1、技术人员职称英语等级考试 第一部分 考纲解读一、概述总述:全国专业技术人员职称英语等级考试是由人事部组织实施的一项国家级外语考试。 1二、评价目标总目标: 2要求:(一)词汇量3注:可以主要掌握2000个左右的核心单词和短语结构。实际考试中出现的超纲词一般都会给出中文注释。4(二)语法知识注:不直接考查语法,对基本语法的考查融入到各类考题中,进行间接考查。5(三)阅读理解能力6三、考试内容与试卷结构总述:A、B、C三个等级的考试各由6个部分组成,每个级别的考试题型一样、题量相同,但不同级别考试总的阅读量及难以程度不同。 考试主要考查应试者理解书面英语的能力。7考试内容与试卷结构8四、命题原则(
2、一)合理安排测试项目的层次结构。(二)合理安排测试项目的难度结构。五、答题及计分方法答题:1. 均采用客观性试题;2. 在答题卡上作答;3. 每题只选择一个答案;计分方法:只计算答对题的数目,答错不倒扣分。9第二部分 答题技巧一、词汇选项1. 题型及命题方式题型:给出15个句子,每个句子中均有1个词或短语划有底横线,要求应试者从所给的4个选项中选择1个与划线部分意义最相近的词或短语。101112词汇学习1:1. Will you please call my husband as soon as possible?A)contact B)consultC)phone D)visit1C cal
3、l或call up:打电话。phone或phone up:打电话。又如:Did Mary phone me(up) last night?昨晚玛丽给我打电话了吗?contact:接触。I regularly contact her我经常跟她接触。consult:商量。I often consult him about my research work我经常跟他商量我的研究工作。visit:拜访。如:Mary visited me last night昨晚玛丽来看了我。132. Well give every teacher space to develop.A)chance B)employm
4、entC)room D)opportunity2C space:空间。room:空间。又如:Id like to bring the child with me if there is room in the carchance:机会。Everyone has a chance to go to school每个人都有上学的机会。employment:就业;职业。opportunity:机会。The government has been trying hard to provide adequate employment opportunities政府为提供充分的就业机会而竭尽全力。143.
5、 I have to go at once.A)soon B)immediatelyC)now D)early3B at once:马上。immediately:马上。又如:Its getting lateWe must go back home immediately越来越晚了,我们得马上回家。soon:很快。We11 have lunch soon我们很快就要吃中饭了。now:现在。If we leave now well be there before dark. 如果我们现在就离开,我们在天黑前就到那里了。early:早。Mary gets up very early玛丽起得很早。15
6、4. The policeman asked him to identify the thief.A)name B)distinguishC)capture D)separate4A identify:认出。name:认出;说出。又如:The light is too dim for me to identify her光线太暗,无法认出她来。Can you name these flowers?你能说得出这些花名吗? distinguish:区分。There is not much to distinguish her from the other candidates.很难把她与其他的候选
7、人区别开来。capture:抓住。The policemen have captured the rebel reader警察已经抓住了叛乱分子的头目。separate:分开来。It is not always possible to separate cause from effect并不总是能把原因与结果分开了的。165. We were all there when the accident occurred.A)happened B)brokeC)spread D)appeared5A occur:发生。happen:发生。又如:His death occurred the follo
8、wing year.他次年就死了。I can remember the whole thing as if it happened yesterday我记得整个事情如同发生在昨天一样。break:碎;断。break out:突然发生。The economic crisis broke out first in the US经济危机首先在美国发生。appear:出现。A smile gradually appeared on her face微笑逐渐浮现在她的脸上。176. It took me exactly a week to complete the work.A)do B)achieve
9、C)improve D)finish6D complete:完成。finish:完成。又如:The scientists have completed their investigation科学家已经完成了调查。The students have done their homework学生已经做完了作业。He worked very hard to achieve a balanced budget为达到收支平衡他玩命。Their working conditions have to be improved他们的工作条件需要改善。187. The herb medicine eventuall
10、y cured her disease.A)nicely B)apparentlyC)finally D)naturally7C eventually:最终。finally:最终。又如:It was a long journey, but we eventually arrived路程很长,不过,我们最终还是到达了。She finally gained control of her husband她最终控制住了她的丈夫。apparently:很明显。如:Apparently youre sick很显然你病了。naturally:自然地。She can speak English very na
11、turally她说英语说得很自然。198. We had a long conversation about her parents.A)talkB)speechC)debate D)discussion8A conversation:谈话。talk:谈话:报告。又如:We had a very long telephone conversation yesterday. 昨天我们在电话里说得很多。She gave us a talk about Chinese culture她给我们做了一个关于中国文化的报告。speech:谈话;讲演。The expert delivered a speec
12、h at the meeting held yesterday那位专家在昨天的会上做了讲演。debate:辩论。The cause of global warming is still open to debate全球变暖的原因仍然可以讨论。discussion:讨论。Did you participate in the discussion?你参加讨论了吗?209. Please let me know if you are unable to attend the meeting.A)go to B)prepare forC)speak to D)do to9A attend:参加。go
