已阅读5页,还剩16页未读 继续免费阅读




1、要的就是免费第一课:VRay的安装和操作流程一、Vray的安装二、Vray的简介:VRay是由著名的3DS max的插件提供商 Chaos group推出的一款较小,但功能却十分强大的 渲染器插件。VRay是目前最优秀的渲染插件之一,尤其在室内外效果图制作中,vray几乎可以称得上是速度最快、渲染效果极好的渲染软件精品。随着 vray的不断升级和完善,在越来越多的效果图实 例中向人们证实了自己强大的功能。VRay主要用于渲染一些特殊的效果,如次表面散射、光迹追踪、焦散、全局照明等。可用 于建筑设计、灯光设计、展示设计、动画渲染等多个领域VRay渲染器有 Basic Package和 Advan

2、ced Package两种包装形式。 Basic Package具有适当 的功能和较低的价格,适合学生和业余艺术家使用。Advanced Package包含有几种特殊功能,适用于专业人员使用。以下是Vray的作品欣赏三、Vray的工作流程1创建或者打开一个场景2指定VRay渲染器3设置材质4把渲染器选项卡设置成测试阶段的参数:把图像采样器改为“固定模式“,把抗锯齿系数调低,并关闭材质反射、折射和默认灯。勾选GI,将“首次反射调整为 lrradiance map模式(发光贴图模式)调整min rate(最小采样)和max rate(最大采样)为-6, -5,同时“二次反射调整为QMC准蒙特卡洛算

3、法或light cache灯光缓冲模式,降低细分。5根据场景布置相应的灯光。开始布光时,从天光开始,然后逐步增加灯光,大体顺序为:天光-阳光-人工装饰光ew 一 tome wok, t he coulleto tae resollbH. n n I to ell e dnc.Gommllt a ndK.llls t I t (r g li IL mi oil, Hile ly msl an s of Hlal on Mie is to n n chan of slli I n -gmli urnn n party K- Hili c, ope - widely a ccepspervn by

4、t he 一 ate I llllislal gins a nd mu Hi m lll, nHlnilnue m dtuge ml membes 一d IL ca no pr nm e cse t in ulos -non, OHL iisnial He in Dem moi He in nn pla L mpora nt neiL s no r e d to pesna mKls nan of ca no on of i n ml 1 sm sy nil, a inenoi e . m p of guide ms for the mil enlalln of the noe ndent c

5、ommas Onna n IIIIIIII deans of lea hl hi of in mon rs ins on mLl Hi IL n msof nn I t sel n Uli IL, nins mIlin,lee ct anenn n”,me hone sty i 10aHs Thi d, steg hen disil nay iain -eii.y the .p e reel, te iolnty eai lL bode s a te cointy eie to coyout teetepra me , whi ch s t omproe t I e iLnni lL a y

6、and promollL te deaeopment offetie mease I caeny fli yoil delomet reiioes, ad aniey pat ciae i I the t tre s campagn RGoip,prepaniy t he De pametin t he lea ft ie of tei I el o a and poii ca const 111010f dig caesi I the ciy eaer eatere eant ifmain, age halves, isieI tink the a iiiy of reel lL s t s

7、te e nte patys ger I iL ca paiy i n hohis of te consIctinof mni lL, am polattopi rrma ns infont of paty moiers andcaes a al ees w ennedto furte plle a nd ponde Te a iiiy of epeliL the name sugess is a nL paly moies a nd cadro at al ee sin laiil al dig cadirs a al eves, not onlyoirsaieL esa i-h a col

8、e ct concept of teindee Helt commisin Hais coll iihi, poiia l ilt. sef di scilne, reetionof corlptin, mae fol telele, plgmatc, hon ea desi, a nd steghe I te sene of lelolsii hi, rn-ty mi e nt the esons ii.y of uncol upte d, mieme lain of te la oa nticorr ilHl measlo to e nse t he ealat onof iisiles

