-12-3Space compaction of test responses using orthogonal transmission functions
38、;Parity bit signature in response data compaction and built-in self-testing of VLSI crircuits with nonexhaustive test sets;An efficient BIST method for non-traditional faults of embedded memory arrays;Self-checking logic design for FPGA implementation;A self-binning BIST structure for data communica
39、tions transceivers;Architecture,desingn,and application of an event-based test system;An empirical Bayesian stopping rule in testing and verification of behavioral models;Test limitations of parametric faults in analog circuits;Single-clock,single-latch,scan desingn;A cost-effective wafer-level reli
40、ability test system for integrated circuit makers;Using run-time reconfiguration for fault injection applications;Bio-geochemically inspired capacitive sensors for heavy metals pollution monitoring;Designing a programmable analog signal conditioning circuit without loss of measurement range;Reflecto
41、meter calibration without an open circuit;A nasicon CO2 gas snsor with dirft-detection electrode;Dielectric constant measurement technique for a dielectric strip using a rectangular waveguide;Modeling and analysis of fault tolerant multistage interconnection networks;Temperature compensation for ult
42、rasound measurements and characterization of materials;An optimally self-biased threshold voltage extractor;Micro-prober for wafer-level lpw-noise in sampled high-speed signals;Relay-based gain and phase margins PI controller design;Performance evaluation of a fluid temperature-compensated single se
43、nsor constant temperature anemometer;Intrinsic sensitivity of Cd1-xZnxTe semiconductors ofr digital radiographic imaging;Signal dispersion measurements on the gas detector volume of a dual-energy multimedia digital imaging sensor;Measurement uncertainty in a multivariate model: a novel approach;Mode
44、ling,calibration,and rendition of color logarithmic CMOS image sensors;Measurement of C and tan of a capacitor employing PSDs and dual-slope DVMs;Acoustic proximity ranging in the presence of secondary ecoes;On-wafer noise characterization of low-noise amplifiers in the Ka-band;Management of measure
45、ment uncertainty for effective statistical process control;Sources of uncertainty in the nose-to-nose sampler calibration method;Registration of range measurements with compact surface representation;Optimization strategies for parametric analysis of thin-film reflectivity spectra;Digital watermarki
46、ng-based DCT and JPEG model;Finite-element analysis of the electric field distribution in conductance cell;Improved recursive Newton-type algorithm for frequency and spectra estimation in power systems;Absence of the relativistic transverse Doppler shift at microwave frequencies;3-D acquisition and
47、quantitative measurements of anatomical parts by optical scanning and image reconstructon from unorganized range data;Analysis of the effect of stray capacitance on an AC-based capacitance tomography transducer;Measurement of some typical parameters in the realization of a signal management plant in
48、 railway diagnostics;五,IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SEMICONDUCTOR MANUFACTURING NOVEMBER 2003Methodology for feedback variable slsction for control of semiconductor manufacturing processes-part 1:analytical and simulation results;Methodology for feedback variable selection for control of semiconductor manuf
49、acturing processes-part 2:application to reactive ion etching;Neural network modeling of reactive ion etching using optical emission spectroscopy data;Neural network based uniformity profile control of linear chemical-mechanical planarization;Adaptive control approach of rapid thermal processing;A s
50、tudy of variable EWMA controller;On the use of decision tree induction for discovery of interactions in a photolithographic process;Effect of tilt angle variations in a halo implant on Vth values for 0.14-m CMOS devices;Reliability improvement of rapid thermal oxide using gas seitching;Experimental
51、study of airflow and particle characteristics of a 300-mm POUP/LPU minienvironment system;Electrical characterization of the copper CMP process and derivation of metal layout rules;Wavelet-based identification of delamination defect in CMP (Cu-Low k) using nonstationary acoustic emission signal;Effe
52、ct of CMOS technology scaling on thermal management during burn-In;Mechanical strss control in a VLSI-fabrication process: a method for obtaining the relation between stress levels and stress-induced failures;Analyzing repair decisings in the site imbalance problem of semiconductor test machines;ANN
53、OUNCEMENTS:2003 IEEE international electron devices meeting ,this meeting is the annual technical meeting of the electron devices society will be held at the Hilton Washington and towers ,Washington,DC,December 8-10,2003contents as fellow:1,three plenary presentations by prominent experts2,invited p
54、apers on all aspects of advanced devices and technologies3,a session on emerging technologies this year will cover new memory concepts4,panel discussions on “Who will solve the power problem? and “when will CMOS replace SiGe HBT?5,presentation of IEEE/EDS awards6,IEDM luncheon,Tuesday,December 9,imp
55、lantable electronic dryg delivery,Michael J.Cima,Massachusetts institute of technology;六,IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES NOVEMBER 2003A first multigigahertz digitally controlled oscillator for wireless applications;A simple four-port parastic deembedding methodology for high-fre
56、quency scattering parameter and noise characterization of SiGe HBTs;A novel bipolar-MOSFET low-noise amplifier (BiFET LNA),circuit configuration,design methodology,and chip implementation;4-bit multiplexer/demultiplexer chip set for 40-gbit/s optical communication systems;Design and analysis of nove
57、l high-gain and broad-band GaAs pHEMT MMIC distributed amplifiers with traveling-wave gain stages;S-paramenter formulation of quality factor for a spiral inductor in generalized two-port configuration;A novel power-amplifier module for quad-band wireless handset applications;An Si-SiGe BiCMOS direct
58、-conversion mixer with second-order and third-order nonlinearity cancellation for WCDMA applications;Finite-difference frequency-domain algorithm for modeling gurded-wave properties of substrate integrated waveguide;Measurement of electric-field intensities using scanning near-field microwave micros
59、copy;100 GHz cooled amplifier residual PM and AM noise measurements,noise figure,and jitter calculations;A gallium-nitride push-pull microwave power amplifier;V-band HJFET MMIC DROs with low phase noise ,high power,and excellent temprature stability;2004 IEEE radio frequency integrated circuits symp
60、osium,fort worth,texas june 6-8,2004,contents as fellow:1,cellular system ICs and architectures: GSM,EDGE,TDMA,CDMA,3G,WCDMA,GPS2,wireless data system ICs and architectures: bluetooth,WLAN,802.11x,MMDS,UWB3,optical system ICs and architectures: OC-48,OC-192,OC-768,Gigabit transceivers4,Small-signal
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