1、大学(dxu)英语四级听力复合式听写(tngxi)共三十一页听力部分的出题形式(xngsh)复合式听写 复合式听写(tngxi)是一种综合性的测试手段,是对考生的语音、词汇量、语法、记笔记和书面表达能力的全面测试。 复合式听写部分的出题形式是单词听写和句子听写:共三十一页复合式听写(tngxi)中的微技能一、复合式听写中的单词听写:1词汇类型,实词为主2词性变换,注意词尾(1)名词的单复数及所有格形式(2)动词的正确形式(3)形容词和副词3同音(tn yn)、近音,摆脱陷阱4难词考察,注意积累5易错单词,仔细认真共三十一页1词汇类型(lixng),实词为主:复合式听写所考核(koh)的词汇部分
2、基本为实词。通过我们对2005年1月的四级真题的分析,我们可以得出以下表格:再看2006年6月的四级真题。名词动词形容词adv.2005.1真题qualityvalueinvestigaterecommendfamiliaradditionalperhaps共三十一页复合式听写所考核的词汇部分(b fen)基本为实词。通过我们对2006-6真题的分析,我们可以得出以下表格:从上述表格中,我们可以看出,复合式听写词汇部分听写的词多为名词、动词、形容词、副词等实词。名词动词形容词副词2006-6真题futureschedulewastetrainedadmire consideratevisibl
3、enecessarily1词汇(chu)类型,实词为主:共三十一页2词性变换(binhun),注意词尾:(1)名词的单复数及所有格形式:如2008-6的题中名词几乎都以复数形式出现:labor,ingredients,individuals,figures 如果我们在填写名词时把握不准到底是否需要填写复数形式,可以先判断该词是否有单复数,再联系上下文的内容来确定。 此外,名词的考核还应注意所有格形式和复数的区别。由于所有格形式是在名词后加s,其发音与名词的复数相近,比较难以(nny)辨别。在新样题中第二句:Russia produces about 17 percent of the worl
4、ds greenhouse gases. 共三十一页2词性(cxng)变换,注意词尾:(2)动词的正确形式: 动词要注意词尾变化,如:与主语单复数相对应的变化,时态、语态的变化等等。在2006年6月的真题中就有:as Americans are (37) trained to see things unless people use their time for constructive activities. 2008年6月的真题中又有:you can expect to be generating, processing as well as exchanging information.
5、 因此,在填写动词的时候,一定要根据(gnj)上下文和动词在该句中充当的成分仔细辨别。共三十一页(3)形容词和副词对于非派生形容词来说,我们只需注意到它们的正确拼写,如:various,particular,dynamic都属于该类 但是,对于那些由我们熟悉的名词、动词、形容词通过派生法变化过来的副词、形容词,就需格外引起注意。要注意是否双写末字母,是否把末尾(mwi)的“字母y”予以变形等。如样题中balanced,environmental;2006年6月真题中的considerate,visible,necessarily都属于这一类。此外还有通过构词法生成的新词,我们在拼写该词的时候,
6、既要判断表示否定的前缀是“in-”还是“im-”,还要注意如何把该词变成一个副词,如:im-person-al-ly。共三十一页3同音(tn yn)、近音,摆脱陷阱: 同音词一直是听写部分最大的障碍之一。很多听力题目的设置就是用来考查考生的辨音能力。最保险、也最为直接的方法(fngf)就是在听写的时候听清文章的内容,然后再在容易混淆的词汇里面确认出正确的词语,不要过分依赖自己捕捉到的某个细节而“断词取义”。如:2006年6月真题中waste就与waist同音,这一方面要求我们在平常的英语学习中,注意单词的正确发音,另一方面也告诉我们应该做一个有心人,注意日积月累,把四级听力中容易混淆的音近词进
7、行积累。共三十一页4难词考察,注意(zh y)积累:样题中第38题所填的“negotiate”一词就有相当难度(nd)。类似的单词每次考试都会有一些,比如:2001年6月考题中的“emotionally”;2003年1月考题中的“species”、“mysterious”、“ruining”;2004年6月考题中的“established”、“instruments”;2005年1月考题中的“investigated”、“recommend”等词。 2007年12月考题中的“comparison” 、“proportion”及生僻词“sheer”等。2008年6月考题中的“ingredient
9、“labo(u)r”一词,有人就写成“laber”。 共三十一页复合式听写(tngxi)中的微技能二、复合式听写中的句子听写:复合式听写的最后三题要求写3个长度在15-25个词之间的句子。既可用所听到的原词写出正确的句子,也可以用自己的话语阐述原句的主要意思。它比听力选择题更强调语言综合运用能力,考生不仅要具有良好的听的能力,还应具有较强的拼写(pnxi)能力,记笔记能力和书面表达能力。长句的听写应该注意以下几方面的问题。共三十一页1听前浏览(li ln),捕捉信息。“复合式听写”材料(cilio)多为说明文,该体裁的文章具有主题突出,条理分明,层次清楚,逻辑性强的特点。文章的开头、段落的段首
10、多半是主题句,随后的段、句进一步具体扩展、说明或论证主题句。考生要利用一切机会,如考前空隙或播放考试指令的时间,浏览试卷的文字部分、尤其是主题句,根据主题句猜测文章发展的线索和大意。即使该部分材料(cilio)为其他体裁的文章,听前浏览也大有裨益,我们可以从中搜索到一些有参考价值的信息。考生在听音前迅速浏览所给的文字材料,从中发现一些背景信息,增强对文章的认知度和熟悉感,力求缩小文章的话题范围,听音时更具有针对性和准确性,心理放松,自信,使自己在考试中处于主动地位。 共三十一页1听前浏览(li ln),捕捉信息。Were now witnessing the emergence of an a
11、dvanced economy based on information and knowledge. Physical (36) _, raw materials, and capital are no longer the key (37) _ in the creation of wealth. Now, the (38) _ raw material in our economy is knowledge. Tomorrows wealth depends on the development and exchange of knowledge. And (39) _ entering
