1、2008年高考英语考试大纲新增词汇讲解系列二giraffe: d ?ir df n.长颈鹿,鹿豹座词形变化复 数:gi ?raffes or giraffe形容词:gi ?raffish例句与用法:Come and get an eyeful of this theres a giraffe in the garden!快来看哪-花园里有个长颈鹿! /The giraffe eats tender leaf from the tree highly.长颈鹿从高高的树上吃掉嫩树叶子。The giraffe must get up at six in the morning if it wants
2、 to have its breakfast in its stomach by nine.长颈鹿得要在早上六点起来,如果它想早饭在九点钟之前到达胃里的话。golf g ?lfn.高尔夫球vi.打高尔夫球词形变化时 态:golfed, golf ?ng, golfs名词:golfer常用短语golf clubn.高尔夫球棍,高尔夫俱乐部golf coursen.高尔夫球场golf balln.高尔夫球golf widown.高尔夫球迷的妻子miniature golf小小高尔夫球clock golf钟面式高尔夫球参考例句The new series of golf holidays f川 a
3、gap in the market.新的高尔夫度假系列填补了市场的一个空白。You are not supposed to wear golf - shoes in the clubhouse.你不可以在俱乐部里穿高尔夫球鞋。We see each other once or twice a year on the golf course.我们每年在高尔夫球场上见一两次面。Golf has gained popularity among the wealthy in my country.高尔夫球已在我国富有的人中流行起来。A golf hole in which the fairway is
4、 abruptly angled.拐形击球区高尔夫球座和球洞之间有急折路径的击球区I think fishing is more relaxing than playing golf.我认为钓鱼比打高尔夫球更使人放松舒坦。There is golf-ball-size hail in New Jersey today.新泽西州今日下起高尔夫球大小的冰雹。His inclination leans towards golf.他偏爱高尔夫球。graduation gr ? d?uei ?nn.毕业,得学位,分划,刻度,分等级参考例句Id like to invite you to attend o
5、ur graduation ceremony.我想邀请你参加我们的毕业典礼。He decided to specialize in entomology after graduation.他决定毕业后专攻昆虫学。He came to congratulate me on my graduation from school.他来恭贺我毕业。the schools Mickey Mouse requirements for graduation.学校的那些没完没了的毕业要求After graduation Billy launched into politics.毕业后比利投入了政界。The pa
6、rty is on the eve of graduation.晚会在毕业典礼前夕举行。Capped the new women nurses at graduation.在毕业时给新一批女护士颂发护士帽Sincerest congratulations your graduation.衷心祝贺你学成毕业。gram gr ? mn.克,绿豆常用短语gram calorie克卡gram-atomic weight克原子量green gram黑绿豆gram atom克原子gram molecule克分子gram method【化】常量法参考例句This jar of pure honey weig
7、hs350 grams net.这瓶纯蜂蜜净重三百五十克。Your letter is fifty gram overweight.您的信超重50克。The packet weighs twenty - five grams.这个包裹重二十五克。Gram is a metric unit of mass.克是米制质量单位。grateful greitfla.感谢的,感激的,受欢迎的词形变化名词:grateful?iess副 词:grateful ?y参考例句We would be grateful for prompt payment of your account.如即付款无任感激.You
8、are awfully kind. I shall always be grateful to you.您太好了。我将永远感激您。I shall like to say how grateful I am for his information .我谨对为我提供消息表示我深切的谢意。I should like to say how grateful I am for his information.我谨对他为我提供消息表示我深切的谢意。We should be grateful if you would do your utmost to.如你方尽力去.不胜感激She was grateful