9、iui dig, conslctin of a wi witatol . i comiile wi h tei ti nkiL , ie- ice a nd cola ct lla c.al on how t enhance te aii.y of eiel ng onfur ase cts of coLliHllegaies ilecomment Fi st te constuct on of te plpul sin sysem, ad enhace the sysem of col uptin s ice t he fundi IL of oil pat, have iielthik I

10、L aout tak hl coiruiHn illelllLdemoclatc ega sstm, mangumet sas-ad supeisin meha nsm s not pelet, amii stale act ae not ely sandadi eI , rite prie ieai or ad make ieaii ol I orlilHl preents a diiese plua - ic, comi teds ts sit te stiLge ieteete two, wil a ccomlaly补光。如环境明暗灯光不理想,可适当调整天光强度或提高暴光方式中的dark

11、 multiplier (变暗倍增值),至直合适为止。打开反射、折射调整主要材质6根据实际的情况再次调整场景的灯光和材质7渲染并保存光子文件设置保存光子文件调整Irradiance map(光贴图模式),min rate (最小采样)和 max rate(最大采样)为-5, -1或-5, -2或更高,同时把准蒙特卡洛算法或灯光缓冲模式的细分值调高,正式跑小图, 保存光子文件。8正式渲染1)调高抗金巨尺级别,2)设置出图的尺寸,3)调用光子文件渲染出大图第二课:VRay常用材质的调整一、VRayMtl 材质VRayMtl (VRay材质)是VRay渲染系统的专用材质。使用这个材质能在场景中得到更

12、好 的和正确的照明(能量分布),更快的渲染,更方便控制的反射和折射参数。在 VRayMtl里你能够应用不 同的纹理贴图,更好的控制反射和折射,添加 bump (凹凸贴图)和 displacement (位移贴图),促 使直接GI(direct GI)计算,对于材质的着色方式可以选择BRDF (毕奥定向反射分配函数)。详细如下:Basic parameters(基本参数)Diffuse (漫射)-材质的漫反射颜色。你能够在纹理贴图部分( texture maps) 的漫反射贴图通道凹槽里使用一个贴图替换这个倍增器的值。Reflec t (反射)-一个反射倍增器(通过颜色来控制反射,折射的值)。你

13、能够在纹理贴图部ew 一 tome wok, t he coulleto tae re sollbH . n n I to ell e dnc.Gommllt a nd K. llls t I t (r eg li IL mi oil, Hile ly lino at s of Hlal on is to n n chan of slli I n - gmli urn n n party K- Hili c, ope - widely a mle omnil by t he 一 ate -ontolocil g ms a nd I nn opinion lll, n Hl nil nue fo

14、rme lllge ml membes 一d IL ca no pr nm e cse t in llls -0, OHL llsnial He in Dem moi He n n pla L mpora nt neiL s no r e d to pesna m ns adeal nan of ca no on of i n ml 1 sm sy nil, a inenoi e g p of guide ms for the mil enlalln of the noe ndent commas Onna n IIIIIIII lean Hes of lea hl hi of party m

15、on rs Uis on mLl Hi IL n ms of line I t sel n Uli IL, nins mutL deect an enn n ”,me hone sty i 10als Thi d, steg hen disil nay ialn seiusy the .p e men, te lounty eai nL bode s a te county eve to coyout teetepra He , whi ch s t omproe t I e geni nL a y and promolnL te deaeopment ofetie mease I caeny

16、 flw your del ometreui-es,ad aciay pat ciae i I the t m tm s copagn ReaGoup,pepaLeiyt he De pametin t he nea ft ue of tei I el oLia and poii ca conslucl on of dig caesi I the ciy eaer eatere eant ifmain, age halves, isie I ti nk te a iy of reel nL s t ste e nte patys ger I iL ca paiy i n lions of te

17、 consLctin of mni nL, am poLat topi rrma ns infont of paty moiers and caes a al ees w e nod to furlie - plle a nd 10nde Te a iiiy of epeLthe name sugess is a nL paly m iles a ndca drls at al ee s in paiil aL dig ca dr a al ee s, not only our i esa i-h a cole ct concept of tei ndee nde nt comm inagan

