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1、2022-2023学年九上英语期末模拟试卷注意事项:1答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号码填写清楚,将条形码准确粘贴在条形码区域内。2答题时请按要求用笔。3请按照题号顺序在答题卡各题目的答题区域内作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效;在草稿纸、试卷上答题无效。4作图可先使用铅笔画出,确定后必须用黑色字迹的签字笔描黑。5保持卡面清洁,不要折暴、不要弄破、弄皱,不准使用涂改液、修正带、刮纸刀。. 单项选择1、 What time do you usually get up? I usually_ up at 6:30.AgetBgotCwill getDwas getting2、Our volley

2、ball team achieved great success in the match again.Wow ! Few could play _, I think.AbetterBwellCworseDbadly3、Mr. Hu, can you tell us how to learn swimming well?Sure. But remember we can learn nothing well _ hard work.Awith Bafter Cwithout Dat4、In this exam, youre asked to write a composition of abo

3、ut _.A90-words B90-word C90 words D90 words5、-Excuse me, I wonder _ I can pay for the new shoes?-You can pay by using wechat or Alipay(支付宝).AwhetherBwhenChowDwhy6、Whose shoes are ?They are .Athese; Li LinsBthose; Li LinCthat; Li LinDthis; Li Lins7、She is talking about the school and teachers _ we vi

4、sited last month.AwhoBwhichCwhereDthat8、 Boys, please tell me something about the new film The Hunger Games, OK? Sorry. _ Frank _ I have ever seen it.AEither; orBNot only; but alsoCBoth; andDNeither; nor9、 Its wonderful that Lily has been invited to the welcome party too!一Im afraid she not come. She

5、 has been busy with her study recently.AneedBmustCmayDshould10、Ann, do you know what happened to Mike?He fell down when he _ the school bus this morning.Awent off Bturned off Ctook off Dgot off. 完形填空11、 When you sit before a piano or take up your guitar, do you think about why you play music? The st

6、udents at Belding Middle school in Michigan, US, think that you do it to express yourself. They learned about this from a professional guitarist Joel Mabus.The school invited Mabus to give a 1 to more than 50 seventh-grade students on March 27. The students have 2 taken or are taking a guitar class

7、at the school. Mabus performed a number of short pieces. He also taught the students several skills for playing the guitar.But more 3 , his show taught students that playing the guitar can “take you anywhere you can imagine,” said the schools guitar class teacher George Rousseau.“Sometimes students

8、get upset.They dont see 4 we do certain things in the class, and then they see Mr Mabus perform and know that the work will pay off,” Rousseau told The Daily News.Mabus began playing at around the same age as the students. “To have an outlet(发泄方法), after a bad day or good day, is always nice,” he sa

9、id. “Music gives you a way to show your 5 .”Seventh-grader Cooper Hewitt, 12, has been playing the guitar for several years. He said Mabus 6 him.“ I really enjoyed the folk music(民间音乐). Most of my family enjoys old music like that,” he said. “I will try to use music to express myself.”1AwalkBhandCsh

10、owDspeech2AneitherBeitherCbothDnever3ApossiblyBterriblyCimportantlyDfiercely4AwhyBwhatCwhenDhow5Atalents(天赋)BfeelingsCskillsDstories6AdevelopedBinvitedCplayedDchanged. 语法填空12、阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。Have you ever lied to anyone?Student 1: I tell lies sometimes because I dont want _1_ (be

11、) criticized. For example, I didnt do well in an exam once. In order not to let my parents _2_, I told them I didnt have any exams, so they didnt scold (责备) me.Student 2:_3_of vanity (虚荣), I lied once. I was on duty one day, but I was_4_, so I didnt finish my work. When the teacher asked us _5_ anyo

12、ne was late, in order to keep a good record, I didnt admit (承认) that I was late.Student 3: I used to lie to my mom sometimes. She always told me to have a little nap (午睡) in the afternoon, and I told her I couldnt fall _6_(sleep), but actually I read novels at that time. I lied because I wanted to h

