1、rd. te . Inal eaUnl S u - lS . mjr._LI.-_I - - - -l-d - ir ie.,l te u. Krall* aUiig ord. Ig -d.t Sht gi-tl, 0-I, Ihat Il!oia Hr un * Ill l*, ti.veIt or miimize te. 一 , aul det * fl- t he、.it r-e UHer, ensue ad re due ii luipK a di ig tie l -1 uni on* maket he ma.me it . he i.im ist he .*oi*”Uooi myo
2、oi se-.,lil. tel* of P i I - - or . gi_. The hen U. tie l *“auli.It -ihiI a ihourof (d iaii. *t-et rua idd. ll. llesto e |o* re |o.of the auui det toa -tei.iort itri , ,a uorrreli .i. - it. a |ol le .taii, a t ow| |e o|l e* G elmeit iot Ui-, the .t I - - , tea uhe* ae I I _ty *, e*a II* ad .p.- the
3、ea d.*i* .teg het he e diuObi, m.a - me .t of Uig nU iay *iool i. *ae, t .hailefire *afety,|rotelti oi of|uilil|r o|ertya idthe life aid|ro|erty *afety of tealher*aid *t udeit*,*lhool fire *afety iito一,to,maaemet, *deelo|i1g the ii1g i. *ae,. , st.gtme sUool A-ordig t te Ui.* 0f the Fr,.* ,*tha evey
4、oie ha* 0f -. g ke |oitrol *ae,isil e fr,b|l emetHoiof the auluitaiily *. *lool moithy *udet、o edge .olI - 0,eiuuaii, e_uaii*oLLIe dier i titaie d ulooe loi-t a id id*ri it |olle staii* Ias* ig |oestaii oi *lool saety a id hel. 5 *re igthe .ig tta uhe* mora e|rotelti ig fire loitrit i*hardtoelimiiat
5、eimmediatelyol aula*, 1ritii, r.or* 1f i.ll*d, aid r.or - to te Iu. i e|le* Goermet, ed_ai oi, aid ue of a*elii. I, the sUool*houl d alay*duaii, eta IlUhe、the iiter ia- ouatoi fr st uiel ts of * *es |e *oul d Ie ta. To ua,Il* a de duati l e im|. ig euluai oi Lualty oisee the*_ets |syialall*,retaiiii
6、g l* I oid* raii ig* haidai* door*W do , *ai u*eI i_eie I ly itoi iiieal sel he I aid mutua e Hie ko eige Eme - iuy lid tae |reetiemlue* iourora |uii *me it ad lo e u.o. |uii*met. . ILJI .1 _ _ LI L. .L . l-l -Iuularau ti*, auiii*gadaolitioi to ei*ure thatteauhe*aid *tudeit*-r、eai, lie . iui* adfali
7、e*are *afeaxxx采石场安全标准化自评报告自评企业:xxx采石场负责人:xxx申请级别:安全标准化5级报告日期:2010年12月20日LU ja |i ig eeitay I ie |*su.uidig eymaigiBeitsys- ittaUes aid *_et* t he suluidig araof the (Uhool g ofua* or the |oie staii i I a tmey maiie,t|rote it the *aey of *_e it* I, ey diy I.ore sUool eales r-id stuieit“|y atetFula u
8、ii Uage of e luit y , U a u y shoU d hhae a S|eUfi resoiiiiiy |y atetioi to t he |e *is ae, |hh*ial mauh. Route I, luti.oi ttafu saety I,*ou .*,louatioi,field *urey*hould IeuarrieI sUool, to ma*er|ro|er u*age, |ay atteiti*he d,uitiliie*tigated for legal re*|oi*iIiiy oig Lii aig Liu jia |iig elmetay
9、sUoolera ile uo _ |e*ia a id fod hhgiee ,iUtua ee 一- -一 l_l.it*aid ot hera*|eut*,iitegratedgoeia ile*al oIta I e ad fill uo|iiof the Lommuiy. Ote*urrouidiig eSuieits to re *eit sola ehi* aid aio* egulai ois, maita iiig |uIli i or de, aid fgt t he Iad giy* aid gr| theure it a* ad mnis of maitaiid out
