[九年级英语]仁爱英语九年级上册第二单元Unit 2-Topic 1 上学期_第1页
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1、Unit 2 教学目标语言知识类 别内 容课次要 求词汇produce, chest, breathe, manage, waste, cancer, influence, look1A掌握Several, secretary, relation, fisherman, president, dead, rabbit1Bdisturb, downstairs, deaf, for example, print1Cblood, coal1Dnone, rubbish, anybody, steal, in public, punish, earth, die out1Asand, cut dow

2、n, behavior, prevent, prevent.from., although, cut off2Bas a result, sun, bamboo2Crather, rather than, can, sort3Aperson, action, word, take up3Belectric, forward3Cquick, towel3D理解chemical, chemical factory, soil, harmful1AMy goodness!1Bhearing, loss1Celectricity1Dproducer, yeah, spit, farmland, des

3、ert2Asandstorm2Bpollute, Mars, greenhouse effect, completely2Corganization, reduce, recycle3Aought to, distance, harm3Bpower, nuclear, acid, following, the Maglev Train, magnet, movement3C语法1.现在完成时How long have you been like this?I have been like this since last month.I have been at this school sinc

4、e last year / for one year.2.不定代词和不定副词As we know, none of us likes pollution.语言知识类别内 容语法Everyone should care for wild animals and plant more trees.If people spit anywhere in public, they should be punished.Nothing is difficult if you set your mind to it.3. 复合句About 430 million tons of waste is produ

5、ced in Britain every year, and about 85 percent of the waste is put into the land.Of all the rubbish, about 35 percent can be recycled while the rest cant.They work well, but they are slow and cant run for long.功能和话题1.表达责备和报怨。2.谈论不同种类的污染。3.谈论污染的危害。4.谈论环境保护问题。5.谈论如何给出建议。6.描述个人情感。7.谈论健康。8.表达不满。语言技能听1.

6、能够听懂有关环境污染和环境保护的对话或短文。2.能够听懂别人含有责备和抱怨语气的句子。3.能够从所听语言材料中获得有效信息,并能补充短文或完成表格。说1.能就环保问题表达简单的观点和意见。2.能就环保问题与他人沟通信息、合作完成任务。3.能够朗读或表演有关环保的对话。4.能在以上口语活动中注意保持语音、语调自然,语气恰当。读1.能流畅地朗读课文。2.能够读懂有关环保问题的说明文。3.通过阅读策略获取有关环保的信息。4.能利用工具书进行学习。写1.能够根据写作要求,收集、准备有关污染和环保的素材。2.能根据所给图示或表格写出有关污染和环保的短文。Topic 1 Section AThe main

7、 activities are 1a and 3a. 本课重点活动是1a和3a。. Teaching aims and demands教学目标1. Master some new words and useful expressions:produce, chest, breathe, manage, waste, cancer, influence, look2. Learn the present perfect tense with for/since: How long have you been like this? I have been like this since last

8、month.3. Learn something about some kinds of pollution:1The large population has caused many problems.2Air pollution makes people sick.3Light pollution is harmful to our eyes.4Litter influences the look of our cities.4. Let students know that pollution is really a serious problem. Teaching aids教具录音机

9、/本课图片/当地有关环境变化的图片. Five -finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复 习时间:10分钟1.为了引导学生说出有关环境污染的话题,可用家乡变化的图片或联系居住的周围环境,采用问答的方式,让学生自己说出图片中所有的环境变化或居住地的环境变化。T: Now please look at these pictures. Would you like to say something about the environment around us?Pleaseanswer my questions. No.1. Where do y

10、ou live?And are you living in the countryside or in town? No.2. Are there any changes in your village/town/city?(What changes have taken place in your village?)(教师注意引导学生说出工厂的建立,树木的减少等。)No.3. How do you like living there? Why?(What problems do we have to face?)(教师通过引导,让学生说出各种污染,是由于工厂林立、树木减少引发的污染,引出以下

11、单词。)air,soil, water, light, noise pollution, litter2. 通过以上复习,导入新词。教师捂胸做痛苦状,咳嗽,师生问答。T: Last night, the air smelt terrible. I coughed all night.What am I doing?(教师捂胸做咳嗽状。)Ss: Youre coughing.T: Yes, I am coughing. My chest hurts.(做手捂胸状)And I cannot breathe(深呼吸的动作)Do you want to know how I get it?Ss: Ye

