卖场超市百货运营门店管理 OP-N-113_高损商品流程与政策_第1页
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1、PAGE PAGE 9Loss Prevention and Security Department 防损与安全部门Loss Prevention and Security Department 防损与安全部门Deter 阻止Delay 延迟Deny 拒绝Detect 侦察Loss Prevention& SecurityHOT PRODUCT PROCESS & POLICY高损耗商品流程及政策HOT PRODUCT 高损耗商品OBJECTIVES目标:To reduce stock loss quickly 快速减少库存损失Strengthen receiving on “hot prod

2、ucts” 加强“高损耗商品”的收货流程To get everyone focused on “shrink” 让每个人都集中注意力在“损耗”上Better availability of “hot products” to our customers使我们的顾客可以方便得到“高损耗商品”WHAT ARE “HOT PRODUCTS”? 什么是“高损耗商品”?“Hot Products” are products that are high value, high risk products that need to be taken care of in a secure way to pr

3、event loss.“高损耗商品”是高单价高风险商品,需要以一种安全的方式照顾,避免损失。“Hot products” mostly come from the following areas:“高损耗商品”大多来自以下分类Electrical, Health & Beauty, Wines & Spirits, DIY, Small appliances, sports & Baby milk.电子,健康美容,酒类,DIY,小器具,体育用品和婴儿奶粉。HOW DO WE IDENTIFY WHAT ARE “HOT PRODUCTS”?我们如何辨别什么是“高损耗商品”?“Hot Produ

4、cts” come from known high loss/high risk products or what we called CRAVED products. “高损耗商品”由已知的高损/高风险商品或我们称为CRAVED的商品组成。CRAVED products that are luxury products that people will always want to steal if we dont protect them.CRAVED商品是如果我们不保护他们会经常失窃的奢侈商品。Using cycle / stock counts we can identify what

5、 are the top “Hot Products” in the Company & Store. 通过循环盘点和大盘,我们可以辨别什么是公司及门店排名前列的“高损耗商品”。These Hot Products will then be placed on a store / company hot product list. The list would normally have approximately 50 items.这些高损耗商品随后会放在门店/公司高损耗商品清单上。清单一般会有大约50个品项。HERE ARE SOME EXAMPLES OF “HOT PODUCTS”这里

6、是一些“高损耗商品“的例子 “HOT PRODUCT PICKER/S”“高损耗商品捡货员”“Hot Product” pickers are selected departmental staff from each department. “高损耗商品”捡货员是每个部门挑选出的员工。There should always be at least one “Hot Product Picker on duty from each department on duty at all times.通常每个部门至少需要随时有一个“高损耗商品捡货员”值班。There should be a list

7、 of “Hot Product Pickers” attached to each secure storage area with pictures of the relevant “Hot Product” picker”每个安全存储区应贴有一张“高损耗商品捡货员”名单,并有相应的“高损耗商品捡货员”照片。There should be a list of “Hot Product” pickers In each receiving bay/cage, in receiving / invoice room.在每个收货平台/安全笼,商管办公室应有一份“高损耗商品”捡货员名单。WHAT

8、DO “HOT PRODUCT” PICKERS DO?“高损耗商品”捡货员该如何操作?Their responsibilities are:他们的职责是:Receive “hot product stock”. 对“高损耗商品”进行收货Picks “Hot Products” from “Hot Product” storage areas. 从“精品仓”捡出“高损耗商品”Handles “Hot Product” claims, damages & stock adjustments.处理“高损耗商品”抱怨,破损及库存调整。Involved in cycle / stock counts.

9、 参与循环盘点/大盘。HOW TO IDENTIFY A HOT PRODUCT PICKER?如何辨别高损耗捡货员?“Hot product” pickers will all have a red dot on the company ID badge.“高损耗商品”捡货员都会在公司员工识别证上有个红点作为识别。Receiving “Hot Products” “高损耗商品”收货When the stores receive “Hot Products” the following must happen at all times.当门店对“高损耗商品”进行收货时必定会发生如下事情:Whe

10、n the lorry arrives the driver will take the document to the invoice room. The invoice staff will identify what “Hot Products” if any are on the delivery. If there are “Hot Products” on the delivery the invoice staff will stamp the documents as “Hot Product” and call the relevant “Hot Product” picke

11、r to the back door to help receive the delivery.当卡车抵达门店时,司机会把单据交给商管办公室。商管办公室员工会判断是否有“高损耗商品”到货。如果有“高损耗商品”到货,商管办公室员工会在单据上敲“高损耗商品”章,并叫相关的“高损耗商品”捡货员协助收货。When the delivery has been received by the Hymall / Tesco receiver the stock will be moved to the “Hot Product” Checking area. 当乐购/特易购收货人员收完货后,商品会转移到“高

