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1、 PAGE 页码 16 / NUMPAGES 总页数 162022三年级人教版英语下学期期末学业质量监测复习班级:_ 姓名:_ 单词拼写1. 补全下列单词。1. t_n 2. ei_ht 3. tw_lve 4. f_ur 5. sev_n6. th_teen 7. ei_hteen 8. tw_ty 9. f_urteen 10. sev_nteen2. 看图完成句子。1.-Whatsthis? -Itsa_.2.-Whatsthis? -Itsa_.3.-Whatsthis? -Itsa_.3. 补全下列单词中所缺的字母。(1)mth (2)hd (3)r (4)y(5)ft4. 根据汉语

2、和首字母提示完成句子。1.Im going to go to London. Ill seeT_(塔桥).2.Where will you go?Ill go to thez_(动物园).3. Will you haveb_(早餐) at seven? Yes.4.Well go to thef_(农场). Wellp_(摘) fruit.5. OnM_(星期一), well gos_(游泳).5. 小朋友快来把单词补充完整吧!(根据图意,完成单词)6. 单词拼写。1.名字_ 2.是_3.我的_ 4.你的_5.什么_ 6.猫_7.狗_ 8.鞋子_7. 根据汉语提示写单词。(1)This is

3、my(新的) cap._(2)What(颜色) is my shirt?_(3)It is(红色的)._(4)Look at my(夹克衫)._(5)It(是) a T-shirt._8. 看图,补全单词。f_d _ld.b_tiful fl_rveg_t_ble m_kti_e_ z_l_n s_p_rmarket填空题9. 字母重组并翻译。1a t u m n u_ 2e i t w r n_3p r s n g I_ 4s e n o a s_5m e s u m r_10. 选词填空。A. like B. at C. some D. My E. me1Look_me!2Id like_

4、juice, please.3Cool! I_it.4Show_your ruler.5_name is Amy.11. 看图片,选单词。1Mr. Smith is a_(teacher/student).2Hello, Im your new_(friend/teacher), Mike.3Jack is a_(girl/boy).4Im from_(China/Canada).5This is an_(egg/apple).12. 根据汉语提示,选出正确的词补全短语。1在书包里_( in/ on) the bag2我的玩具 my_(dog/ toy)3回家go_(home/ to scho

5、ol)4在书底下_(under/ behind) the book5开车_(drive/ bounce) a car13. 用is和are来完成下面的句子。1My mother_very happy.2They_good friends.3John_13 years old.4Xiao Hong and Xiao Ming_my friends.5She_a student.6This_a football.14. 选择恰当的词填空。was were is am are will1.Sam_play football tomorrow.2.They_short then. Now they a

6、re tall.3.Amy_a clever girl.4.Yesterday afternoon, I_dancing.5.Tomorrow, we_going to have a picnic.15. 看图,选词填空。arms hands foot head eyes body1Stampyour_.2Clapyour_3Waveyour_ 4Shakeyour_5Closeyour_ 6Touchyour_16. 根据每个季节的特点选一选,填一填。A. hot B. cold C. cool D. warm1.Its_in summer. 2.Its_in spring.3.Its_in

7、 winter. 4.Its_in autumn.选择题17. _ talk in the library. ( )A.No B.Not C.Dont18. Mum, how _ the weather today? ( )A.are B.to C.is19. Its hot (热的). Please _ the window. ( )A.close B.look C.open20. Are you going to dance with _? ( )A.we B.he C.me21. Look! The cat has _. ( )A.small nose B.a long tail C.s

8、hort leg22. Where are you from? ( )_A.Nice to meet you! B.Im from Canada. C.Im Amy.23. 选出与所给单词同类的一项。1boy ( )A.from B.girl2Canada ( )A.USA B.OK3you ( )A.new B.we24. 看图片,选单词。1( )A.pear B.apple2( )A.buy B.apple3( )A.grapes B.watermelon4( )A.banana B.apple5( )A.strawberry B.orange句型转换25. 按要求完成下面的句子。1. H

9、e has a birthday cake.(改为一般疑问句)2. Today isFriday.(对句子提问)3. ItsApril 4th.(对句子提问)4. It isnt a dog.(改为肯定句)5. Is her birthday in April?(作肯定和否定回答)26. 句型转换。1My brother iseight years oldnext year. (根据句子意思提问)2This is a nice schoolbag. (改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答)3Is this your new schoolbag? (改为肯定句)isnew schoolbag.4Is t

10、hat a rubber? (作肯定回答)27. 按要求变换句型。(1)Heisafarmer.(根据句子意思提问)_does_do?(2)IcomefromChina.(根据句子意思提问)_areyou_?(3)Thepenisonthedesk?(根据句子意思提问)_is_pen?(4)Yes,IlikeArt.(写出该句的问句)(5)Therearefivepeaches.(根据句子意思提问)_arethere?(6)Heistenyearsold.(根据句子意思提问)_oldis_?28. 根据要求写句子。1How are you? (答语)2The pen isblack.(就根据句

