



1、1010612雙語新聞1. 101學年度二技技優入學招生統一分發結果,今天(12)上午10點在網站公告! 今年二技技優入學共有212名正取生、備取生,完成上網登記就讀志願序,最後錄取156人,錄取率73.58%。技專校院招生委員會聯合會提醒錄取生,必須依照錄取學校規定的時間和地點辦理報到,如果逾期將取消入學資格。The result of the joint distribution for the 2-year technological andvocational college enrollment for the students with excellent grades will

2、be revealed at 10am today through on-line service. Including the candidates on the waiting line, two hundred and twelve students are formally qualified this year. After filling in the on-line preference form, one hundred fifty-six students are enrolled finally. The enrollment rate hits seventy-three

3、 point fifty-eight percent. The enrollment committee reminds the students of finishing the check-in in time before the qualifications are overdue. 2. 立委鄭麗君指出,教育單位正討論高中歷史課本有關台灣史內容,避免以台灣取代中華民國。國家教育研究院教科書發展中心主任楊國揚表示,過去台灣史課本全部以台灣稱呼,有民眾反映後,國家教育研究院邀集學者討論決定回歸憲法和法令用語,未來涉及國家主權就使用中華民國,地區就以台灣稱呼。To avoid having

4、 Taiwan in place of the Republic of China, Legislator 鄭麗君 said that the departments of education are discussing about the contents of history textbook for senior high school students. The manager of Center for Textbook Development, National Academy for Educational Research 楊國揚 indicated that Taiwan

5、was called in the textbook of Taiwanese History during the past years. The academy decided to return to the wording in the constitution and legislation. In the future, the Republic of China will be used on the affairs relating to national sovereignty while Taiwan will be used on local ones. 3. 國立臺北科

6、技大學與臺灣高鐵公司,昨天(11)共同簽署產學合作備忘錄,未來雙方除了將就人才培訓、產學合作、技術研發和產品備料檢驗,進行合作之外,臺北科大也會把發展典範科技大學四大項目的具體成果,移轉給臺灣高鐵,希望能有效提升師生的競爭力與高鐵系統的服務效能。National Taipei University of Technology signed a memorandum with Taiwan High Speed Rail yesterday for the academic and industrial cooperation. In the future, the university wil

7、l work on talent-training, technology-developing and product-checking with Taiwan High Speed Rail as well as transfer the four concrete achievements to it which are hoped to enhance the teachers and students competitiveness and the service efficiency of the rail system. 4. 國內的博士班學生大多以學術研究為導向,元智大學將從今

8、年暑假開始,開設產業研發的課程,鼓勵博士生參加,希望博士生畢業後,能順利到產業工作,成為產業需要的研發精英人才。The internal PhD students tend to study in academic researches. From this summer vacation, 元智 University will hold industrial research curriculum which encourages PhD students to take part in it for smoothly being employed in the industries and

9、 become the elite talents after graduation. 5. 為了協助青少年朋友遠離毒品,臺北市立聯合醫院松德院區將針對法院、學校和社會局轉介的青少年,提供全額醫療門診補助和戒癮服務。醫師提醒家長關心孩子生活作息,以及家裡是否出現異常粉末和器具等,提早發現青少年藥物濫用情形。To help teenagers with keeping away from drugs, the 松德 Branch of Taipei City Hospital will provide full subsidization of outpatient and addiction-

10、quitting services for those being transferred from a court, school and Bureau of Social Affairs. Besides, parents are reminded of caring about the childrens behaviors to see if they have any unusual powder and implement to keep the drug abuse away. 6. 台灣的露天電影院是許多人共同的成長記憶。在美國,露天電影院在80年前就已經問世,甚至還申請了專利

11、,黃金時期全美有多達5000家露天電影院,陪伴許多美國人渡過美好時光。根據美國國務院美國參考網站指出,露天電影院是美國的產物,現在是大眾娛樂黃金時代的懷舊象徵。它最早是由霍林茲海德發明,他希望這種發明能夠結合他的兩大興趣:汽車和電影。 Drive-in Theatre is in many Taiwanese peoples memory of growth. In America, it had been presented to the public eighty years ago with the application of patent. There were five thousand drive-ins in U.S during the prime time. According to the information of IIP Digital, drive-in is made in America and retrospectively symbolize the prime time of mass entertainment. It is invented by Richar


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