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1、词典第 26 天(2016/3/20):第 251 页:cash cow,cashmerecash cow 这里暗指奶牛(dairy cow), 奶牛场每天要挤奶(milk a cow),所以奶水源源不断,后来由此引申,变成了财运源源不断,久而久之就变成了 cash . “”cashmere 由地名转化而来,Kashmir 指和之间的克什米尔地区,此地的绒毛纤细而轻软,是上好的毛纺原料。英语变体 cashmere,特制绒毛制成的毛线纺织品。第 252 页:用 cast 写眼神cast 字面意思为“投掷”,如和 glance 一词搭配使用,可以写出不少和眼神有关的词汇,提前准备就不会在需要描述的

2、时候,只会写 look,你可以说:cast a gentle gaze upon,眼神的温柔,也可以用 cast a cheerful gaze 去表现,更可以通过形容词的转换,去表现任何一种心情,如 anxious, nervous, stressful,所以 cast 好用是假,glance 好用才是真。第 253 页:catalyst 在写作中的应用 化剂”,但是引申为“带来巨大变化的力量”。释义为:someone or something t causes something to happen or change: 任何带来变化的人或物,如:Cultural exchanges at

3、 different levels can aa catalyst for further economic cooperation betn two countries. (不同层面的文化交流可以起到催化剂作用,带动两国经济合作。)还可以将 catalyst 与 incentive,momentum, impetus 进行联想。Incentive 的例句:The most direct incentive to prevent rubbish is to charge peopy the amount of rubbish they put out. (杜绝最为直接的做法,就是按照人们乱扔的

4、数量,对其征用。)(写 2011 年旅途之余);换写为:The most direct incentive to prevent traffic congestion is to charge peopy the number of cars they own. (防止交通堵塞最直接的办法,就是根据人们拥有汽车的数量,对其征 用。)momentum 例句:Cultural exchanges at different levels provide new momentum for further economic cooperation betn two countries.辞典释义:an a

5、gent t provokes or speeds significant change or action:字面是“催第 253 页-第 254 页:catastrophe, accident, calamity, disaster, misfortune, tragedy用:例句 1:An unchecked increase he use of fossil fuels could have catastrophic results:对能源的使用不加控制,会产生 性 。(写能源考题)例句 2:The food was cold, and the guestroom was dirty:

6、the whole trip was a catastrophe. (写 信,尽管这样写,语气有些夸张)Calamity 例句:A series of calamities ruined Wen Chuan overnight-an earthquake and the death omily members. It is the time for us to give a helhand to them. 一系列的将汶川毁于一旦,随后很多家人,是向他们伸出援手的时候了。(爱心话题)disaster 例句:You might ask me what cowardice is. It is a

7、situation in which a man breaks down andps. Then what is a strong will? Another one hafferedal disasters, but finally managed to rebuild his life. 可能有人问我,它是指一个在某种情况下而哭泣,那么什么叫坚强?另一个人经历了个人磨难,但是却最后却重建自己的生活。(可以用来写词)tragedy 也能用于 的写作:Tragedy struck when an earthquake shook Wen Chuan, Sichuan province. Our

8、 assistance can re ve the refugees there from the grave situation. (表达了和 calamity例句相同的意思,但是写法不一样了)而 传统字典对于 misfortune 的定义很有意思: Misfortune, which app s most broadly, often suggests the operation of distressing circumstanthe victims control: 实用范围最广,指“受害者所不能控制的、令人烦恼的外部环境事件。”最普通,却是最安全的用词。今天老师非常详细地讲了这几个词

9、汇的区别,这里简略地讲一下它们在写作上的使Impetus 例句:Cultural exchanges at different levels add impetus to further economic cooperation betn two countries. 或者反着说:Further economic cooperation betn countries can gain impetus from cultural exchanges at different levels.如果将 cultural exchanges 的换写:culturaleractions, cultural

10、erchanges, 将经济合作换写为:closer economic ties, 又可以写出多少变化呢?第 254 页-255 页:catch up with someone 为什么一会是“赶上、达到标准”,一会是“俘获”这的确是很纠结的事情,分不清楚了怎么办?办法是看例句,根据名词和名词的关系,大致判定动词的含义,来看一看 catch up with someone 的几个例句:例句 1:Most late developers will catch up with their friends:注意这个例句后面的,这说明这个例句节选,不是句子全貌,无法理解 late developers

11、到底是“开发者、开发商、还是发育较晚的人”,但是后面 friend 意思是确定的,就是“朋友”啊,所以原句含义最可能是:“发育较晚的人会赶上他们的朋友。”这与其说是完全读懂,还不如说是“猜出来的”,所以在阅读的过程中,经常是名词不定,动词意思无法确定。当你用背过的动词意思往句子里面插的时候,十有是说不通的,经常需要顺着上下文的意思,进行大意猜测。再看例句 2:The law caught up with him yesterday. 这个句子的主语是“法律“,原意为”法律昨天追上他了”,这在英文表述中是“人话”,在“中文表述中就不是”人话“,这好顺着中文编一个意思出来,”依法捉拿归案“说起来这

