教案4 人教版 英语 小学 五年级_第1页
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教案4 人教版 英语 小学 五年级_第3页
教案4 人教版 英语 小学 五年级_第4页




1、人教版五年级英语上册 Unit 1教案 1. Teaching topic: My new teacher 2. Period: first period 3. Teaching aims: 1) Knowledge object: ss totally grasp the five adjectives: old, short, thin, tall and strong, know the new words young, kind, funny; mater the sentence patterns: Whos your.? Whats he/she like? and apply t

2、hem flexibly into different situations. 2) Ability object: ss are able to simply describe their teachers appearance or characters, e.g. We have a new English teacher. Hes tall and strong. Hes very funny; understand simple dialogues talking about persons lookings. 3)Emotion and attitude object: culti

3、vate ss awareness of loving their teachers. 4.Teaching key points: New words in Lets learn part:old, short, thin, tall, strong, young, funny, kind, among which old, short, thin, tall and strong are esp. important. 5. Teaching difficult points: Lets start is the difficult point since this part appear

4、s in ss book for the first time.(Teacher can use it as a bedding for teaching words: educing the new knowledge by the old)Teaching Methods: I will mainly adopt TPR method, situational method and task-based teaching method in the whole teaching process.Teaching aids: Blackboard, multimedia, tape reco

5、rder, word cards, pictures of different persons, photos of teachers8. Teaching procedure: In order to achieve my teaching aims successfully, I divide my teaching procedure into 6 steps: lead-in, presentation, practice, consolidation, summary and homework: Step 1. Lead-in(warm-up/revision) In this st

6、ep, ss firstly listen to the ballad in lets start part and guess the topic of this unit, therefore their interest in the first English lesson of this term will be aroused; after that, teacher presents two sentences the ss have learned in unit 3. book 3 PEP: I have a new friend. He s tall. Hes strong

7、, too. With the help of pictures of different persons, teacher guide the ss to review the words strong, tall, short and thin etc, preparing for speaking, listening to, writing and reading these words in this lesson. Step 2. PresentationTeacher firstly presents the hanging pictures of lets start part

8、, introducing: rabbit has many new teachers in her school.Do you have new teachers? Lead ss to describe the new teachers according to the given situational hints, then teacher arranges a learning task for the ss:Sarah will introduce some new teachers to them, they should try to figure out who is the

9、 new teacher in the following learning process. Sarah s teachers, describe these teachers. Ss are led to answer with the old words, strong, tall, short, thin, that review in step 1, then teacher presents the new words young, kind, old, funny with the help of stick pictures, cards and photos of teach

10、ers. Next, listening: ss read the new words after the tape, try to grasp their pronunciation and meaning.Teacher gives prompt: Mr Hu is the art teacher. Whats he like? Hes short and thin, according to which ss judge which teacher in the hanging picture is described here, finishing the task remained

11、formerly and let them figure out who is Sarahs new teacher. Teacher direct ss to use the new words and sentence patterns to describe the appearances of teachers in Lets find out part, then find out the right pictures, after this activity, ss do pair-work, applying the 8 new words into dialogues like

12、 My new Chinese teacher is .Who is he? Repeatedly.Lastly, ss sing the song my new teacher after the tape together, let them enjoy the new words in relaxed musical rhythms. Step 3. Practice In this step, I design two activities to help ss grasp what they have learned better:Activity one: a chant comp

13、etition Ss will firstly have 5 minutes to try to remember the 8 new words, then teacher will invites 3 of them to go to the platform and finish the following simple chant with vivid intonation, gestures and expressions: show me old, show me short, show me thin,show me tall,show me strong, show me yo

14、ung, show me funny,show me kind,show me thin. Student who can remember the most phrases will be the winner and get a big hand. Activity two:a train game. Ss will play the game in teams: the first student in each team is the leader, who begins the game by asking the next member: what s he/she like? T

15、he next one is supposed to respond: He/She is., using any adjective he learned today, the remaining Q-A processes are the similar, during the game, teacher will walk around the class and observe, the team which finishes the conveyance most quickly and correctly will be the winner. Step 4. Consolidat

16、ionAssign a task for the ss: design some riddles by referring to the Lets find out part. e.g. Shes beautifulShes very youngWe all like herWhos she? Basing on pictures of persons prepared beforehand; the other ss guess who is the person. Step 5. Summary Ss summarize the knowledge they have learned today; teacher make necessary supplements. Step 6.


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