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1、财经英语主编:孙旭 电子工业出版社 2014 北京UNITUnit 1 The Functions of Money 1 (引入) A Joke You wouldnt marry me for money, would you ? No, I wouldnt marry you for all the money in the第一模块:财经基础Text : The Function of MoneyThe propose of money is to provide a kind of universally acceptable goods that may be exchanged fo

2、r other goods. Money may be thought of as any goods that can readily be transformed into other goods through exchange. We can identify three functions by money. First, money serves as a medium of exchange . Money simplifies the exchange of goods by providing a mutually acceptable item for exchange .

3、 In case, one professor needs to repair his TV set, he can exchange his professional services for money, and money for the repair. That is, he doesnt need to give the repair one hours lecture for the repair of his TV set. He only needs to pay the repairer with money directly,Second, money provides a

4、 measure of value. Money provides a convenient yardstick by which to express the value of other goods. Rather than having to quote the value of every goods in terms of every other goods, we may simply assert the money price of goods. Compare the simplicity of a world with money as a measure of value

5、 with one in which wheat must be valued in pork, beefsteak, rice and every other goods that any one may wish to exchange. By inserting money into the economic system, we establish the value of every goods money and make life much simpler for accountants, too. Third, money acts as a store of value. M

6、oney provides a meat, orderly form of wealth that may be temporarily held before being spent on a comsumption goods. It is clearly more convenient to hold money than cows, elephant tusks, for cows must be fed, watered, and cleaned up after; elephant tusks are difficult to transport or to conceal. Th

7、ese three functions of money might be served by any commodity, and throughout history almost every conceivable goods has been used. Whiskey, gold, corn, and tobacco have on various occasions served as medium of exchange, measures of value, and stores of value. The ideal money is something universall

8、y acceptable, easily stored and transported and highly divisible . Precious metals have commonly been used as money for these reasons. The intrinsic value of gold and silver, the ease with which they can be carried, and the simplicity of weighing out any desired amount have promoted the use of these

9、 commodities.NEW WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS1.universallyjunvsl ad 普遍地,通用地 2.readilyrediliad乐意地,容易地3.transformtrnsfrmvt.改变,转变4.simplifysimplifaivt.简化,使易做5.mutually mjU:tjuliad相互地6.yardstickjdstkn.尺度 7.quotekwtvt.引用,报价8.assertstvt.断言,坚持9.simplicity simplisitin.简单,朴素10.beef steakbi:fsteikn牛排.11.neatni:ta.整齐

10、的12.temporarilytempriliad暂时地NEW WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS13.consumption knsm(p)()n n消费,消费品.14.conceal knsilvt隐藏,隐瞒modity kmdt n.商品16.conceivable knsivb()la.可以想象的17.whiskeyhwiskin威士忌酒.18.divisibledivizbla可分割的.19.precious pres a.珍贵的,宝贵的20.intrinsicintrinsika.内在的,固有的21.ease i:zn.容易,自在22.promoteprmtvt.促进,提升

11、LANGUAGE POINTS:1. a kind of 一种2. exchange for 交换3. think of 考虑4. transforminto 把转换成5. serve as 作为6. providefor 为作准备/提供7. in case 如果,万一8. rather than 而不是9. in terms of 根据10. compare with 与对比11. as a measure of value 作为计价手段12. insertinto 把插入13. act as 担当14. be thought of as 把 看作15. with ease 容易,不费力16

12、. weigh out 称出,量出UNITSubprime Mortgage Crisis 2 (引入) A JOKE Wife: Why dont we rent a more expensive house? Husband: We will have one soon. Wife: Really? Husband: Of course. As the financial crisis, the landlord will increase the rent next month.Text :Subprime Mortgage CrisisThe subprime mortgage cri

13、sis is an ongoing real estate crisis and financial crisis triggered by a dramatic rise in mortgage delinquencies and foreclosures in the United States, with major adverse consequences for banks and financial markets around the globe.Approximately 80% of U.S. mortgages issued in recent years to subpr

14、ime borrowers were adjustable-rate mortgages. After U.S. house prices peaked in mid-2006 and began their steep decline thereafter, refinancing became more difficult. As adjustable-rate mortgages began to reset at higher rates, mortgage delinquencies soared. Securities backed with subprime mortgages,

15、 widely held by financial firms, lost most of their value. The result has been a large decline in the capital of many banks and U.S. government sponsored enterprises, tightening credit around the world.Subprime Mortgage CrisisImpacts from the Crisis on Key Wealth Measures,Between June 2007 and Novem