9、 to George for all that he had done.她感激乔治所做的一切。Id be most grateful for your help.我将非常感谢您的帮助。I am profoundly grateful to you all.对大家我万分感激。greengrocer gri:ngr ?us?n.蔬菜水果商,菜贩词形变化名 词:greengrocer 7y参考例句The greengrocer unloaded the potatoes from the van.蔬菜水果商把土豆从车上卸下来。guarantee g ? r ?nti:n.担保,抵押品,保证书vt.保
10、证,担保词形变化时 态:guar ?an?teed, guar ?an?tee ?ng, guar ?an?tees 参考例句The students are not guaranteed jobs when they graduate.不保证学生毕业时获得工作。This method guarantees seed precisely adapted to the area.这一方法保证种子能完全适应这一地区。The maker guarantees this hair dye to stay on three weeks.制造商保证染发剂使用后的有效期间为三星期。We wont be ab
11、le to guarantee you a room for February 2nd. 我们不能保证2月2日给您一个房间。Party A will guarantee the lease right of the premises.甲方应确保出租的房屋享有出租的权利Guarantee change of article or refund if unsatisfactory.包退包换。Blue skies are not always a guarantee of fine weather.蔚兰的天空并不永远保证晴朗的天气。We guarantee that similar things w
12、ont happen again.我们保证不再发生类似的事件。guitar gita:n.吉他词形变化名词:gui tarist常用短语steel guitarn.夏威夷吉他bass guitar贝司吉他electric guitar电吉他,电子六弦琴参考例句The singer stood on the stage and played the guitar.歌手站在舞台上弹吉他。Looked to his neglected guitar during vacation.在假期里想到了他那被遗忘的吉它I pay a week for guitar lessons.我每周付5美元上吉他课。M
13、y sister plays the guitar beautifully.我妹妹吉他弹得很动听。Hes really great at playing the guitar.他吉他弹得好极了。strum chords on a guitar.用吉它弹奏曲子He had his guitar strung.他(请人)将吉他装了弦。Id like to see that guitar.我想看看那把吉他。109. ham h ? mn.火腿,大腿,笨拙的演员a.过火的,做作的vt.vi.演得过火常用短语ham it up演得过火,装腔作势,夸张ham and eggsn.火腿蛋参考例句Tailor
14、s Ham: used for pressing and molding curved areas.烫凳:用于熨烫和塑造弯曲部位。She has learned to smoke fish and ham.她学会了熏鱼和火腿。He cut off two slices of ham.他切下两片火腿。Hams curing in the smokehouse.在烟熏室中熏制而成的火腿This ham has too much fat on it.这火腿肥肉太多.She bought a packet of shaved ham.她买了一包切成薄片的火腿。The smell of frying h
15、am hit me as I opened the door.我一开门就闻到一股煎火腿的香味。We have a bowl of very salty pea and ham soup .我们喝了一碗非常咸的豌豆火腿汤。110. hamburger h? mb?:g ?n.肉饼,汉堡常用短语1. hamburger steak汉堡牛排,(绞碎牛肉加佐料的)油炸肉饼参考例句Peter can eat hamburgers at the rate of one per minute.彼得可以以一分钟一个的速度吃汉堡。He goes there to drink a soda and eat a h
16、amburger.他到那里喝一瓶汽水和吃一块汉堡面包The guests consumed over 100 hamburgers .客人们口掉了 200多个汉堡包。She has a hamburger and a portion of chip .她吃了 一个汉堡包和一份炸薯条。The hamburgers on the gr川 are Burning up.烤架上的汉堡烧焦了。A hamburger topped with melted cheese.干酪汉堡包在上面加有溶化了的干酪的汉堡包A hamburger patty;a peppermint patty.牛肉肉末饼;薄荷饼111