12、损耗商品”检查区。Once in this area the stock will be 100% checked by the “Hot Product” picker and Loss Prevention and Security Officer (doing this together will make the process quick as the “Hot product” picker will know the products)一旦进入该区域,商品会100%由“高损耗商品”捡货员和防损管理人员进行检查。(一起检查会加快进程,因为“高损耗商品”捡货员了解商品)Once th

13、e checking process has been completed the stock must be moved to the correct secure storage area. The stock must be moved under dual control.一旦完成检查过程,商品必须转移到正确安全的存储区域并必须在双方控管下转移。If the product/s are required for “shelf stock” then the product should be taken to the relevant area on the shop floor un

14、der dual control and be worked immediately.如果商品要求“上架陈列”,那么应在双方控管下立刻转移到卖场相应区域。SECURE STORAGE AREA (HOT PRODUCT CAGES)安全储藏区域 (精品小仓)The secure storage area should be clearly marked with “Hot Product” signage, display the list of “Hot products” that should be stored in there & display a picture name boa

15、rd of the people that are allowed to be in there.安全储藏区域应有清楚标明“高损耗商品”的标识牌、应在该区域储藏的“高损耗商品”清单、允许进出此区域人员的公告板,带有其姓名和照片。 When a “Hot Product” picker enters the secure storage area they should sign in and when they have finished they should sign out.当“高损耗商品”捡货员进入安全储藏区域,他们应签到,完成后要签离。The secure cage should b

16、e secured by two locks. One key is signed out by the relevant departmental “Hot Product” the other key will be controlled by LP&S.安全铁笼应有两把锁确保安全。一把由相关的“高损耗商品”部门保管,另一把由防损人员控管。Each secure cage will have stock cards for each SKU, these cards should be completed when stock is put into the cage and when s

17、tock is removed.每个安全铁笼会贴有显示每个SKU的库存卡,在库存放进笼内及移出时应完成这些库存卡。TOP RACK 顶架For larger products that will take up space in the secure cages the process should be:对于在安全铁笼内占用面积较大的商品,流程应如下:That these products are placed on the top or middle rack in the warehouse, and this area should be marked “Hot Product Are

18、a”这些商品放在仓库最高或中间的货架上,这个区域要用“高损耗商品区域”标识出来。This stock can only be handled by “Hot Product” and the same guidelines apply as the secure cage.这些库存只能用对待“高损耗商品”的方式去处理,其他适用于安全铁笼的方针也同样适用。GETTING “HOT PRODUCT” STOCK 取得“高损耗商品”库存Any “Hot Products” that are needed to be replenished fall to the responsibility of

19、the relevant “Hot Product” picker.任何需要补货的“高损耗商品”都由相关的“高损耗商品”捡货员负责补货。He / She should: 他/她应:Prepare a list of products that are required to be replenished.对于要求补货的商品列出一份商品清单。Inform LP&S that they require access into the relevant secure storage area.通知防损他们要求进入相关的安全储藏区域。LP&S will then meet that person th

20、at person at the particular secure cage and unlock the cage, supervise the selection and completion of the stock cards.防损随后会在特定的安全铁笼处和那个人碰头,打开铁笼,监督捡货,完成库存卡。Once this is completed the LP&S officer and the “Hot Product” picker will the secure the storage area and take the stock to the shop floor.一旦完成,

21、防损管理人员和“高损耗商品”捡货员会确保储藏区域安全后将商品带到卖场。The stock should then have the appropriate method of protection applied if it has not already been completed. 没有完成保护的商品,随后应有适用的保护方法进行合适的保护。(For example a tag placed on the product, or be placed into a safer box)(如:在商品上加装磁扣或放入安全盒内) CYCLE / STOCK COUNT 循环盘点/大盘Regular

22、 cycle counts should be done on all “Hot Products” to ensure any losses / gains are investigated and resolved. After each store cycle count the relevant “Hot Product” list should be amended if needed.应定期对所有“高损耗商品”进行循环盘点,确保调查所有盘亏/盘赢并对此进行解决。在每次门店循环盘点后,如有需要对相应的“高损耗商品”清单应进行修改。SHOP FLOOR卖场There should al

23、so be a red dot placed on the shelf edge label of the “Hot Product” this clearly identifies that this product is a “Hot product”在“高损耗商品”的标价牌上应同样有一个红点可清楚的辨识此商品是“高损耗商品”。Loss Prevention & Security signage should also be visible in “hot product” areas on the shop floor.在卖场的“高损耗商品”区域,同样应有明显可见的防损标识牌。CLAIMS, RETURN TO VENDOR & DAMAGES.抱怨、退货给供应商


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