10、 a ile. 4 aliii* forLhe meas of tra*ort shoU d ejlli I the (uhool O um|ly t veii. sa.yreui ets Iefe the liiroimeitii *uhool*houldIe Uooe moil orrd. sUool -1 . _ ill _ i i i _ i_ig aid im|ro ig S_ets sl ia eiefor re|air*.I, eauh autiity mu*t hae *eor a the se time,*houl d|ayatteiti,. ,- .一y.I,t he e*
11、taIli*hme itofemergeiuyre*uueteam*iurt y, egeuy rr|oiie |a i fr au it*.I,t he *afetymaiagemeit of *uhool erime it, *oud ethe iiia- touoitaut thedi*triU |oe *aii, the ilge C.mmite,CoreUiia lceeteof tale* isiool * oihig h aletaid ie |loe. Sig Li i-a I g Li u Ja |i ig meitay sUool Mauh H sig Li i.a ig
12、Li u ja |i ig |rimay siool ttaU_ ad Suieit,|UiU* hi、 ig, |iiiii to |y ateti ii to ie |ree iii, Loo. |oisiig , |reeiti oi of al Hide* _, the lutite s iea the re* e*eoi* io mesue s or do lot me. theo I*i ge I met, I u*ie* maiagmes ogai zaiis oU of *aey maaemeit _ l- it*,auuorrig t o difeeit *t t|Uy Dr
13、eoi*re|orted *uhool.I. . Ill. 1- Ld - aioiIn iide t e nnue nii.al ea Lii ng ii de ng sUdets leat ggi i, enuig t lat nit inK (pi ipet,s nit ls, tpeent ii .ii.i teiL_iel ce if sae,aLL det s fl tle、eent iis . e e L ite i, ensue sae,ad ie due lseiT pincipe a LLdi ng tte l I ca l Lndii ins make t le maae
14、.e nt sstm. 1, t le pi nLi |K ist le esins!,if sLiil - feysLiil se ., unde te lla desli if Pisi dent sLu w ii dig giu. Tieleld taLe tte l siiei s iispinsilLill s udens epii mjiacLde nt Wili n a niluiif Id . ain. st_et iuand dia pppaa nLesti e pli, ie | ii if tie a _i det ti a te neplit i ti , ,a Lii
15、ieLi I nK nte a pil Le stain, a tisli p pe iples Givei.ent sial nitcnnea tie a_ieI t Iwe、,eaLies aeI n .,sstm, esK Ils ad .piete ea-isial-s stegg let le e d_ain, maageme it if taLigictviesilLiiils tie nsue nii.K tecligiidei esins be fli “ill sae,ladeis, Kas .Kntaie.-L|.|- l-.-dLL-L.l . .n-IL -一 一一 -
16、.1.1._ -一i- LiL IL.I.I 1 .11 le sLiil i uls and eg ulins in -* in-e lime tipi ent illd. nt. I, (Liiil t se Lins in a eg ua Ibss fud ii ddde i n tme and i seee -ss, i s lad tiP-LpKeii.,n Ie l. leiitiin as l as p.ZKig iing Li Xi ag Li.JKpi I g nK,.l1111rnitt e sLai i、aL sngw.iut.pp.-lI f Ie C.ileLiina
17、 C.t.Li XKng Lu JK pi ng p - a,sL 111f. , mS t .I.,sLiil pi nL pals Linnent tiuti.azai i n. WHiLttdeappii.l if i - nt depia.i* .liganleItL ntstipal pate i fie Igglnd sI n. : sLliis sdlUdi” le sLienb t ib. tintme dime t i“l e SLii-iii pievent illd. nt. I, iLdiil tdig t t. i.i I g i.1ntil -e,e fi,mpl
18、emetatinif te aLLunKbil,ss. SLiil minti,S udet .i-e dge Klut - ” puniS.let. _l . ILJI .1 _ _ LI L. .L . l-l -IW di , sai Lse s ad a ,if slits etacuiis (uL sIII, , 09, Kd.i in)u.iiS - ets skdent lut if te Llssilm, sLiiS ma,nit be I, uniS ii de 1KmeS useSudent See pi ippgKda_l_L - -I.II -. I L I, .I 1
19、3 nti ennsue tat tta Lies and s_es i、e an, lie e nuus Kdfaliesaie safea ndxxx采石场安全标准化自评报告参与编写人员xxx采石场安全标准化小组组 长:xxx副组长:xxx组 员:xxx申请级别:安全标准化5级报告日期:2010年12月20日leLtiiLit,linns, equi pment is.Ltiins,fiund lidden in timefii ieLtifiLatiin, mai ntena nLe,and seLuiit,.I di nit use a -pen f-e in tleLla ssiii
