1、大学英语四六级考试 (CET 4)第一讲Writing 主讲人: 王惠敏沫蔑顷辗焰超扇掩觉蒋太摘弧勘泰刘操湾考啸陀咙影拙败弘债湃概抛块沛大学英语四级考试1.写作大学英语四级考试1.写作Brief Self-introductionEducation Background:Foreign English Department of East China Normal University Working Experiences:Four Years of College English Teaching Certificates:TEM-4, TEM-8, (both oral and writ
2、ten)Teachers Certificate for Higher EducationCourses Shouldered for This TermNew College English 4 &College English (New Edition) 2槐播双抚郴辣竖腑唉定艳主簿摹畏数走虽殆肾啦剔吐凸非评忍暂巩茁谴拣大学英语四级考试1.写作大学英语四级考试1.写作作文: 15%作文: 为短文写作题型,写作的体裁包括议论文、说明文、应用文等。考生在规定的30分钟的时间内完成整个文章的写作过程,而且必须遵守不少于120字和依据所给中文提纲的要求保质保量的完成。运围后年画撞俐陀秸纵窿养蹄拐孺
3、思炬铝密施韦哺作鸳榆允成网娠局甥队大学英语四级考试1.写作大学英语四级考试1.写作写作中存在的主要问题 ?1.内容太笼统,概括,不够具体,缺乏细节。2.缺乏逻辑性,想到哪写到哪儿,容易跑题。3.缺乏举例。4.写不出内容,缺乏进一步论述,观点不够全面。5.句子结构较单一,用词常用一些简单词汇。玲羞牌贬怎云兆宙媳庶懈根耙踢花马已屑陡盼嵌挪睦抓盂纤怀滩麦盛四理大学英语四级考试1.写作大学英语四级考试1.写作如何提高学生的四、六级英语写作水平?以 2007年12月大学英语四级考试题中写作部分为例:Part 1 WritingDirections: For this part,you are allow
4、ed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled What Electives to Choose. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below.1. 各大学为学生开设了多种多样的选修课2. 学生出于各种原因选择不同的选修课3. 以我自己为例恨垣艾剥沪聘成史挡窝哦趴挂窄遂元秘灰磕赊梆译劣托职璃煌丹醋椅肤纪大学英语四级考试1.写作大学英语四级考试1.写作一、审题 审题的环节主要是为了谋篇布局,确定短文的主要段落,即可以展开论述的主题部分(Body);以及确定文
5、章的另外两个次要的段落(Introduction and Conclusion). 对于题目给出的三点提纲:1.各大学为学生开设了多种多样的选修课 我们可以列举不同的选修课的名称,比如说:Tennis;Artistic Gymnastics; Selective Reading of Chinese Classic Literature; Business Administration 等等。当然也可以对不同选修课给学生带来的好处进行详细的论述,但是,首先对于选修课的名称翻译可能就是一大难题。老护烤瑚阅试昔思核损拉揉调床啼伟榆知攫辞乘材资教羔秀仰坪淤油法覆大学英语四级考试1.写作大学英语四级考
6、试1.写作2.学生出于各种原因选择不同的选修课 提纲中明显给出“出于各种原因”, 所以很容易会想出大多数学生是出于个人的兴趣爱好,会去选音乐方面的或体育方面的;还可能为以后就业或深造打基础,选外语或与专业相关的选修课; 或出于获取学分同时休闲娱乐的,选一些影视欣赏的课程。3.以我自己为例 一般会考虑成为简单的总结陈述,自己的选择以及原因或所获取的益处。任涩载涨交嘻捕肃沁证豫箭测搁舟羹后蜗卸跑纹菊蒂忿缘右窗褐哆倍警落大学英语四级考试1.写作大学英语四级考试1.写作二、列简单提纲 每段只需写出几个关键词即可,这样顺着这些词写就就不会想到哪儿写到哪儿,避免跑题,而且写得内容比较全面。1.陈述目前大学
7、开设选修课的现状。 a wide variety of selectives/ in universities2. 原因: interest; preparation for the future job or furtehr study; earn credits.3. As for me, movie appreciation/ earn credits / a form of entertainment联派芜怯时抠蹋肋胚限饥霓熊泻切械袖稳险坏备鞋蝎滤漫芒氰娜囚森丫债大学英语四级考试1.写作大学英语四级考试1.写作1.造成污染的原因因:factories give off smoke an
8、d dust;throw paper, plastic bags carelessly; spit on ground2.污染的危害:a.air pollution:ozonosphere(臭氧层)being destroyed, breathing disease b.water pollution: rivers, various diseases: low intelligence, health affectedc.peoples mood is greatly affected邓蜗惮验篇拟剧鱼仙兑攫孝赂漓漠矛排升胃撅歼某质誓税随涕唇社滨胎喝大学英语四级考试1.写作大学英语四级考试1.
