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1、浅论乌拉盖管理区草原生态保护与建设摘 要:乌拉盖管理区草场出现不同程度的沙化和退化,为加强草原 的保护、建设和合理利用,促进畜牧业可持续发展,实现“草畜动态 平衡、草场略有盈余”的目标,管理区采取六项举措狠抓草畜平管理 工作。关键词:草原;畜牧业;生态保护;1乌拉盖管理区现状乌拉盖管理区是内蒙古锡林郭勒盟辖内的县级管理区,总面积5013.6 km2,可利用草场面积638.1万亩,耕地面积70万亩(轮作)。乌拉盖管理区以农牧业生产为主,近年来依托地区矿产品生产的发 展,地区经济效益猛增,2009年末地区生产总值达15.76亿元,财政 收入实现2.1亿元。近年来随着工业化发展步伐的加快,管理区农牧

2、 业产业化发展已初具规模,发展前景看好。但是,在农业产业化迅猛发展的同时,由于畜牧业发展长期以来没 有得到足够的重视,还处于相对落后的传统生产方式,生产力水平低 下,牧区经济发展缓慢。伴随牲畜数量的增加、草地放牧强度的加大, 在盲目垦荒、不合理利用等诸多因素的共同作用下,草地原有的生态 系统遭到严重破坏,锡盟境内的草场已出现不同程度的沙化和退化。 位于锡盟东北部的乌拉盖湿地,曾经维持着广袤的东乌珠穆沁草原。 锡林郭勒盟乌拉盖管理区的网站上,一直自豪地说这是“世界上最好 的草原”。但是自2004年以来,由于上游截断水源发展矿业及附属产 业,乌拉盖湿地已干涸,曾经近5万公里的乌珠穆沁草原正奄奄一息

3、。 2草原保护与建设的主要做法为了加强草原的保护、建设和合理利用,促进畜牧业可持续发展, 实现“草畜动态平衡、草场略有盈余的目标,管理区采取六项举措狠 抓草畜平管理工作。2.1按照“草畜平衡、草场略有盈余”的原则,合 理确定载畜能力,大力压减牲畜头数管理区参照前五年草地生产 能力,结合卫星遥感影像资料,以嘎查村、分场为单位核定公布今后 三年的草原合理载畜量。对涵养水源重要生态功能区及严重退化、暗 沙带区域单独公布核定合理载畜量。今后三年全管理区草原冷季平均 合理载畜量为24.52亩/羊单位,比2009年度降低24%,冷季可饲养 量25.46万羊单位。计划2010年全管理区冷季可饲养牲畜头数压减

4、 到22万头只,比2009年同期压减10.94万头只,压减比例达33%。 2.2实行领导负责制,层层签订草畜平衡管理责任状进一步明确三场、镇是是本辖区实施草畜平衡制度的责任主体,分场、嘎查(村)、 引进企业和牧户是草畜平衡制度的落实主体,草原监督管理机构是监 督主体,并实行领导负责制,明确各自的责任和义务。目前已完成 95%牧户的草畜平衡责任状签订工作。草畜平衡责任书的内容包括承 包经营草原面积、合理载畜能力、牧户的责任义务、处罚办法等。2.3把草畜平衡管理作为长期的制度 管理区暖季草畜平衡核定时 间定为每年的5月1日至9月30日;冷季草畜平衡核定时间定为每 年的10月1日至次年4月30日。每

5、年的冷暖季由管理区草原监理局 会同森林公安、农业综合执法大队进行抽查,抽查率要达到20%以上, 并对场镇检查情况进行核查验收。除定期检查以外,管理区草原监理 局和各场镇常年不定期抽查牧户草畜平衡制度落实情况,把草畜动态 平衡管理作为一项长期的制度来落实。2.4设立举报电话,鼓励群众监督 管理区、场镇两级草原监督管 理机构和场(镇)设立举报电话。对在核查草畜平衡制度中,瞒报牲 畜头数或隐藏牲畜的行为,任何单位及个人有权监督举报。对举报属 实的举报人,按照被举报者超载牲畜数,给予5元/羊单位的奖励。2.5实行草畜平衡制度目标化管理制度 管理区对总体达到草畜平 衡的场镇中,根据本场镇超载户数占总户数

