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1、2018GRE 写作范文学习:研究历史的好处导读: 本文 2018GRE 写作范文学习:研究历史的好处 ,仅供参考, 如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。题目:The chief benefit of the study of history is to break down the illusionthat people in one period of time are significantly different from people wholived at any other time in history.研究历史的好处就是打破了这种假象: 不同时代的人们之间基本 上是完全不同的。正

2、文:Generally speaking, the significance of study of history can hardly be concluded in a few words. Thus, seeing from this angle mentioned above, although it may be a little naive and narrow to just limit the primary functions of history study merely within break down the illusion, I acknowledge fund

3、amentally that during the process of history study, peoplewill realize thatthey actually share much in common with their ancestors gradually, in spite ofvarious superficial differences. Intricate as the topic is, followingexplanations are necessary.Before acknowledging that history study can indeed

4、breakdown such anillusion, it is human nature for anyone to first wonder that whywe may considerthat people living in one period of time are different from those who lived inanother. We may feel normal to find Count Thibault of Malfetewas totallyastonished and confused by the enormous gap between hi

5、s descendant and himselfafter he was suddenly conveyed from his own time to hundreds of years later,because that,we know the aristocrat has not experienced or even witnessed the long span of time he just passed within one second, during which numerouschanges actually have taken place; similarly, if

6、a person lacksbasic knowledgeor awareness of the evolution of history between other peopleand himself, hewill undoubtedly feel strange of those who beyond his own time when confrontingwith them on TV programs, magazines or other mediums.Therefore, the answer tothe question at the beginning of the pa

7、ragraph seems clear,that is, theillusion is caused by the lack of the adequate edification of history.However, after the first problem has been solved, anotherone rises. If weadmit the illusion as a product of the ignorance of history, wemust also admitthat the history is changing at the same time.

8、Then, ironically,will theillusion still be an illusion? Or it just turns out to be the truth?To answer this question it is inevitable to scrutinize the essential pointsof history. There is no denying that, history never appears as astasis, but thechanging process is accumulative and slow rather than

9、 reconstructive andradical. Therefore, although history cannot repeat thoroughlytoday,the overalltrend stays the same during the human history. More or less,modern theories,technologies or conceptions cannot avoid being influenced bytheir predecessors,and, consequently, they revise the dross, inheri

10、t merits, establish themselvesfinally. Accordingly, it is not exaggerate to suggest that everynew form ofevent related with human beings is similar with its foregoingcounterpart; or atleast, the difference is not as significant as many people think.Furthermore, besides the external forms of changesm

11、entioned above, theconsistency of human history relies much more on the innerspirits of human racein fact. Sword, rifle, atom bomb, from the first to the latest, theshapediffers apparently, and the power multiplies dramatically, dueto thedevelopment of technology. But human beings use them onlyfor o

12、ne purpose-that is to war;moreover, although the weapons used in the warare different, theorigin of the war also remains the same, that is greed and lust,both of whichbelong to the Seven. On the contrary, Socrates,Plato, Aristotle,although theirdoctrines are incompatible, the spirit of pursuing the

13、truth haspassed downfrom one to another. Aside from those two particularexamples, the more carefulyou delve into the history, the deeper you will be convincedthat some innercharacters of human beings are permanent, either good or evil.But, be noticed,only through in-depth study of history can you ge

14、t the conclusion mentionedabove, otherwise you will probably be puzzled by various covers on the inherentsimilarities of human beings.Insofar, the foregoing discussions all support the assertionof the author;admittedly the meaning of studying history is much wider than contrasting peoplein different times. From the standpoints of individuals, it canprovideentertainments, meet the curiosities and so forth; seeing froma higherposition, it can raise the ethos of a nation, guide the decisionsof theleaders, etc. However,


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