12、 the workforce offer their knowledge, not their muscles. Knowledge workers get paid for their education and their ability to learn. Knowledge worker (40) _ in mind work. They deal with symbols: words, (41) _ , and data. 共三十一页Were now witnessing the emergence of an advanced economy based on informati
13、on and knowledge. Physical (36) labor, raw materials, and capital are no longer the key (37) ingredients in the creation of wealth. Now, the (38) vital raw material in our economy is knowledge. Tomorrows wealth depends on the development and exchange of knowledge. And (39) individuals entering the w
14、orkforce offer their knowledge, not their muscles. Knowledge workers get paid for their education and their ability to learn. Knowledge worker (40) engage in mind work. They deal with symbols: words, (41) figures , and data. 1听前浏览,捕捉(bzhu)信息。共三十一页2联想(linxing)预测,综合判断。总体来说听力技巧包括听前的预测准备,听中的判断记忆,以及听后的整理
15、与表达。听前预测是指在迅速浏览的基础上,联想预测将要(jingyo)听到的内容的类型和结构甚至主题。这样考生听的时候,就可避免因为过分注重每个单词而影响对全句中心思想的理解。文章具有一致性,连贯性的特点,这成为我们听前预测的客观依据。再经过我们的综合判断,为听的过程做好充分的准备。当然这个过程是我们思维的闪电,是在数秒钟之内完成的。 共三十一页What does all this mean for you? As a future knowledge worker, you can expect to be (42) _ , processing as well as exchanging i
16、nformation. (43) _, three out of four jobs involve some form of mind work, and that number will increase sharply in the future. Management and employees alike (44) _ _ In the new world of work, you can look forward to being in constant training (45) _ _ (46)_ _ And dont wait for someone to “empower”
17、 you. You have to empower yourself. 2联想预测,综合(zngh)判断。 will be making decisions in such areas as product development, quality control, and customer satisfaction.generatingCurrently to acquire new skills that will help you keep up with improved technologies and procedures. Dont expect the companies wi
18、ll provide you with a clearly defined career path. 共三十一页3听写(tngxi)结合,双管齐下。 复合式听写第一遍注意听懂全文内容,由于听前的浏览,对听力材料有了大致了解,因此可以适当填写单词和做些笔记。但以听为主,记为辅。复合式听写要求学生具有比较强的边听边记的能力。听的过程贯穿着期待,预知,分析,综合,推理和判断等一系列过程。快速记关键词的同时,还要有效而且专注地去听,获取信息理解全文。听写中边听边记,听为手段,写为目的。听和记两种不同的技能在“复合式听写”中紧密联系,相互促进。第一遍记关键词有助于第二遍听写时启发记忆,提示要点。同时也减
19、轻了第二遍笔记的任务,使笔记更加充实(chngsh)、完整,因此写出的内容才能更全面、完整。 共三十一页For Americans time is money, they say, “You only get so much time in this life; youd better use it wisely.” The (36)_ will not be better than the past or present, as Americans are (37) _ to see things unless people use their time for constructive a
20、ctivities. Thus Americans (38) _ a “well-organized” person, one who has a written list of things to do and a (39) for doing them. The ideal person is (40) and is considerate of other peoples time. They do not (41) _ peoples time with conversation or other activity that has no visible (42) _ outcome.