9、写作3.怎样防止污染:shut down some factories;improve peoples consciousness; adopt some measures警晓骸引恐圈钙厌睹胸彪搔咐仰债句歼瓦酵匪迪龋堤副铲治昧醋配哮耳备大学英语四级考试1.写作大学英语四级考试1.写作 列提纲的过程也是一个挖掘思想的过程,根据各段的的主题句,将脑子里出现的想法用最简单的方式写出来,然后再进行筛选,挑出最主要的,去掉次要的。这样能防止写作文时跑题。一个好处是写得内容比较全全面。如果边想边写,很容易写了一大段,结果只写了一个方面,将重要内容拉掉或走题。所以平时练习时就应该养成列提纲的习惯。查坛鲁伊悼
10、谎髓淹弥益歪萤瘸蒋肪嘿哲妹誉枫驹离隅移兄挽讳茁盂呛意俄大学英语四级考试1.写作大学英语四级考试1.写作三、分类法 分类法是写作中常用到的一种方法。与一些过渡词连用可使文章条里清楚,层次分明。例:Why is marking up a book indispensable to reading? First, itkeeps you awake. In the second place, reading, if it is active, is thinking, and thinking tends to express itself in words, spoken or written.
11、The marked book is usually the thought-through book. Finally, writing helps you remember the thoughts you had, or the thoughts the author expressed.分类法常用的过渡词有:firstly, secondly, thirdly; furthermore, moreover, besides, in addition; in the first place, in the second place; on one hand; on the other h
12、and; last but not least(最后但并不是最不重要的)等。孵卧拾锯访掠顿甄催隐鄂国瓢第烁槐撩讯踢聂腔棘又励膝行肠臣熟滋辨傍大学英语四级考试1.写作大学英语四级考试1.写作四、举例法 举例法是通过提供实例来扩展段落的一种方法。用实例进一步阐述,支持主题句中的观点,从而使其得到更为充分和完整的表达。在议论文和说明文中如果缺乏必要的例子,就不能使读者信服。学生写作中的通病就是缺少举例。在论述某一问题时,只是泛泛提几点而不给例子,这样内容就显得很空洞。因此,在能举例的地方尽量给出两三个甚至更多个具有代表性的例子。注意举例一定要简短,否则,文章就成了记叙文。举例后要用一句话来概括此段内
13、容。臣畴吴彼迭吏谦昌痛熊岭撑辉契剩荫耗必蜜订懊精沙陶汀皖阅眉糕牡诞汐大学英语四级考试1.写作大学英语四级考试1.写作例 1:The most remarkable thing about daydreaming maybe its usefulness in shaping our future lives as we want them to be. Industrialist HenryJ.Kaiser believes that much of his success was due to the positive use of daydreaming. He maintained th
14、at“you can imagine your future.” Florence Nightingale dreamed of becoming a nurse.The young Thomas Edison pictured himself as an inventor. For these not able achievers, it appears that their Daydreams came true.举例使文中论点很有说服力。 丛傻餐默卞骚聋通瑶哆护蒸隅筷代振枪砖莆霉蜜喜腿曳质刊撰穴孺娇虫癌大学英语四级考试1.写作大学英语四级考试1.写作例2: The professiona
15、l entertainerswork is not always easy. Every night in the theatre, actors and actresses have to remember thousands of words. Every night in concert hall and night clubs, musicians try hard to make no mistakes when they play their music. Singers worry about singing the right notes. Magicians are nerv
16、ous about mak-ingistakes, worrying that one day a magic trick or a cardtrick will not work. Perhaps circus clowns and night club comedians, however, have the hardest job of all. They have to make people laugh everyday with well-told jokes and funny acts. No, being an entertainer is not such an easy
17、way to make a living.详帽州穆悯掇虹堤赢羞齐犹瘤蔑侗惰肉利这航眨狮毡羊球龙粤凝预挺哆房大学英语四级考试1.写作大学英语四级考试1.写作五、因果分析法 因果分析通常用以解释与论证某一观点或现象, 用以讨论和分析某事发生的原因和各种原因导致的结果等。有的作文已给出结果让分析原因。如图表作文多数已给出数据和结果,让分析造成这种现象的原因;而有的则给出原因让分析结果。 一个结果往往是由不同的原因所造成的,一个原因也会导致不同的结果。许多学生只从一个或两个方面来分析,所以显得内容空洞。 因此,在分析原因或结果时应避免只从一个角度来分析,而应从不同的角度进行分析。颓闭奖懦已驮惦墓弛够偷
18、压啡蝉执倒牙居春娜椒称塞耀耐籽瘤切齐绝摧罐大学英语四级考试1.写作大学英语四级考试1.写作 Long-distance running everyday can significantly change a runners life-style. Firstly, if one insists on running for sometime, hell find he has more energy and can do more things. The days will grow longer because of less sleep needed. Secondly, the body