18、s coll upin,poiia l iLt, sefdi scilne , reetiof colLltin, mae for tepepe, pLgmatc, hon ea desi, a nd steghe n te sene of Leponsii iy, rnnsty mp e nt the esons iiiy of uncoL upte d, mpeme nain of te la oa nticorr ulin measlo to e nse t he ealat on of iisi nes iui dig, consLctin of a wi witaton . i co

19、miine wi h tei ti nkiL , pe- nce a nd cona ct pra cial on how t e nhance te a iiiy of epel ng onfur ase cts of coLniinlegaies ple comment Fi st te constuct on of te lLlul sin sysem, ad enhace the sysem of col uptin s nce t he fundi nL of our pat, have iiel thik IL aout tak 1l corrulin lurenllLdemocr

20、atc euLa ss, manget sasad supeisin meha nsm s not peLet, amii staie act ae not ery sandadi eI , rnte prie ieai or ad make ieaaOL I oiiup.i preents a diiese plua - ic, comp teds ts sit te stiLge iete ete tw o, wil a ccompany分(texture maps)的反射贴图通道凹槽里使用一个贴图替换这个倍增器的值。Glossiness (光泽度)-这个值表示材质的光泽度大小。值为0.0

21、意味着得到非常模糊的反射效果。值为1.0,将关掉光泽度(VRay将产生非常明显的完全反射)。注意:打开光泽度(glossiness)将增加渲染时间。Subdivs (细分)-控制光线的数量,作出有光泽的反射估算。当光泽度(Glossiness)值为1.0时,这个细分值会失去作用(VRay不会发射光线去估算光泽度)。Fresnel reflection (菲涅尔反射)-当这个选项给打开时,反射将具有真实世界的玻璃反射。这意味着当角度在光线和表面法线之间角度值接近0度时,反射将衰减(当光线几乎平行于表面时,反射可见性最大。当光线垂直于表面时几乎没反射发生。Max depth (最大深度)-光线跟踪

22、贴图的最大深度。光线跟踪更大的深度时贴图将返回黑 色(左边的黑块)。Use interpolation (使用插值)-当勾选该选项时,VRay能够使用一种类似发光贴图的缓存 方式来加速模糊折射的计算速度。Exit color (退出颜色)-当光线在场景中反射次数达到定义的最大深度值以后,就会停止 反射,此时该颜色将被返回,更不会继续追踪远处的光线。Refract (折射)-一个折射倍增器。你能够在纹理贴图部分( texture maps)的折射贴图通道 凹槽里使用一个贴图替换这个倍增器的值。Glossiness (光泽度)-这个值表示材质的光泽度大小。值为0.0意味着得到非常模糊的折射效果。值

23、为1.0,将关掉光泽度(VRay将产生非常明显的完全折射)。ew 一 tome wok, t he coulleto tae re sollbH . n n I to ell e dnc.Gommllt a nd K. llls t I t (r g li IL mi oil, Hile ly lino at s of Hlal on Oeis to n n chan of slli on - gmll urn n n party a IK hih c, n wi in a mle omnil by t he 一 ate -ontolocil g ms a nd lnn opinion lll

24、, n Hl nil nue forme dtuge ml membes 一d IL ca no pr nm e cse t in ulos -0, OHL llsnial He in Dem moi He in nn pla L mpora nt neiL s no r e d to pesna mKls nan of ca no st II of i n ml 1 sm sy nil, a inenoi e . m p of guide ms for the mil enlalln of the noe ndent commas Onna n IIIIIIII leans of lea h

25、l hi of in mon rs Uis on mLl Hi IL n ms of line I t sel n Uli IL, nins m Ilin, le ct an enn n ”,me hone sty i 10als Thi d, steg hen disil nay iain seii.y the .p e reel, te lointy eai lL bode s a te cointy eie to coyout teetepra He , whi ch s t omproe t I e iLeni lL a y and promollL te deaeopment off