13、ave time to do what I want, _7_of doing things I dont like, even though they are good for me.Student 4: I lie because I want to have privacy(隐私). I want my parents to give _8_(I) enough personal space. I remember I went out with some _9_ (friend) one day. In order not to make my parents _10_(worry)

14、about me, I told them I went to study with some good students, so they wouldnt ask too many questions. 阅读理解A13、 When you wear something, you are often saying, Look at me! Your clothing communicates to the world what you want the world to think of you. For example, when you go on a job interview, you

15、 might choose clothes that make you seem sincere. When you go to a party, you might choose clothes that make you look exciting._1 In Scotland and parts of the countries of East and Southeast Asia, men as well as women wore skirts. In Turkey and China and among the Inuit, both men and women wore trou

16、sers. But in ancient Greece, men who wore trousers were thought to be savages(野蛮人).In the United States today, both men and women wear pants._2 Over the centuries, anthropologists(人类学家)have learned that the clothing people wore was connected to the position they held in society. In most societies, i

17、mportant people put on special clothing to show their power. In the 18th, kings and queens wore special clothing, often specially made and difficult to keep clean. Since poor people could not afford to wear this kind of clothing, it became a symbol of wealth._3 Today some people still wear clothing

18、that represents their position in life. Sometimes clothing clearly shows the organization that a person works for. Postal workers, airline attendants, and some factory workers wear uniforms. Others wear expensive clothes that show their social position as wealthy people. 4 Now many teenagers and adu

19、lts buy clothes from a certain designer or company. They may like the good name of the designer or the company and want to share that name. But one basic reason for choosing clothes is the same as it has always been. People choose their clothes to tell others who they are and what they like.1The sen

20、tence In different civilizations(文明)at different times, different kinds of clothes have been acceptable(可接受的). can be put in Blank _.A1B2C3D42Why do some people buy clothes from a certain designer?AThey like the designers good name.BThey work for the designers company.CThey want more people to know

21、the designer.DThey think it makes it easier to choose clothes.3In the sentence But one basic reason for choosing clothes is the same as it has always been. one basic reason probably refers to(指的是)_.Atheir workBtheir wealthCtheir appearanceDtheir position4According to the article, you may believe tha

22、t _.Apeople might not look attractive in new clothesBeach new period brings some changes in clothingCclothes from good designers or companies sell wellDpeople who belong to organizations must wear uniformsB14、 Nowadays, we use digital devices in many ways, such as waking us up in the morning, listen

23、ing to music, communicating with friends and so on. But studies have found that overuse of electronics can affect our sleep, our study and work. To help people take a break from their always-on lifestyles, America set the National Day of Unplugging in 2010 to encourage people to put away their elect

24、ronics for 24 hours, which is on the second Friday of March every year. Without any doubt, many people find that the unplugged day seems longer than a typical day. “Without my phone, my breakfast was too short and I did not know what to do next,” one participant of last years unplugging experiment w

25、rote. Another shared his grief at not being able to look at his phone during bus and train rides, calling the day”the longest time of my life”.But others see the experiment as a way to experience what life was like before the rise of electronics. “My friend and i has dinner in the evening, and we bo

26、th discussed about how much more present we felt- how we could hear what each other was saying,” one participant wrote. Although living without electronics seems impossible in todays world, unplugging from time to time allows people to slow down and reflect on life. “At the end of the day, I was mis

27、sing neither social media nor having a digital connection,” one participant noted. “I note. “I was happy for the opportunity to challenge my unhealthy daily habits, because this gave me the opportunity to discover a slower, clearer way of life.”1Using digital devices too often might .Ahelp us study

28、betterBkeep us away from musicChelp us communicate easilyDbring us some sleep problems2The National Day of Unplugging was set .Ain many countries in 2010Bon the second day of March every yearCto help people take a break from busy workDto make people away from their electronics for a day3What is the