16、ber 2008, Americans lost more than a quarter of their net worth. By early November 2008, a broad U.S. stock index, the S&P 500, was down 45 percent from its 2007 high. Housing prices had dropped 20% from their 2006 peak, with futures markets signaling a 30-35% potential drop. Total home equity in th

17、e United States, which was valued at $13 trillion at its peak in 2006, had dropped to $8.8 trillion by mid-2008 and was still falling in late 2008. Total retirement assets, Americans second-largest household asset, dropped by 22 percent, from $10.3 trillion in 2006 to $8 trillion in mid-2008. During

18、 the same period, savings and investment assets (apart from retirement savings) lost $1.2 trillion and pension assets lost $1.3 trillion. Taken together, these losses total a staggering $8.3 trillion. Members of USA minority groups received a disproportionate number of subprime mortgages, and so hav

19、e experienced a disproportionate level of the resulting foreclosures.Subprime Mortgage CrisisIn spring, 2011 there were about a million homes in foreclosure in the United States, several million more in the pipeline, and 872,000 previously foreclosed homes in the hands of banks. Sales were slow; eco

20、nomists estimated that it would take three years to clear the backlogged inventory. According to Mark Zandi, of Moodys Analytics, home prices were falling and could be expected to fall further during 2011. However, the rate of new borrowers falling behind in mortgage payments had begun to decrease.S

21、ubprime Mortgage CrisisEconomist Carmen Reinhart stated in August 2011: Debt deleveraging reduction takes about seven years.And in the decade following severe financial crises, you tend to grow by 1 to 1.5 percentage points less than in the decade before, because the decade before was fueled by a bo

22、om in private borrowing, and not all of that growth was real. The unemployment figures in advanced economies after falls are also very dark. Unemployment remains anchored about five percentage points above what it was in the decade before.”NEW WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS1.subprime ,sbpram adj. 次级的2.mortga

23、ge mgd n. 抵押3.crisis krass n. 危机4.estate stet n. 房地产;财产5.financial fann()l adj. 金融的;财政的6.trigger trg vt. 引发,引起;触发7.dramatic drmtk adj. 戏剧的;引人注目的8.delinquency dlkw()ns n. 行为不良9.foreclosure frklo n. 丧失抵押品赎回权10.adverse dvs adj. 不利的;相反的11.consequence knskw()ns n. 结果12.approximately prksmtli adv. 大约,近似地1

24、3.issue u vt. 发行NEW WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS14.borrower bro n. 借用人15.adjustable dstbl adj. 可调节的16.peak pik n. 最高点;顶点17.decline dklan n. 下降18.rate ret n. 比率,利率19.sponsorspns vt. 发起20.enterprise entpraz n. 企业;事业21.tighten tat()n vt. 变紧;使变紧22.credit kredt n. 贷款23.impactmpkt n. 影响24.stock stk n. 股份,股票25. i

25、ndex ndeks n. 指标;指数NEW WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS26.drop drp vi. 下降27.equity ekwt n. 抵押资产的净值28.trillion trljn num. 数 万亿29.retirement rtam()nt n. 退休30.asset set n. 资产31.household hashld n. 家庭32.investment nves(t)m()nt n. 投资33.pension pen()n n. 退休金34.disproportionate ,dsprp()nt adj. 不成比例的35.pipeline paplan

26、 n. 管道36.previously privisli adv. 以前37.economist knmst n. 经济学者38.estimate estmet vt. 估计39.payment pem()nt n. 付款,支付40.decrease dkris vi. 减少,减小LANGUAGE POINTS1.Subprime Mortgage Crisis 次贷危机 2. around the globe 全世界3.House prices 房价4.in mid-2006 在2006年年中5.financial market 金融市场6. decline in 的下跌7. the cap

27、ital of 的资产和资本8. stock index 股票指数9. S & P 500 标普500指数10. drop by 22 percent 下降/下跌22%11. savings and investment assets 储蓄和资金资产 12. apart from 除了13.according to 依据14.tend to 倾向于15.in the decade before 在之前的十年里UNIT Markets 3 引入A Joke I want to have my face put on some money. I would be glad if I had my

28、hands on some.Text : MarketsA market is usually regarded as a place where commodities are bought and sold. It has three interconnected meanings: (1) it is commodity exchange and a realm. (2) it is a join and a whole of all kinds of economic relations between commodity producers and commodity consume

29、rs. (3) it has the needs of buying power.A market is an inevitable outcome of social division of labor and commodity development of economy. Labor division makes individual products become commodities each other, become equivalent each other and it makes people become markets each other; The more el