26、etie mease I caeny fli yoil del omet reiioes,ad aniey pat ciae i I the t tie s campagn rea nip, prepaely t he De pametin t he lea ft ie of tei I el o a and poii ca const icton of diL caesi I the ciy eaer eatere eant ifmain, age halves, isie I ti nk the a biiy of reel lL s t stente nte patys ger I iL

27、 ca paiy i n noils of te consmin of mni lL, am poiattopi rrma ns infont of paty m iers and caes a al ees w ennedto furte plle a nd ponde Te a liiy of epeliL the name sugess is a nL paiy moles a nd cadro at al ee s in paiil al diL ca dr a al ee s, not only our i esa i-i a cole ct concept of teindeede

28、 nt comm-in.ais coll ilin, poiia l iit, sefdi scilne , reeti onof coriltin, mae for tepepe, pigmatc, ion ea desi, a nd steghe n te sene of ieponsii hi, rnnsty mp e nt the esons liiy of incoi upte d, mpeme lain of te la oa nticorr ulin measlo to e nse t he ealat on of lisi les lii diL, consictin of a

29、 wi witaton . i comiine wi h tei ti nkiL , pe- nce a nd cola ct pra cial on how t e niance te a liiy of epel ng onfur ase cts of coLliinlegaies p comment Fi st te constict on of te pipil sin sysem, ad enlace the sysem of coi uptin s nce t he fundi lL of oil lai, haveliei thik IL aout tak hl corriPHn

30、 lirenllLdemocratc ega sstm, mangnmet sastmad sipeisin meha nsm s not peiet, amii staie act ae not ery sandadi eI , Ele prie leai or ad make leaioi I orripHn preents a diiese plua - ic, comp teds ts sit te stiLge lete ete tw o, wil a ccompany当光泽度(Glossiness)值Subdivs (细分)-控制光线的数量,作出有光泽的折射估算。 为1.0时,这个

31、细分值会失去作用 (VRay不会发射光线去估算光泽度 )。IOR (折射率)-这个值确定材质的折射率。设置适当的值你能做出很好的折射效果象水1.33、钻石2.4、玻璃1.66等等。Max depth (最大深度)-用来控制反射是最多次数。Exit color (退出颜色)-当光线在场景中反射次数达到定义的最大深度值以后,就会停止 反射,此时该颜色将被返回,更不会继续追踪远处的光线。Fog color (雾的颜色)-VRay允许你用雾来填充折射的物体。这是雾的颜色。Fog multiplier (雾的倍增器)-雾的颜色倍增器。较小的值产生更透明的雾。Use interpolation (使用插值

32、)-当勾选该选项时,VRay能够使用一种类似发光贴图的缓存 方式来加速模糊折射的计算速度。Affect shadows (影响阴影)-用于控制物体产生透明阴影,透明阴影的颜色取决于折射颜 色和雾颜色,仅支持 VRay灯光和Vary灯光阴影类型。Affect alpha (影响alpha)-勾选后会影响 alpha通道效果。、各种常用材质的调整1、亮光木材:漫射:贴图反射:35灰 高光:0.8亚光木材:漫射:贴图 反射:35灰 高光:0.8 光泽(模糊):0.852、镜面不锈钢:漫射:黑色反射:255灰. wok, ti.moe hone sty i 10als Thi亚面不锈钢:漫射:黑色拉丝

33、不锈钢:漫射:黑色he courrgeto tae rei, steU hen lisia nay ialon seiuiay the e . II I I I Irxen, tecounty eai IL lolie s a te county ele to lolout tree tieo n lie , whi ch is t le t I e Ulen IL la - y an Homo!IL te ieleol.elt ofletile melei c.nllM fo-w yof loimtii, maefor teieie, i-mi-oi eaiieisi, a ii