17、. harbor h db ?n.港,避难所vt.庇护,隐藏,藏匿vi.入港停泊,躲藏词形变化时 态:har ?bored, har ?bor?ng, har ?bors名 词:harbor ?er常用短语harbor sealn.动斑海豹pearl harborn.珍珠港,偷袭参考例句The storm-beaten ship at length attained the harbor.那艘受到暴风雨袭击的船终于抵港。A lighthouse guides ships safely to a harbor.灯塔指引船只安全进港。The captain steered the yacht in
18、to the harbor.船长将快艇驶进了港湾。He has harbored a dislike for me for five years.五年来他一直对我怀恨在心。The ship was anchored athwart at the harbor mouth.轮船横着停泊在港口里。The vessel steamed into the harbor.轮船驶进了港口。He harbors resentment of criticism.他对批评怀恨在心。He guided the ship safely into harbor.他驾驶轮船安全入港。112. hen henn.母鸡,雌
19、鸟词形变化名 词:hennish ?ness形容词:hennish副 词:hennish ?ly常用短语hen partyn.口 妇女的聚会jungle hen雌性原鸡water henn.水鸡参考例句Everybody that was not invited was as mad as a wet hen.没有受到邀请的人个个都很生气。The cock has brighter coloured feathers than the hen.雄鸟的羽毛比雌鸟的艳丽。It usually takes three weeks to hatch a hens eggs.孵出小鸡通常要花三个星期。T
20、he sorority had a hen party for its members.妇女俱乐部为其成员举行了一次女性聚会。The hen sheltered her chickens under her wings.母鸡用翅膀保护鸡雏。The hens feathers ruffled at the sight of a dog.母鸡一见到狗就羽毛直竖。She was mad at her son for killing the brood hen.她因儿子宰了传种的母鸡而对他十分恼火Lewis sold his hens on a rainy day.刘易斯做了亏本生意113. hike
21、 haikn.徒步旅行,远足,涨彳,提高vi.健行,徒步旅行,扬起vt.使高涨,拉起词形变化时 态:snapped, snap ?ping, snaps常用短语hike upv.飘起wage hiken.工资的增加,工资的提高tax hike赋税增加参考例句The storm made our hike a real adventure.暴风雨使得我们的徒步旅行成了一次真正令人难忘的经历。Fair-weather hiking gear.适于好天气远足的工具You can hike in the mountains, In a forest or along a rive.你可以到山里、森林里
22、或沿河边旅行。homeland h ?uml? ndn.本国,故国参考例句To renounce allegiance to ones homeland.放弃原国籍放弃自己的国籍ice-cream aiskri:mn.冰淇淋a.乳白色的参考例句Ice cream mixed with crushed macaroons or nuts.混有碎杏仁饼或坚果的冰淇淋。Mother knows how to make ice cream.母亲会做冰淇淋。My father has a taste for ice cream.我父亲喜欢冰淇淋。The boys mouth watered for ic
23、e cream.那孩子因想吃冰淇淋而流口水。Apple pie and ice cream would be nice.苹果派和冰淇淋就行了。We sell individual portion of ice cream.我们的冰淇淋单份出售。The group ganged into the ice cream parlor.那些人结伙走进了冷饮店。He loves vanilla ice-cream.他喜欢香草冰淇淋。idiom idi ?mn.成语,惯用i法,方言参考例句The idiom of the French impressionists;the punk rock idiom.
24、法国印像主义风格;疯狂摇滚乐风格This expression is against idiom.这一表达方式不合乎语言习惯。Never too Old to Learn is an idiom.活到老学到老是句成语。He has a peculiar idiom.他有独特的习惯用语。insert ins ?:tvt. 插入,镶补vi.附着n.插入n.插入物词形变化时 态:in ?sert ?ed, in ?sert ?ng, in ?serts名词:in ?serter参考例句Inserted or situated above the perianth.Used of an ovary.上