12、s.T: The factory makes(produces) terrible smell.(捂鼻子的动作)You know the factory(名字)is very near my home.Ill try (manage) to leave there.Ill try (manage) to move to a new place.3. (教师出示1a图片,通过图片认读所要学的单词。)T:OK. This is the chemical factory.It is producing (making) terrible gas.It makes my chest hurt. I c

13、ant breathe.(教师边表演动作边板书生词。)chemical factory produce chest breatheStep 2 Presentation 第二步 呈 现时间: 5分钟1. (教师可以通过挂图复述课文内容,使学生更容易听得懂。)T:Now look at the picture and listen to me.You may find Kangkang and Granny. Theyre having a talk.Kangkang and Granny met in the morning. Granny couldnt stand the environm

14、ent here. The chemical factory produces terrible gas. It makes her chest hurt and it is difficult for her to breathe. And the factory makes a lot of noise and she cant sleep well at night. And there are too many people around her home. It is crowded everywhere. She is always in a bad mood. Shell man

15、age to leave here. She has been like this since last month. She has to see a doctor.(通过教师板书key words,加深理解,稳固。领读,为pair work和retell作准备。)chemical factorylarge population crowded in a bad moodterrible gas chest breathea lot of noise not sleep2.听录音。(1)T:Listen to the tape.(2) (布置听力任务1b,学生带着任务再听一遍。)T:List

16、en to the tape again. Answer the following questions.(教师可以从最简单的问题开始提问,遵循循序渐进的原那么。)For example:T: (1) Who are in the picture?(2) What are they talking about?(3) Is the chemical factory near Grannys home?(4) Can we find fish in the river?(5) Is the sky blue?(6) Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩 固时间:10分钟1. 教师

17、放录音,学生跟读。T: Read after the tape. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.2. 学生齐读课文。T: Now lets read together. Pay attention to the intonation.3. 教师和一个top student表演对话。1T: Attention please. Id like a student here to act the dialog out. Whod like to be a volunteer?S1: Id like to.T: OK. Now I

18、am Granny, youre Kangkang. Now lets begin.2T: OK. Now practice the dialog like this. Pair work.(通过教师的示范表演,对生词的读音和练习形式学生都很了解了,这局部需要很长时间,以保证其流利性。)3T:Its your “show time. Id like you to show the dialog one pair by one pair. Please get ready.(学生可以借助黑板上的关键词,或到前台表演,或在其座位上表演。能加动作的要加动作。教师要给予适当的鼓励。4. (然后教师可要

19、求学生借助图片和关键词,复述这篇对话。)1T:Look at the picture and the key words on the blackboard. Now lets retell the passage together.(从整体到局部,使学生不会落伍。)2T:OK. Now retell the passage in groups, then show them in front of the blackboard with the help of thekey words.Step 4 Practice 第四步 练 习 时间:15分钟1. (教学2, 3a, 师生讨论,然后小组

20、讨论。)T:Look at the pictures. Are they beautiful? Answer my following questions.(1) Are there any chemical factories in your city?(2) Are they near your school?(3) What was your city like a few years ago?(4) Can you list some other kinds of pollution?(通过展示的图片,引导学生说出soil / air / water / light / noise p

21、ollution / litter。)2. (注解3a图片,为3b的学习打下根底,利用3b内容说出3a图片。)T:Look at the six pictures carefully and Ill explain it in English.air pollution:cause breathing problems, even cancer(深呼吸的动作) soil pollution:produce less fruit/food, etc.noise pollution:hurt our ears (捂耳朵的动作)litter:influence the face of our cit

22、ieswater pollution:cause all kinds of diseaseslight pollution:be harmful to our eyes(捂眼睛的动作) (师生互相问答,为3b的学习继续打下根底。)T:What will happen if air pollution comes?Ss: T: What will happen if soil pollution?Ss: 3.完成3b内容,可以小组讨论,也可以work alone,然后核对。T:Finish 3b and check answers with your partner.4. (在保证答案完全正确的