11、子意思提问)is the pen?3I ate an ice-cream yesterday .(改为一般疑问句)4Are you ready for your trip ?(作否定回答)5She didher homework.(根据句子意思提问)29. 按要求写句子。1The cap isyellow. (对句子提问)2I can find my dog.(改为否定句)3Are you Eve ?(用否定回答)4I amnine.(对句子提问)5你好,给你的苹果。(用英语说)30. 句型转换。1. I amsix years old.(根据句子意思提问)2. Theres Zoom.(改为

12、一般疑问句)31. 句型转换。1Wei Hua was washing clotheslast night.(对句子提问)_Wei Hua_clothes?2Youd better get to sleep earlier, or youll be tired.(同义句转换)If you_earlier, you wont be tired.3While we were talking, the teacher came in.(对句子提问)_did the teacher_?4He saw the bag before his bike hit it.(用until转换)He_the bag

13、_his bike hit it.5You help me with English. Its nice of you.(连成一句)Its nice of you_with English.6Im sorry he isnt here right now.Im sorry hes_atthe_.7I hope to see him as soon as possible.I hope to see him as_as_.8He says that he wont be free until tomorrow.He says that he_free_tomorrow.9Its best to

14、travel by train._by train_the_.32. 句型转换。She hasplates.1.翻译句子:_2.改为复数:_3.改为否定句:_4.改为一般疑问句:_5.对句子提问:_连词成句33. brothertallisMy (.)34. a, live, Where, wolf, does (?)35. late,We,are(.)36. to, why, go, so, did, you, bed, late (?) 37. desks How blue many (?)38. 连词成句。1is the big elephant, (.)2the monkey is t

15、hin, (.)3animals, what, swim, can, (?)4helps, the, who, rabbit, (?)5is, there, chicken, the, a, on, farm(.)39. let, help, you, me (.)40. panda, a, This, is, (.)阅读理解41. 阅读短文,完成问题。This is my bedroom. This is my desk and chair. I have many toys. This is my boat. It is on my desk. I have a bus. It is un

16、der the desk. This is my doll. It is on my chair. Where is my car? Oh! It is on my bed.(1) I have many _.(2)My boat is on my _.(3)My bus is _ my desk.(4)My doll is on my _.(5)My car is _ my bed.42. 读对话回答问题。Sam: Will you play with me this weekend?Daming: No, I wont.Sam: Will you phone me?Daming: No,

17、I dont.Sam: Oh!Daming: Ill visit my grandpa. He lives in the countryside. There isnt a phone there.1.Will Daming play with Sam?2. Will Daming phone Sam?3. Who will Daming visit?4. Where does Damings grandpa live?5. Is there a phone there?43. 阅读理解。Hello, Im Mike. Im tall and thin. I like monkeys. I l

18、ike reading and skating. I have a friend, Tom. He is short and thin. He is nine years old. He likes singing and swimming. We like playing table tennis. We also like eating cakes, candy and ice cream. They are sweet. We dont like sour food.(1)Mike likes.( )A. tigers B. monkeys C. pandas(2)Mike likes.

19、( )A. reading B. skating C. reading and skating.(3)Tom is.( )A. tall and thin B. short and thin C. fat and thin(4)Mike and Tom like.( )A. playing table tennis B. playing football C. singing and swimming(5)Mike and Tom dont likefood.( )A. sweet B. salty C. sour44. 阅读短文,根据短文内容选择正确的答案。I have a good fri

20、end. His name is Tony. He has an elder sister. Her name is Tina. Their father is Mr. Black. Their mother is Mrs. Black. Tony also has a black dog. Its name is Rover. The Blacks are my neighbors. We live on the same street. They are very nice. They often help me with my English. I am so lucky.(1)What

21、s the name of Tonys sister?( )A. Rover B. Tina(2)Can you guess the Chinese name of neighbors?( )A. 邻居 B. 家长(3)What are the Blacks like?( )A. bad B. nice(4)What pet does Tony have?( )A. A dog B. A fish(5)What is this passage (文章) about?( )A. my friend B. my friend and his family45. 阅读短文,判断对错。Tm and J

22、ohn are good friends. Tom is twelve years old. John is thirteen years old. They are good students. They like to eat hamburgers. Miss White is their English teacher. She likes them very much.( )(1)Tom and John are good friends.( )(2)Tom is twelve years old.( )(3)John is twelve years old.( )(4)Tom lik

23、es to eat hamburgers.( )(5)Miss White thinks they are good students.46. 阅读短文,判断正误。Hello, boys and girls. Im Danny. Im tall. Im fat. I can draw my teacher. Look, this is my teacher. Hes a new teacher. Hes Mr Wang. Hes tall. He is big. He can play football and swim. He can ride a bicycle, too. Look at the bicycle. Its not red. Its green. Its new. I like his bicycle. Can


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