20、m,pi ili bit buiningSi - , i - nnjes misiut i.ekntn sLliils,ti masteipiipei usage, pa, attentitte le.一 plsle d,untilinvestigated fli、a esinsiii,Sing Lii ang Lu JK pi ngeeta,sLiilLu JK pi ng I ie ppssuiundig afe,mangentS,S 1ttaLleis and students, t lesuiiiunding aieaif te iLliil ggvera nce Lives pesn
21、K a nd fid ilgiee ,cutuK 1一. . -LifLKS ii tie e Lui ,I, la L a Liv,sliu d lae a spedc iesinniii,pp,atetin ti t le pe sns ae, pizsial mpLi. Ru. I, iLtvi.s, lLdin, fed ues Slud be Lai.ntsand it leiaspeLts,integiatedgivena n 一studentsti ie speLtsiLialet liLs,and vaiiiusiegulati ins,maintaid iuti n adva
22、 nLe. I, aLtivitiesfiit le means if tianspiitsliulSil lbn ide suppiit and full Liipeiatiinif te Limmuh. Ontesuiiiunding enviiinmentin sLliilssliuldbe Liie mini ii - sLiil -1 . _ ill _ i i i _ i_ning publi c ii de, and fgt tle bad g.s and gisp tieLie ct s ad m-ns if mlitiing and mpiiv ng Sudet s sl c
23、a e abiid li n tie Huai ILliil,Lmpl , v.iL . sae,i i -ets befe te l ne fli i.a_. I ecl act- muS l _ii K te se tme,sliul dpa, attenti,. ,- .一,.I,t le establislme ntifemeigenL, iesLueteams_it ,, ege.,i - pinne pK n fi i.nts.I,t le safet, management if sLliil einme nt, Siud tketie iiiaie tLintaLt tledi
24、stiiL pike Spin, tle vilge mmi ,Cii. Linalcteif -Les isLill s inigl aet and de plied Sng Li n-a I g Li u JK pi ng eementa, sLiil MaLl sng Li nXK ng Li u JK ping pima,SLiil t-Les ad nt,pLnLs lii ng, picnic ti pp,Ktet in t ie piew nin, lild plisnig , piewntiin if Kl iLLdeS _, tle iLtvi.s nea te iives
25、e viiis ni mesue s ii di lit me. tei nslip givei nment, businessmanagemesigai zains iu if sae,manaement (, Lui,i-i-eSI f te Oganint and itlei depaitmentstii a ggid jb mang i _ - i-m liganiat in aLii I.一-ain a nd ni Sudentsit t le aeement.I, tea- -n teaLleisand stu iLlei in dut,. I _ Ldet s t dda up
26、at te - cetpieLise plan a ins ilLliils Slud al 一 nd seLuiit, measuiesmpa,attentiin ti enviiinme ntalinspe Ltiinsne ai tle Lampus, fiundtLtivitiesagieela te jbleis migants fim ual aed uin Ciie cinal cei ei pg ts,fii eampe, laaetl imp.met. Ogaiinti tle fielif SudeS a nd a lie, if ie I S, Illidig t i d
27、ifeent Stuatd ielativel, faiii aLtivitiesiequi e apivainsiepiited sLliilb,te pu,lie Ld_atinrd. te .nr* normal ea chi ng or deell ng .t sht gi-tl, ., t. (r .|. s nl .*.,.ntor.mix te.,acl det * .- t he、. ( . u He r, .-.due .一(“ nciile a di ng tie l . 0 1 cjiil 0* make t he . nt . he . ist he ”. IHi of
28、 ilnl my se ., . lea . of P i nt -一 -. gi_. The hen c. tie l nip. i .as”. e .” emeiatnil te aLiaiiy . slul mulin s lli ko-e ” .out ” . ,. alobe i t he . ., . ai tlonfrstuiei s of 一. per ek Siul l be To y.n. . iss- s . - hn tl on inGe .一、“h.i 1a. . e sc- . 一. ”.” cal s( III, 19 09, !. cjmmu .,t he .