29、meaning of the underlined word”grief”?ARudenessBSadnessCHappinessDColdness4Some participants of the experiment .Athought that it was impossible for them to slow downBdidnt know what to eat for breakfast without phonesCfelt exited during bus and train rides without phonesDenjoyed hearing each other b

30、y discussing face to face5What is the best title for this passage?AGet Back to Real Life.BUnhealthy Daily HabitsCThe Digital Connection.DThe Longest Time of Life.C15、There are always people who have hero dream in mind. Although they lived thousands of miles away from each other, the two dream-makers

31、 Stan Lee and Jin Yong made their heroes well-known to the whole world. Stan Lee, the father of Marvel Comics created a dream world with a list of Superheroes, including Spider-Man and Iron Man.In the early 60s, with the help of artists such as Jack Kirby, he created more human superheroes who lived

32、 in the real world. They were not as perfect as the heroes at that time and they fought against everyday difficulties. From then on, Marvel characters are known the world over. Marvel films and TV series(连续剧) have become huge successes.Just as his favorite Saying Excelsior! which means moving on, he

33、 kept working for his superhero dream to the end of his life.Jin Yong was considered as one of the greatest kongfu novel writers in China. And for many people, he made a Jianghu that they could run into.Jin wrote all of his 15 wuxia books between 1955 and 1972. While the values and tastes of readers

34、 have changed greatly, his books and the heroes he created continue to attract people. His works have been made into movies, TV series and even video games.Jin is very good at using the language. His stories are always full of rich history; kongfu is described in detail(细节). Boston University profes

35、sor Petrus Liu said, “He turns novels into an encyclopedia of Chinese history, medicine, geography, philosophy(哲学) . Nobody ever does that.” .1Why were Stan Lees superheroes different in the early 60s?ABecause they were perfect heroes.BBecause they were like humans.CBecause they were very successful

36、.DBecause they were much2If you were a big fan of Stan Lee, what would you post on your Weibo?AI fell in love with kongfu after I read his books.BJack Kirby is Stan Lees best superhero in the real world.CI am always dreaming of being a hero in his books.DHe changed the way we look at heroes.3How lon

37、g did it take Jin Yong to finish all his wuxia books?A15 years.B17 years.C19 years.D21 years.4What does the underlined word “encyclopedia” mean in Chinese?A百科全书B中国历史C医学丛书D地理图册5What did Stan Lee and Jin Yong have in common?AThey both told historical stories.BThey both fought against difficulties.CThe

38、y both created many heroes.DThey both made famous TV seriesD16、Making a good job choice is almost as good as choosing a good life. So, choosing a job is one of the most important decisions to make in life.For my job, there are three important things that I will consider:The first one that I must wor

39、k in an area I like is most important to me. Someone once said if you find a job that you enjoy, then you wont have to work another day. I would like to work in an area where I can be more creative. I would like to be the most valuable member there. All this is possible only if I like what I do.The

40、second one is that the area of my work must lead me to solve some new and hard problems. I would like to stay in the same area for a long time. In order for this to happen, the work must provide enough problems. More than just working to live, I enjoy making a difference and trying my best for the w

41、hole progress. I would also like to be well remunerated for my hard work, so I can lead a comfortable life with this hard-won money. Then I can provide the best for my family.The third important thing is that I would like to work in an area that would help other people. The work in my mind is in fie

42、lds such as the army, training or management. In such areas, I can help to develop the abilities of others and bring out their best. It would be a most satisfying job to help young people to become the best that they can be. When I become old, I would like to look back with a great sense of satisfac

43、tion that thousands of people have become better persons through my work.I accept the idea that no one should make a choice of a job suddenly or quickly. He should decide what he wants to be in the long run. Then, he should decide how he works towards it. He should study the proper courses, read the

