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1、关于名词所有格与名词性物主代词第一张,PPT共三十二页,创作于2022年6月一、单数名词后加s eg:Marys pencil my sisters watch 玛丽的铅笔 我妹妹的手表二、复数名词以s结尾的名词后加 eg: your grandparents room 你祖父母的房间 三、复数名词不以s结尾的名词后加s eg:Childrens Day 儿童节 Womens Day 妇女节第二张,PPT共三十二页,创作于2022年6月 1、若两人共有某物,用A and Bs eg:Mrs.King is Lucy and Lilys mother. 2、若两人分别拥有某物,用As and B

2、s eg:These are Lucys and Lilys beds. 判定方法: 名词单数表共有,名词复数表分有。第三张,PPT共三十二页,创作于2022年6月of类所有格(通常指无生命的)eg: a photo of my family 一张我的全家照 a map of China 一张中国地图第四张,PPT共三十二页,创作于2022年6月名词所有格速记口诀名词所有格,表物是“谁的”,若为生命词,加“s”即可,词尾有s,仅把逗号择;并列名词后,各自和共有,前者分别加,后者最后加;若为无生命词,of所有格,前后须倒置,此是硬规则。第五张,PPT共三十二页,创作于2022年6月名词性物主代词

3、第六张,PPT共三十二页,创作于2022年6月形容词性物主代词名词性物主代词myyourhisherouryouryoursmineyourshishersours主格I youheshe we theirtheirsyouthey第七张,PPT共三十二页,创作于2022年6月 物主代词可分为形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词。 一.形容词性物主代词起形容词的作用,作前置定语,用在名词前。 例: 1.Thisismybook.这是我的书。 2.Weloveourmotherland. 我们热爱我们的祖国。 第八张,PPT共三十二页,创作于2022年6月 2.名词性物主代词起名词的作用。名词性物主

4、代词=形容词性物主代词+名词 例: 1.Lookatthetwopencils.Theredoneisyoursandtheblueoneismine.看那两支铅笔,红的是你的,蓝的是我的。 2.Helikesmypen.Hedoesntlike hers.他喜欢我的钢笔。不喜欢她的。 第九张,PPT共三十二页,创作于2022年6月 3.注意:在使用名词性物主代词时,必须有特定的语言环境,也就是要省略的名词大家已经知道,已经提起过。 例: Itshers. 是她的。 (单独使用大家不知是怎么回事,不可以这样用) Thereisabook.Itshers. 那有本书。是她的。 (先提及,大家才明

5、白) 第十张,PPT共三十二页,创作于2022年6月My ruler is yellow. Hers is blue.Your watch is big. Mine is small.His book is old. Yours is new.Her pen is here. His is over there.Lets read: 第十一张,PPT共三十二页,创作于2022年6月Our jackets are green. Theirs are red.Your desks are big.Ours are small.Their photos are nice. Yours are nic

6、e, too.Lets read: 第十二张,PPT共三十二页,创作于2022年6月Its my card. Its .mine第十三张,PPT共三十二页,创作于2022年6月Its his card.hiss Its .Its her card. Its .hersIts their classroom. Its .theirs第十四张,PPT共三十二页,创作于2022年6月Theyre our books. Theyre .oursTheyre your desks.yours Theyre .第十五张,PPT共三十二页,创作于2022年6月13452This is watch.(A.my

7、 B.mine)my 第十六张,PPT共三十二页,创作于2022年6月13452yoursIs this picture ? (A.your B.yours)第十七张,PPT共三十二页,创作于2022年6月 The compurter are . (A.their B.theirs) 13452theirs第十八张,PPT共三十二页,创作于2022年6月My dress is red. is yellow. (A.Her B.Hers)13452Hers第十九张,PPT共三十二页,创作于2022年6月13452They are books. Yours are over there. (A.

8、our B. ours) our第二十张,PPT共三十二页,创作于2022年6月1. This is _ ( your , yours ) pencil.2. These are _( my, mine ) ducks.3. The apples are _( her, hers ).4.The orange is _ ( your, yours).5. The books are _( their, theirs ). 第二十一张,PPT共三十二页,创作于2022年6月补充下列句子,使句子的含义与上句意思相同1. This is my seat. The seat is _. 2. That

9、 is her dress. That dress is _.3. Is this your chair ? Is the chair_? 4. Are these his shorts ? Are these shorts _?第二十二张,PPT共三十二页,创作于2022年6月A: Is this (you) comb? B: No, its not (I ) comb . ( I )is at home. A: Whose comb is it?B: Perhaps its Helens. Its (she) .A: Helen, is this comb (you)? C: Yes, i

10、ts (I) comb. Thank you.A: Not at all. Fill in the blanks第二十三张,PPT共三十二页,创作于2022年6月A: Are they (you) skateboards ? B: No, theyre not (I).A: Whose skateboards are they?B:Theyre (they) , I think.A:Are these skateboards (you)?C: Yes, theyre (we). Thank you .A: Youre welcome.Fill in the blanks第二十四张,PPT共三十

11、二页,创作于2022年6月1He is_(our/ours) English teacher. _name is Sam(男人名2._(mine/my) dog is white .But_(her/hers) is black. ourHisMyhers第二十五张,PPT共三十二页,创作于2022年6月 3. - Look ! _car is it ? Is it_(your/yours) ? - No,_(our/ours) car is old (旧的). - Its_(their/theirs)car . _is new.WhoseyoursourtheirMine第二十六张,PPT共

12、三十二页,创作于2022年6月II用括号中单词的适当形式填空1-Are these_(you) pencils? -Yes ,they are_(our).2. Whose pencil is this ?Its_( I ).3.She is_( I ) friend.5.Are these_(they) bags ?-No,they arent _(their). They are_(we) . 6.This bike is my sisters . It is_(she).7.This isnt_( I ) book . _(my) is in the bag. youroursminem

13、ytheirtheirsourshersmyMine第二十七张,PPT共三十二页,创作于2022年6月V. 补全对话1-Whose bike is it ? Is it_(your/yours)? -No,its not_.(my/mine) _is red. But this bike is blue . -Is it Janes ? -Sorry, I dont know. Maybe its_. -Jane,is this_bike ? -No,its not_.You can ask Bill(男人名). Maybe its_. -Bill,is this bike_ ? -Oh,ye

14、s,its_bike.Thank you very mnch!第二十八张,PPT共三十二页,创作于2022年6月选择1. This is my book. are over there. A. Your B. Yours C. You D. Mine2. Whose pen is it? Its pen. A. her B. hers C. she D. his3. bag is new and is new, too. A. Our, he B. Ours, his C. My, his D. My, her4. This room is ours, and that one is . A.

15、 they B. them C. theirs D. their5. Whose pencils are there? Theyre . A. my B. me C. mine D. our第二十九张,PPT共三十二页,创作于2022年6月6. Is the new watch ? Yes, its . A. you, me B. yours, mine C. your, my D. your, mine7. Whose shoes are these? They are . A. me B. mine C. my D. I 8. She is a student , name is Han

16、Mei. A. its B. her C. hers D. his9. Its a dog. I dont know name. A. its B. its C. it D. its 10. This ruler isnt mine. I think it is . A. he B. him C. his D. her第三十张,PPT共三十二页,创作于2022年6月11. schoolbag is beautiful. But is more beautiful. A. Jims, my B. Jims, mine C. Jims, me D. Jims, I 12. am a boy and is a girl. A. My, she B. I, her C. I, she D. Mine, she13.I like new dress. A. She B. her C. hers D. h


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