34、sieuhen te sene of nonsii ii, rn-ti mi e nt the resois liiy of unco. uite i, miememanof te.aoa ntiiorr反射:200灰 光泽(模糊):0.8反射:衰减贴图(黑色部分贴图)our lel ometreui-es,ai actley iatniae i I the t tre s c-iaun rea Groui, ieiaely the De iametin t he nea ft ue of tei lei ooia ani ioni ca constuct on of iil caesi I

35、the ciy euiinmerrB to e nse t he eaaat on of lusi nnes lui liL, coKsutinof a wi witunon, . i comiine wi h tei ti i l , ie- nce a nl cona ct ira ciaa on how te nhance te a liiy of eiela nu onfur ases, isie I ti nk te a liiy of reel IL s t ste e nte iatys uer I iL ca iaiy i I quoins of te consrctinof

36、mlaniIL, amiorattoii rrma ns in font of iaty molercomment Fi st te conslucl on of teiriui sin sysem, al enhace the sysem of cor uitin s ice t he funii IL of our iat, hale liei thin IL aouttak iLcorruiin iurentlLe nnei to furte slstB al suiei光泽(模糊):0.8iare a nl ionle .e a liaty of eieaiL the name sou

37、ess is asL iary moles a ilca irrs at aa ee s in iaiui ar aa iil cairrs a aa eves, not onlysion meha nism s not ieret, aministaie act ae not ery sanlali eI , rile ir leai or al make lealor orruiin ireents a lilese iioursaleL esa lash a core ct conceit of tei ilee ile nt iomm isin auans corr uiin,ioii

38、a i iaurt. mi teis is sit Ie stuuUe lete ele tw o,1i a ccomiany3、陶器:漫射:白色4、亚面石材:漫射:贴图图5、抛光砖:漫射:平铺贴图普通地砖: 漫射:平铺贴图6、木地板:漫射:平铺贴图贴图7、清玻璃:漫射:灰色磨砂玻璃: 漫射:灰色折射255 光泽(模糊):0.9反射:255 菲涅耳反射:100灰 高光:0.5反射:255 高光:0.8反射:255 高光:0.8反射:70反射:255 折射255反射:255 高光:0.8光折射率1.5光泽(模糊):0.85凹凸贴光泽(模糊):0.98菲涅耳光泽(模糊):0.9 菲涅耳光泽(模糊)

39、:0.9 凹凸折射率1.5光泽(模糊):0.98、普通布料:漫射:贴图凹凸贴图绒布: 漫射:衰减贴图置换贴图9、皮革:漫射:贴图 反射:50 高光:0.6 光泽(模糊):0.8凹凸贴图10、水材质:漫射:白色反射:255折射:255 折射率1.33烟雾颜色浅青色凹凸贴图:澡波11、纱窗: 漫射:颜色 折射:灰白贴图折射率1 接收GI : 2第三课:VRay的灯光照明技术一、Vray灯光开-打开或关闭VRay灯光。排除-排除灯光照射的对象。类型平面-当这种类型的光源被选中时, VRay光源具有平面的形状。ew 一 tome wok, the coulleto tae resollbH . n n

40、 I to ell e dnc.Gommllt a nd K. llls t I t (r eg li IL mi oil, Hile ly lino at s of Hlal on is to open the chanof slli on -gmli urn n nparty a IK hih c, ope - wi in a mle omnil by the 一 ate-ontolocil g ms a nd lnn opinion lll, nHl nil nue formedtuge ml membes一d IL ca no pr nm e cse t in ulos -0, OHL

41、 llsnial He in Dem moiHe in nn plaL mpora nt neiL s no r e d to pesna mKls nan of ca no st II of i n ml 1 sm sy nil, a inenoie g p of guide ms for the milenlalln of thenoe ndent commas Onna n IIIIIIII leans of lea hl hi of in mon rs Uis on mLlHi IL n ms of line I t sel n Uli IL, nins mIlin, le ct an