19、 will become thinner,smoother,firmer.Thirdly, running also produces a Healthful feeling of pleasant,excitement,which comes from adherence to a strict routine and the improved physical condition. So, running makes one feel good, about himself and about the world. 此段从精力、身体和心情三个方面分析了坚持长跑所带来的良好结果。就天笼奠愁中
20、邓傻弃客关痒勿掷载烩浊碑攻视奖纶支粳弹景洪狸呻藏办友大学英语四级考试1.写作大学英语四级考试1.写作六、比较与对照 比较和对照也是常见的一种写作方法。比较是对人或事物之间的相同进行分析;对比是对人或事物之间的不同点进行比较。不过,这两种方法也不能截然分开。比较和对照有两种写作方法:如果内容较少,可将比较或对照的事物分开描述,先写一方的全部细节,再写另一方;如果内容多,则可逐点进行。比较与对比常用的过渡词有:similarly, likewise, in the same way, on the contrary, while,whereas,on the one hand;on the oth
21、er hand,in contrast等。墓你老盅火郸档粥灭风腑恋案乃拽脑基炽七宿否尤擅扇衙窗犬慌鸭瘫紫拇大学英语四级考试1.写作大学英语四级考试1.写作七、定义法 定义法是对一种事物的含义、本质、特征和范畴做确切而简要说明的方法。它可使读者对事物的特点有更深的了解。如: As to the definition of “winning”, a lot of things come to my mind:to win the first prize in a contestis“win-ning”;to successfully defeat enemies is“winning”; to m
22、ake great achievements after painstaking efforts can also be called“winning”. Generally speaking, “winning”maybe defined as attaining a personal goal or arriving at a prede-termined destination.在展开段落时,人们还常用以上提到的两种和两种以上结合的方式,如分类和举例相结合,分类和因果分析相结合的方式。钾洗倒错队泼骸擒权溶致窄赦庸忠蔬竭偿巧恢菇哀区淀抬砌郁狐瘦粕框衍大学英语四级考试1.写作大学英语四级考试
23、1.写作八、 句式 在写作中,另一个很重要的方面是句式的变化。许多学生只会用简单句和从句,而不会用现在分词短语、过去分词短语、不定式短语、介词短语等。而这些句式会给作文增添光彩。如:(1)As for the Flat Earth theory, I believe I could refute it.(介词短语)(2)Against the Oval Earth man, the first card I can play is the analogy of the sun and moon.(介词短语)(3)To save his“honor”, he had to do the thin
24、gs that he did not want to.(不定式短语)(4)Bettie held him, tears streaming down her face.(现在分词短语)(5)When cast on the moon during eclipse, it appears to be the shadow of a round object.(过去分词短语)(6) She was something more, a person like me, capable of fear and hurt and failure.(形容词短语)(7)It was along, slow j
25、ourney that almost ended in disaster.(It强调句型)姻必砸北膝哭今沏痞捧骤嗡拉窥因纺屡高杂圆捌答馁呻绸铱践诗底逢旦击大学英语四级考试1.写作大学英语四级考试1.写作 在这两段中,有宾语从句、定语从句、主语从句、介词短语及过去分词短语等结构,各种句型的结合使文章简洁、生动。英语课本是写作的基础。在大学英语精读和泛读课本中,只要详细阅读就可找到很多好的地道的表达法和结构,如果能将这些句型记住并掌握其用法,并能模仿篇章的组织结构,用词时,尽量用在大学学过的词汇来代替中学时学过的简单词汇,我相信学生的写作就会有较大的长进。摇氟属肖堵诱慎枕泌尧榜惭台目粳缠吵淄类党差
26、尔搏玫擅灰够浴蔗棺疚耍大学英语四级考试1.写作大学英语四级考试1.写作四级作文预测1、论说文例1:Buying or Borrowing Books?(1)有些人认为书应该借来看(2)有些人认为书应该买来看(3)你的选择?贱率帐李眠植霜霖冉她岩隧稽其琳阎诞尸胜撼痔敝煎拣罐枝镶逢馆饵俞亏大学英语四级考试1.写作大学英语四级考试1.写作 Books can arm us with knowledge and information we need to make success of life. There are generally two ways in which we can have a
27、ccess to books: borrowing or buying. While millions are borrowing books, I still think buying them best suits me and gives me the greatest pleasure. 哑痹量罩毕澳铆恼抒藐顷纤阵尧壹蓟铂亡髓况唐敖隧滑蒂疾岗渐茸戎瞒嚏大学英语四级考试1.写作大学英语四级考试1.写作 Many people choose to borrow books. For one thing, borrowing books can save us huge amounts of
28、 money. For another, if we borrow books from the library or friends, we normally have deadline to finish them. And consequently we can read more books in a limited time, just as a famous Chinese saying goes, “books can not be read unless borrowed.”锋济控音贾膊瓮檄晴庸脂乘镶华额码撕殆明陀蜕臆暖划刑走笔夕蜀氢昏臀大学英语四级考试1.写作大学英语四级考试
29、1.写作 I believe that advantages for buying books are more obvious and compelling. Firstly, we can keep the books as long as we wish. Secondly, we can take whatever notes on the margin of the pages of the books. Finally, the process of selecting and keeping books can be a great fun.春梦撅蛇傲庞顾咱蜡尖宴喂氓卉饯裹唐暮熟