30、aborate the division of labor has , the more developed commodity economics become, the more the market scope and container are enlarged. At the same time, a market also promotes the further development of social division of labor and commodity economics during its growth and expansion.Text : Markets

31、In the market, the exchange relation of all kinds of commodities embodies the economic benefit relation between the two parties of exchange, thus it reflects a fixed social relationship. The character of commodity relation of exchange in the market decides the social character of the market. Under t

32、he economic condition of the capitalist market, the nature of private ownership of means of production decides the capitalist nature of market; Under t the economic condition of the socialist market, the nature of public ownership of means of production decides the socialist nature of market.Text :

33、MarketsThere are many kinds of markets. According to products natural property , there are commodity markets. financial markets, labor power markets, technique markets, information markets and estate markets and so on. According to markets range and geographical conditions, there are international m

34、arkets, national markets, city markets, country markets and so on. According to consumer classification, there are middle-old- aged-markets, youth markets, children markets , male and female markets and so on.Text : MarketsThere may be a market for anything which has a price and there may be no part

35、icular place where dealings are refined. Both buyers and sellers may be scattered over the whole world. Instead of meeting together in a market place, they may deal with one another via telephone, telegram, telefax or e-mail and so on. Even though dealings are restricted to a particular place, the d

36、ealers may ask their agents to cope with on behalf of them. Therefore we may define a market as any area over which buyers and sellers are getting in touch with one another, either directly or through dealers.NEW WORDS AND EXPRESSIONSmodity kmdt n . (复数)商品2.interconnected ,ntknkt adj.相互联系的3.realm re

37、lm n.领域;范围 4.join dn n .汇合5.whole hl n.总和;整体6.consumer knsjum n .消费者7.inevitable nevtb()l a.必然的8.outcome atkm n.产物9.division dv()n n.分工10.individual ndvdj()l a.各自的;个人的11.equivalent kwv()l()nta.等价物12.elaborate lb()rt adj. 精细的13.scope skp n.范围14.container knten n.容量15.enlarge nld vt. 使扩大16.expansion k

38、spn()n n. 扩大;扩张17.embody mbd vt. 体现18.benefit benft n. 利益19.reflect rflekt v. 反映,表现20.fixed fkst adj. 固定的;不变的21.character krkt n. 性质;特征22.ownership np n. 所有(权),所有制23.property prpt n. 特性;特征24.technique teknik n.技术25.information nfme()n n. 信息NEW WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS26.cope kp vi. 处理;对付;竞争27.geographi

39、cal dgrfk()l adj. 地理的28.conditions knd()ns n.(复数)环境;形势29.international ntn()n()l adj. 国际的30.classification ,klsfke()n n. 分类;类别31.male mel adj. 男(性)的32.female fimel adj. 女(性)的33.scatter skt vt. 散布;驱散34.restrict rstrkt vt. 限定;限制35.particular adj. 特定的;特殊的36.define dfan vt. 解释;给下定义37.agent ed()nt n.代理人;

40、代理商LANGUAGE POINTS1.be regarded as被认为 2.social division of labor社会分工3.labor division劳动分工4.at the same time 与此同时5.private ownership of means of production生产资料私有制6.be scattered使散布;使分散7.over the whole world遍布全世界8.and so on等等9.cope with对付;应付;克服;对抗10.be restricted to被限制在11.on behalf of 代表12.defineas把定义为1

41、3.get in touch with与接触UNITWhich Is More Important? Buying or Selling? 4 (引入) A JokeWould you be happy if you had all the money you wanted?Id be happy if I had all the money my creditors wanted. Text: Which Is More Important? Buying or Selling?One day, “buying” and “selling” met each other in the str

42、eet.“Buying” introduced itself to passengers: “ I am “买”, and there are six strokes altogether. All customers cant forget me since I was born. I t is only through me that they can change money into commodities.”On hearing this, “selling” responded, too. “ My name is “卖” and there are eight strokes a

43、ltogether. I have two strokes more than “买” and that is to say: I am more important than “买”.Text: Which Is More Important? Buying or Selling?Do you agree with “selling”? As far as I am concerned, I think that selling is more clever than buying no matter how you bargain with a seller in the market,

44、you are cheated at last But on the other hand, when outstanding achievements are poor, some sellers are always complaining: There is too much competition! Customers are too sly! Products are too expensive! There are no advertisements!” etc. In fact, such words and deeds are to admit defeat,It is sel