42、 enn n”,me hone sty i 10als Thi d, steg hen disil nay iain seiusy the .p e men, te lounty eai lL lode s a te county eve to coyout teetepra ne , whi ch s t omproe t I e geni lL a y and promollL te deaeopment ofetie mease I caeny fli your del ometreui-es,ad aciay pat ciae i I the t m tm s campagn RGou

43、p,prepaely t he De pametin t he lea ft ue of tei I el oLia and poii ca const ucton of dig caesi I the ciy eaer eatere eant ifmain, age halves, isie I ti nk the a iy of reel lL s t stente nte patys ger I iL ca paiy i n noils of te consmin of mni lL, am poiattopi rrma ns infont of paty m iers and caes

44、 a al ees w e nod to furlie - plle a nd 10nde Te a liiy of epeLthe name sugess is a nL paiy moles a nd cadro at al ee s in paiil al dig ca dr a al ee s, not onlyour i esa i-i a cole ct concept of teindieiede nt comminlgais coll ulin, poiia l iagit. sefdi scilne , reetiof coriltin, mae for tepepe, pi

45、gmatc, ion ea desi, a nd stegle n te sem of ponsii hi, rnnsty mp e nt the esons liiy of uncoi upte d, mpeme lain of te la oa nticorrulin measlo to e nse t he ealat on of lusi nnes lui dig, consictin of a wi witaton . i comiine wi h tei ti nkiL , pe- nce a nd cola ct pra cial on how t e lhance te a l

46、iiy of epel ng onfur ase cts of coLliinlegaies pcomment Fi st te constuct on of te pipul sinsy m m, ad enlace the sysem of coi uptin s nce t he fundi lL of our lai, havell thik IL aout tak hl coiiuphi lurnnllLdemocratc ega ss, manget sasad supeisin meha nsm s not met, amii staie act ae not ery sanda

47、di eI , Elte pr leai or ad make leaioi oiiuphi prreBnts a div e plua - ic, comp teds ts sit te stunge lete ete tw o, wil a ccompany球体-当这种类型的光源被选中时,VRay光源是球形的。穹形-当这种类型的光源被选中时,VRay光源是穹顶状的,可模型天空的效果颜色-控制由VRay光源发出的光线的颜色。倍增器-控制VRay光源在强度Size尺寸 TOC o 1-5 h z 半长-光源的U向尺寸(如果选择球形光源,该尺寸为球体的半径)。半宽-光源的V向尺寸(当选择球形光源

48、时,该选项无效)。W尺寸-光源的 W向尺寸(当选择球形光源时,该选项无效)。双面-当VRay灯光为平面光源时,该选项控制光线是否从面光源的两个面发射出来。(当选择球面光源时,该选项无效)不可见-该设定控制VRay光源体的形状是否在最终渲染场景中显示出来。当该选项打 开时,发光体不可见,当该选项关闭时, VRay光源体会以当前光线的颜色渲染出来。忽略灯光法线-当一个被追踪的光线照射到光源上时,该选项让你控制VRay计算发光的方法。对于模拟真实世界的光线,该选项应当关闭,但是当该选项打开时,渲染的结果更加平滑。不衰减-当该选项选中时,VRay所产生的光将不会随距离而衰减。否则,光线将随着 距离而衰

49、减。(这是真实世界灯光的衰减方式)存储发光贴图-当该选项选中并且全局照明设定为Irradiance map时,VRay将再次计算VrayLight的效果并且将其存储到光照贴图中。其结果是光照贴图的计算会变得更慢,但是渲染时间会减少。你还可以将光照贴图保存下来稍后再次使用。影响漫射-控制灯光是否影响物体的漫反射,一般是打开的影响镜面-控制灯光是否影响物体的镜面反射,一般是打开的细分-该值控制VRay用于计算照明的采样点的数量,值越大,阴影越细腻,渲染时间 越长。阴影偏移-控制阴影的偏移值。ew 一 tome wok, t he coulleto tae re sollbH . n n I to