25、位的插入或位于花被之上的。用于植物的子房Insert the plug into the AC outlet to recharge the battery.将插头插入交流输出插座以进行充电。He inserted another cigarette into a c1oisonne holder.他将又一支香烟插入景泰蓝制的烟嘴。He inserted the key in the lock and opened the door.他把钥匙插入锁中打开了门。They drilled boulders for inserting dynamite.他们在大石上钻孔以便装炸药。In the pa
26、use he managed to insert a question.他趁谈话停顿时提出了一个问题。He inserted one unscripted item in his speech.他在演讲中添了 一段讲稿上没有的话。They inserted an advertisement in the newspaper.他们在这家报纸上刊登一则广告。jaw d ?:n.颌,颗;上下颗,口部;爪;饶舌,喋喋不休vt.训斥,对唠叨vi. 唠叨词形变化时 态:jawed, jaw ?ng, jaws形容词:jawless常用短语lantern jawn.突出的下巴lower jaw下颌lumpy
27、 jaw放线菌病upper jaw 上颌,上颗 参考例句He has some sore swellings on his gum or jaw.他的牙床和下巴肿痛。Some ants have extra powerful jaws.有些蚂蚁的上下颗特别强而有力Project ones jaw in defiance.伸出下颌以示轻蔑He yawned his jaws out of joint.他打呵欠打得下巴关节脱了臼To work the jaws and teeth vigorously.用力地活动嘴和牙齿The shark snapped its jaws shut.鲨鱼啪嗒一声把
28、嘴合上了.119. jazz d ?zn.爵士乐,喧闹a.爵士乐的,喧吵的vi.演奏爵士乐,跳爵士乐词形变化时 态:jazzed, jazz ?ng, jazz 窕s名 词:jazzer形容词:jazzish常用短语cool jazz冷漠派爵士乐jazz aroundv.游荡jazz up使巨有爵士乐情调;使活跃,使愉快,刺激jazz bandn.爵士乐队参考例句The song has a syncopated rhythm in the jazz version. 这首歌曲改编为爵士乐后采用了切分音节奏The song have a syncopate rhythm in the jazz
29、 version.这首歌曲改编为爵士乐彳爰采用了切分音节奏。It was my younger brother who introduced me to jazz.是我的弟弟介绍我听爵士乐的。Jazz has never really turned me on.我从未对爵士乐真正产生过兴趣.She doesnt care much for modern jazz.她不太喜欢现代爵士乐。A large unseen orchestra was playing jazz.一个观众看不到的乐队正在演奏爵士乐。I d plump for jazz music .我喜欢选择爵士音乐。I especial
30、ly dislike jazz music.我特别不喜欢爵士音乐。120. kangaroo k ?g?ru:n.袋鼠词形变化复 数:kangaroo or kan?ga?roos常用短语kangaroo courtn.私设之法庭,非法法庭rat kangaroo鼠袋鼠tree kangaroo树袋鼠参考例句Kangaroo mostly lives in Australia.袋鼠主要生活在澳洲。The kangaroo is a native of Australia.袋鼠是澳大利亚的土生动物。A kangaroo carries its young in a pouch.大袋鼠以肚袋装小袋
31、鼠。Australia is the province of the Kangaroo.澳大利亚是袋鼠生长活动的地区。Kangaroos hind legs are enormously powerful.袋鼠的后腿非常有力。An exceptionally swift kangaroo.行动极其敏捷的袋鼠Australia is the province of the kangaroo.澳大利亚是袋鼠的生长地。A kangaroo is an interesting animal.袋鼠是有趣的动物kettle ketln.壶,水壶,水锅常用短语kettle hole锅形陷洞,锅穴,壶穴参考例
32、句He boiled the kettle and made the tea.他把水壶里的水烧开然后沏茶。The kettle is steaming away on the stove.炉子上的水壶正在冒蒸汽。An electric kettle is very handy.电水壶使用非常方便。The water in the kettle had all boiled away.壶里的水完全烧干了.The kettle was steaming on the stove.炉子上的壶正在冒热气。The kettle is operated by electricity.这水壶是电热的。Som