30、宵锌酸苑谐蛀划拢擅亩捉拧烬大学英语四级考试1.写作大学英语四级考试1.写作例2:论电话与写信 Will Phones Kill Letter Writing? 1许多人都认为人电话将取代写信,你认为呢?2请列举能支持你观点的论据3给一个简短的结论Will Phones Kill Letter Writing?丛疡哲重纠有钵礁供嗣惟泥委紊刑理般敲利壕扳檄董皇渔乘禁埂碑措乙霄大学英语四级考试1.写作大学英语四级考试1.写作 Today, more than ever before, we depend on the expediency brought about by such modern d
31、evices as phones. As a result, when we feel the need to communicate with friends, instead of picking up the pen to set down to serious writing, we pick up the phone. Indeed, we speak so much and write so little that some people begin to suspect that phones will kill letter writing. However widely us
32、ed it is today, the phone will not take the place of letter, for both phone and letter writing have respective functions to perform. 驭拿谬押衙睛寂袍铱浓葵氓米胶彝廖则俯萨瞩造塞缺溯任赵邹霹铺吁收缆大学英语四级考试1.写作大学英语四级考试1.写作 There are at least two reasons, as far as I am concerned, why this will not happen. For one thing, although ph
33、ones admittedly have already taken over many roles traditionally played by the letter, there are certain areas such as commercial transactions and legal correspondence, in which black and white sincerity and confirmation is still a must. For another, in no way can a quick phone conversation convey a
34、nd accomplish as much as a deliberate, well worded letter does. For instance, there seems to be no better device than letter writing to express deep, heart-felt, profound love, a fact underlined by the enormous love letters of great men and women. As we know, in the 1960s, there had been so much tal
35、k that TV would kill newspapers. And it has never happened. Today we are in a similar situation. We can be certain, for the reasons discussed above, that letter writing is irreplaceable.则邓渡左巨纷揭两逾誓鹏亩交寞抱沽抗卞狈虏谩房您扦弊胞豫绚决呆燥蛹大学英语四级考试1.写作大学英语四级考试1.写作李法勉恨固右瞬膛送邓布亮窿粳底狠歹葬窝啪剂褪督奖镐干躺公筐上疆妮大学英语四级考试1.写作大学英语四级考试1.写作 A
36、 staying at homeB travelingC doing social investigationD other ways From the two charts, we can see that in the past ten years the students who go traveling and do social investigations during vacations have increased greatly while those who stay at home have decreaseda lot.贩离孩砂枕点掐樊食郧匡这薯击谣庄雪滚釉圆长聂谎婆市
37、旬公好间此蹄霍大学英语四级考试1.写作大学英语四级考试1.写作 There are several reasons for the changes. Firstly, with the development of economy, many people have become better off. Students can get financial support from their parents for traveling. Secondly, tourism has greatly developed over the past ten years. Many new scen
38、ic spots have been built and exploited. In addition, the students today are expected and encouraged to participate in facing the real world. In this way they can obtain the necessary experiences required when they go job-hunting upon graduation.From the changes in the charts, we can predict that mor
39、e and more college students will make their vacations interesting and worthwhile by going to the outside world instead of staying at home. 腰犹位公诲剂渐蜡忽好葛珍畜缺镣履挖簿嫂赡哄蚁削惫见讽流数北审帅遂大学英语四级考试1.写作大学英语四级考试1.写作Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter. Suppose you are Jill. Write a le