29、.me . . a _ce e in. so.Uni s Liens epor mjraulient-ihinanhourof.st_et rua ill. |a. nlesto e p* re |o. of the a _i det to a -te neport iti , ,a lorreli I n. - nt. a |ol le stain, a t owshi | |e oples Gov-me nt sh al not conual te a e I t I -ek, .a ches .e I n .,e Ils a. .|. lv. imi.1 ng eu - i on q.a
30、i, obse - the s - es is, cholgu. chage s . .,tme a nit |r etm_ue s nouror. |Lni sment .d l e - ”. iLniJmetoos Lients st Ldent out of te c soom, sloos ma,notbe, and reortd to te lc. | eples Govelmet, e d_at on, and ue of . Uin. I, te sUool sho d UKs Uek te in.r nal was r.aii ng Us nds raii ngs h.ais
31、doors Wido , sai use s ad a -,of sorts . .ilL.raUks,.ultislU Is ie saet,ifastuesuh, unsae fal t.med.te,epai ad dooliintoensuetatto lhes and s es wr、e an, lie ve nuus .d fali. s ae sae a ndrbe. ong Li xi .g Li. J. pi g mena. 1chio m.u sng Li .a” l j. 11ng .,sc i. . t.h.n. ., 1r 1r“.r,a n. th. le . 1r
32、0P.y 0f eal.s a0ds.0ts su i. it,t,m. et s-vlpi 0g th. m-ig i. . , st.gthen -“l. suool0r dig tt.ui-.s 0f t. Fr .v.sau,st.“has0f _.i . 10ntil , 1r,一 0g . 11nt o 一 . peveton, .0rs 0f i.安全标准化自评报告编制说明为深入贯彻科学发展观,坚持“安全第一、预防为主、综合治理”方针,进企业本质安全水平和管理水平的提高,促进我矿、安全 生产条件、管理水平持续提高和安全生产形势的稳定好转。根据金 属非金属矿山安全标准化规范、金属非
33、金属矿矿山企业安全生产许 可证实施办法、关于加强金属非金属矿山安全标准化建设的指导意 见(安监总管一200980号)、xxx省加强金属非金属矿山安全 标准化建设工作方案(湘安监非煤函201085号)的规定,遵循客 观公正开展自评工作。xxx采石场聘请xxx理工职业技术学院专业技术人员与我矿自评 小组一起开展安全质量标准化的自评工作。按照安全标准化自评工作程序,从2010年11月15起,分组分工开展自评,进行了安全标准化的宣传发动和培训,过程中查看了大 量资料,同时进行现场检查、与职工访谈,在此基础上进行自评,通 过持续整改、完善提高,再次进行自评,编写了我矿安全标准化自 评报告。rd. te
34、.nr* normal ea chi ng or deell ng .t sht gi-tl, ., t. (r .|. s nl .*.,.ntor.mix te.,acl det * .- t he、. ( . u He r, .-.due.一(“ nciile a di ng tie l . 0 1 cjiil 0* make t he . nt . he . ist he ”. IHi of ilnl my se ., . lea . of P i nt -一 -. gi_. The hen c. tie l nip. i .as”. e .” emeiatnil te aLiaiiy
35、 . slul mulin s lli ko-e ” .out ” . ,. alobe i t he . ., . ai tlonfrstuiei s of 一. per ek Siul l be To y.n. . iss- s . - hn tl on inGe .一、“h.i 1a. . e sc- . 一. ”.” cal s( III, 19 09, !. cjmmu .,t he . .me . . a _ce e in. so.Uni s Liens epor mjraulient -ihi n a nhour of . st _et rua ill. |a. nlesto e
36、 p* re |o. of the a _i det to a -te neport iti , ,a lorreli I n. - nt. a |ol le stain, a t owshi | |e oples Gov-me nt sh al not conual te a e I t I -ek, .a ches .e I n .,e Ils a. .|. lv. imi.1 ng eu - i on q.ai, obse - the s - es is, cholgu. chage s . .,tme a nit |r etm_ue s nouror. |Lni sment .d l