45、lers that give up in the face of buyers! It is an expression of incompetence! Now I have received such complaining telephones less and less, because I often speak in the training, those who talk about these words on the phone will speak directly in future: “ I am too stupid. I have no ability. I am

46、not a merchant.” So some sellers think of these words before they telephone me, they stop complaining. As a matter of fact, the result of complaint only makes your own situation even worse and the language of complaint only hits your own mood. Dont you trust? You may have a try: Every morning before

47、 you go out , in the washing room, you shout loudly “ I am a fool! I cant succeed!” repeating them 100 times! I am sure you can spend the day according to your slogan and as time goes on, you can realize your slogan.Text: Which Is More Important? Buying or Selling?The greatest difference between sel

48、lers and buyers is that sellers are more active than buyers forever! Because of producing sale, sellers study hard, but buyers dont study, so they are often cheated: Owing to looking for customers, sellers will continue to hit out and buyer wont, when they cant buy what they want, they may retreat f

49、or requesting the second; Due to existing, sellers always have crisis and always preserve fighting will, but buyers dont have any crisis, what they think is to give up buying at the worst; Because of this difference, it is decided that sellers can make money from buyers.Being a seller, he must be mo

50、re positive and active, must change himself further; must try by hook or by crook further. Only in this way can he swim in the business sea. A market is inexorable and it only values the result. A market is cruel and it only values heroes. A market is fairer and it only values the person who really

51、pays and makes .NEW WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS1.introduce ntrdjus vt. 介绍 2. stroke strk n. 笔画3.respond rspnd vt. 回答;有反应4. outstanding atstnd adj.杰出的;显著的5. achievement tivm()nt n. 成绩,成就6. complain kmplen vt.抱怨complaint n. 抱怨,叫屈7. competition kmpt()n n. 竟争;比赛8. sly sla adj.狡猾的;狡诈的9. products prdkts n.产品10.

52、expensive kspensv adj.昂贵的11.advertisement dvtzm()nt n.广告;公告12.stupid stjupd adj. 愚蠢的13.admit dmt vt.承认NEW WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS14.defeat dfit n.失败,战败15.expression kspre()n n.表达,表示16.incompetence nkmptns n.无能;不胜任17.situation stje()n n.情况,形势;局面18.mood mud n.情绪,心境,心情19.slogan slg()n n.口号;标语20.cheat tit

53、 vt.骗取,诈取21.exist gzst vt. 生存22.preserve przv vt.维持;保护23.inexorable neks()rb()l adj.无情的,毫不宽容的LANGUAGE POINTS1.introduce oneself to sb.自我介绍2.change into把兑换成3.as far as I am concerned就我个人来说4.agree with同意,赞成5.words and deeds言行6.admit defeat承认失败7.an expression of incompetence一种无能的表现8.as a matter of fact

54、其实9.make ones own situation even worse使自己的情况更糟10.as time goes on随着时间的推移11.because of因为,由于12.owing to由于,因为13.hit out 出击14.due to 因为,由于15.at the worst大不了16.make money赚钱17.try by hook or by crook想方设法UNITCredit Cards 5 (引入) A Joke What is this?It is a card.What kind of card is it? I am not sure. Credit

55、CardsText: Credit CardsA credit card is a credit receipt and a means of payment without using cash, which is issued and specialized offered by the hank for consumers to buy commodities and pay the expenses of labor and service. At first, it appeared in the United States and in the 1970s it was popul

56、ar in western developed countries. China began to issue credit cards in 1986.A credit card is made of plastic, so it is also called plastic currency or plastic bills, in the obverse of the card, it prints the name of the issuable bank, the validity, the number and the holders name and so on, and in

57、the reverse of the card, it prints the magnetic strip, the signature strip and so on and so forth.Text: Credit CardsThere are four kinds of credit cards mainly used in the world. They are buying-thing cards, keeping-account cards, cash cards and cheque cards. According to using subjects, credit card

58、s can be divided as unit cards and personal cards; According to reputation grades, there are platinum cards, gold cards and common cards; According to the kinds of currency, there are RMB cards, international cards or double-currency-form cards with two functions.A credit card is not only a convenie

59、nt means of payment, but also a good helper for the holder to manage money matters. If you can use it correctly, it can become a key for you to enter the door of managing money matters. With the credit card, you can buy things you need and dont have to carry much cash. This saves your time to go to

60、the bank. Also with the credit card, you dont have to worry about losing your money through carelessness or theft.Text: Credit CardsA credit card is not only a convenient means of payment, but also a good helper for the holder to manage money matters. If you can use it correctly, it can become a key


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