23、前提下,让学生大声读3b。)T:Read this part aloud. And you can ask any questions about it.Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动时间:5分钟1. Guessing games.(通过众多学生七嘴八舌的对污染的描述,让一个学生说出它是一种什么样的污染。)教师让一学生S1到前台,从所提供的有关污染的图片中任取一张“正面面向全体学生,反面向自己。台下学生任意描述图片内容,台上学生猜出该种污染的名称。如:T: Id like one student to be here (前台) and hell choose one of

24、the pictures from the six.(展示六幅图片。) And the other students can see the front cover. The back cover is facing the student here. Everyone of you can describe the picture. And the student here tries to tell us what kind of pollution it is.Example A:S1:任意抽取一张图片。S2: Its produced in a factory.S3: It smell

25、s terrible.S4: Its harmful to our eyes or lungs.S5: It s black smoke.S1: Air pollution.Example B:S6:任意抽取一张图片。S7: It is produced by a paper factory.S8: It is pouring a lot of water.S9: The water smells terrible.S6: Water pollution, air pollution and2. Make a survey.(调查你们家附近的环境状况,并填写表格。)T: Now make a

26、survey to study something around your home.Fill in the forms.表格1PollutionReasonPossible diseases or influencesAir pollutionSoil pollutionWater pollutionLight pollutionNoise pollutionLitter表格2 PollutionNameAir pollutionSoil pollutionWater pollutionLight pollutionNoise pollutionLitterS10S11S12S131(教师本

27、人根据自己填写的表格,简要介绍自己的居住环境,要求教师尽量多地用上Section A学过的生词。)T:Try to say something about the environment around us.2(学生做Group work。填写表1,2。)T:OK,lets discuss in groups and fill in form 1 or form 2.S14: Is there air pollution near your home?S15: Yes. / No.S14: Where is it from?S15: From a milk factory.S14: Is it

28、 harmful to your health?S15: Yes, it is harmful to my lungs, and(3) (学生到台前汇报所做的表1或2的调查。)T:Whod like to give us your survey?Example A: In my group, S10 suffers from water pollution.(表2)Because they live near a river. Some plants are always pouring waste water into it. And S11 can not stand the light

29、pollution. A tall glass building is in front of his home. His eyes hurt. And S12 etc.Example B: I live near a factory. The black smoke is coming out of the chimney all the time.(表1)It smells terrible and it is also difficult for me to breathe. And too many cars pass through the street near my room.

30、They make a lot of noise. I cant sleep well at night3. Homework:(1) Go on making a survey around your home, and tell us what we can do to protect the environment to make the world a better place to live in.(2) Write a story about 1a.Section BThe main activities are 1a and 3.本课重点活动是1a和3。. Teaching ai

31、ms and demands 教学目标1. Master some new words:several, secretary, relation, fisherman, president, dead, rabbit2. Go on studying the present perfect with for or since.1I have been at this school since last year / for one year.2Mr.Smith has been away from his office for two hours / since two hours ago.3

32、. Talk about the environment in the past, at present, and how to protect the environment.(1) Its a beautiful place with flowers and grass. The water is very clear, and you will see fish swimming.(2) The water is so dirty. It smells terrible.(3) I think we should write a letter to the newspaper about

33、 the pollution. Its our duty to protect the environment.4. Review “used to bestructure.West Hill used to be a beautiful place. Teaching aids 教具录音机/Section A, Section B教学挂图/小黑板. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复 习时间:10分钟1.此活动的目的是通过对Section A的复习,强化对有关环境污染内容的学习。教师可以通过谈话、看图片让学生回忆Sectio

34、n A的相关内容。T: Look at the picture in Section A 1a. Please answer my questions:(1) Who are in the picture?(2) What are they talking about?(3) Where are they now?(4) What was wrong with Granny?(5) What made her chest hurt?(6) Did she have a good night yesterday?(7) Is she in a good mood?(8) How long has

35、 she been like this?(9) Where does she have to go now?(通过教师对全体学生的整体问答,既可以面向全体学生,又创设了一种英语学习的气氛。而且也加深了对Section A 1a, 1b内容的理解。)T:Can you list some other kinds of pollution?Ss: Air/soil/water/light/noise pollution/litter pollution.T:What is air pollution? How does it happen?Ss:Air pollution simply means