12、种看句的方法,有点像中的咏春拳哲学,即不是用自己会的招数去应对对方出招,而是顺着对方招数拆解。没看到对方出招时,我什么也不知道,看到对方出招,则“桥来桥上走,脚来脚下消”,英文阅读也是这个理儿,没看到句子之前,我什么都不知道,见到了句子,就顺着原文的名词,看动词的搭配,有时候虽然无法做到精确翻译,却也能看个大致。有的同学说,我看了半天,为什么还是猜不出来呢?那是因为单词认得少,只剩下and, it, to,全是虚词,实词都不认得,考什么猜呢?还有就是背单词时间长,阅读时间少。归根结底,提高英文阅读,一半靠背、一半靠猜,两者相辅相成,而读句子、做翻译,就像是过招,最后才能见招拆招。,背词就像学招

13、,好好做老师的翻译,然后把后面的 catch 都背了吧。catch on to something:体会理解某事catch out:抓住的短处catch 的短语用法catch up with somebody:赶上、也可以是抓住catch up with somebody: 拿获第 256 页:cater for, cattle本页中的 cater for 是有用的词组,但是 cattle 是在语法上容易错词。一般不可数名词涉及可数用法,都会在量词上用复数,如 two glasses of milk, three bowls of rice. 涉及动物的量词使用时,一般是量词单数,名词复数,如

14、 a shoal of fishes(一群鱼), a colony of ants(一群蚂蚁)等。cattle 的特殊在于,量词和名词都保持单数,属于特殊用法,学习翻译的同学需要注意一下:5,000 head(单数)of cattle(单数) died of the disease last month.第 257 页:cautious, diligent,prudent,cautious 字面意思为“谨慎very carefully in order to avoid”,英文内涵是“避免sible danger.”:Someho is cautiousdiligent 字面意思虽然是“努力地

15、”,也强调学习的“仔细和认真”: Someworks hard in a careful and thorough way.ho is diligentprudent 也是谨慎,辞典的解释比较简单:Someho is prudent is sensible andcareful.,其他辞典的解释则涉及了“做出判断和决定”时的谨慎:sensible and careful when you make judgments and decis, 个人感觉,prudent 的程度还是比较深。所以如果自我介绍,说自己 diligent 就可以了,突出自己工作和学习的认真态度,而“谦虚谨慎,不卑不亢”,虽

16、然既可以使用 cautious,也可以使用 prudent,内涵还是有些不同的,但是用 prudent 还是更合适一些:be modest and prudent,neither haughty nor humble.第 258 页:cease 在中的用法cease 属于正式用语,在文学作品和词中,经常用 cease 表示,如 cease to be,大家看墓前的中,是怎样宣布的:On the 14th of March, at a quarter to threehe afternoon, the greatest living thinker ceased to think. He had

17、 been left alone for scarcely two minutes, and when we came back we found him inhis armchair, peacefully gone to sleep-but forever.An immeasurable loss has been sustained both by the militant proletariat of Europe and America,and by historical science, he death of this man. The gapmighty spirit will

18、 soon enough make itself felt.s been left by the departure of this1883 年 3 月 17 日,合葬,在安葬仪式上,遗体安葬于伦敦公墓,与其夫人冯威里希.冯.以英语致悼词,在这段悼词中,斯先后用cease to think, go to sleep-but forever, loss 三个词汇宣布了结构严谨、用词巧妙,很值得英语写作者借鉴。的,语气庄严、无独有偶,英国大诗人.在系列中,也用 cease 暗示一位美丽姑娘的去世。She dwelt among the untrodden waysBeside the spring

19、s of Dove;A maid whom there were none to praise,And very few to love:A violet by a mossy stoneHalf hidden from the eye!-Fair as a star, when only oneIs shininghe sky.She lived unknown, and few could knowWhen Lucy ceased to be;But she is in her grave, and oh,The difference to me!在这首诗歌中,作家先用“长满苔藓石头旁边的

20、紫罗兰”(a violet by a mossy stone),暗示出一位美丽姑娘的默默无闻,之后用 fair as a star,将这位姑娘的美丽形容为天上的星辰,然后用 Lucy 这个人名暗示姑娘的身世卑微,属于劳动人民阶层,最后用 cease to be 和 in hergrave,暗示其。全诗读来语言优美、用词精巧、比喻贴切,读来印象深刻,虽然写得是,却不显哀伤凄婉,让这的事实,充满了美感,充满着对生活的。同样适用 cease,出的 cease 就不一样。写得庄重,写得优美,职业不一样、性情不一样,用第 259 页:cerity词典对于 cerity 的解释为:A cerity is someho is famous, espelly in areasof entertaent such as fi, music, writing, or sports. A crusade is launched against raldiscrimination. 搭配:只有fi, music writing and sports 方面 的名称为cerity,如:solcerity 社会名流;sports cerity


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