6、的比例、超载牲畜的比例 及年度定期、不定期考核情况,每年评选一个场镇为草畜平衡工作先 进集体,并给予奖励;对总体未达到草畜平衡的场镇实行“一票否决”, 取消年度工作评优资格。连续二年未达到草畜平衡要求的场镇,对主 要责任人给予岗位调整。2.6实行奖惩制度 根据草畜平衡工作落 实情况,管理区在草原监理系统工作人员中每年评选5名优秀工作者(局领导1名、工作人员4名)给予表彰奖励;对工作不合格的人员, 视情节轻重给予警告、经济处罚、辞退等处分。各场镇制定对本辖区 内的草畜平衡制度落实具体的奖惩办法。3草畜平衡效益分析3.1生态效益 草畜平衡工程建设把生态保护与草原建设紧密结 合起来,进一步优化了草地

7、生态环境,使匮乏的草地资源得到合理利 用。通过对退化及沙化草地进行禁牧休牧和补播改良,使管理区牧草 高度及草地植被盖度大大提高,休牧草场牧草植被恢复明显,生态环 境得到了有效改善,草原涵养水源的能力进一步增强,水土流失现象 明显减少,同时探索出了一条保护草地生态、促进高寒牧区畜牧业可 持续发展的新模式,以此推动畜牧业经济快速发展。草畜平衡管理以 恢复草原植被、改善草原环境为目标,把生态保护与草原建设密切结 合起来,建立起草地畜牧业生产动态平衡系统,优化草地生态环境, 促进草地生态系统良性循环,使匮乏的草地资源在充分合理利用的同 时,做到持续平衡、永续利用。3.2社会效益草畜平衡工程建设以恢复草

8、原植被、改善草原环境 为目标,把生态保护与草原建设密切结合起来,建立起草地畜牧业生 产动态平衡系统,优化草地生态环境,促进草地生态系统良性循环, 使匮乏的草地资源得到充分合理利用,做到持续平衡。通过项目实施, 能够提高干部群众建设草原、保护草原和合理利用草原的意识,促使 其充分认识保护草原生态环境的紧迫性和重要性,使建设草原、保护 草原的积极性得到提高。管理区广大贫困牧户通过项目实施,能够掌 握一定的草原改良技术、畜种养殖技术知识,改变传统落后的草原利 用方式和畜牧生产方式,优化产业结构,不断提高养殖经济效益,增 加牧民收入,进而提高生活质量,达到构建和谐社会,实现社会稳定、 人民安居乐业的目

9、的。The ho theory of shallow cover administrative grassland ecological protection and constructionPick to: ulla cover appeared different degree of administrative zonepasture desertification and degradation, to strengthen the protection of grassland, the construction and rational utilization, promoting

10、 the sustainable development of animal husbandry, to achieve breeding dynamic balance, pasture, a slight surplus target, administrative zones to take six measures vigorously promotes the breeding level, management work.Key words: the prairie; Animal husbandry; Ecological protection;Ho 1 cover portio

11、ns of the situationUlla cover administrative zone is the xilingol league area of Inner Mongolia facility at the county level administrative zone, with a total area of 5013.6 km2, available pasture area of 6.381 million mu, the cultivated land area of 700000 mu (rotation). Ulla cover management area

12、is given priority to with agriculture production, depending on the region in recent years the development of commodity production, regional economic benefits, at the end of 2009 GDP amounted to 1.576 billion yuan, fiscal revenue reached 210 million yuan. The quickening pace of industrialization in r

13、ecent years, administrative zone agriculture industrialization development has begun to take shape, develop good prospect.But, at the same time in the rapid development of agricultural industrialization, because of the animal husbandry development for a long time didnt get enough attention, is still

14、 in relatively backward traditional production mode and low level of productivity, pastoral area economic development is slow. Accompanied by an increase in the number of livestock and grassland grazing intensity increased, the blind reclamation and irrational using the common influence of many fact

15、ors, such as grass original ecosystem suffered severe damage, XiMeng territory have appeared different degree of desertification and degeneration of pasture. Wetland is located over the North-East XiMeng hooray, had maintained a vast east WuZhu MuQin grassland. Ho xilingol league area cover district

16、 web site, has always been proud to say this is the worlds best grassland. But since 2004, because of truncation upstream water mining and associated industries development, ulla cover wetland has dried up, once almost 50000 kilometers WuZhu MuQin grassland were dying.Two main methods of grassland p

17、rotection and construction In order to strengthen and rational utilization of grassland protection and construction, promoting the sustainable development of animal husbandry, to achieve breeding dynamic balance, pasture, a slight surplus target, administrative zones to take six measures vigorously