40、tter to your friend Li Fang. You should write at least 120 words according to the situation given below in Chinese:假设你的好朋友李芳是大学四年级学生,正在考虑是考研究生继续深造还是大学毕业后就踏上工作岗位。请给她写封信表明你的态度。 葫蠕砖寞霍次兹挣伊彝恨枕炸禾凌瞬宝桂季坏沥耪胁百规袄复刨瓣析薛萄大学英语四级考试1.写作大学英语四级考试1.写作Dear Fang, I understand that you are in a dilemma. Although so many g
41、raduates are eager to set feet on their work-life road, there are still some who prefer to start their new life after gaining another degree to make better preparation for entering society. In my opinion, the latter are more admirable. You are good at all your course these years, so if you do like t
42、o spend another two or three years on campus, you should stick to it. In todays society, the achievement and status you can get and the devotion you can make are no doubt in proportion to your educational background and degrees, coupled with the efforts you put in them. If you want to stride to your
43、 destinations more smoothly and easily, why not head for the further study courageously? Whichever you choose, I firmly believe your industry will ensure your success. After all, it is you who have the finally say on the final choice. Best wishes, Yours sincerely , *扰饵歹沼部糕节雹扦戳伶黎焕剑柑垂咯亲烩红汞逝魄证耍坚狰煮啄碎砌节大
44、学英语四级考试1.写作大学英语四级考试1.写作Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic: My View on the post-graduate Craze. You should write at least 120 words and base yourcomposition on the outline (given in Chinese) below:1 目前考研究生形成热潮。2 我认为这股热潮的原因是. 跟几巴汪尉醇并蛤窘奖渡酵淬求跋箍学汾村岸簧
45、攒朽宣奉栏钳麻深稻荫庸大学英语四级考试1.写作大学英语四级考试1.写作My View on the Post-graduate Craze Every year, million of college students will sit in for the post-graduate entrance examination. More and more students have regarded the pursuing of a master degree as an indispensable part of their education. What is to account f
46、or their enthusiasm for a post-graduate diploma? First, it is the demand of the time. In an age of knowledge updating and information explosion, what you have learned in college can hardly meet the demand of society. Talents of high quality who are equipped with the latest knowledge and skill will b
47、e needed more than ever. That is why many students will further their studies.碴隆奄诬华愉拟适攒瞬除袜热坠倾旧呸皮胳地查治哄壶夺婪垛法彪壳任敝大学英语四级考试1.写作大学英语四级考试1.写作 Second, we all recognize that the more education you have, the more likely you are to succeed. Compared with those without a master degree, masters will enjoy more p
48、referential treatment, for example, better salaries, more opportunities for promotion and training. A post-graduate degree can guarantee a more promising career.Last but not least, with the graduation of a large number of college students, competition for jobs becomes more and more fierce.One way to
49、 gain some advantage over others is to have a higher degree.No wonder millions of students will consider pursuing a post-graduate degree.吞恶帝躬锚稻昂荔顶戴极厚梦吧厘肿推挽破显戮通岂茶垦褐粳很妇哭褥碎大学英语四级考试1.写作大学英语四级考试1.写作Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic: Fascinating Chin
50、a. You should write at least 120 words according to the situation given below in Chinese:一位外国朋友第一次来中国,他想让你介绍两三样极具中国特色的事物(可以是风俗文化等), 你会向他介绍什么?如何介绍? 凑勤刨艰赫漫颈慧婪滨虑岗氮确杯辙升帧凰龟废柬驶海扮鼓侮讳军蒙专同大学英语四级考试1.写作大学英语四级考试1.写作Fascination in China China, one of the cradles of human civilization, possesses so many treasures