33、e water must be boiled in a kettle.必须用水壶烧一些开水。The kettle is steaming.那只茶壶在冒着蒸汽。lamb l ? mn.小羊,羔羊vi.vt. 生小羊常用短语paschal lamb逾越节羔羊(指犹太人在逾越节时屠杀的用以食用的小羊),耶稣基督,(象征耶稣基督的)神羔像persian lambn.波斯羔羊,波斯羔羊之毛皮参考例句A pet lamb makes a cross ram.蛮横的公羊是小时候宠坏的。I send a card the other day. My name is Lamb Harper.几天前我送来过一张明
34、信片。我的名字叫兰姆哈帕。I sent a card the other day. My name is Lamb Harper.几天前我送来过一张明信片。我的名字叫兰姆?合帕The ewe gave birth to only one lamb.这母羊只产了一个羊羔。The little girl is as meek as a lamb.那个小姑娘像羔羊一般温顺。The little girl keeps a lamb as a pet.那个小女孩养了一头羔羊作为宠物。Her daughter Nancy is an ewe lamb to her.她的女儿南希是她的心肝宝贝。Fur ma
35、de from the pelt of a karakul lamb.卡拉库耳大尾羊羊羔的毛皮123. lemon lem ?nn.柠檬,柠檬树,柠檬色词形变化形容词:lemon ?常用短语lemon balm蜜蜂花lemon curd柠檬羹lemon geranium柠檬天竺葵lemon grass香茅lemon juice柠檬原汁lemon mint柠檬香蜂草lemon oil柠檬油lemon peel柠檬皮lemon sole柠檬鳗lemon yellow柠檬黄water lemon樟叶西番莲lemon cheesen.柠檬酱lemon dropn.柠檬糖lemon extract柠檬香
36、精参考例句I do not like lemon. I d rather have the chocolate cake.我不爱吃柠檬饼我宁可吃巧克力饼Bottled lemon juice is no good you must use the real thing.瓶装柠檬汁可不行-你得用真货.Oranges and lemons are citrus fruits.桔子和柠檬是柑桔属水果。She put a squeeze of lemon in her drink.她在饮料中放了一点柠檬汁。There is nothing as refreshing as lemon tea.什么都不
37、如柠檬茶那样提神.The lemon cake is delicious.柠檬饼的味道很好A scent of lemon waft up from the garden below.从下面的花园里飘来一阵柠檬香。A scent of lemon wafted up from the garden below.从下面的花园里飘来一阵柠檬香。lemonade lem ?neidn.柠檬水参考例句The fresh tang of lemonade.柠檬的新鲜味道The little boy is sucking lemonade through a straw.小男孩正在用麦管吸柠檬水。The
38、enterprising children opened a lemonade stand.一些有进取心的孩子摆摊卖柠檬汽水lid lidn.盖子,眼睑v.加盖,盖上;制止,取缔词形变化时 态:lid %ed, lid ?ding, lids常用短语flip ones lid发脾气,失去理智,发疯;着迷参考例句The fisherman put the lid on again.渔夫把盖子重新盖上。The lid of the box has been forced in.这箱子的盖被压进去了。He found in it a copper jar with a lid.他发现里面有一个有盖的
39、铜罐。Use this long bar to prise the lid off.用这个长铁棍将盖子撬开。Screw the lid on tightly.exian把盖子拧紧。He screwed the lid on the jar.他把罐子的盖儿拧上去。He painted the lid of the piano with absorption.他专心致志地油漆着钢琴盖。Approved a new lid on corporate spending.同意对于公司支出的新限制literary lit ?r?ria.文学的;精通文学的,从事写作的;书本的,书本气的词形变化名词:lite
40、r?ari ?ness副词:liter?ari ?y常用短语literary criticismn.文艺评论参考例句He made little proficiency in literary accomplishments.他在文学方面成就不多。A woman with strong scholarly or literary interests.女才子对知识和文学有很强兴趣的妇女The number of literary magazines accelerated.文学杂志的数目增加了。That young writer is brimming with literary talent.