18、promotes the breeding level, management work. 2.1 according to the principle of breeding a slight surplus balance, pasture, reasonably determine the carrying capacity, vigorously reduce livestock grass for five years before administrative zones refer to production capacity, combined with satellite r

19、emote sensing image data, in GaZha village, breakout grassland reasonable grazing capacity shall be announced the next three years. Degeneration of important eco-function areas of water conservation and reasonable grazing capacity, reef area reported separately for approval. All administrative zone

20、grassland cold season in the next three years the average reasonable grazing capacity is 24.52 mu/sheep units, 24% lower than in 2009, the cold season could be 254600 sheep breeding units. Plan all administrative zone 2010 cold season can raise livestock reduce to 220000 head, reduce than the same p

21、eriod in 2009 head 2009, reduce proportion of 33%.implement the leadership responsibility system, layer upon layer breeding balance management ZeRenZhuang further clear, three field, town is implementation of breeding system of balance to the areas under their respective jurisdiction, the main respo

22、nsibility of the breakout, GaZha (village), the introduction of enterprise and MuHu is breeding balance system, the implementation of the main body, grassland supervision and administration institution is to monitor the main body, and implement the leadership responsibility system, clear the respect

23、ive responsibilities and obligations. Currently has completed 95% MuHu breeding balance ZeRenZhuang sign work. Breeding balance the responsibility of content including contract management, grassland area, reasonable, carrying capacity, MuHu responsibility, penalty, etc.breeding balance management, a

24、s a long-term system of administrative zone during breeding balance verification time, as every year from May 1 to September 30; Cold season breeding balance verification time, as the annual October 1 to April 30, in the following year. Every years changes in temperature season by administrative sup

25、ervision bureau jointly with the forest public security, agriculture comprehensive law enforcement spot check, sampling rate to above 20%, and the inspection status field, acceptance check. In addition to the regular inspection, administrative zone town perennial grassland supervision bureau and the

26、 field is not periodic surveillance MuHu breeding balance system, to carry out the situation, the breeding of dynamic balance, management as a long-term system to implement.set up a call to encourage the populace to supervise administrative zone, field town two levels of grassland supervision and ad

27、ministration institution and set up a call (town). On the verification result balance system, conceal livestock or hidden animals behavior, any unit and individual shall have the right to monitor report. To report true person, in proportion to the number by whistleblowers overload livestock, sheep g

28、ave 5 yuan/unit.shall practise a system of breeding balance, targeted administrative management system in the overall balanced result of the town, the town overloaded proportion of number of persons of homes, according to this overload of livestock scale and annual regular and not regular check, a f

29、ield in each town for breeding balance work, advanced collective, and reward; Overall have not reached breeding balance field, implement one ticket veto, disqualified from annual assessment. Consecutive two years did not meet the requirements of breeding balance, a town, the main responsible for pos

30、t adjustment. 2.6 shall practise a system of rewards and punishments according to breeding balance work, to carry out the situation, administrative staff in the grassland supervision system in the five outstanding workers in each (bureau leadership four) 1, staff give commendation and reward for; Un

31、qualified personnel to work, depending on the seriousness to give warning, financial penalties, dismissal and other disciplinary action. Within the jurisdiction of each field, make this breeding balance system to implement the specific rewards and punishments measures.3 breeding balance, benefit ana

32、lysis3.1 ecological breeding balance engineering construction, combining the ecological protection and construction on the grasslands, and further optimize the grassland ecological environment, the lack of reasonable use of grassland resources. Through degradation and desertification grassland for g

33、razing prohibition Hugh and reseed improved, make the administrative zones forage grass height and vegetation coverage is greatly increased, Hugh grass field, vegetation restoration, ecological environment has been effectively improved, and further enhance its capability of grassland water conservat

34、ion, soil erosion phenomenon is significantly reduced, at the same time explore out a protect the grassland ecology, alpine pastoral animal husbandry to promote a new model of sustainable development, the rapid expansion of economic development to promote animal husbandry. Breeding balance managemen

35、t, in order to restore grassland vegetation, grassland environment improvement as the goal, closely combine the ecological protection and grassland construction, set up to draft the livestock production dynamic balancing system, optimize the grassland ecological environment, promote the grassland ecosystem benign circulation, make the lack of grassland resources while fully rational use, sustainable balance, do it.3.2 social benefit breeding balance project construction, to restore grassland vegetation, grassland environment improvement as the goal, closely combine


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