13、to:参加。又如:We all attended the conference on globalization我们都去参加了关于全球化的大会。Well go to her birthday party tomorrow我们明天去参加她的生日聚会。prepare for:做准备。Will you help me prepare for the wedding ceremony?你能帮我准备婚礼仪式吗?speak to:跟说话;给作报告。You must speak to himHe doesnt listen to me你得跟他谈谈了,他不听我的。do to:为做事。What did you
14、do to her?你为她做了些什么?2110. They have made up his mind to give up smoking.A)tried B)attemptedC)agreed D)decided10D make up ones mind:打定主意,决心。decide:决定。又如:Susan has made up her mind that,come what may,she will stay with John苏珊决心已下,不管发生什么,都将跟约翰在一起。He decided not to do that他决定不干那件事。try:设法。We are all tryin
15、g to improve our English我们正设法提高我们的英语水平。attempt:试图。We attempted to quit smoking,but failed我们试图戒烟,但没有成功。agree:同意。The might not agree with her opinion他们可能不同意她的意见。2211. Your teacher will take your illness into account when marking your exams.A)calculation B)computationC)consideration D)assessment11A acc
16、ount:考虑。consideration:考虑。又如:These figures do not take into account changes in the rate of inflation这些数字并没有把通货膨胀率的变化考虑在内。The Department of Human Resources will take into consideration your teaching experience when deciding your salary人事处在决定你的工资时是会考虑你的教学经验的。calculation:计算。Susan looked at the bill and
17、made some rapid calculations苏珊看了一下账单,很快算了算。computation:计算。He is good at computation他计算能力很好。assessment:估计。Whats your assessment of the situation in Iraq?你对伊拉克的形势是怎么估计的?2312. We have to put up with her behavior.A)tolerate B)acceptC)swallow D)take12A put up with:忍耐。tolerate:忍耐。又如:I dont know how you pu
18、t up with their constant quarrelling他们经常吵架,我不知道你是怎么忍得住的。The workers cannot tolerate the long hours工人无法忍受长时间的工作。accept:接受。Will you accept our invitation?你会接受我们的邀请吗?swallow:吞下。Her excuse was obviously a lie,but Jack swallowed it whole她的理由明显是在说谎,但是杰克全盘接受。take:拿;取。You can take anything you like喜欢的东西你随便拿
19、。2413. They have given up the hope to save their friend from drowning.A)ended B)abandonedC)built D)strengthen13B give up:放弃。abandon:放弃。Mary has given up the hope of ever marrying玛丽已经放弃了结婚的希望。Fearing further attacks,most of the population had abandoned the city害怕城市进一步受到攻击,大多数人已经离开。end:结束。The governme
20、nt acted to end a bakers strike in the city政府采取行动结束了城里面包师傅的罢工。build:建立;加强。Tension is building between the two nations两国之间的紧张关系正在上升。strengthen:加强。0ur friendship has steadily strengthened over the years几年来我们的友谊有了持续的增进。2514. I seldom watch TV.A)rarely B)frequentlyC)normally D)occasionally14A seldom:很少。
21、rarely:很少。又如:She seldom wears black shoes.她很少穿黑鞋。She rarely eats pork.她很少吃肉。frequently:常常。The weak child falls sick frequently这个瘦小的孩子常常要生病。normally:通常。I normally stay at home in the evening晚上我通常在家。occasionally:偶然地。My brother and I occasionally visit our parents in the countryside哥哥和我偶然去乡下看我们的父母。2615
22、. The dentist has decided to take out the girls bad tooth.A)dig B)drawC)pull D)extract15D take out:取出:带出。extract:取出;抽出。Well take our kids out for a meal next week下周我们要带孩子出去吃饭。The nuts are crushed to extract the oil from them胡桃压碎后就能取油。dig:挖。Thief escaped by digging an underground tunnel盗贼是通过挖一条地道逃走的。
23、draw:抽;取。The corrupt official drew a large sum of money from a bank before he left the country腐败官员在离开时在一家银行取走了一大笔钱。pull:拉。Jack tried to pull the drawer open杰克试图拉开抽屉。27词汇学习l0:+1. It was hard to say why the man deserved such shabby treatment.A)unforgettable B)unbelievableC)unfair D)unthinkable1. Cshab
24、by:不公正的;破旧的。与unfair(不公正的)意义相同。Her clothes were old and shabby.他过去穿的衣服既旧又破。Unforgettable:不会忘记的。A visit to Beijing is an unforgettable experience.去一次北京是一次不会忘记的经历。Unbelievable: It was an unbelievable moment when Du Li won the gold medal.杜丽获金牌之时大家高兴极了。Unthinkable:不可想象的。This place is going to be unthinka