41、那位年轻的作家颇富才情。He is prominent in the literary world.他在文学界是杰出的。Ba jin is a literary giant.巴金是一位文坛巨匠。The literary genre represented by novels.以小说表出现的文学类型Literary study or classical scholarship.文学研究或学术成就127. lung l ?n.肺,肺脏,空地常用短语iron lung铁肺,人工呼吸器black lung煤尘肺book lung书肺farmers lung农民肺,霉尘肺heart-lung machi
42、nen.心肺机(心脏手术时临时代替病人心肺的机器)black lung disease黑肺病lung cancer肺癌wet lung【医】肺积水white lung【医】 白肺,白色肺炎(婴儿梅毒性肺炎)参考例句Cigarette smoking has been associated with lung cancer.肺癌已被认为与抽烟有关。Quitting smoking now will reduce your risk of lung cancer.现在戒烟可减少肺癌的危险The sclera was not icteric. The heart and lung was norma
43、l.巩膜无黄染.心肺正常blood in phlegm can be a sign of lung cancer.痰中带血可能是肺癌的徵兆。Blood in phlegm can be a sign of lung cancer.痰中带血可能是肺癌的体征。He took a deep draught of air into his lungs.他深深地吸了一口气.Lungs and gills are specialized for breathing.肺和腮是为了适应呼吸功能而发展的。She was taken to hospital with a punctured lung.她因肺部被刺
44、破而送进了医院.128. mat m ?tn.垫,丛,衬边a.粗糙的,无光泽的vi.纠缠在一起vt.铺席于上,使无光泽词形变化复 数: ma?tri ?ces or ma ?trix ?5s常用短语bath matn.浴室防滑垫prayer matn.(祈祷时的)跪垫sea matn.藻苔虫welcome mat门口的擦鞋垫参考例句The expanse of verdant grass seems like a pleasant mat.碧草如茵Shake outside door mat and sweep the area beneath.抖净门外的蹭鞋垫并清扫蹭鞋垫下的地面。He la
45、y hidden by a mat of creepers.他躲在一簇攀缘植物后面。A lock of matted or dung-coated wool.粪污毛块一撮蓬乱或有粪污覆盖的养毛The edge of the mat is cocked up.草席边沿翘起来了。He plucked the burning cigarette up from the mat.他把点着的香烟从席子上捡起来。The fur collar mats when it gets wet.毛皮领子弄湿了就会缠结起来。129. mess mesn.食堂,伙食,用膳,一份食品,混乱,乱七八糟,困境 vt.将弄糟,
46、妨碍,使紊乱词形变化时 态: messed, mess ?ng, mess 窕s常用短语mess about胡闹,瞎搞,乱摆弄;无所事事,鬼混;粗暴地对待mess aroundv.浪费时间mess halln.食堂mess kitn.餐具mess upv.搞糟,陷入困境,粗暴地处理mess jacketn.晚礼服mess of pottage付出巨大代价得到的物质享受眼前利益参考例句The situation was a mess and had gotten all out of line.情况一团糟。It will take us till dooms day to clear up al
47、l this mess.我们永远也收拾不完这堆乱七八糟的东西。The party will be held in the officers mess.聚会将在军官食堂举行。They mess about in the club most of the summer.夏天的大部分时间他们都在俱乐部闲混。What a mess! I cannot bring my girlfriend here.好乱!我不能带女朋友来这儿了She tells him to clear up the mess he has made.她要他清理好他弄得乱七八糟的东西。Youd better not mess in
48、the affairs of others.你最好不要干涉他人的事情。A puppy that still messes the floor.会弄脏地板的小狗millimeter milimi:t?n.毫米常用短语millimeter of mercury毫米汞柱,毫米水银柱高参考例句The silicon chips are less than a millimeter thick.这些硅片厚度不足一毫米。Micrometre: One-thousandth of a millimeter.微米:百万分之一米。This is a 35-millimeter film with 26 expo
49、sures.这是二十六张装的三十五毫米底片。mist mistn.雾,迷蒙,朦胧不清vt.使模糊,使蒙上雾vi.变模糊,下雾词形变化时 态: mist ?ed, mist ?ng, mists常用短语frost mist霜雾参考例句The view dissolved in mist.那景色在雾中消失了。A mist arose from the lake.雾从湖上升起。The windshield misted over.挡风玻璃变得模糊不清。A heavy mist arose from the lake.湖面起了浓雾。Early mist promises fair weather.晨雾
50、预示好天气。We watched the mists ascending from the valley below. 我们看着薄雾从下面的山谷中升起.We watched the mists ascending from the valley.exian我们看着薄雾从山谷升起。The pilot had to make a blind landing in the mist.飞行员被迫在雾中作盲目着陆。132. moral m a ?ln.道彳惠,品行,寓意a.道德的,品性端正的,良心的词形变化副词:moral ?ly常用短语moral certaintyn.接近必然的可能性,确实可靠性mo