21、 The American attitude toward time is not (43)_ shared by others, especially non-Europeans. 3听写(tngxi)结合,双管齐下。共三十一页For Americans time is money, they say, “You only get so much time in this life; youd better use it wisely.” The (36) future will not be better than the past or present, as Americans are
22、 (37) trained to see things unless people use their time for constructive activities. Thus Americans (38) admire a “well-organized” person, one who has a written list of things to do and a (39) schedule for doing them. The ideal person is (40) punctual and is considerate of other peoples time. They
23、do not (41) waste peoples time with conversation or other activity that has no visible (42) beneficial outcome.The American attitude toward time is not (43) necessarily shared by others, especially non-Europeans. 3听写(tngxi)结合,双管齐下。共三十一页They are more likely to regard time as (44) _ _. One of the more
24、 difficult things many students must adjust to in the States is the notion that time must be saved whenever possible and used wisely every day.In this context (45) _, McDonalds, KFC, and other fast food establishments are successful in the country while many people want to spend the least amount of
25、their time preparing and eating meals. As McDonalds restaurants (46) _, bringing not just hamburgers but an emphasis on speed, efficiency, and shiny cleanliness. 3听写(tngxi)结合,双管齐下。共三十一页They are more likely to regard time as (44) sth thats simply there around them, not sth they can use. One of the mo
26、re difficult things many students must adjust to in the states is the notion that time must be saved whenever possible and used wisely every day.In this context, (45) the fast food industry can be seen as a clear example of an American culture product. McDonalds, KFC, and other fast food establishme
27、nts are successful in the country while many people want to spend the least amount of their time preparing and eating meals. As McDonalds restaurants (46) spread around the world, they have been viewed as symbols of American society and culture, bringing not just hamburgers but an emphasis on speed,
28、 efficiency, and shiny cleanliness. 3听写结合(jih),双管齐下。共三十一页写句子时光凭记忆往往容易疏漏和错误,所以足够信息量的笔记是写好要点的重要条件。下面介绍几种(j zhn)做笔记的方法。1. 学会使用缩略语、符号等。如用esp代especially, sth代something ,apprec代appreciation;代替percent等。如果没有缩略语,字母少的单词可以写出,但是字母多的单词可以只写该词前几个字母。这时的要求就是快速、省时,并能表达含义。缩略语不一定要规范,只要能够起到提示作用,能够看懂就行。如(45) curr; appr;
29、green;(46) aggr.; 先速记,然后再展开这些单词,这样所听的内容就不易漏掉。此外,还会出现另一种现象,就是听懂了词意,不会正确拼写。遇到这样的问题,我们不妨从上下文找一找,看是否有帮助提示的地方。例如:(45) Protocol4有效(yuxio)笔记,理解记忆。共三十一页(2)要有选择地记笔记。英语中实词具有表意功能,而虚词多具有语法功能,所以应该以记实词为主。(3)“复合式听写(tngxi)”第二部分只要求写出内容要点,这样考生应该重点记下句中的中心词。一些定语、状语等可有可无的修饰成分便可略去不记。这样可以压缩所记词语,赢得时间,精练了内容,增大了笔记的信息量,为写好内容要
30、点创造了条件。(45) to acquire new skills that will help you keep up with improved technologies and procedures. (46) Dont expect the companies will provide you with a clearly defined career path. 4有效笔记,理解(lji)记忆。共三十一页第二遍读过后(guhu)有几分钟的停顿,主要供考生整理笔记。这个过程中要从整体把握,分清主次,有所取舍,使句子表达简洁、通顺、完整。可将句子内容分为几点,清楚明白,一目了然。要点尽可
31、能用完整的简单句表达,若时间紧也可用短语表达,句式不宜复杂,总之,句子表达既要简洁明了,又要概括出所听内容的全部要点,使内容要点与语言表达做到有机的统一。(45) the fast food industry can be seen as a clear example of an American culture product(46) they have been viewed as symbols of American society and culture 5整体(zhngt)把握,表达要点。共三十一页前面五点阐述了听音前、听音中和听音后所要掌握的一些技巧。最后这两点从整体上来(sh
32、ngli)把握复合式听写的特点我们知道,复合式听写的长句有简单句、并列句和复合句。并列句常常会用not only but also, and, but, as well as等关联词。对这些信号词的留意有助于我们更好地把握句子的中心与要点,不至于有疏漏。(44)What we may find interesting is that it usually takes more words to be polite. (46)There are bound to be some words and phrases that belong in formal language and others
33、 that are informal. 6常考句式(j sh),心中有数。are bound to bepredetermined; certain共三十一页Students pressure sometimes comes from their parents. Most parents are well (36) _ but some of them arent very helpful with the problems their sons and daughters have in (37) _ to college, and a few of them seem to go out
34、 of their way to add to their childrens difficulties. For one thing, parents are often not (38) _ of the kinds of problems their children face. They dont realize that the (39) _ is keener, that the required (40) _ of work are higher, and that their children may not be prepared for the change. (41) _
35、 to seeing As and Bs on high school report cards, they may be upset when their childrens first (42) _ college grades are below that level. At their kindest, they may gently (43) _ why John or Mary isnt doing better, whether he or she is trying as hard as he or she should, and so on. 6常考句式(j sh),心中有数
36、。共三十一页Students pressure sometimes comes from their parents. Most parents are well (36) meaning but some of them arent very helpful with the problems their sons and daughters have in (37) adjusting to college, and a few of them seem to go out of their way to add to their childrens difficulties. For o
37、ne thing, parents are often not (38) aware of the kinds of problems their children face. They dont realize that the (39) competition is keener, that the required (40) standards of work are higher, and that their children may not be prepared for the change. (41) Accustomed to seeing As and Bs on high school report cards, they may be upset when th
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