25、ble without you.这里没有你不知道会变成什么样子。282. The curious look from the strangers around her made her feel uneasy.A)difficult B)worriedC)anxious D)unhappy2. C不要以为uneasy是easy的反义词,那样的话就会选difficult了。其实uneasy是“局促不安的,忧虑的,担心的”的意思,如:I felt uneasy about asking her for such a big favour.(求她帮我这么个大忙,我感到有点不安。)The very t
26、hought of the series of examinations lying ahead made her fell uneasy.(一想到等着她的一系列考试就让她感到心神不定。) 293. It is said that the houses along this street will soon be demolished.A)pulled down B)rebuiltC)renovated D)whitewashed3. Ademolish这个动词的意思就是“拆毁,毁掉,推翻”,故pull down是正确答案。其他几个选项均可和houses搭配,但意义和原句不同。rebuild是
27、“重建”,renovate“修复,整修”,whitewash“粉刷”。304. The advertising company was surprised by the adverse public reaction to the poster.A)delayed B)quickC)positive D)unfavorable4. Dadverse这个词的意思是“不利的,逆的”,如:adverse wind(逆风),adverse criticism(非难),adverse situation(不利的形势),adverse balance of trade(贸易逆差)。原句的意思是:广告公司对
28、公众对招贴画的不利反应感到惊奇。在四个选项中adverse和unfavorable同义。另外三个选项都可以用于修饰public reaction, delayed是“延误的”,quick“迅速的”, positive“正面的,肯定的”和adverse恰恰相反。 315. He began his talk by giving a concise definition of post-modernism.A)long and detailed B)short and clearC)comprehensive D)professional5. Bconcise的意思是“简明的”,如:a conci
29、se dictionary(一部简明词典)。long and detailed的意思正好相反,又长又详尽;comprehensive是“全面的”,professional“专业的”。326. The staff of the company are always courteous and helpful.A)efficient B)respectableC)well-informed D)respectful6. Dcourteous是“有礼貌的,谦恭的”,在四个选项中只有respectful和它意义相近。respectable和respectful的区别是前者是“可尊敬的”,后者是“恭敬的
30、,尊重别人的”,如:a respectable gentlemen(一位值得尊敬的先生),a respectful bow(充满敬意的一鞠躬)。efficient的意思是“有效率的”,well-informed“有学问的”。337. The new job will provide you with invaluable experience.A)simply useless B)really practicalC)very little D)extremely useful7. Dinvaluable这个词从形式上看似乎是valuable(贵重的,有价值的)的反义词,其实不然,它的意思恰恰是
31、“无法估计的,十分宝贵的”,故应选extremely useful.其他的搭配还有an invaluable treasure(无价之宝),invaluable advice(很有用的忠告),invaluable heritage(宝贵的遗产)。选项A和invaluable反义,选项B的意思是“确实很实用”,选项C的意思是“几乎没有”。348. The whole idea to build a deluxe hotel here sounds insane to me.A)reasonable B)sensibleC)crazy D)unbelievable8. C此句的意思是“我认为在这里
32、建一家豪华宾馆的想法简直是荒唐”。Insane是sane的反义词,意思是“精神错乱的,疯狂的”,如:He went insane at last.(他最终发疯了)。故该词和mad, crazy同义。reasonable和sensible的意思都是“合理的,有理的”,故都和insane相反。359. In his two-hour-long lecture he made an exhaustive analysis of the issue.A)extremely thorough B)long and boringC)superficial D)unconvincing9. Aexhaust
33、ive是“透彻的,彻底的”的意思,如:exhaustive study(透彻的研究),exhaustive investigation(深入的调查),所以extremely thorough是正确答案。Long and boring(长得令人厌倦),superficial(表面的),unconvincing(不能使人信服的)均不合适。36+10. We all think that the new device he has proposed is ingenious.A)effective B)cleverC)implausible D)original10. Bingenious:灵巧的,
34、巧妙的,如:ingenious mind(机灵的头脑),ingenious machine(精巧的机器),ingenious tactics(巧妙的战术)等,故大致上和clever同义。effective是“有效的”,implausible(不合情理的),original(有新意的)。37+11. Reading the job ad, he wondered whether he was eligible to apply for it.A)competitive B)diligentC)qualified D)competent11. C这句话的意思是“他看着招牌广告,心想不知自己是否有资
35、格去应聘”。Eligible的意思是“有资格做,符合做的条件”,如:Anyone above the age of 18 is eligible to vote.(18岁以上的人都可以参加选举。)Not every resident here is eligible for the medical insurance provided by the community.(并非每一个本地的居民都有资格享受社区提供的医疗保险。)38+12. He impressed all his colleagues as a vigorous man in the prime of his career.A)hot-tempered B)healthyC)friendly D)patient12. Bvigorous:精力充沛的,有活力的,常用于人,如:a vigorous young man, 也可作“强有力的,强劲的,用力的”解,如:vigorous opponent强劲的对手,vigorous exercises运动量大的锻炼。hot-t
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