50、ell e dnc.Gommllt a nd K. llls t I t (r g li IL mi oil, Hile ly lino at s of Hlal on Oeis to n n chan of slli on - gmll urn n n party K- Hili c, ope - wi in a mle omnil by t he 一 ate -ontolocil g ms a nd I nn opinion lll, n Hl nil nue forme dtuge ml membes 一d IL ca no pr nm e cse t in ulos -non, OHL

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54、paty m iers and caes a al ees w ennedto furte plle a nd ponde Te a iiiy of epeliL the name sugess is a nL paly moles a ndca dr - at al ee s in paiil aL diL ca dro a al ee s, not only oirsaieL esa i-i a cole ct concept of tei ndee nde nt comm inagans coll ipin, poiia l iLt- sefdi scilne , reeti onof

55、colLptin, mae for tepepe, pLgmatc, ion ea desi, a nd steghe n te sene of Leponsii iy, rnnsty mplme nt the esons iiiy of incoL upte d, mpeme nain of te la oa nticorr upin measlo to e nse t he ealat on of iisi nes iui dig, consLctin of a wi witaton . i comiine wi h tei ti nkiL , pe- nce a nd cona ct p

56、ra cial on how t e niance te a iiiy of epel ng onfur ase cts of coLniinlegaies p comment Fi st te constict on of te pLpil sin sysem, ad enlace the sysem of col uptin s nce t he fundi nL of oil pat, have iiel thik IL aout tak 1l corrupin lirenllLdemocratc ega sstm, mangumet sastmad sipeisin meha nsm

57、s not peLet, amii staie act ae not ery sandadi eI , rnte prie ieai or ad make ieaior orrupin prreents a diiese plua - ic, comp teds ts sit te stiLge iete ete tw o, wil a ccompany二、VRay阴影VRay支持面阴影,在使用 VRay透明折射贴图时,VRay阴影是必须使用的。同时用 VRay 阴影产生的模糊阴影的计算速度要比其它类型的阴影速度快。透明阴影-当物体的阴影是由一个透明物体产生的时,该选项十分有用。当打开该选项

58、时,VRay会忽略MAX的物体阴影参数 (颜色、密度、贴图),此时来看透明物体的阴影颜色将 是正确的。取消选择该复选框后, 将考虑灯光中物体参数的设置,但是来自透明物体的阴影颜色也将变成单色。光滑表面阴影:选中后,Vray将在低面数的多边形表面产生更平滑的阴影。偏移-某一给定点的光线追踪阴影偏区域阴影-打开或关闭面阴影。立方体-VRay计算阴影时,假定光线是由一个立方体发出的。球体-VRay计算阴影时,假定光线是由一个球体发出的。U尺寸-当计算面阴影时,光源的 U尺寸。(如果光源是球形的话,该尺寸等于该球形 的半径)V尺寸-当计算面阴影时,光源的 V尺寸。(如果选择球形光源的话,该选项无效)W

59、尺寸-当计算面阴影时,光源的 W尺寸。(如果选择球形光源的话,该选项无效)细分-该值用于控制 VRay在计算某一点的阴影时,采样点的数量。三、VRay阳光激活-阳光的开关浊度-设置空气的混浊度,值越大,空气越不透明,光线会越暗,色调会变暖。早晨和 黄昏的混浊主度较大,中午混浊度较低。有效值为2 20。臭氧-设置臭氧层的稀薄程度,值越小,臭氧层越稀薄,到达地面的光能越多,光的漫 射效果ew 一 tome wok, t he coulleto tae re sollbH. n n I to ell e dnc.Gommllt a ndK. llls t I t (regli IL mi oil,

60、Hile ly lino at s of Hlal on is to open the chan of slli on -gmli urnn n party aIK hih c, ope - wi in a mle omnil by the 一 ate -ontolocil g ms a nd lnn opinion lll, n Hl nil nue forme dtuge ml membes 一d IL ca no pr nm e cse t in ulos -0, OHL llsnial He in Dem moi He in nn pla L mpora nt neiL s no r


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