36、 the air smells terrible.And that is because the chemical factory makes it, andT:What about the soil pollution?Ss:Soil pollution simply means farmers cannot produce food on land because the soil has been destroyed.T:What about water?Ss:通过师生的整体问答,复习3a, 3b。2. 通过图片或简笔画引出本课的局部生词。T:Now, please look at th

37、e picture. It is a hill. The hill is a beautiful place with flowers and grass. The water is very clear and you can see fish swimming. A rabbit is playing. A lamb is eating grass. A man is fishing. We call this man fisherman. The fisherman is President Bush. The nature and the human beings are keepin

38、g good relation with each other.rabbit fisherman president relationT: A rabbit is a small animal with soft fur, long ears and short tail.T: A fisherman is a person who catches fish either as a job or as a sport. T: “Pollute means make air, water, soil,etc. dirty and not suitable for people to use. I

39、t is a verb. Its noun is pollution.(教师用英语解释生词,减少了不必要的汉语注解。)3. 教师要求学生画出图片中的简笔画,边画边说出单词的英语释意,增强学习兴趣。T:Now please draw a beautiful hill with flowers and grass,clean water, and swimming fish. A lamb is eating grass. A rabbit is running. President Bush is fishing.T:But at present everything has been chan

40、ged. Several chemical factories pour waste water in the river. There are no grass, no flowers, no lambs here, no rabbits here, no fisherman here.(通过教师、学生的共同活动,运用多种有趣的方法、手段,导入本课生词,使学生乐意学习。)Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈 现时间:5分钟1.设置并板书听力任务,让学生带着任务听录音。T: Listen to the tape carefully, then answer these quest

41、ions.挂出小黑板,问题如下,老师读出问题,放录音。(1) What are the children planning to do now?(2) Can you say something about West Hill?(3) What did they see on West Hill two days later?(4) What happened there?(5) What did they do next?2. (在小黑板上问题的后面板书问题的答案,以便用于表演和复述。)Listen to the tape again and answer these questions.(

42、1) go for a picnic(2) beautiful place, flowers, grass, clean water, fish swimming(3) dirty water, smells terrible(4) Several chemical factories are pouring waste water into the river.(5) Write a letter to the newspaper.3. (1)师生首先口头共同完成1b内容,可采用表达的方式,并重读划线局部,为学生的写作训练打下良好的根底。T:Now lets finish 1b orally

43、 first, try to use the sentence like this: West Hill used to be a beautiful placeFor example:T and Ss: In the past West Hill used to be a beautiful place with flowers and grass. The water is very clear and we can see fish swimming. But at present all the flowers, grass and !(Why?)What is the reason?

44、 Because several chemical factories . They think it is their duty to protect the environment.2(小组讨论完成1b的表格,确定答案,参考小黑板上的key words。)T: OK. Its time for us to finish 1b. Discuss in groups and fill in the form. Some helpful words (key words) are on the blackboard. (The words on the blackboard can help y

45、ou.)(3) (学生准备好后,找学生读出来并核对答案。)Ask several students to read out the answers and make sure their answers are correct.Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩 固时间:5分钟1. 教师放录音,学生跟读,并模仿录音的语音语调。T: Listen to the tape and read after it. Imitate the intonation carefully.2. 齐读课文,以保证全体学生会读全部内容。T: Now lets read together. Go!3

46、. 在Group work前,老师可扮演其中一个角色如: Kangkang和其余三个学生表演对话,使学生明白怎样分角色,而且省略了很多的汉语指令。T: Now, I am Kangkang, you are Jane.you are Maria. , you are Michael. Lets act the dialog out.(表演完毕后。)T:OK. Pair work.(学生需要足够的练习时间,以保证学生表演的流利性,同时学生的Group work需要变换角色。) 4. 学生的Chain drills表演。 T: Now lets act the dialog out. (Or yo

47、u may say “Lets do the group work.) Volunteers or from the first pair?(学生表演完成后,可给予适当的鼓励。)Step 4 Practice 第四步 练 习 时间:15分钟1. 通过对1a的学习,使学生学习运用在1a中曾经出现的词语,继续贯彻学了就用的原那么。教师可以找本地的两个地方做比拟,并和三个学生做出示范,以确保学生没有畏难情绪。T: Now lets make a dialog, using the words in 1a, and compare a new place and an old one. Which p