51、 with Chinese characteristics that numerous foreign friends come to visit her.The first place to go to is, the Great Wall, which is the symbol of China and one of the seven wonders in the world. Whats more, it is said to be the only construction that can be seen from the outer space. In the imperial
52、 periods, it was used in defense of the dynasties. Since liberation, it has become a place of interest. There is a famous saying: He who does not reach the Great Wall isnt a true man. 褥灸辜晋肮厅磁竹炎负诱择朔式蛛汐伪否贼襄兰鞠部赛败乔姨恭孕烃嗓壮大学英语四级考试1.写作大学英语四级考试1.写作 China is home to Panda, an animal with only two colors, whi
53、te and black, but very cute. Its our national treasure, often functioning as a friendly diplomat. Terracotta-clay warriors unearthed in Xian, a famous ancient city-were sculptured in Qin Dynasty, the first dynasty of China. When former U.S. President Clinton came to China, he visited terracottas fir
54、st. The above mentioned are just a wave of the sea. If you want to know more about this ancient nation, come and be our guest. 沦各藩争舷邑非厦柔涣纺杭窄涨缝趁集巴粹霄宿让容酉汤葵诬蔼谨爪兑锡大学英语四级考试1.写作大学英语四级考试1.写作四六级作文模板辐流辅怯厕狈茨扮侧搞兔钻袍延拍磕舰爵通堪段涸芳幂息询瑶巷遮孔亥纵大学英语四级考试1.写作大学英语四级考试1.写作1. 对比选择型热点追踪2. 问题解决型3. 观点论证型4. 图表说明型5. 应用文 6.万能模版武侩扣斌乍
55、踊骨俯钩严玲继浙蝗蛊翟劣枣唯限值凤脚芯藕撵丝揣丽裔桔捎大学英语四级考试1.写作大学英语四级考试1.写作一. 对比选择型热点追踪 There is no consensus of opinions among people as to whether students should study abroad or not. Some people are of the view that the youths should go overseas for further study if possible, while others take an opposite stand, firmly
56、believing that it is of no necessity for students to study in a foreign country.Those people who maintain that it is good for students to go abroad for further study believe that diverse culture background can broaden students horizon. They also claim that overseas study can shape students personali
57、ty because they are forced to deal with all kinds of difficulties bythemselves.侧铅和窍刊坎哗夫践劫翘嫉涩霉丽艳矩檀俄盗椎拉巾踌铃主局岗柯喇拙澄大学英语四级考试1.写作大学英语四级考试1.写作 Nevertheless, the other people who contend that domestic education is good enough for students argue that our educational quality has been greatly improved during t
58、he past decade. They also point out that domestic education is convenient and economical. As far as I am concerned, the former opinion holds more weight. For one thing, it can strengthen the learners abilities to understand and communicate with people from other cultures. For another, the developed
59、countries still have a lot advanced knowledge which is worth our study. When all the factors are examined, we may reasonably come to the conclusion that studying abroad if possible is advisable. 间锈君搜玄嚷卑语编厌主混精鸯傀睫跌雄捌潦笔茨烛拼秘纯闷牌痢礁掉错大学英语四级考试1.写作大学英语四级考试1.写作二. 问题解决型 实例How to Succeed in a Job Interview? 面试在
60、求职过程中的作用、面试成功的因素仪表、举止谈吐、能力、专业知识、自信、实事求是How I Finance My College Education?、My View on Fake Commodities 模板With the development/improvement of (铺垫), (某一问题). It is necessary that (关注解决引出的问题很必要). On the one hand, (理由一). On the other hand, (理由二).Therefore, how to (承上启下句要解决的问题) is worth paying attention.
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