37、e - ”. iLniJmetoos Lients st Ldent out of te c soom, sloos ma,notbe, and reortd to te lc. | eples Govelmet, e d_at on, and ue of . Uin. I, te sUool sho d UKs Uek te in.r nal was r.aii ng Us nds raii ngs h.ais doors Wido , sai use s ad a -,of sorts . .ilL.raUks, . ultis lU Is ie saet,ifastuesuh, unsa
38、e fal t.med.te,epai ad dooliintoensuetatto lhes and s es wr、e an, lie ve nuus .d fali. s ae sae a ndrbe. ong Li xi .g Li. J. pi g mena. 1chio m.u sng Li .a” l j. 11ng .,sc i. . t.h.n. ., 1r 1r“.r,a n. th. le . 1r0P.y 0f eal.s a0ds.0ts su i. it,t,m. et s-vlpi 0g th. m-ig i. . , st.gthen -“l. suool0r
39、dig tt.ui-.s 0f t. Fr .v.sau,st.“has0f _.i . 10ntil , 1r,一 0g . 11nt o 一 . peveton, .0rs 0f i.目录第1部分xxx采石场企业概况 错误!未定义书签。基本信息 错误!未定义书签。概况错误!未定义书签。矿山开采现状 错误!未定义书签。生产工艺 错误!未定义书签。安全机构、制度及主要安全设施 错误!未定义书签。企业管理 错误!未定义书签。以往发生的安全生产事故情况 错误!未定义书签。第2部分 安全标准化评分办法 错误!未定义书签。标准化得分 错误!未定义书签。安全生产实际成效错误!未定义书签。标准化等级 错误
40、!未定义书签。第3部分 自评过程说明 错误!未定义书签。自评小组介绍 错误!未定义书签。工作流程介绍 错误!未定义书签。安全标准化时间段说明错误!未定义书签。安全标准化系统元素自评明细表错误!未定义书签。安全生产实际成效自评结果错误!未定义书签。第4部分 自评结果 错误!未定义书签。安全标准化系统自评结果 错误!未定义书签。安全标准化元素说明及得分错误!未定义书签。目标与承诺 错误!未定义书签。安全生产法律法规与其它要求错误!未定义书签。安全生产组织保障错误!未定义书签。风险管理错误!未定义书签。安全教育与培训错误!未定义书签。生产工艺系统安全管理错误!未定义书签。设备设施安全管理 错误!未定
41、义书签。作业现场安全管理错误!未定义书签。rd. te .nr* normal ea chi ng or deell ng .t sht gi-tl, ., t. (r .|. s nl .*.,.ntor.mix te.,acl det * .- t he、. ( . u He r, .-.due.( nciile a di ng tie l . 0 1 cjiil 0* make t he . nt . he . ist he ”. IHi of ilnl myse., . lea . of P i nt -一 -. gi_. The hen c. tie l nip. i .as”. e
42、 .” emeiatnil te aLiaiiy .slul mulin s lli ko-e ” .out ” . ,. alobe i t he . ., . ai tlonfrstuiei s of 一. per ek Siul l be To y.n. . iss- s . - hn tl on inGe .一、“h.i 1a. . e sc- . 一. ”.” cal s( III, 19 09, !. cjmmu .,t he . .me . . a _ce e in. so.Uni s Liens epor mjraulient -ihi n a nhour of . st _e
43、t rua ill. |a. nlesto e p* re |o. of the a _i det to a -te neport iti , ,a lorreli I n. - nt. a |ol le stain, a t owshi | |e oples Gov-me nt sh.l not unne. the I t I -ek, .a ches .e I n .,e Ils a. .|. lv e b|r - i ng eLuai on q.ai, obse - the s - es is, cholgu. chage s . .,tme a nit |r etm_ue s nour
44、or. |Lni sment .d l e - ”. iLniJmetoois . ets skdent out of te c soom, sloos ma,notbe,lnns, equi pment isetons found hidden i t.e for .Katon, mai ntea nle, and 一 1.,I do not use a open f-e in the c. isrom, pr ihi bi burigsoe l i ,, la U a uv,sho d hhae a speOl resonniii,pp,ateton to t he pe sns ae,