48、lace is better to live in? Id like to do it first. Whod like to be my partner? Im Kangkang. Whod like to act as Jane, Maria, and Michael?For example:Jane and Maria: Mr.Zhao, shall we go to the zoo for a picnic?Mr.Zhao: Go to the zoo for a picnic?Ive been there before. Its a very narrow place for so

49、many animals to live in. And so many buildings are around it and so many people visit it. It is very crowded. Especially, several chemical factories are doing a lot of harm to animals. Its very dangerous to animals. The animals are not comfortable, I think.Jane and Maria: We mean the new wild zoo. I

50、t is said that it is very big.Michael and Mr.Zhao: Why not?(On weekend, they get to the new one.)Mr.Zhao: Oh, my God! Its a very beautiful place and it is very big. Look! Some animals are playing on the hills.(尽量使用2中动物的名称。)And ducks are speaking to us in the clean water. Look!Micheal: True. Its real

51、ly a good place.Shall we have a picnic here?Jane and Maria and Mr.Zhao: Why not?Mr.Zhao: Ill send e-mails to my friends.Michael: Come on.2. 学生四人一组练习,也可以模仿以上对话,也可以自编对话。T: Now its group work time. You can imitate or you can make your own dialog like this.3. 学生表演。T: Its the time for you to show it. Vol

52、unteers?4. (听录音,完成2。此局部的动物名称对话中已用过。为此局部的学习打下了根底。)Listen to the tape and write down the letters of the pictures. Does the pollution do a lot of harm to animals? Do you think it is a good idea to move the zoo to a new place?5. (通过学生体会3提供的两个句子,让学生对短暂性动词和延续性动词有一定的认识。)I came to Renai International school

53、 one year ago.I have been at this school since last year / for one year.1keep has kept for / since2finish has finished3be have been4have has had5be away from has been away from6be dead has been deadT: We can change these sentences in another way.We change came tointo“have been atand remember to chan

54、ge “one year agointo “for one yearor “since last year.(教师需先口头说出,再要求学生说出,然后留家庭作业。)Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动时间:10分钟1. 教师出示调查表,指导学生说出周围发生的变化,使学生更加深刻地认识到保护环境的重要性,使他们有保护环境的紧迫感。T: 1Fill in the following form by yourself first, and make a report to the local government.(2) Then act out the form. This time,

55、 you are a reporter. Youre interviewing a student near you. Try to fill in the form and report it to the other students.Great Changes PlaceTimeSchoolHomeTownOthersIn the pastAt presentReasonsIn the future (通过这项练习进一步稳固复习1a,1b的内容,学生在模拟生活的场景中进行“真实的调查、采访,使学到的知识能真实地运用到现实生活中,即学了就用。同时,让学生写Report, 提高学生的写作水平

56、。)2. Group competition.(一小组成员说出一个过去式的句子含有过去式的时间状语,另外几组争先恐后地把它改为现在完成时,既可以用since引导时间,也可以改为用for引导时间,可参考3的句子,同时也练习了Unit 1学习的直接引语变间接引语。)T: Now lets have a competition. One student in a group speaks out a sentence using simple past tense, and the other groups quickly change it into present perfect tense.

57、Remember, you have to change the verb, and use “since or “for instead of “ago or others.For example:Group 1: I bought an English dictionary last year.Group 2: You / She / He have / has had an English dictionary since last year / for one year.Group 1: I borrowed a novel from the library a week ago.si

58、nce a week ago.for a week.a novelhadkept Group 3: You / He / She have / hasWho is the winner?3. (教师要求学生完成探究活动1的表格,同时把探究活动2中的句子进行转换并写下来。)T:Finish the form in Project 1 and todays homework is the sentences in Project 2. Write down the sentences you hear and do it just like 3 Work alone.Section CThe ma

59、in activities are 1a and 2a. 本课重点活动是1a和2a。. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标1. Master some new words and useful expressions:disturb, downstairs, deaf, for example, print2. Review the present perfect tense.3. Let the students know something about the noise pollution in order to make life comfortable an

60、d pleasant.(1) Noise is a kind of pollution and its harmful to our ears.(2) Loud noises can cause hearing loss.(3) People who work and live in noisy conditions may become deaf.4. With the study of this unit, students can improve the sense of protecting the environment. Teaching aids 教具录音机/本课图片/小黑板.


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