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1、Unit 3基础检测1234核心单词提示:点击 进入习题5答案呈现111213678910concernatmospheretemperatureconsumerfuelcoalresultnaturesurfacesoilfloodpurpose14habitsolution15government答案呈现12345in dangergreenhouse effectlet.in.the same asas a result of核心短语678910in the futurecut downtake inresult inthrow away核心单词161718guessdestroy19i

2、ncreaserecycle20lifeless答案呈现核心短语1112131415mountains oftake actionbe different from(be) friendly tomake a difference1617181920care foract astake a showerturn offswitch off答案呈现核心短语2122232425instead ofpick upmake friendsthe rest ofcover.with. 2627thousands ofat the beginning of答案呈现1234核心句型5the same asb

3、e different fromthe same purposeIm concerned thatinstead of67kept hoping thatas small as possible1. _n. 担心;忧虑 2. _ n. 大气层3. _ n. 温度;气温 4. _ n. 消费者5. _ n. 燃料 concernatmospheretemperatureconsumerfuel6. _ n. 煤7. _ n. 结果 8. _ n. 自然界;大自然9. _ n. 表面;表层 10. _ n. 土壤coalresultnaturesurfacesoil11. _ n. 洪水;水灾 1

4、2. _ n. 习惯13. _ n. 目的;用途 14. _ n. 解决办法15. _ n. 政府 floodpurposehabitsolutiongovernment16. _ v. 猜测17. _ v. (使)增长;增多 18. _ v. 摧毁;毁灭19. _ v. 回收利用 20. _ adj. 无生命的guessdestroyincreaserecyclelifeless1. _在危险中 2. _温室效应3. _让进来 4. _和一样5. _由于 in dangergreenhouse effectlet.in.the same asas a result of6. _在将来7. _

5、砍伐 8. _吸收9. _造成;导致 10. _扔掉in the futurecut downtake inresult inthrow away11. _许多;大量 12. _采取行动13. _和不同 14. _对友好15. _有作用;有影响 mountains oftake actionbe different from(be) friendly tomake a difference16. _关心;照顾17. _充当 18. _洗淋浴19. _关上 20. _关上care foract astake a showerturn offswitch off21. _代替;并不是 22. _捡

6、起23. _交朋友 24. _其余的25. _用覆盖 26. _数千的27. _在的开始instead ofpick upmake friendsthe rest ofcover.with. thousands ofat the beginning of1. 没有它,地球将会和月球一样寒冷且没有生命。Without it, the Earth would be _ _ _ the Moon cold and lifeless.the sameas2. 我们应该不同于很多消费者,并成为“环保消费者”。We should _ _ _ many consumers and become “green

7、 consumers”.be different from3. 我们可以像以前一样以同样的用途再使用物品We can reuse things for _ _ _ as beforethe samepurpose4. 我担心脏空气会使一些孩子生病。_ _ _ the dirty air might make some young children ill.Im concerned that5. 我们可以洗淋浴来代替洗盆浴。We can take a shower _ _ taking a bath.instead of6. 我一直希望我将会被移到其他某个地方。I _ _ _ I would be moved somewhere else.kept


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