45、phhsial maUh. Rou. I, lutvi.s, luain, fed uves sou be uar.h,giene ,uultural events . it heraseusiegae.givena nces ientst re sect soU. . hus and a.os eglai ins, maitad outi I aid. nce. | alviis Ir t he meas if tasort sho sal obta n -ie ad fLl uopea.nof te Limm h. Ontelroundig eI rnmet inluhoos sou .b
46、e Uooe mini orri. sUool -ning publi l or de, and Igt the bad g.s and ggrsp theure ct -. s ad mlans of m. ing and .prl ng Stet s sH la e abiid elli n the si , ”oil 0 umpl ,-t veil . sae,r i eSbale te lne for r.a I euh actvh muS h or a te s-e tme,soul d pp,ateti,, t e eS.lSment of emegen,rsce e-scrt ,
47、, egec,rrspon - p.n for auie0tS6,;h e sae,manaent of “oil ernme nt, Sou tkethe iiiaie tof tales islool s onhgh aletand ie ploe Sng Li n-a I g Li u J. pi ng eementa, sUool Mauh sng Li n.a ng Li u J. ping pr.an slool ttaUes ad Sient s ogaizalns o of sae,maaement ,pUnUs hii ng, picnic to pp,Het ntfie p
48、re. nin, Loo. poSnig , preenti on of fal lucres _, the lutvi. s nea te rives esevois no mes e s or do lot me. te-uui,rrqu-esI I te Oganiement. | taUe on.,Wt te - uet ins i”oolS.m organiat on a Uiviis b.weI teuhes Lnd Su det s t a up a prru pan a nd su . melBrrs m-ain a nd nit le Ste ntsit t he waes,
49、 shouldalpa,atetonteviof S_eS a nd a -,d elaie,ar or alviis eof auie I S, luur.aprvadig t o dleent Sitatb,te le |L,Dieonsreported suhool.I. . Ill. 1- Ld_aton第1部分xxx采石场企业概况基本信息单位名称:xxx采石场注册类型:个体经营 矿山名称:xxx采石场开采矿种:石灰岩生产规模:5万吨/年: 同时工作采场数:1个矿山职工总数(人):10人 特种作业人员人数:4人 年工作天数:300天/年日工作班数:1班安全标准化系统负责人:xxx概况一
50、、矿区位置交通范围及自然地理1、位置、交通xxx采石场(石灰岩矿)又称xxx水泥制造二有限公司石灰岩矿(以下简称为 xxx采石场),位于xxx北西方位,直距xxx18km,行政区划隶属xxx龙洞乡和 睦村。矿山中心地理坐标为:东经112 29 17112 29 25北名I 27 52 4627 52 51矿山南有简易公路与原 xxx二水泥厂相连,通过该厂的运输道路与外界连 通,交通较为方便(见图1)。.ord. te .nr*normal eachi ng ng .t s、t gi-tl, . t. (r.i.y s nl .*.,.nt or .mix te. ,acld.t * . t h
51、e、. . 一 He r, .-. . due .( nci m a ” . tie l . 0 1 cjiil0* make t he . nt . he . is t he ”. IHy of ilnl myse .,. lea,. of P i nt -一 -. . ”- liehe c. tie l nip.i.as”.e . .talnof the aLiaiiy. slul mulin s lli .1.” .out ” . ,. alobe i t he . ., . for st u-s of 一. per ek Siul l be ai .,y.n. . iss- s . -
52、had . liGe .一、.el i” . re bile 一e ”“ cal s( III, 19 09, !.”. cjmmu . .,the . .me . . a _ce- e in. . 一 .Unl s Liens .|or mjracli. nt -ihi n an hourof id - akn, st.trua nddia lllaa nles to . |o*re |o. of the a _i det toa te n.lort iti, ,a corrleliI i. - nt. a pol le stain, a t oship |eoples G elment s
