1、cornn. (the seed of) a tall plant grown, esp. in America and Australia, for its ears of yellow seeds 玉米 e.g. Many people especially girls like popped corn. 很多人特别是女孩子喜欢爆米花。The ground was plowed and planted with corn.地耕完后种上了玉米。 Ironically adv. used when talking about a situation in which the opposite
2、of what you expected happens or is true 讽刺地;说反话地e.g. He smiled ironically.他微笑中带有讽刺意味。Ironically, most people came to watch the match the day it poured with rain.老天爷好像成心捉弄人,很多人前来看比赛却偏偏下起瓢泼大雨。harvest v. to gather (a crop); reap 收割(庄稼),收获e.g. The farmers are harvesting the wheat. 农民们正在收割小麦。One hundred
3、signatures were harvested. 收集到了100个签名。introducev. to bring sth. into use or operation for the first time 引进,推行,采用e.g. Potatoes were introduced to Europe from South America. 土豆从南美传入欧洲。Introduce a new course into the curriculum. 新开一门课程。grainn. crops from plants which produce such as seeds, esp. from w
4、heat 谷物e.g.Stores of grain are frequently attacked by pests. 储存的谷物经常受到害虫的破坏。A bag of grain 一袋粮食nativeadj. growing, living, found, etc. in a place 土生土长的;出生地的;本地的 n.本地人;本国人e.g. My native language is Chinese. 我的母语是汉语。He is a Shanghai native. 他是土生土长的上海人。sweetadj. containing or having a taste like sugar甜
5、的,可爱的,美好的e.g. The water tastes a bit sweet. 这水有点儿甜味。Girls dont like their tea sweet. 女孩子喝茶不喜欢放糖。popcornn. a kind of corn that swells and bursts open when heated, and is usually eaten warm with salt or sugar as a snack 爆玉米花 e.g. She usually watches TV with a bowl of popcorn. 她通常在看电视的时候吃一碗爆米花。I used t
6、o eat lots of popcorn when I was a boy. 当我是个孩子时我常常吃很多爆米花。grind v. to break sth. into small pieces or powder, either in a machine or between two hard surfaces 磨碎,碾碎 e.g. Some people grind their teeth while they are asleep, but they are not aware of it. 有些人睡觉时磨牙,但他们意识不到。grind something into dust 把磨得粉碎
7、slice v. to cut into slices 把切成薄片 n. 薄片,片e.g. A loaf of sliced bread, please. 请给我一个切好片的面包。a slice of bread 一片面包excellent adj. very good; of very high quality卓越的;极好的e.g. Liu Xiang is an excellent athlete; all his movements are perfectly coordinated. 刘翔是个优秀的运动员,他所有的动作都非常协调。He is an excellent student a
8、nd all teachers like him. 他是个优秀的学生,所有的老师都喜欢他。sourcen. the place where sth. begins; starting point of a river 来源e.g. Do you have any other source of income in addition to your job? 除了工作收入之外你还有其他收入来源吗?Where does the Yangtze take its source? 长江发源于何处?nourishmentn. the food and other substances that peop
9、le and other living things need to live, grow, and stay healthy 营养品,食物 e.g. The child took no nourishment all day and his parents were worried about him.那孩子整天不吃什么东西,他的父母很着急。His doctor told him that he needed nourishment. 他的医生对他说他需要营养。imaginative adj. containing or good at thinking of new and interes
10、ting ideas 运用想象力的;富于想象力的 e.g. This is an imaginative writing. 这是一篇富于想象力的作文。 He is an imaginative artist. 他是一个富于想象力的艺术家。bakev. to cook and make edible by putting in a hot oven烘焙, 烤e.g. We are baking in the sun. 我们在晒太阳。It is baking today! 今天天气炎热!boilv. when a liquid boils, or when you boil it, it beco
11、mes hot enough to turn into gas煮沸 e.g. The kettle is boiling. Shall I make you a cup of tea? 壶里的水开了,我给你沏杯茶吧。The eggs are boiling. 鸡蛋正在煮着。powdered adj. produced or dried in the form of powder 粉状的e.g. The vegetable is sold in powdered form. 这种蔬菜以粉制品形式出售。powdered milk 奶粉famen. the condition of being we
12、ll known and talked about 声誉,名望e.g. He won his overnight fame by a net song. 他唱了一首网络歌曲,使他一举成名。come to fame 成名carbohydrate n. a substance that is in foods such as sugar, bread, potatoes, which provides your body with heat and energy,containing carbon, hydrogen and oxygen 碳水化合物,糖e.g. Dont eat too many
13、 carbohydrate or you will get fat. 不要吃太多糖类,否则你会发胖的。You eat too many carbohydrates! 你吃淀粉质食物太多了!starvationn. suffering or death caused by lack of food 饥饿, 饿死e.g. The Smiths faced starvation because Mr. Smith couldnt find a job. 史密斯先生找不到工作,因此他们一家面临饥饿。Many people died of starvation in the past. 过去很多人被活活
14、饿死。prove v. to show that something is true by providing facts, information, etc.证明, 证实e.g. Perhaps this dictionary will prove to be useful to you in your writing. 也许这本词典会对你的写作有用处。The lawyer proved that his client was innocent. 律师证明他的当事人无罪。supply n. an amount of sth. available for use补给;供给;供应品e.g. The brain needs a continuous supply of blood. 大脑需要不断地供血。Demand began to exceed supply when the S
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