51、ral philosophy伦理学moral hazard由于投保人可能不可靠所冒的风险moral sense是非感moral obligation【经】道义上的责任参考例句A source of moral or ethical judgment or pronouncement. 伦理或道德判断或声明的根据.The moral of the story is that Solidarity is strength. 这个故事的教益在于团结就是力量OShe is staunch with moral integrity in her temperament.她的性情十分刚烈。Children
52、 begin to learn basic morals in the kindergarten. 孩子们从幼儿园开始学习基本的道德规范。To stimulate or develop the mental or moral growth of. 促进或开发智力或道德观念的提高.Moral of the story: Buy the pie and cut it in pieces.这个故事的实质是:买下馅饼并把它切成小块。He has borne intense moral suffering for many years.他多年来忍受了极大的精神上的煎熬。We have a moral o
53、bligation to provide aid to them.我们在道义上有义务给他们帮助。moustache m ?st a ?n.髭,小胡子,触须常用短语walrus moustachen.海象胡子,两端下垂的胡子参考例句Gary has a moustache on his upper lip.加里上嘴唇有一撮小胡子。He was sporting a moustache.他在炫耀他那一簇胡子。multiply m ?ltiplaivt.乘,使相乘;倍增vi.增加参考例句Hot weather multiplies the bacteria in milk rapidly.炎热的天气
54、使牛奶中的细菌迅速繁殖。Efficiency would Be multiplied several times.效率将提高好几倍。He learned to multiply at the age of five.他五岁学会做乘法。Friendships multiply joys and divide grief.友谊可增加快乐和分担忧伤。Rabbits multiply quickly.兔子繁殖很快。Flies multiply enormously.苍蝇大量繁殖。Four multiplied by five is twenty.五乘四得二十。In a few months the g
55、uerr川a army multiplied tenfold.几个月的时间游击队的人数就增加了十倍。occupation ?kjupei ?nn.职业,工作;U占领,占据;U占用参考例句Occupation and job indicate a particular type of paid work.occupation和job指有报酬的某种工作.The Japanese occupation of Taiwan lasted fifty-one years.日本占领台湾达五H一年之久。We resumed our occupation of the lost territory.我们收复了
56、失地。Please write down your name and occupation here.请在这儿写下你的姓名和职业。One whose occupation is journalism.新闻工作者以新闻工作为职业的人Bookkeeping is a sedentary occupation.会计是一种需要坐着工作的职业。The new house is ready for occupation.新屋可以居住了。He has engaged in rather shady occupation.他从事相当不明不白的职业。opera ?p?r ?n.歌剧词形变化复 数:o?pe?ra
57、 or o ?pus?es常用短语opera housen.歌剧院,(尤指乡间的)剧场soap operan.肥皂剧horse operan. 美俚 西部片(尤指反映19世纪下半叶美国西部生活的电影,电视剧等)comic opera喜歌剧grand operaopera bouffen.滑稽歌剧,谐歌剧opera cloakn.(观剧或宴会时用的)夜礼服斗蓬opera glassesn.(观剧用的)小型双眼望远镜opera hatn.男用礼帽opera hoodn.观剧用的女头巾参考例句Most are small local operas focusing on songs and danc
58、es.多是歌舞为主的民间小戏。She calls the new opera house that hideous erection.她把新歌剧院称作那讨厌的庞然大物/.Millions of fans follow the TV soap operas devotedly.千百万观众非常忠实地收看这部电视连续剧。This club is begun to seem like a soap opera.这个社团开始就彳t一出肥皂剧(般的烦杂)The students will perform an opera next Friday.这些学生下星期五将演出歌剧。He s called the
59、new genius of British opera .他正被人们称作英国歌剧的新天才。He prefers opera to symphonic music.他喜欢歌剧胜过交响乐。Im sure shes a lover of soap operas.我肯定她是一位日间广播剧的爱好者。137. oral ?:r ?ln. 口试a. 口头的,口述的,口部的常用短语oral cavityn. 口腔oral contraception口服避孕药oral contraceptiven. 口服避孕药oral contract口头合同,口头协议oral fissure口裂oral personalit
60、y口唇人格oral phase口唇期oral stage口唇阶段oral examination【法】 口头审问,口试参考例句Fluency in oral and written English is a major requirement.英语口、笔头流利是主要条件。The doctor prescribed an oral dose of medicine.医生开了一剂口服药。Oral stimulation of the clitoris or vulva.舔阴用口刺激阴蒂或外阴的行为Were having an oral test in class this week.这星期我们班有
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