53、hal notcnnea the I t I - , .a ches ae I n.y, e Ils ad .p.- te .a ie_ialLes st.g h.the e d_abn, maa - me it of lig -tv - s i uhool s to ensuenorma t higor - r .sons b. forichooley r awasma ntaie d clo- lontcta nd Lstiit|ol- stains nassng stain on sUool - ,a nd hel. 5 sre ngte gtta ches mora e d in, a
54、blsa de. 一 lv . b|r - ing eu i on LLiHyobs.o thes . .s is, iholgca chage s a a,tme a nd t_ pr .tm_u. s nocrora puni sment ad l e - ” iLnismetoos . .isskdent out of tec soom, sloos ma,not b., and reorti to t I e lc. i.ples Govelmet, e ducat on, and ue of a Cin. I, te sCool shoL d .ay Cheb te in.r nal
55、 as r.aii ng Us ids raii ngs haidais doorsWdo , saicse s ada 4.5)的地震有1545 年5月、1888年3月29日、1904年、1906年、1935年4月8日等5次地震。 所确定的震中位置均为北纬 27.8 ,东经112.9 ,地理位置大致在市区北西的 响水镇庙湾里。然而xxx市地理志记载的地震有6次,其中1904年的地震记载 最详:“光绪31年正月初,县内地震,河东直塘、河西老铺三级,马家河至黄 土坳四级”。区内地震的活动范围、强度、应力释放形式具有如下特点:震级、 烈度小,频度较高,受活动构造控制和制约,能量释放具渐进之趋,突然
56、的大释 放较少,调整间隔短,危害性小。由上可见,区内地震主要是以小震形式释放能量, 据中国地震动参数区划 图(GB18306-2001),区内地震动峰值加速度小于0.05g,地震动反应谱特征周期值为0.35s,属弱震区,按原地震规范,地震烈度相当于VI度 (小于VI度),地 震对矿山开采危害性小。4、矿山开采历史xxx采石场(石灰岩矿)建于1986年,现企业性质为个人经营,法人代表 xxx。所采矿石主要用于烧制石灰、水泥等。现矿山采用露天开采,设计生产规rd. te .nr* normal ea chi ng or deell ng .t sht gi-tl, ., t. (r .|. s n
57、l .*.,.ntor.mix te.,acl det * .- t he、. ( . u He r, .-.due.( nciile a di ng tie l . 0 1 cjiil 0* make t he . nt . he . ist he ”. IHi of ilnl my se ., . lea . of P i nt -一 -. gi_. The hen c. tie l nip. i .as”. e .” emeiatnil te aLiaiiy .slul mulin s lli ko-e ” .out ” . ,. alobe i t he . ., . ai tlonf
58、rstuiei s of 一. per ek Siul l be To y.n. . iss- s . - hn tl on inGe .一、“h.i 1a. . e sc- . 一. ”.” cal s( III, 19 09, !. cjmmu . .,t he . .me . . a _ce e in. so.Uni s Liens epor mjraulient-ihinanhourof.st_et rua ill. |a. nlesto e p* re |o. of the a _i det to a -te neport iti , ,a lorreli I n. - nt. a
59、|ol le stain, a t owshi | |e oples Gov-me nt sh.l not unne. the I t I -ek, .a ches .e I n .,e Ils a. .|. lv e b|r - i ng eLuai on q.ai, obse - the s - es is, cholgu. chage s . .,tme a nit |r etm_ue s nouror. |Lni sment .d l e - ”. iLniJmetoois . ets skdent out of te c soom, sloos ma,not be unis or d
60、e 11a.es use s-ent Se. |r o|“dapalUliae i n te l. .ratons a s l as paril.ig i n ott e s-l wr、 -out applval I f te C.reli on. Cete , slool pr nUpas lonnent tout or.izai in. out the approval of reea nt de palmets . organie s nts to palil pa. i fie Iggt I g, idsste reBf a nd s in. 7, sUoos shoLL ae s L
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