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1、 . . 6/6专业英语重修考试词组互译1海关2收货人3. quarantine4. 承兑银行5装运通知6Ad valorem freight7信用证申请人8汇票9. bill drawn payable at sight10提单11散装货12货物运输保险13Cash on delivery14. 原产地证书15. chargeable weight16Commodity code17 还盘18. 提单19商业发票20结关21出口许可证22. 检验证书23. 保险单24信用证(简称和全称)25. 收货人 26 集装箱27 Installment28. customary packing29 关

2、税30Customs house31Customs valuation32. 交货日期33. 品名34信用证(简称和全称)35 Declaration to customs36. documents against payment after sight37缴纳税款38.查验39Export control40. 出口许可证41托收42 Drawee43. Consignment44. 货仓45d.w.t46. 不定期租船47Chargeable weight48.bill drawn payable at sight48Export-processing free zone49D/A(写出全

3、称和中文)50 补贴51. 出口商52. 运费53共同海损54. 毛重55保证金56. 规格57.集装箱58Drawback58.关税59.尺码60净重61.装箱单62分批装运63.卸货港64Formalities65.放行66数量67LCL (全英文和中文)67S/O (全英和中文)68N/N(全英和中文)69.清关70.出口结汇71.G.A.(英文全称和中文)72.占用73.手续74.D/P(全英和中文)75.T/T 76.平安险77.W.P.A(全英和中文)78.一切险79. General additional risk80.FCL(全英和中文)句子翻译复习1. Customs and

4、 Excise pulls together a host of anti-drugs initiatives set up to:Help young people resist drug misuse and achieve their full potential;Protect their communities from drug related anti-social and criminal behavior;Enable people with drug problems to overcome them and live healthy and crime-free live

5、s;Stifle the availability of illegal drugs on streets.2.During the course of the examination Customs must check that the shipping marks,number of package,weight,specifications of the cargo,and trading country correspond with those on the licenses;that the cargo accords with relevant regulations on f

6、oreign trade;that there is no damage to or loss of cargo;that the quality and packing of exported goods are up to requirement.3 Tariff rates on imports fall into two categories: general rates and preferential rates. The general rates apply to goods imported from and produced or manufactured in count

7、ries or regions with which the P.R. China has concluded no agreement for reciprocal tariff preference; the preferential rates apply to goods imported from and produced or manufactured in countries or regions with which China has conclude such agreement.4Duty reduction or exemption may be granted for

8、 certain import and export goods such as goods of specific areas, specific enterprises or for specific purposes. Temporary duty reduction or exemption may be granted to goods imported by special permission after the importer or exporter of the goods submits to the Customs an amount equal to the duti

9、es or provides a security.5If a company is planning to install a new plant, it can avoid paying import duty on each of the separate shipments of machinery and components for the plant by placing the individual deliveries in a bonded warehouse. The various lots may be cleared from the bonded warehous

10、e and duty paid on them when the company is in a position to begin erecting the entire plant.6It was recognized that such a new classification system would produce a number of major advantages such as:(1) Reducing the cost of describing, classifying and coding goods for different purposes within any

11、 one international trade transaction;(2) Facilitating the collection, comparison and analysis of international trade statistics, for the purpose of trade negotiations, economic analysis or other reasons。7.This is an indispensable procedure in business transactions. It generally includes the four pro

12、cedures discussed like inquiry, offer, counter-offer and acceptance. When an agreement is reached, the two sides sign a business contract.8It is to guard against such possibility that different methods of payment have been developed. There are three basic methods of payment in foreign trade:Cash in

13、AdvanceOpen AccountPayment against Documents9.After receiving the L/C, the exporter must check the L/C against the sales contract. Special attention should be paid to the total sum, description of the goods, validity, required documents and so on. Only when all the terms in the L/C are consistent wi

14、th the terms of the sales contract can the exporter proceed to ship the goods.介词复习1 In accordance laws and regulations,Customs supervision and control shall be exercised import goods the time arrival the time Customs clearance; export goods the time Customs declaration the time exit; transit, transs

15、hipment and through goodsthe time entry the time exit. Customs permission, it is not allowed to unpack, withdraw, deliver, pack, change, repack, mortgage, transfer or re-label the goods. A consignee the imports or a consignor the exports shall make a bona fide declaration, receive Customs inspection

16、 the goods, except those specially permitted the Customs. Import of export goods shall not be released unless duties chargeable have been paid or a guarantee provided the consignee or consignor.All transit, transshipment and through goods shall be bona fide declared to the Customs office entry the r

17、esponsible person a means _ transport and shipped the Customs territory _ prescribed time limit.2The Customs have made public the “List of Articles prohibited _ _ Import and Export”, which provides _the categories _ _ articles prohibited to be carried _ _ or _ _ the territory _ passengers. The prohibited inward and outward articles which have declared _ the passengers are to be detained _ _ the Customs, and they must be returned _ the places _ departure _ a time limit. If not, they would be confiscated _ the Customs. The articles detained _ being


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