44、 books and speak to knowledgeable persons in that field before making a job choice. A good choice will most probably lead to a better life.1According to the passage, a good job choice probably makes people _.Asolve fewer problems Bchoose a good lifeCbe good family members Dprovide hard things2The un

45、derlined word remunerated in the passage means _Atrained Bpraised Caccepted Dpaid3The writer wants to tell us that everyone should _Abecome a knowledgeable personBjoin the army to become a better personCmake preparations to find a satisfying jobDhelp young people to choose an interesting job4What is

46、 the best title for the passage?AMy Job Choice BMy Favorite JobCMy Comfortable Life DMy Sense of SatisfactionE17、Sometimes I really doubt whether there is love between my parents. Every day they dont act in the romantic ways that I read in books or I see on TV. In their opinion, “I love you” is too

47、luxurious for them to say. Sending flowers on Valentines Day is even more out of the question.One day, my mother was sewing a quilt(被子).“Mom, I have a question to ask you.”“What?” she replied, still doing her work.“Is there love between you and Dad?”My mother stopped her work and raised her head wit

48、h surprise in her eyes. Then she said, “Susan, look at this thread. Sometimes it appears, but most of it disappears in the quilt. Thethreadreally makes the quilt strong and durable. If life is a quilt, then love should be a thread. Love is inside.”I listened carefully but I couldnt understand until

49、the next spring. At that time, my father suddenly got sick seriously. After they were back from the hospital, my mother helped him walk slowly on the beautiful country road every morning. My father had never been so gentle. But after two months he still couldnt walk by himself. All of us were worrie

50、d about him.“Dad, how are you feeling now?” I asked him one day.“Susan, dont worry about me, ”he said gently. “To tell you the truth, I just like walking with your mom. ”Reading his eyes, I know he loves my mother deeply.Once I thought love meant flowers, gifts and sweet kisses. But from this experi

51、ence, I understand that love is just a thread in the quilt of our life. Love is inside, making life strong and warm.根据材料内容选择最佳答案,将其标号填入题前括号内。1Why does the writer NOT make sure whether there is love between her parents?AThey dont act in the romantic ways.BThey never say, “I love you”.CThey never send

52、 flowers to each other on Valentines Day.DAll of the above.2When did the writer understand her mothers answer?AAfter her father got sick seriously.BBefore her father got sick seriously.CAfter her mother gave her father some flowers.DAfter her father gave her mother some flowers.3What does the underl

53、ined word “thread” mean in Chinese?A针 B被子 C线 D爱4Why couldnt her father walk by himself?ABecause her father was seriously ill.BBecause her father liked walking with his wife.CBecause his father didnt get good treatment(治疗).DBecause his father had a bad temper(脾气).5What is the best title for the story

54、?ALove Is Just a Thread BLove Is Just a quiltCLove Is to Say“I love you” DLove Is to Walk TogetherF18、On a stormy day last August, Tim heard someone shouting. Looking at the sea carefully, he saw that two kids in a rowboat were being pulled out to sea.Two 12-year-old boys, Christian and Jack, had ro

55、wed out in a boat to_a football. Once theyd rowed beyond the calm waters, a beach umbrella tied to the boat caught the wind and pulled the boat into open water. The boys were terrified and tried to row back to shore. But they were no match for_and the boat was out of control.Tim knew that it would s

56、oon be swallowed by the waves.“Everything went quiet in my head,” Tim recalls. “Im trying to figure out how to swim to the boys in a straight line.”Tim took off his clothes and jumped into the water. Every 500 yards or so, he raised his head to judge his progress. “At one point, I considered turning

57、 back,” he says. “I wondered if I was putting my life at risk.” After 30 minutes of struggling, he was close enough to shout to the boys, “Take down the umbrella!”“Lets aim for the pier(码头),” Jack said. Tim turned the boat toward it. Soon afterward, waves crashed over the boat, and it began to sink. “Can you swim?” he cried. “A little bit,” the boys said.Once t


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